27 декабря 2024
Спортивный 2024 год: успехи наших коллег
Rustam MINNIKHANOV, President of the Republic of Tatarstan
Russian Academy of Sciences
Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Moscow
Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation
National Catalysis Society
Tatarstan Regional Government, Kazan
Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Kazan Scientific Center, Kazan
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS, Kazan
JSF “TatNefteKhim-Invest Holding”, Kazan
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan
Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan
Mendeleev Chemical Society of Republic of Tatarstan
The Professional Congress Service Agency: Monomax Ltd., St.Petersburg
Chairman: Valentin PARMON, President of the Natonal Catalysis Society,
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
The EFCATS Council, as well as
Sergei ALDOSHIN, Presidium of RAS, Moscow
Valentine ANANIKOV, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow
Konstantin BRYLIAKOV, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Valerii BUKHTIYAROV, EFCATS, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Usein DZHEMILEV, Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis RAS, Ufa
Mikhail EGOROV, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow
Zinfer ISMAGILOV, Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo
Irina IVANOVA, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Vasily KAICHEV, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Salambek KHADZHIEV, Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow
Vladimir KAZANSKY, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow
Vladimir LIKHOLOBOV, Institute of Hydrocarbon Processing, SB RAS, Omsk
Valerii LUNIN, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Ilya MOISEEV, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow
Alexander NOSKOV, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Mikhail SINEV, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow
Oleg SINYASHIN, Kazan Scientific Center RAS, Kazan
Alexander STAKHEEV, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow
Mark TSODIKOV, Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow
Shamil GAFAROV, Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (Chair)
Valerii BUKHTIYAROV, EFCATS, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS (Chair)
Oleg SINYASHIN, Kazan Scientific Center RAS (Vice-Chair)
Alexander STAKHEEV, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS (Vice-Chair)
Viliam P. BARABANOV, Mendeleev Chemical Society of Republic of Tatarstan
Ilshat GAFUROV, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
German DYAKONOV, Kazan National Research Technological University
Andrey KARASIK, Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS
Anzhelika KARASIK, Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS
Nail MAGANOV, Tatneft OJSC
Akhmet MAZGAROV, Volga Research Institute of Hydrocarbon Feed
Myakzyum SALAKHOV, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Rafinat YARULLIN, JSC TatNefteKhimInvest Holding
Konstantin BRYLIAKOV, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
Vasily KAICHEV, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
Ekaterina KOZLOVA, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
Lyudmila STARTSEVA, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
Tatiana ZAMULINA, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
Ekaterina LOKTEVA, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Olga PAKHMANOVA, Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS
Olga TUROVA, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS
Natalia P. AVDEENKO, Monomax Ltd.
14:00-15:00 Opening Ceremony
KORSTON, Ball-hall
Chairmen: Prof. Parmon Valentin, Russian Catalysis Society,
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Prof. Lercher Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry,
Garching, Germany; Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS,
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Prof. Sinyashin Oleg, Kazan Scientific Center RAS, Kazan, Russian Federation
Plenary Lectures
15:00-16:00 PL-1 Butlerov Honorary Plenary Lecture, Prof. Ananikov Valentin
Catalysis in Organic Chemistry: from Butlerov to these Days
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
16:00-17:00 PL-2 François Gault Lectureship Award (2013), Prof. Lercher Johannes A.1,2
Enhancing Catalytic Rates in Constraints – from Acid-base to Metal Catalyzed
1 - TU München, Department of Chemistry, Garching, Germany
2 - Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
17:00-19:00 Break to prepare Ball-hall for Welcome reception
19:00 Welcome reception (KORSTON Ball hall)
Welcome speech: Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan
Monday, August 31
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Lercher Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry,
Garching, Germany; Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Prof. Stakheev Alexander, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL-3 Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe
Fossil and Renewable Energy: the Turning Point of the Liquid Fuels Production
Eni S.p.A, SVP Downstream R&D, San Donato Milanese — I, Italy
09:30-10:30 PL-4 Prof. Hutchings Graham J.
Catalysis Using Supported Gold and Gold Palladium Nanoparticles
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Seсtion 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Chairmen: Dr. Yakovlev Vadim, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dr. Kamiya Yuichi, Research Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan
Keynote Lecture
11:00-11:40 V-KN1 Prof. Descorme Claude
Catalytic Wastewater Treatment
Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON),
UMR5256 CNRS – University of Lyon, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne,
Oral Presentations
11:40-12:00 V-OP01 Cani Damiano
Cani D.1, Pescarmona P.P.1,2
Highly Accessible TiO2 Nanoparticles Embedded at the Surface of SiO2 for the
Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants under Visible and UV Radiation
1 - COK, University of Leuven, Belgium
2 - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Groningen, Groningen, The
12:00-12:20 V-OP02 Dr. Kozlov Denis
Filippov T.1,2, Kolinko P.1, Glebov E.3, Kozlov D.1,2
Photocatalytic Activity of the Uranyl Modified Titania, Silica and Alumina under
Visible Light Irradiation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (Novosibirsk State
University), Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia
12:20-12:40 V-OP03 Hirayama Jun
Hirayama J.1, Kamiya Y.2
Combining the Photocatalyst Pt/TiO2 and the Non-photocatalyst SnPd/Al2O3 for
Effective Photocatalytic Purification of Groundwater Polluted with Nitrate
1 - Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
2 - Research Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo,
12:40-13:00 V-OP04 Dr. Parkhomchuk Ekaterina
Sashkina K.A.1,2,3, Labko V.S.4, Parkhomchuk E.V.1,3,2
Hierarchically Porous Fe-silicalites for Total Oxidation of Organic Molecules
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Education Centre, NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research –
Sosny”, Minsk, Belarus
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Tsodikov Mark, A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS,
Moscow, Russia
Dr. Mortensen Peter, Haldor Topsoe A/S, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 V-OP05 Dr. Garbarino Gabriella
Garbarino G.1, Bellotti D.2, Riani P.3, Magistri L.2, Busca G.1
CO2 Methanation on Commercial Ni/Al2O3 and Ru/Al2O3 Catalysts
1 - University of Genova, DICCA Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Chimica e Ambientale,
Genova, Italy
2 - University of Genova, DIME Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica,
Gestionale e dei Trasporti, Genova, Italy
3 - University of Genova, DCCI Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale,
Genova, Italy
14:50-15:10 V-OP06 Falbo Leonardo
Martinelli M.1, Falbo L.1, Visconti C.G.1, Lietti L.1, Forzatti P.1, Bassano C.2,
Deiana P.2
COx Hydrogenation on Promoted Iron Based Catalysts: the Key Role of the
Potassium on the Process Selectivity
1 - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, Via Lambruschini 4, 20156 Milan,
2 - ENEA- Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment, Via
Anguillarese 301, 00123 S.M. Galeria, Rome, Italy
15:10-15:30 V-OP07 Bukina Zareta
Ionin I., Bukina Z., Kolesnichenko N., Khadzhiev S.
Conversion of CO and H2 to Liquid Hydrocarbons via Dimethyl Ether on Zeolit
Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS (TIPS RAS), Moscow, Russia
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Seсtion 3. Energy-Related Catalysis
Chairmen: Prof. Li Can, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, National Laboratory for
Clean Energy, Dalian, China
Prof. Karasik Andrey A., A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical
Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Keynote Lecture
16:00-16:40 III-KN4 Prof. Centi Gabriele
Centi G., Perathoner S.
Catalysis to Produce Solar Fuels. Status and Challenges
Dept. DIECII, Section Industrial Chemistry, University of Messina, ERIC aisbl and
CASPE/INSTM, V.le F. Stagno D’Alcontre 31, 98166 Messina, Italy
Oral Presentations
16:40-17:00 III-OP01 Prof. Muhler Martin
Muhler M.1,2, Zhao A.1,2, Xie K.1,2, Masa J.1,3, Xia W.1,2, Schuhmann W.1,3
Spinel Mn-Co oxide in N-doped Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional
1 - Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2 - Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
3 - Analytical Chemistry and Center of Electrochemistry, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Bochum, Germany
17:30-20:00 Excursion «Millennial Kazan»
Monday, August 31
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Lercher Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry,
Garching, Germany; Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Prof. Stakheev Alexander, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow,
Plenary Lectures (KORSTON Ball hall)
08:30-09:30 PL-3 Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe
Fossil and Renewable Energy: the Turning Point of the Liquid Fuels Production
Eni S.p.A, SVP Downstream R&D, Via Maritano 26, 20097 San Donato Milanese — I,
09:30-10:30 PL-4 Prof. Hutchings Graham
Catalysis Using Supported Gold and Gold Palladium Nanoparticles
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Seсtion 2. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization
Chairmen: Prof. Rupprechter Günther, Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of
Technology, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Landi Gianluca, Research Institute on Combustion – CNR, Naples, Italy
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 II-OP01 Dr. Ruiz-Martínez Javier
Ruiz-Martínez J.1, Borodina E.1, Meirer F.1, Lezcano-González I.1, Mokhtar M.2,
Asiri A.M.2,3, Al-Thabaiti S.A.2, Basahel S.N.2, Weckhuysen B.M.1
Combining Operando Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to Understand Changes in
the Active and Deactivating Species During the Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction over
1 - Utrecht University, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Inorganic Chemistry
and Catalysis Department, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2 - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi
3 - Center of Excellence for Advance Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University,
Saudi Arabia
11:20-11:40 II-OP02 Prof. Ivanova Irina
Ivanova I.I.1,2, Kolyagin Yu.G.1,2
Elucidation of the Mechanism of Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite Catalysts
Using Ex-situ and In situ Approaches
1 - M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
Keynote Lecture
11:40-12:20 II-KN2 Prof. Pârvulescu Vasile
Lewis Acid-base Catalysts for the Synthesis of Fine Chemicals
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry,
Biochemistry and Catalysis, B-dul Regina Elisabeta 4-12, Bucharest 030016, Romania
Oral Presentations
12:20-12:40 II-OP03 Prof. Huang Weixin
Optimizing Catalytic Performances of Oxide Catalysts Via Morphology Engineering
Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei 230026, China
12:40-13:00 II-OP04 Prof. Stepanov Alexander
Stepanov A.G.1,2, Gabrienko A.A.1, Arzumanov S.S.1, Moroz I.B.1, Toktarev A.V.1,
Freude D.2
Methane Activation on In-Modified ZSM-5 Zeolite. Solid-State NMR
Characterization of the Pathways of the Alkane Transformation to Surface Species
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Universität Leipzig, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Linnéstrasse 5,
04103 Leipzig, Germany
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Ivanova Irina, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Ruiz-Martínez Javier, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 II-OP05 Prof. Stakheev Alexander Yu.
Stakheev A.Yu.1, Markov P.V.1, Turova O.V.1, Mashkovsky I.S.1,
Khudorozhkov A.K.2, Bukhtiyarov V.I.2
Pd Size Effect in Liquid Phase Semihydrogenation of Substituted Alkynes on
Supported Pd Catalysts
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
14:50-15:10 II-OP06 Dr. Sprung Christoph
Sprung C., Weckhuysen B.M.
Dispersion and Orientation of Zeolite ZSM-5 Crystallites within a Fluid Catalytic
Cracking Catalyst Particle
Utrecht University, Department of Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis,
Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands
15:10-15:30 II-OP07 Dr. Kovtunov Kirill
Kovtunov K.1, Barskiy D.1,2, Salnikov O.1,2, Burueva D.1,2, Bukhtiyarov V.3,
Koptyug I.1,2
Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization in Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes
1 - International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Chairmen: Dr. Hargreaves Justin, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United
Dr. Kovtunov Kirill, International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
16:00-16:20 II-OP08 Dr. Gulyaeva Yuliya
Gulyaeva Yu.K.1, Kaichev V.V.1,2, Zaikovskii V.I.1,2, Suknev A.P.1, Brongersma H.H.3,4,
Bal’zhinimaev B.S.1
Selective Hydrogenation Processes Over Novel Fiberglass Based Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - ION-TOF GmbH, Heisenbergstrasse 15, 48149, Munster, Germany
4 - Eindhoven University of Technology, 5612, Eindhoven, Netherlands
16:20-16:40 II-OP09 Dr. Ermolaev Vadim
Ermolaev V.V., Arkhipova D.M., Miluykov V.A., Gaynanova G.A., Zakharova L.
Ya., Sinyashin O.G.
Dependence of Catalytic Activity of Palladium Nanoparticles on Stabilization
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS, Kazan, Russia
16:40-17:00 II-OP10 Prof. Talsi Evgenii
Soshnikov I.E.1,2, Semikolenova N.V.1, Bryliakov K.P.1,2, Zakharov V.A.1,2, Talsi E.P.1,2
Selective Ethylene Trimerization by Titanium Complexes Bearing Phenoxy-Imine
Ligands with Pendant arm: NMR and EPR Spectroscopic Study of the Reaction
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
17:30-20:00 Excursion «Millennial Kazan»
Monday, August 31
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Lercher Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry,
Garching, Germany; Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Prof. Stakheev Alexander, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
Plenary Lectures (KORSTON Ball hall)
08:30-09:30 PL-3 Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe
Fossil and Renewable Energy: the Turning Point of the Liquid Fuels Production
Eni S.p.A, SVP Downstream R&D, San Donato Milanese — I, Italy
09:30-10:30 PL-4 Prof. Hutchings Graham
Catalysis Using Supported Gold and Gold Palladium Nanoparticles
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Seсtion 4. Catalysis and Chemicals
Chairmen: Prof. Ananikov Valentin, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow,
Prof. Koenig Burkhard, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 IV-OP01 Dr. Perret Noemie
Perret N., Grigoropoulos A., Manning T., Claridge J., Rosseinsky M.J.
Selectivity in the Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation of 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural over
Ni-Al Catalysts
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
11:20-11:40 IV-OP02 Prof. Likholobov Vladimir
Mironenko R.M.1, Belskaya O.B.1, Lavrenov A.V.1, Likholobov V.A.1,2
Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation of Benzaldehyde and Furfural over Pd/C and Ru/C
1 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
2 - Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
11:40-12:00 IV-OP03 Dr. Cárdenas-Lizana Fernando
Cárdenas-Lizana F., Li M., Keane M. A.
Sustainable “Hydrogen Free” Catalytic Hydrogenation: From Concept to Reality
Heriot-Watt University, Chemical Engineering, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland
12:00-12:20 IV-OP04 Dr. Nowicka Ewa
Iqbal S.1, Liu X.1, Aldosari O.F.1, Miedziak P.J.1, Edwards J.K.1, Brett G.L.1,
Akram A.1, Davies T.E.2, Morgan D.J.1, Knight D.K.1, Hutchings G.J.1, Nowicka E.1
Conversion of Furfuryl Alcohol into 2-methylfuran at Room Temperature Using
Pd/TiO2 Catalyst
1 - Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of chemistry, Cardiff, UK
2 - Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy, Chemistry Department, the University
of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
12:20-12:40 IV-OP05 Beswick Oliver
Beswick O.1, Parastaev A.1,2, Yuranov I.1, Kiwi-Minsker L.1
Transition Metal Oxides Nanoparticles on Activated Carbon Fibres as Efficient
Catalyst for Nitroarenes Reduction under Mild Conditions
1 - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, GGRC-ISIC-EPFL, Lausanne CH-
1015, Switzlerand
2 - Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
12:40-13:00 IV-OP06 Prof. Koltunov Konstantin
Koltunov K.Yu.1,2, Sobolev V.I.1,3, Bondareva V.M.1
Oxidation, Oxidative Esterification and Ammoxidation of Acrolein over Metal
Oxides: Do These Reactions Include Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution?
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. McIndoe Jason, Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Dr. Perret Noemie, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Keynote Lecture
14:30-15:10 IV-KN3 Prof. Jones Christopher
Design of Supported Molecular Catalysts for Organic Synthesis
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Oral Presentation
15:10-15:30 IV-OP07 Prof. Bryliakov Konstantin
Talsi E.P., Bryliakov K.P.
Highly Enantioselective Oxidation of Olefins and Thioethers with H2O2 Mediated
by Chiral Titanium(IV) Complexes
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Prof. Koltunov Konstantin, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk,
Prof. Hulea Vasile, Charles Gerhardt Institut, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie,
Montpellier, France
Oral Presentations
16:00-16:20 IV-OP08 Dr. Zhang Zhanguo
Zhang Z.-G.1, Xu Y.1, Suzuki Y.1, Ma H.2, Yamamoto Y.2
Catalytic Performance of Fluidizable Binder-free Mo/HZSM-5 Catalyst in the
Non-oxidative Methane Conversion to Benzene at Severe Conditions
1 - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Onogawa
16-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
2 - Core Research Technology Laboratories, Meidensha Corporation, Osaki 2-8-1,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8642, Japan
16:20-16:40 IV-OP09 Prof. Venvik Hilde
Dadgar F.1, Myrstad R.2, Pfeifer P.3, Holmen A.1, Venvik H.J.1
Direct Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Synthesis Gas: the Influence of Methanol
Dehydration on Methanol Synthesis Reaction
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
2 - SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway
3 - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Micro Process Engineering
(IMVT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz, DE-76344 Eggesnstein-Leopoldshafen,
16:40-17:00 IV-OP10 Erickson James K.
Erickson J.K.1, Baucherel X.2, Gladden L.F.1
Methanol to Hydrocarbons over ZSM-5: Diffusion and the External Particle
1 - University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,
Cambridge, CB2 3RA, United Kingdom
2 - Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Chilton, Billingham, TS23 1LH, United
17:30-20:00 Excursion «Millennial Kazan»
Monday, August 31
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Lercher Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry,
Garching, Germany; Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Prof. Stakheev Alexander, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL-3 Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe
Fossil and Renewable Energy: the Turning Point of the Liquid Fuels Production
Eni S.p.A, SVP Downstream R&D, Via Maritano 26, 20097 San Donato Milanese — I,
09:30-10:30 PL-4 Prof. Hutchings Graham
Catalysis Using Supported Gold and Gold Palladium Nanoparticles
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Seсtion 1. Novel Catalytic Materials and Processes for Securing Supplies of Raw Materials
Chairmen: Dr. Ordonez Salvador, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Dr. Sinev Mikhail, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 I-OP01 Dr. Wang GaoweiW.
Wang G.W., Wei Y.L., Gao H.X., Yang W.M.
Layered Zeolite SRZ-21 for Cumene Production
Sinopec Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai, China
11:20-11:40 I-OP02 Astafan A.
Astafan A.1,2, Benghalem M.A.1, Belin T.1, Pouilloux Y.1, Patarin J.2, Bats N.3,
Bouchy C.3, Pinard L.1, Daou T.J.2
Relationship between the Crystal Morphology and Acidity of the *BEA-type
Zeolites and the Resistance to Coke Formation during Ethanol to Hydrocarbons
1 - Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers, UMR 7285 CNRS, 4 Rue
Michel Brunet, 86073 Poitiers, France
2 - Université de Strasbourg, Université de Haute Alsace, Equipe Matériaux à Porosité
Contrôlée (MPC), Institut Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M), UMR CNRS
7361, ENSCMu, 68093 Mulhouse, France
3 - IFP Energies nouvelles, Rond-point de l'échangeur de Solaize, BP 3, 69360 Solaize,
11:40-12:00 I-OP03 Prof. SimakovAndrey
Evangelista V.1, Acosta B.1, Miridonov S.2, Pestryakov A.3, Fuentes S.4, Simakov A.4
Gold-based Yolk-shell Nanoreactors. Enhancement of Catalytic Performance via
Gold Cores Decoration with Ceria or Pd
1 - Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
(CICESE), Posgrado en Física de Materia les, Ensenada, B. C., 22860, México
2 - Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
(CICESE), Departamento de Óptica, Ensenada, B. C., 22860, México
3 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Technology of Organic Substance and
Polymer Materials, Tomsk, Russia
4 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
(CNyN-UNAM), Departamento de Nanocatálisis, Ensenada, B. C., 22860, México
12:00-12:20 I-OP04 Dr. Gervasini Antonella
Ly N.1, Al-Shamery K.1, Gervasini A.2, Carniti P.2, Chan-Thaw C.E.2, Prati L.2
Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Pt and PtCo Nanoparticles by Acidic Mixed-oxide
1 - Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Institute of Chemistry, Physical
Chemistry 1, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany
2 - Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Chimica, via Camillo Golgi 19,
20133 Milano, Italy
12:20-12:40 I-OP05 Prof. Kegnæs Soeren
Abildstrøm J., Gallas Hulin A., Mielby J., Kegnæs S.
Selective Catalysis with Metal Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Porous Materials
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, Lyngby, Denmark
12:40-13:00 I-OP06 Dr. Henry Reynald
Henry R.1, Brogaard R.Y.1, Ganjkhanlou Y.2, Berlier G.2, Bleken B.T.1, Groppo E.2,
Olsbye U.1, Bordiga S.1,2
Ethene Oligomerization in Ni-based Zeolites: Experimental and Theoretical
Investigations of the Reaction Mechanism
1 - Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Postboks 1033 – Blindern – 0315
Oslo, Norway
2 - Dipartimento di Chimica and NIS, Università di Torino, Via P.Giuria 7-9 – Torino, Italy
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Simakov Andrey, Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnologia de la UNAM,
Ensenada, Mexico
Dr. Teschner Detre, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin,
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 I-OP07 Dr. Pandis Pavlos
Pandis P.1, Charisiou N.2, Goula M.2, Stathopoulos V.N.1
Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Study of Ni supported Apatite-type
Lanthanum Silicates in Glycerol Steam Reforming Reaction
1 - Laboratory of Chemistry and Materials Technology, School of Technological
Applications, Technological Educational Institute of Sterea Ellada, GR – 34400,
Psahna, Chalkida, Greece
2 - Department of Environmental and Pollution Control Engineering, School of
Technological Applications, Technological Educational Institute of Western
Macedonia, GR – 50100, Koila, Kozani, Greece
14:50-15:10 I-OP08 Horacek Jan
Horáček J., Kubička D.
Renewable Feedstocks for Refineries & Conventional Sulfided Catalysts
Research Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RENTECH-UniCRE, Litvinov, Czech
15:10-15:30 I-OP09 Peroni Marco
Peroni M., Huang X., Lee I., Baráth E., Gutiérrez O.Y., Lercher J.A.
Towards Efficient Hydrodeoxygenation on Transition Metal Phosphides
Technische Universität München, Department of Chemistry and Catalysis Research
Center, Germany
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Chairmen: Prof. Pârvulescu Vasile, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of
Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis, Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Lemonidou Angeliki, Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Oral Presentations
16:00-16:20 I-OP10 Prof. Ismagilov Zinfer
Ismagilov Z.R.1,2, Kerzhentsev M.A.1, Yashnik S.A.1, Khairulin S.R.1,
Kuznetsov V.V.1, Salnikov S.V.1, Bourane A.3, J. Yaming3, Koseoglu O.R.3
Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization of Diesel Fuel as an Alternative to and
Combination with HDS Process
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
3 - Saudi Aramcо, Research and Development Center, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi
16:20-16:40 I-OP11 Dr. Yakovlev Vadim
Yakovlev V.A.1, Khromova S.A.1, Kukushkin R.G.1,2, Rodina VO.1, Bykova M.V.1,2,
Venderbosch R.H.3, Parmon V.N.1
Hydrotreatment Catalysts for Bio-oil and Lipids Processing into Valuable
Chemicals and Biofuels
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Biomass Technology Group B.V., 7545 PN, Josink Esweg 34, Enschede, The
16:40-17:00 I-OP12 Dr. Ordonez Salvador
Cueto J., Faba L., Díaz E., Ordonez S.
Aldol Condensation of Biomass Derived Aldehydes: Comparison of the Reactivity
of Furfural and Hydroximethylfurfural
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
17:30-20:00 Excursion «Millennial Kazan»
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Robert Schlögl
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Seсtion 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Chairmen: Prof. Aprile Carmela, Unit of Nanomaterial Chemistry (CNano), University of Namur
(UNAMUR), Department of Chemistry, Namur, Belgium
Prof. Rempel Andrey A., Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch of the RAS,
Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keynote Lecture
11:00-11:40 V-KN5 Prof. Leitner Walter
Carbon Dioxide as Carbon Source for the Energetic and Chemical Value Chain:
Challenges and Opportunities for Catalysis
Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
Oral Presentations
11:40-12:00 V-OP08 Dr. Mortensen Peter M.
Mortensen P.M., Dybkjær I.
Performing Industrial Scale Steam Reforming of CO2-rich Gas
Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
12:00-12:20 V-OP09 Dr. Bukhtiyarova Marina
Bukhtiyarova M.1, Schlögl R.1,2
Methanol Synthesis from Steel Mill Gases
1 - MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
2 - Fritz Haber Institute of MPG, Berlin, Germany
12:20-12:40 V-OP10 Gaillard Marine
Gaillard M., Virginie M., Khodakov A.
Molybdenum-based Catalysts for the Biogas Dry Reforming
UCCS - Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du solide - UMR 8181, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
12:40-13:00 V-OP11 Dr. Bonura Giuseppe
Frusteri F.1, Bonura G.1, Cannilla C.1, Drago Ferrante G.1, Aloise A.2, Catizzone E.2,
Migliori M.2, Giordano G.2
Stepwise Tuning of Multi-sites CuZnZr-HZSM5 Catalysts for Direct DME
Synthesis from CO2-H2 Mixtures
1 - CNR-ITAE, Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola Giordano” Via S.
Lucia sopra Contesse, 5 – 98126 Messina, Italy
2 - Università della Calabria, Dip. Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio ed
Ingegneria Chimica Via Pietro Bucci Cubo 44a – 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Leitner Walter, Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Prof. Nova Isabella, Dip.Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 V-OP12 Dr. Suknev Alexey P.
Kovalyov E.V.1, Suknev A.P.1, Gulyaeva Yu.K.1, Zaikovskii V.I.1,2, Kaichev V.V.1,2,
Bal'Zhinimaev B.S.1
New Fiberglass Based Pt Catalyst for VOC and CVOC Removal
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
14:50-15:10 V-OP13 Dr. Yashnik Svetlana A.
Yashnik S.A.1, Danchenko N.M.2, Ismagilov Z.R.1,3
Synergetic Effect of Pd Addition on Catalytic Behaviour of Monolithic Catalysts
for Diesel Vehicle Emission Control
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Ural Electrochemical Integrated Plant, Novouralsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
15:10-15:30 V-OP14 Khudorozhkov Alexander K.
Khudorozhkov A.K.1,2, Prosvirin I.P.1,2, Chetyrin I.A.1,2, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2
Propane Oxidation over Pd/Al2O3: Selectivity, Activity and Size Effect
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:30-15:50 V-OP15 Stotz Henning
Stotz H.1, Maier L.2, Deutschmann O.1,2
Methane Oxidation over Palladium: On the Mechanism in Rich Methane-Oxygen
Mixtures at High Temperatures
1 - Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT), Engesserstrasse 20, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
2 - Institute for Catalysis Research and Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT), Engesserstrasse 20, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
15:50-16:10 V-OP16 Petrov Andrey W.
Petrov A.W.1,2, Ferri D.1, van Bokhoven J.A.1,2, Kröcher O.1,3
Hierarchical Pd/ZSM-5 Catalysts for Methane Oxidation in the Presence of Steam
1 - Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
2 - ETH Zürich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Zürich,
3 - EPF Lausanne, Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Lausanne,
16:10-16:30 V-OP17 Lopez-Gonzalez Diego
Lopez-Gonzalez D.1, Jimènez-Cadena G.2, Tsampas M.1, Boréave A.1, Klotz M.2,
Tardivat C.2, Cartoixa B.3, Pajot K.4, Vernoux P.1
Mixed Ionic-electronic Conducting Catalysts for Catalysed Gasoline Particulate
1 - CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et
l’Environnement de Lyon, 2 Av. Albert Einstein, F-69626, Villeurbanne, France
2 - Laboratoire de Synthèse et Fonctionnalisation des Céramiques, UMR3080,
CNRS/Saint-Gobain, 550 Av. Alphonse Jauffret 84306 Cavaillon Cedex, France
3 - CTI, Céramiques Techniques Industrielles, 382 Avenue du Moulinas 30340
Salindres, France
4 - PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN, Centre technique de Vélizy, Route de Gisy 78943
Vélizy-Villacoublay, France
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Robert Schlögl
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Seсtion 2. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization
Chairmen: Dr. Penner Simon, University of Innsbruck, Institute for Physical Chemistry,
Innsbruck, Austria
Prof. van Bokhoven Jeroen A., Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich
and Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 II-OP11 Prof. Mossin Susanne
Mossin S.1, Janssens T.V.W.2, Rasmussen S.B.2, Vennestrøm P.N.R.2,
Lundegaard L.F.2, Moses P.G.2, Giordanino F.3, Borfecchia E.3, Lomachenko K.A.3,4,
Bordiga S.3, Godiksen A.1, Beato P.2
Chemistry of the Active Metal Center in the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO
by NH3
1 - Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Lyngby, Denmark
3 - Department of Chemistry, NIS Centre of Excellence and INSTM Reference Center,
University of Turin, Turin, Italy
4 - Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
11:20-11:40 II-OP12 Dr. Zemlyanov Dmitry
Paul R.1,2, Gharachorlou A.3,2, Detwiler M.D.3,2, Delgass W.N.3,2, Ribeiro F.H.3,2,
Reifenberger R.G.4,2, Fisher T.S.5,2, Zemlyanov D.Y.1,2
Novel Preparation of Reverse Model Catalyst for CO Oidation and H2O
1 - Birck Nanotechnology Center, West Lafayette, IN, USA
2 - Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
3 - School of Chemical Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, USA
4 - Department of Physics, West Lafayette, IN, USA
5 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Keynote Lecture
11:40-12:20 II-KN6 Dr. Helveg Stig
Electron Microscopy Advances in Catalysis
Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Oral Presentations
12:20-12:40 II-OP13 Dr. Cadete Santos Aires Francisco Jose
Cadete Santos Aires F.J.1, Aouine M.1, Li S.1, Tuel A.1, Epicier T.1,2
Dynamic High-Resolution Study of the Structural Evolution of Ag Nanoparticles
During Carbon Gasification within an Aberration-Corrected Environmental
Transmission Electron Microscope
1 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, UMR 5256
CNRS/UCB Lyon 1, 2 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne, France
2 - Laboratoire MATEIS, UMR 5510, CNRS/INSA de Lyon, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex,
12:40-13:00 II-OP14 Dr. Ek Carl Martin
Ek M.1, Zhu Y.1, Brorson M.1, Moses P.G.1, Puig Molina A.M.1, Ramasse Q.2,
Kisielowski C.3, Helveg S.1
Atomic-Resolution Imaging of Environmental Catalysts
1 - Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, Kgs. Lyngby, DK-2800, Denmark
2 - SuperSTEM Laboratory, SciTech Daresbury Campus, Daresbury WA4 4AD, UK
3 - NCEM, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Zemlyanov Dmitry, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, USA
Prof. Bordiga Silvia, Department of Chemistry, NIS and INSTM Reference Centre,
University of Turin, Torino, Italy
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 II-OP15 Dr. Doronkin Dmitry E.
Doronkin D.E., Günter T., Carvalho H.W.P., Baier S., Boubnov A., Sheppard T.,
Casapu M., Grunwaldt J.-D.
Operando Spatially- and Time-Resolved XES Andvalence-to-Core-XES for the
Characterization of Fe- and Cu-Zeolite Catalysts for NH3-SCR of NOx
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
14:50-15:10 II-OP16 Dr. Hävecker Michael
Hävecker M.1,2, Heine C.2, Eichelbaum M.2,3, Rosowski F.3, Trunschke A.2, Pfeifer V.2,
Velasco Vélez J.J.2,4, Lips K.1, Reichardt G.1, Reichardt G.1, Knop A.2, Schlögl R.2,4
Novel Research platforms ISISS and EMIL at BESSY II: In Situ Surface
Characterization of Catalysts by Synchrotron Based Near Ambient Pressure
X-ray Electron Spectroscopy
1 - Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energy / BESSY II, Energy
Materials, Berlin, Germany
2 - Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Inorganic Chemistry, Berlin,
3 - TU Berlin, BasCat, UniCAT BASF JointLab, Berlin, Germany
4 - Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion, Heterogeneous Reactions,
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
15:10-15:30 II-OP17 Dr. Kaichev Vasily
Kaichev V.1, Chesalov Y.1, Saraev A.1, Klyushin A.2, Knop-Gericke A.2, Andrushkevich
T.1, Bukhtiyarov V.1
Mechanism for Selective Oxidation of Ethanol over V-Ti Catalyst
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Plank Society,
Berlin, Germany
15:30-15:50 II-OP18 Klyushin Alexander Yu.
Klyushin A.Yu.1, Rocha T.C.R.1, Li X.1, Huang X.1, Lunkeinbein T.1, Friedrich M.1,
Hävecker M.1,2, Bukhtiyarov A.V.3,4, Prosvirin I.P.3,4, Bukhtiyarov V.I.3,4,
Knop-Gericke A.1, Schlögl R.1
What are the Active Sites of Gold in CO Oxidation Reaction?
1 - Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society, Department of Inorganic
Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
2 - Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin/BESSY II, Department of Solar Energy Research, Berlin,
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:50-16:10 II-OP19 Schilling Christian M.
Schilling C.M., Lohrenscheit M., Hess C.
Ceria Supported Gold Catalysts: Mechanistic Studies of CO Oxidation Using a
Combined Operando Approach
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Eduard Zintl-Institut für Anorganische und Physikalische Chemie, Darmstadt,
16:10-16:30 II-OP20 Dr. Vovk Evgeny
Vovk E.I.1,2, Karatok M.2, Shah S.A.A.2, Turksoy A.2, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1, Ozensoy E.3
Reactivity of Oxygen in Methanol Partial Oxidation over Au(111) Model Catalyst
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Bilkent University, Chemistry Department, Bilkent, Turkey
3 - Bilkent University, Department of Chemistry, Bilkent, Turkey
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Schlögl Robert
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Seсtion 4. Catalysis and Chemicals
Chairmen: Prof. Jones Christopher W., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Prof. Talsi Evgenii P., Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 IV-OP11 Prof. Cavani Fabrizio
Cavani F.1, Lolli A.1, Utili L.1, Amadori R.1, Lucarelli C.1,2, Albonetti S.1
Insights in the Reaction Mechanism for HMF Oxidation to FDCA over Bimetallic
Au/Pd Nanoparticles
1 - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari", Università di Bologna,
Bologna, Italy
2 - Università dell'Insubria, Via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como, Italy
11:20-11:40 IV-OP12 Nese Valentina
Nese V., Schüth F.
Noble Metal Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon-based Materials as Catalysts for
5-HMF Oxidation to FDCA
Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
11:40-12:00 IV-OP13 Dr. Zhu Yinghuai
Catalytic Applications of Palladium Nanoparticles-supported Nanocomposites in
Carbonylation Reactions
Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, Jurong Island, Singapore
12:00-12:20 IV-OP14 Prof. d'Alessandro Nicola
Di Pietrantonio K.1,2, Tonucci L.1,3, d'Alessandro N.1,2, Bressan M.1,2
Hydrogenation Reactions in Aqueous Media Catalysed by Pd and Pt Green
1 - ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University of Chieti Pescara
2 - Department INGEO
3 - Department of Philosophical, Educational and Economic Science
Keynote Lecture
12:20-13:00 IV-KN7 Prof. Koenig Burkhard
Chemical Photocatalysis Using Visible Light
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Trifonov Alexander, Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of Russian Academy
of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Prof. Yang Qihua, State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical
Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China
Oral Presentation
14:30-14:50 IV-OP15 Van Der Graaff Willem N.P.
Van Der Graaff W.N.P., Tempelman C.H.L., Pidko E.A., Hensen E.J.M.
Room Temperature Glucose Isomerization in Sn-BEA: on the Role of Diffusion
under Practical Reaction Conditions
Inorganic Materials Chemistry Group, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
14:50-15:10 IV-OP16 Prof. Pidko Evgeny A.
Pidko E.A., Hensen E.J.M.
A Theoretical Perspective on the Role of Cooperativity in Glucose Activation by
Lewis Acid Zeolite and Oxide Catalysts
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
15:10-15:30 IV-OP17 Tolborg Søren
Tolborg S.1,2, Sádaba I.2, Osmundsen C.M.2, Fristrup P.1, Taarning E.2
New Insights in the Catalytic Conversion of Sugars with Sn-Beta
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, Nymøllevej 55, 2800
Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
15:30-15:50 IV-OP18 Dr. Delidovich Irina
Delidovich I., Palkovits R.
Mg-Al Hydrotalcites with Tailored Structure as Efficient Catalysts for Glucose
Isomerization into Fructose
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
15:50-16:10 IV-OP19 Dr. Padovani Alessia
Padovani A., Schüth F.
Liquid Phase Oxidation of Glucose to Gluconic Acid over Supported Metal
Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
16:10-16:30 IV-OP20 Prof. Coman Simona M.
Anita F., Podolean I., Parvulescu V.I., Coman S.M.
Efficient Carbon Based Catalysts with Acid Sites and Magnetic Properties for
Starch Valorization to Bio-chemicals
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Robert Schlögl
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Seсtion 3. Energy-Related Catalysis
Chairmen: Dr. Takanabe Kazuhiro, Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering, KAUST
Catalysis Center (KCC), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
(KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Tatsumi Takashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku,
Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 III-OP02 Gao Lu
Gao L.1, Hofmann J.P.1, Bakkers E.P.A.M.2, Emiel E.J.M.1
Efficient Nanostructured in Photocathodes for Water Reduction through
Optimization of Interface Energetics and Structure
1 - Laboratory of Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering
and Chemistry Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2 - Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics, Department of Applied Physics,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
11:20-11:40 III-OP03 Dr. Kozlova Ekaterina A.
Kozlova E.A.1,2,3, Cherepanova S.V.1,2,3, Markovskaya D.V.1,2, Parmon V.N.1,2
Novel Photocatalysts Based on Cd1-xZnxS/Zn(OH)2: Activation during the
Hydrogen Evolution from Aqueous Solutions of Ethanol
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3- Educational Center for Energoefficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk State University,
Novosibirsk, Russia
11:40-12:00 III-OP04 Prof. Pokrant Simone
Landsmann S., Mägli A., Pokrant S., Trottmann M.
The Role of Co-catalysts in Photoelectrochemical Versus Photocatalytic Water
Splitting: CoOx on LaTiO2N
Laboratory Materials for Energy Conversion, Empa, Dübendorf
12:00-12:20 III-OP05 Weide Philipp
Muhler M.1, Weide P.1, Busser G. W.1, Mei B.2, Lukic S.3, Winterer M.3
Photocatalytic Overall Water Splitting using Ga2O3 with Various Phase
Compositions Loaded with Rh-free Co-catalysts
1 - Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
2 - Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
3 - Nanoparticle Process Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
12:20-12:40 III-OP06 Marchal Clément
Caps V., Keller N., Keller V., Marchal C.
Synthesis and Reactivity of Au/g-C3N4/TiO2 Nanocomposites for Water-Splitting
under Solar Light Illumination
ICPEES, Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l’Energie, l’Environnement et la Santé,
CNRS/Université de Strasbourg, UMR 7515 (CNRS), 25 rue Becquerel 67087
Strasbourg Cedex, France
12:40-13:00 III-OP07 Prof. Puga Alberto V.
Puga A.V., Sastre F., Liu L.C., García H., Corma A.
Efficient Solar Production of Methane from CO2 and H2 Using Nickel Catalysts
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Valencia, Spain
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Millan Marcos, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London,
London, UK
Dr. Bulushev Dmitri, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 III-OP08 Prof. Amouroux Jacques
Amouroux J.1,2, Siffert P.2
Carbon Dioxide and Circular Economy for an Industrial Revolution
1 - Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
11, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie – 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
2 - The European Materials Research Society, BP. 20 F-67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
14:50-15:10 III-OP09 Dr. Teschner Detre
Nong H.N.1, Reier T.1, Oh H.-S.1, Gan L.1, Willinger E.2, Teschner D.2, Strasser P.1
IrNiOx-based Oxide Thin-Films and Metal-Oxide Hybrid Core-Shell
Nanoparticles as Efficient Electrocatalysts of Oxygen Evolution
1 - Technical University Berlin, Department of Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
2 - Fritz-Haber Institute, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
15:10-15:30 III-OP10 Dr. Villa K.
Murcia S.1, Villa K.1, Andreu T.1, Morante J.R.1,2
Partial Oxidation of Methane to Methanol with Bismuth-Based Photocatalysts
1 - Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Sant Adrià de Besòs, Spain
2 - University of Barcelona (UB), Department of Electronics, Barcelona, Spain
15:30-15:50 III-OP11 Prof. Rempel Andrey A.
Rempel A.A.1,2, Sadovnikov S.I.1, Kozlova E.A.2,3, Gerasimov E.Yu.3
Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution from Aqueous Solutions of Na2S/Na2SO3
under Visible Light Irradiation of Nonstoichiometric Silver Sulfide Nanoparticles
1 - Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch of the RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 - Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:50-16:10 III-OP12 Prof. Faria Joaquim L.
Pastrana-Martínez L.M., Silva A.M.T., Fonseca N.N.C., Figueiredo J.L., Faria J.L.
CO2 Conversion into Solar Fuels
LSRE-LCM, Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
16:10-16:30 III-OP13 Sanwald Kai E.
Sanwald K.E., Berto T.F., Eisenreich W., Gutiérrez O.Y., Lercher J.A.
Photocatalytic Pathways for Hydrogen Production from Biomass over UV- and
Visible-Light Responsive Materials
Department of Chemistry and Catalysis Research Center, Technische Universität
München, Garching, Germany
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Robert Schlögl
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Dostoevsky hall
XI European Workshop on Innovation in Selective Oxidation (ISO'15)
"Selectivity in Oxidation: Key to new resources valorization" (1-3 September, 2015)
The Workshop is focused on selectivity improvement by: Molecular design of catalytic sites and new reactions;
Synthesis of novel catalytic materials; Use of non-conventional oxidants; In situ and operando mechanistic
studies; Chemical reaction and reactor engineering
Chairmen: Prof. Lercher Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry,
Garching, Germany; Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Dr. Cortés Corberán Vicente, Institute of Catalysis and Petroleumchemistry (ICP),
CSIC, Madrid, Spain
11:00-11:20 Opening ceremony
Oral Presentations
11:20-11:40 ISO-OP01 Dr. Lopez Nieto Jose M.
Soriano M.D.1, Chieregato A.1, Zamora S.1, Bandinelli C.2, Cavani F.2, Lopez Nieto J.M.1
V-, Nb-, and Ti-promoted Hexagonal Tungsten Bronzes as Selective Catalysts in
the Transformation of Glycerol and Methanol in Aerobic Conditions
1 - Instituto Tecnologia Quimica, UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain
2 - Dipartimento Chimica Industriale e di Materiali, Universitá di Bologna, Bologna,
11:40-12:00 ISO-OP02 Prof. Pescarmona Paolo P.
Lueangchaichaweng W.1, Sheng X.1, Vankelecom I.F.1, Pescarmona P.P.1,2
Metal-free Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Epoxidation of Alkenes with H2O2
1 - COK, University of Leuven, Belgium
2 - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
12:00-12:20 ISO-OP03 Prof. Prati Laura
Campisi S.1, Villa A.1, Chan Thaw C.E.1, Ferri D.2, Prati L.1
Tuning the Selectivity in Pd Catalyzed Liquid-phase Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol:
an in situ ATR-IR Study
1 - Università degli Studi di MIlano, Dipartimento di Chimica, Milano, Italy
2 - Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
12:20-12:40 ISO-OP04 Dr. Simonov Mikhail
Simonov M.N.1,2, Sadykov V.A.1,2, Rogov V.A.1,2, Bobin A.S.1,2, Sadovskaya E.M.1,2,
Mezentseva N.V.1,2, Roger A.-C.3, Van Veen A.C.4
Ethanol Selective Oxidation into Syngas over Pt-promoted Fluorite-like Oxide:
SSITKA and Pulse Microcalorimetry Study
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, Srausbourg, France
4 - University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
12:40-13:00 ISO-OP05 Dr. Cortes Corberan Vicente
Martínez-González S.1, Ivanova S.2, Domínguez M.I.2, Cortés Corberán V.1
Selectivity Control in Oxidation of 1-tetradecanol on Supported Nano Au
1 - Institute of Catalysis and Petroleumchemistry (ICP), CSIC, 28049 Madrid, Spain
2 - Institute of Materials Science of Seville (ICMS), University of Seville - CSIC, 41092
Seville, Spain
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Dostoevsky hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Perathoner Siglinda, Department of Electronic Engineering, Industrial Chemistry
and Engineering, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Prof. Sadykov Vladislav, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keynote Lecture
14:30-15:10 ISO-KN01 Dr. Kholdeeva Oxana A.
Liquid-Phase Selective Oxidation Catalysis with Metal-Organic Frameworks
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
15:10-15:30 ISO-OP06 Prof. Pestryakov Alexey
Kotolevich Y.1, Kolobova E.2, Cabrera Ortega J.E.3, Tiznado Vazquez H.J.1,
Bogdanchikova N.1, Cortés Corberán V.4, Zanella R.5, Pestryakov A.2
Promoted Au and Ag Catalysts for Liquid Phase Selective Oxidation of Octanol
1 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, UNAM, Ensenada, 22860, México
2 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
3 - Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, 22860, México
4 - Institute of Catalysis and Petroleumchemistry (ICP), CSIC, 28049 Madrid, Spain
5 - Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico (UNAM), México, DF,
04510, México
15:30-15:50 ISO-OP07 Dr. Moskaleva Lyudmila V.
Selective Epoxidation of Propylene to Propylene Oxide on Gold-based Catalysts: a
Theoretical Study
Institute of Applied and Physical Chemistry and Center for Environmental Research
and Sustainable Technology, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany
15:50-16:10 ISO-OP08 Dr. Khaskin Eugene
Khaskin E.1,2, Milstein D.2
Oxidant-free Formal Oxidation of Alcohol Substrates towards Higher Value
Added Products
1 - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School, Japan
2 - Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
16:10-16:30 ISO-OP09 Dr. Mamontov Grigory V.
Mamontov G.V.1, Dutov V.V.1, Grabchenko M.V.1, Zaikovskii V.I.2,3, Sobolev V.I.1,2,
Vodyankina O.V.1
Metal-Support Interaction – A Key Reason for Ag Catalyst Activity in
Low-Temperature Oxidation
1 - Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Catalytic Research, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Robert Schlögl
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Lermontov hall
Discussion symposium 1. “Value-Added Chemicals from Renewables”
Chairmen: Prof. Murzin Dmitry, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Prof. Román-Leshkov Yuriy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA
11:00-13:00 DS1-1
Gromov N.V.1,2,3, Taran O.P.1,4, Aymonier C.2, Parmon V.N.1,5
Conversion of Cellulose into 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural over Solid Acid Catalysts
Based on Sibunit Carbon Material
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institut de chimie de la matière condensée de Bordeaux, CNRS, ICMCB, UPR 9048,
87, av. du Dr Schweitzer, Pessac, 33608, France
3 - Universite Bordeaux, ICMCB UPR 9048, Pessac, 33600, France
4 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
5 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Deng W.P.1, Zhou C.M.1,2, Wan X.Y.1, Zhang Q.H.1, Yang Y.H.2, Wang Y.1
Carbon Nanotube-supported Pt Nanoparticles as Efficient Catalysts for Base-free
Aerobic Oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic Acid
1 - State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Collaborative
Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, National Engineering
Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and Esters, College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China
2 - School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University Singapore 637459, Singapore
Laforge S., Mijoin J., Pouilloux Y., Dialo M.D.
Transformation of Glycerol to Acrolein over Isomorphously Substituted Iron Zeolites
Institut des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers (IC2MP), UMR CNRS 7285, 4 Rue Michel
Brunet, Bâtiment B27, TSA 51106 86073 Poitiers Cedex 9, France
Kale S.1, Armbruster U.1, Umbarkar S.2, Dongare M.2,3, Eckelt R.1, Martin A.1
Gas Phase Glycerol Acetylation to Fuel Additive over Solid Acid Catalysts
1 - Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany
2 - National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
3 - Mojj Eng. Syst. Ltd, Pune, India
Lombardi E., Basile F., Fornasari G., Mafessanti R., Vaccari A.
Effect of Microemulsion-synthesized Support in the Aqueous Phase Reforming
Reaction of Glycerol
University of Bologna, dep. of Industrial Chemistry, Bologna, Italy
Liu R., Wang T., Jin Y.
Dehydration of Biodiesel-derived Crude Glycerol into Acrolein over HPW
Supported on Cs-modified SBA-15
Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Reaction Engineering and Technology, Department of
Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Isa Y.M.
Effects of Promotion Techniques on ZSM-5 activity in Conversion of Alcohols to
Fuel Range Hydrocarbons
Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa
Phung T.K., Garbarino G., Busca G.
Ethanol Conversion to Useful Products: Ethylene, Diethyl Ether, Higher
Hydrocarbons, Acetaldehyde and Acetone
University of Genova, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering,
Genova, Italy
Quesada J., Faba L., Diaz E., Ordonez S.
Deactivation of Mixed Oxides as Catalysts for Ethanol Condensation: in situ
DRIFT Spectroscopy Studies
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Velasquez Ochoa J.1, Chieregato A.1, Bandinelli C.1, Fornasari G.1, Cavani F.1, Mella M.2
Insights on the Mechanism for the Transformation of Ethanol on Basic Oxides
(Lebedev and Guerbet Reactions)
1 - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”, Università di Bologna,
Viale del Risorgimento 4, 40136, Bologna, Italy
2 - Dipartimento di Scienze ed Alta Tecnologia, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria,
Via Valleggio 11, 22100, Como, Italy
Suknev A.P.1, Zaikovskii V.I.1,2, Kaichev V.V.1,2, Paukshtis E.A.1,2, Sadovskaya E.M.1,2,
Bal’zhinimaev B.S.1
Selective Hydrogenation of Hexanoic Acid to Hexanol under Mild Conditions over
Titania-based Pt-Re Catalyst
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Lermontov hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Likholobov Vladimir, Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS, Institute of Hydrocarbons
Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
Prof. d’Alessandro Nicola, ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University of Chieti Pescara, Chieti,
Discussion symposium 3. “Selective Catalytic Hydrogenation”
14:30-16:30 DS3-1
Rajkhowa T., Thybaut J.W., Marin G.B.
"Green" Propylene Glycol: Kinetic Determination for the Valorization of
Biodiesel Side Stream
Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
Nindakova L.O.1, Badyrova N.M.1, Sadykov E.Kh.2, Smirnov V.V.1, Ushakov I.A.1,
Khatashkeev A.V.1
Transfer Hydrogenation of Acetophenone in the Presence Bis-imine Rhodium(I)
1 - Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
2 - A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
Maccarrone M.J.1, Lederhos C.1, Betti C.1, Coloma-Pascual F.2, Vera C.1, Quiroga M.E.1
Obtaining (Z)-3-hexene with Ni Catalysts Supported on Alumina Modified with
Magnesium Precursor
1 - Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica, INCAPE, Colectora Ruta
Nac. Nº 168 Km. 0 – Paraje El Pozo, Santa Fe (3000), Argentina
2 - Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante, Apartado 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain
Mashkovsky I.S.1, Markov P.V.1, Bragina G.O.1, Baeva G.N.1, Tkachenko O.P.1,
Kozitsyna N.Yu.2, Vargaftik M.N.2, Stakheev A.Yu.1
Highly Selective Pd-Cu Supported Catalyst for Liquid-Phase Semihydrogenation
of Substituted Alkynes
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
O'Driscoll Á., Leahy J.J., Curtin T.
Selective Hydrogenation of Furfural Using SiO2 Based Catalysts: Impact of
Reaction Conditions and Metals Employed
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Materials and Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Carbolea Research Group, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Okhlopkova L.B.1, Matus E.V.1, Prosvirin I.P.1, Kerzhentsev M.A.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,2
Selective Hydrogenation of 2-methyl-3-butyne-2-ol catalyzed by Embedded
Polymer-protected PdZn Nanoparticles
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Sulman E., Rakitin M., Petrova A., Doluda V., Matveeva V., Sulman M.
Research of Hydrogenation of the Nitrobenzene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
with Use Ru/HPS Catalysts
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
de Miguel S., Rodriguez V., Scelza O., Stassi J., Vilella I., Zgolicz P.
Pt Based Bimetallic Catalysts Prepared by Conventional Impregnation and
Deposition and Reduction in Liquid Phase Methods for Selective Hydrogenation
of Citral
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroquímica, UNL-CONICET, Sgo del Estero 2654, Sta Fe
(3000), Argentina
Suyunbayev U., Yergaziyeva G., Zhumagazin A.
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Dienone for Getting Vitamins and Odorous
Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, 172 Bogenbay batyr, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Nindakova L.O., Strakhov V.O., Chvanova K.A.
Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Prochiral Arylketones and Keto Acid Ethers
Catalyzed by Pd(acac)2- Chiral Base
Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Tuesday, September 1
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Bukhtiyarov Valerii, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin,
Plenary Lectures
08:30-09:30 PL5 Prof. Hupp Joseph T.
Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Platforms for Single-site
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
09:30-10:30 PL6 Prof. Robert Schlögl
Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Chekhov hall
Discussion symposium 2. “Fuel Reforming”
Chairmen: Prof. Mirodatos Claude, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de
Lyon, Université Lyon 1, CNRS, Villeurbanne, France
Prof. Sadykov Vladislav, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
11:00-13:00 DS2-1
Somacescu S.1, Petrea N.2, Sonu M.2, Somoghi V.3, Neatu F.4, Neatu S.3,5, Florea M.4
Synthesis of Mesoporous SnO2 as Anode for PEMFCs
1 - ”Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Spl.
Independentei 202, 060021, Bucharest, Romania
2 - Scientific Research Centre for CBRN Defense and Ecology, 225 Oltenitei Road,
041309 Bucharest, Romania
3 - S.C. STIMPEX S.A., 46-48 Teclu Nicolae Street, 032368 Bucharest, Romania
4 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry,
Biochemistry and Catalysis, 4 – 12 Regina Elisabeta Bvd., Bucharest 030016, Romania
5 - National Institute of Materials Physics, 105bis Atomistilor Street, 077125,
Bucharest, Romania
Puleo F.1, Banerjee D.2, Pantaleo G.1, Longo A.1,3, Aprile C.4, Collard X.4, Martinez-
Arias A.5, Liotta L.F.1
Ni-based Catalysts for Methane dry Reforming: EXAFS, TEM and DRIFT
Investigation on the Au/Pt/Pd Effects
1 - ISMN-CNR, Palermo, Via Ugo La Malfa, 90146, Palermo, Italy
2 - DUBBLE, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France
3 - Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Grenoble CEDEX, France
4 - University of Namur (UNAMUR), 61 rue de Bruxelles, B-5000 Namur, Belgium
5 - CSIC, C/Marie Curie 2, Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Mansur A.J.1, Vallezi Paladino L.A.2
Catalysts (NiMg)AlOx + CeO2 Derived of Hydrotalcite Type Structures Applied to
Dry Reforming of Biogas
1 - Federal University of São Carlos, Chemical Engineering Department, Brazil
2 - Federal University of São Carlos, Chemical Engineering Department, Brazil
Mondal T.1, Pant K.K.1, Dalai A.K.2
Role of Rh as a Promoter on the Activity of Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 Catalyst for Oxidative
Steam Reforming of Bio-ethanol
1 - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Chemical Engineering, Hauz
Khas, New Delhi 110016, India
2 - University of Saskatchewan, Department of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada
Smal E.A.1,2, Mezentseva N.V.1,2, Sadykov V.A.1,2, Krieger T.A.1, Rogov V.A.1,2,
Simonov M.N.1, Larina T.V.1
Ethanol Steam Reforming over MnxCr3-xO4-based Spinel-type Oxide
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Fedotov A.1, Antonov D.1, Tsodikov M.1, Uvarov V.2
Syngas and Hydrogen Production by Dry and Steam Reforming of Methane and
Fermentation Products on Porous Ceramic Membrane-Catalytic Ni-Cocontaining
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS, Chernogolovka,
Moscow Region, Russia
Karuppiah J., Mok Y.S.
Dry Reforming of Propane over CeO2/Ni-foam Catalysts
Jeju National University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jeju 690-756, South Korea
Palma V., Ricca A., Miccio M., Martino M., Meloni E., Ciambelli P.
Steam Reforming of Methane on Ni-based Catalysts Characterized by Innovative
Structured Carriers
University of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fisciano (SA), Italy
Braga A.H.1, Batista J.B.O.1, Damyanova S.2, Bueno J.M.C.1
Ethanol Steam Reforming to Hydrogen over CoNi-based Catalysts
1 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Engenharia Química, C.P.
676, 13565-905, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
2 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Erdinç E., Aksoylu A.E.
A Study on Kinetics of Methane Oxidative Steam Reforming (OSR) over
Pt-Ni/Al2O3 Bimetallic Catalysts
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Chekhov hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Kozlova Ekaterina, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dr. Kozlov Denis, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Discussion symposium 4. “Photocatalysis: Water Splitting, CO2 Reduction and Oxidative
14:30-16:30 DS4-1
Jiao J.Q., Wei Y.C., Zhao Z., Liu J., Li J.M., Jiang G.Y., Duan A.J.
3D Ordered Macroporous Ti-based Catalysts: Design, Synthesis and High
Catalytic Activity for the Photoreduction of CO2 with Water to Mechane
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing,
Tsyganenko A.
Advances in Catalyst Characterization by FTIR spectroscopy
V.A. Fock Institute of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia
Keller V.1, Pichot V.2, Minetti Q.1
New Nanodiamonds/TiO2 Composite Materials for the Solar Energy Conversion
into Hydrogen by Water Splitting
1 - ICPEES, « Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l’Energie, l’Environnement et la
Santé », Université de Strasbourg, UMR 7515 (CNRS), 25 rue Becquerel 67087
Strasbourg Cedex, France
2 - NS3E, « Nanomatériaux pour les Systèmes Sous Sollicitations Extrêmes », UMR
3208 (ISL/CNRS/UdS) Institut franco-allemand de recherche de Saint-Louis, 5 rue du
Général Cassagnou, BP 70034, 68301 Saint-Louis Cedex, France
Szíjjártó G.P., Tálas E., Pászti Z., Mihályi J., Bálint S., Tompos A., Boráth I.
Pt-SnOx-TiO2 Catalysts for Methanol Photocatalytic Reforming: Influence of Cocatalysts
on the Hydrogen Production
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural
Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Lisachenko A.A.
Sensitization of Wide-Bandgap Oxides ZnO and TiO2 to the Visible Region Using
Intrinsic Point Defects, Surface 2D Nanostructures and Composites ZnO/Si, TiO2/Si
St. Petersburg State University, Department of Physics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Altunoz Erdogan D.1, Solouki T.2, Ozensoy E.1
Bio-inspired “Buckyball-shaped” Photocatalytic Architectures
1 - Bilkent University, Department of Chemistry, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
2 - Baylor University, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Waco, TX, USA
Bellardita M., García-López E., Marcì G., Palmisano L.
Photocatalytic Conversion of Glucose in TiO2 Aqueous Suspensions
”Schiavello-Grillone” Photocatalysis Group, Dipartimento di Energia, Ingegneria
dell’informazione, e modelli Matematici (DEIM), Università degli Studi di Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze Ed. 6, 90128, Palermo, Italy
Kolinko P.1,2, Lyulyukin M.1, Besov A.1,2, Parkhomchuk E.1,2,3, Kozlov D.1,2,3
Development of the Methods for Fast Catalytic Air Purification from CWAs
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (Novosibirsk State
University), Novosibirsk, Russia
Striegler K.1, Richter D.1, Benndorf G.2, Gläser R.3
New Approaches for Solar Fuel from Suspended Photocatalysts
1 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Chemical
Technology, Leipzig, Germany
2 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Physics and Earth Science, Institute for Experimental
Physics II, Leipzig, Germany
3 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Chemical
Technology, Leipzig, Germany
Xie S., Wang Y., Zhang Q., Wang Y.
Two-dimensional SrNb2O6 as an Efficient Photocatalyst for the Preferential
Reduction of Carbon Dioxide in the Presence of Water
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Collaborative
Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, National Engineering
Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and Esters, College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Selishchev D.S., Kozlov D.V.
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Diethyl Sulfide Vapor over TiO2 Deposited on Porous
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-I: I-PP1÷I-PP114, III-PP1÷III-PP130, IV-PP1÷IV-PP155,
ISO-PP1÷ISO-PP30 (Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015) Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Seсtion 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Chairmen: Dr. Vedyagin Aleksey, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dr. Bukhtiyarova Marina, MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr,
Keynote Lecture
10:00-10:40 V-KN8 Prof. Román-Leshkov Yuriy
Van de Vyver S., Lewis J.D., Román-Leshkov Yu.
Exploiting Acid-base Cooperativity in Metalloenzyme-like Lewis Acid Zeolites for
Biomass Conversion
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Oral Presentations
10:40-11:00 V-OP18 Calaza Florencia
Calaza F.1, Sterrer M.1,2, Freund H.-J.1
Surface Chemistry of Glycerol on Metals and Metal-Oxides as Model Catalysts
for Biomass Conversion
1 - Department of Chemical Physics, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-
Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
2 - Institute of Physics, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, Austria
11:00-11:20 V-OP19 Prof. Aprile Carmela
Buaki-Sogo M.1, Garcia H.2, Aprile C.1
Ionic Liquids Based Silica Microreactors for the Efficient Conversion of Carbon
1 - Unit of Nanomaterial Chemistry (CNano), University of Namur (UNAMUR),
Department of Chemistry, Namur, Belgium
2 - Technical University of Valencia, Chemical Technology Institute (ITQ-CSIC)
Valencia, Spain
11:20-11:40 V-OP20 Dr. Demidova Yuliya
Demidova Yu.S.1,2, Simakova I.L.1,2, Beloshapkin S.3, Wärnå J.4, Suslov E.V.5,
Volcho K.P.5, Salakhutdinov N.F.5, Simakov A.V.6, Murzin D.Yu.4
One-pot Natural Alcohol Amination Catalyzed by Gold-containing Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Materials & Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
4 - Åbo Akademi University, Turku/Åbo, Finland
5 - Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
6 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, UNAM, Ensenada, México
11:40-12:00 V-OP21 Dr. Nowicka Ewa
Nowicka E., Reece C., Willock D., Golunski S., Hutchings G.J.
Utilization of CO2 in the Process of Olefins Production
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, Cardiff University, CF10 3AT Cardiff, United Kingdom
12:00-12:20 V-OP22 Prof. Lemonidou Angeliki
Lemonidou A.A.1,2, Yfanti V.-L.1, Vasiliadou E.S.1
Selective 1,2-propanediol Formation via Tandem Reaction Cycle of Methanol
Reforming-Glycerol Hydrodeoxygenation
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
2 - Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CERTH/CPERI), Thessaloniki,
12:20-12:40 V-OP23 Zacharska Monika
Zacharska M.1,2, Bulushev D.A.1,3, Estrada M.4, Guo Y.2, Beloshapkin S.2, Kriventsov
V.V.3, Leahy J.J.1,2, Simakov A.V.4
Gold Catalysts for CO-free Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid Derived from
1 - Chemical & Environmental Sciences Department, University of Limerick, Limerick,
2 - Materials & Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnologia, UNAM, 22860 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico
12:40-13:00 V-OP24 Prof. Tsodikov Mark
Tsodikov M.V.1, Chistyakov A.V.1, Gekhman A.E.2, Moiseev I.I.3
Bimetallic Catalysts Promising in Bio-fuel Production
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 - I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Petroleum and Gases, Moscow, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Evening Session
Seсtion 1. Novel Catalytic Materials and Processes for Securing Supplies of Raw
Chairmen: Prof. Grünert Wolfgang, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Prof. Nam In-Sik, Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Environmental
Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Techlogy (POSTECH),
Pohang, Republic of Korea
Keynote Lectures
14:30-15:10 I-KN11 Prof. Olsbye Unni
Olsbye U., Lillerud K.P.
Catalysis in Confined Space – from Zeolites and Zeotypes to Functionalized
Metal-organic Frameworks
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
15:10-15:50 I-KN12 Dr. Tatsumi Takashi
Development of New Catalytic Materials for Sustainable Production of Chemicals
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Oral Presentations
15:50-16:10 I-OP13 Dr. Maki-Arvela Päivi
Tkacheva A., Dosmagambetova I., Mäki-Arvela P., Hachemi I., Kumar N., Eränen K.,
Hemming J., Smeds A., Murzin D.Y.
Surfactants from Algae Derived Feedstock: Acylation of Amino Alcohols with
Fatty Acids over Zeolite Beta
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
16:10-16:30 I-OP14 Dr. Yadav Ganapati D.
Yadav G.D., Bhanawase S.L.
A Novel Efficient Synthesis of Guaifenesin over Calcined Hydrotalcite
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga,
Mumbai, India
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015). Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-19:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Seсtion 2. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization
Chairmen: Prof. Mossin Susanne, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark,
Lyngby, Denmark
Dr. Hävecker Michael, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Inorganic
Chemistry, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energy / BESSY II, Energy
Materials, Berlin, Germany
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 II-OP21 Dr. Cortés-Reyes Marina
Cortés-Reyes M., Díaz-Rey M.R., Herrera M.C., Larrubia M.A., Alemany L.J.
Cu-SAPO-34 Synthesis and in Situ Characterization. Insights into DeNOx-SCR
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Campus de Teatinos,
Universidad de Málaga, Spain
10:20-10:40 II-OP22 Dr. Vuong T. Huyen
Vuong T.H., Radnik J., Armbruster U., Brückner A.
Structure-Reactivity Relationships in Low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO over
Highly Effective V2O5/CexZr1-xO2 Catalysts
Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at the University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Keynote Lecture
10:40-11:20 II-KN9 Dr. McIndoe Jason S.
Real-time Analysis of Catalytic Reactions Using Simultaneous Orthogonal Methods
Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8W 3V6, Canada
Oral Presentations
11:20-11:40 II-OP23 Dr. Rout Kumar R.
Rout K.R.1, Chen D.1, Baido M.F1, Fenes E.1, Fuglerud T.2
Kinetics Study of Oxychlorination Process by Combined In-situ Mass- and
Spatial-time Resolved UV-Visible Spectrophotometry
1 - NTNU, Norway
2 - INEOS, Norway
11:40-12:00 II-OP24 Dr. Wang Zhendong D.
Yang W.M., Wang Z.D., Zhang B., Sun H.M., Huan M.Y., Xue M.W.
Design and Preparation of Zeolitic Catalysts for Ethylbenzene via Vapour-Phase
Benzene Alkylation
Sinopec Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai, China
12:00-12:20 II-OP25 Van Haandel Lennart
Van Haandel L., Hensen E.J.M., Weber Th.
Hydrotreating Catalyst Activation under Industrial Conditions
Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
12:20-12:40 II-OP26 Pfeifer Verena
Pfeifer V.1, Arrigo R.1,2, Velasco-Vélez J.1,2, Haevecker M.1,3, Stotz E.1, Knop-Gericke
A.1, Schlögl R.1,2
Development of in Situ Techniques to Monitor Oxygen Evolving Electrocatalyst
1 - Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Inorganic Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
2 - Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion, Heterogeneous Reactions,
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
3 - Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Catalysis for Energy,
Berlin, Germany
12:40-13:00 II-OP27 Li Hao
Li. H.1, Anic K.1, Rameshan C.1, Bukhtiyarov A.V.2, Prosvirin I.P.2, Rupprechter G.1
CO2 and H2O (Co)adsorption on a ZrO2 Thin Film
1 - Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Auroux Aline, Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de
Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
Dr. Cadete Santos Aires Francisco Jose, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et
l’Environnement de Lyon, UMR 5256 CNRS/UCB Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 II-OP28 Schnee Josefine
Schnee J., Gaigneaux E.M.
Operando Raman and UV-Visible Spectroscopy of H3PW12O40 in the Gas Phase
Dehydration of Methanol to Dimethylether
Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
(IMCN/MOST), Croix du Sud 02/L7.05.17, 1348-Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
14:50-15:10 II-OP29 Prof. Bordiga Silvia
Signorile M., Bonino F., Damin A., Bordiga S.
Raman Study of the Deactivation Products in the Methanol to Olefines Reaction:
a Combined In Situ - In Silico Approach
Department of Chemistry, NIS and INSTM Reference Centre, University of Turin,
Torino, Italy
15:10-15:30 II-OP30 Prof. van Bokhoven Jeroen A.
Proff C., Fodor D., Orlando F., van Bokhoven J.A.
Where are the Active Sites in Zeolite Nano-Crystals? Influence on Post-Synthesis
Treatment from Hard X-ray Depth Profiling with XPS
Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich and Paul Scherrer Institute,
Villigen, Switzerland
15:30-15:50 II-OP31 Gallas Hulin Agata
Agata G.H.1, Thomas W.H.2, Jerrik J.M.1, Søren K.1
eTEM Investigation of Gold Nanoparticle Formation in Recrystallized Zeolite
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Technical University of Denmark, Centre for Electron Nanoscopy, 2800 Kgs.
Lyngby, Denmark
15:50-16:10 II-OP32 Karim Waiz
Karim W.1,2, Kleibert A.2, Gobrecht J.2, Ekinci Y.2, van Bokhoven J.A.1,2
Size-dependent Redox Behaviour in Iron Observed Using Top-Down Lithography
and In-Situ Single Particle Spectro-Microscopy
1 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2 - Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
16:10-16:30 II-OP33 Dr. Fredriksson Hans
Fredriksson H.O.A., Bu Y., Dad E., Sui H., Niemantsverdriet J.W.
Investigating Fundamental Properties of Syngas Conversion Catalysts - a Model
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015). Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Seсtion 4. Catalysis and Chemicals
Chairmen: Prof. Coman Simona, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Wang Ye, State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces,
Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, National
Engineering Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and
Esters, Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Xiamen University, Xiamen, P.R. China
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 IV-OP21 Dr. Terent’ev Alexander
Terent’ev A.O., Krylov I.B., Vil' V.A., Zdvizhkov A.T., Sharipov M.Yu.
New Cross-dehydrogenative Coupling Reactions with Selective C-O Bond
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
10:20-10:40 IV-OP22 Rasmussen Dominik B.
Rasmussen D.B.1, Christensen J.M.1, Temel B.2, Studt F.3, Moses P.G.2, Rossmeisl J.4,
Riisager A.5, Jensen A.D.1
Ketene as a Reaction Intermediate in the Carbonylation of Dimethyl Ether to
Methyl Acetate on Mordenite
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, Søltofts Plads B229, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
3 - SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis, SLAC National Accelerator
Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
4 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics, Fysikvej B307, 2800 Kgs.
Lyngby, Denmark
5 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, Kemitorvet B206, 2800
Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
10:40-11:00 IV-OP23 Dr. Liu Yue
Liu Y., Müller S., Sanchez-Sanchez M., Lercher J.
On the Mechanism for the First C-C Bond Formation in MTO Reaction
Department of Chemistry and Catalysis Research Center, Technische Universität
München, Germany
11:00-11:20 IV-OP24 Otroshchenko Tatiana
Otroshchenko T., Stoyanova M., Rodemerck U., Sokolov S., Linke D.,
Kondratenko E.V.
Activity Control of Supported Catalysts with Tailored Ru Nanoparticles for Non-
Oxidative Propane Dehydrogenation
Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany
11:20-11:40 IV-OP25 Dr. Martyanov Oleg
Martyanov O.N.1,2, Chibiryaev A.M.1,2, Kozhevnikov I.V.1
Methylation Reaction of Aromatic NH-heterocycles with Using Supercritical
Methanol: Competitive Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis by Sicontaining
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keynote Lecture
11:40-12:20 IV-KN10 Prof. Hu Xile L.
Base Metal Catalysis for Cross Coupling and Addition Reactions
Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis, Institute of Chemical Sciences and
Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Oral Presentations
12:20-12:40 IV-OP26 Dr. Atia Hanan
Atia H.1, Eckelt R.1, Al-Fatesh A.S.2, Fakeeha A.H.2, Martin A.1
Effect of Promoter Addition to SBA-15 Supported Bimetallic Co-Ni Catalysts for
Dry Reforming of Methane
1 - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse, Rostock, Germany
2 - College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
12:40-13:00 IV-OP27 Dr. Zagidullin Almaz A.
Zagidullin A.A.1, Miluykov V.A.1, Oshchepkova E.S.1, Sinyashin O.G.1,
Hey-Hawkins E.2
New Chiral Cage Phosphines for Homogeneous Asymmetric Catalysis
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Taran Oxana, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk State Technical
University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Román-Leshkov Yuriy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA
Oral Presentation
14:30-14:50 IV-OP28 Dr. Girard Etienne
Girard E., Delcroix D., Cabiac A.
Catalytic Conversion of Cellulose to C2-C3 Glycols Using Heterogeneous Platinum
Catalysts Supported on Cerium Oxide
IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rond-Point de l’Echangeur de Solaize, BP3, 69360 Solaize, France
14:50-15:10 IV-OP29 Prof. Wang Ye
Wang Y.L., Deng W.P., Zhang Q.H., Wang Y.
Conversions of Cellulose and Its Derived Carbohydrates into Lactic Acid in Water
Catalyzed by Al(III) and Sn(II) Dual Cations
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Collaborative
Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, National Engineering
Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and Esters,
Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen
University, Xiamen 361005, P.R. China
15:10-15:30 IV-OP30 Dr. Yokoi Toshiyuki
Otomo R, Yokoi T., Tatsumi T.
OSDA-Free Beta Zeolite with High Al Content as Efficient Catalyst for Biomass
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
15:30-15:50 IV-OP31 Prof. Kasaikina Olga
Kasaikina O.T., Pisarenko L.M., Zinoviev I.V.
Thermooxidative Catalytic Treatment of Biomass
N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
15:50-16:30 KN20 Award Applied Catalysis, Prof. Vasalos Iacovos
Application of Zeolite Catalysts for the Production of Clean Fossil fuels and
Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, Centre for Research and Technology
Hellas, Greece
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015). Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Seсtion 3. Energy-related Catalysis
Chairmen: Prof. Conesa Jose C., Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Prof. Pidko Evgeny, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 III-OP14 Castaño Pedro
Montero C., Ochoa A., Bilbao J., Gayubo A.G., Castaño P.
Surface Dynamics of Ni0 and Coke during Ethanol Steam Reforming on a
Ni/La2O3-alphaAl2O3 Catalyst
Department of Chemical Engineering. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
P.O. Box: 644, 48080, Bilbao, Spain
10:20-10:40 III-OP15 Dr. Snytnikov Pavel
Snytnikov P.V.1,2, Sobyanin V.A.1,2
CO-cleanup of Hydrogen-rich Stream for LT PEM FC Feeding: Catalysts and
their Performance in CO Preferential Oxidation and Methanation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
10:40-11:00 III-OP16 Konstantinov Grigoriy
Konstantinov G.I.1, Tsodikov M.V.1, Kurdymov S.S.1, Bukhtenko O.V.1,
Maksimov Yu.V.2, Murzin V.Yu.3
Catalyst with "core/ shell" Structure for Steam Methane Reforming Resistant to
Presence of H2S in Gas Mixture
1 - A.V. Topchiev Instiute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 - National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
11:00-11:20 III-OP17 Angeli Sofia D.
Angeli S.D., Lemonidou A.A.
Mechanistic Implications on Low Temperature Steam Reforming of Methane over
Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
11:20-11:40 III-OP18 Prof. Sadykov Vladislav
Sadykov V.1,2, Chub O.1, Chesalov Yu.1, Mezentseva N.1,2, Pavlova S.1, Arapova M.1,3,
Roger A.-C.3, Parkhomenko K.3, Van Veen A.C.4
Mechanism of Ethanol Steam Reforming over Pt/(Ni+Ru)-promoted Oxides by
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
4 - University of Warwick, UK
11:40-12:00 III-OP19 Dr. Watanabe Ryo
Watanabe R., Watanabe S., Fukuhara C.
Iron Oxide-type Structured Catalyst for Water Gas Shift Reaction
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering, Graduate school of
Engineering, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1, Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
12:00-12:20 III-OP20 Dr. Mafessanti Rodolfo
Abate S.1, Basile F.2, Fornasari G.2, Lombardi E.2, Mafessanti R.2, Vaccari A.2
Low Temperature CH4 Oxy-reforming Coupled with Pd-based Membrane for an
Energy-efficient Process for Syngas Production
1 - Department of Electronic Engineering, Chemistry and Industrial Eng. – DIECII -
University of Messina, V.le F. Stagno D'Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina, Italy
2 - Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari", Alma Mater Studiorum -
University of Bologna, V.le Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy
12:20-12:40 III-OP21 Lytkina Aleksandra
Lytkina A.A.1, Zhilyaeva N.A.1, Orekhova N.V.1, Ermilova M.M.1, Yaroslavtsev A.B.1,2
Effect of Ni-Cu-based Catalysts Composition and Support Structure on Hydrogen
Production by Methanol Steam Reforming
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
12:40-13:00 III-OP22 Dr. Lucarelli Carlo
Lucarelli C.1, Faure R.2, Fornasari G.3, Gary D.2, Molinari C.3, Schiaroli N.3,
Vaccari A.3
Stability and Activity Promoters in Medium Temperature Water Gas Shift
1 - Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Via Valleggio 9, 22100 Como, Italy
2 - Centre de Recherche Claude-Delorme, Air Liquide, B.P 126, 78354 Jouy-en-Josas,
3 - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”, Alma Mater Studiorum -
Università di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Ordomsky Vitaly, Unité de catalyse et de chimie du solide (UMR 8181 CNRS),
Université Lille 1-ENSCL-EC Lille, Bat. C3, Cité Scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve
d’Ascq, France
Dr. Snytnikov Pavel, Novosibirsk State University, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 III-OP23 Dr. Bulushev Dmitri
Bulushev D.1,2, Zacharska M.2, Podyacheva O.1, Jia L.3, Kibis L.1, Boronin A.1,
Shlyakhova E.3, Bulusheva L.3, Guo Y.2, Chuvilin A.4, Beloshapkin S.2, Okotrub A.3,
Ramasse Q.5, Bangert U.2
Effect of Nitrogen Doping of Carbon Supports for Hydrogen Production from
Formic Acid Decomposition over Noble Metal Clusters and Atoms
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - University of Limerick, Ireland
3 - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - CIC nanoGUNE Consolider, Spain
5- STFC Daresbury Laboratories, United Kingdom
14:50-15:10 III-OP24 Prof. Ozensoy Emrah
Bulut A.1, Yurderi M.1, Say Z.2, Kivrak H.3, Gulcan M.1, Kaya M.4, Ozensoy E.2,
Zahmakiran M.1
Going Heterogeneous in the Additive-Free Hydrogen Production from Formic
Acid at Room Temperature
1 - Department of Chemistry, Yuzuncu Yıl University, Van, Turkey
2 - Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
3 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Yuzuncu Yıl University, Van, Turkey
4 - Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Atilim University,
Ankara, Turkey
15:10-15:30 III-OP25 Dr. Millan Marcos
Puron H.1, Pinilla J.L.1, Yeletsky P.2, Yakovlev V.A.2, Saraev A.A.2, Kaichev V.V.2,3,
Millan M.1
Cr-Doped Alumina as Support for NiMo Vacuum Residue Hydroprocessing
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:30-15:50 III-OP26 Dr. Frei Elias
Frei E.1, Schumann J.1, Kandemir T.2, Friedrich M.1, Trunschke A.1, Schlögl R.1,
Lunkenbein T.1
The Dynamic Nature of ZnO in Industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Methanol Catalysts:
From Minutes to Month
1 - Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Department of Inorganic
Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
2 - Technical University Hambur-Harburg, Institute of Chemical Process Engineering,
Hamburg, Germany
15:50-16:10 III-OP27 Prof. Petrov Lachezar
Petrov L.A.1,2, Pasupulety N.1,2, Alhamed Y.2,3, Alzahrani A.2,3
Studies on Au/Cu-Zn-Al Catalyst for Methanol Synthesis from CO2
1 - Sabic Chair of Catalysis, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2 - King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
3 - Chemical and Materials Engineering
16:10-16:30 III-OP28 Kirchner Johann
Kirchner J., Kureti S.
CO2 Methanation on Iron Based Catalysts
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Freiberg,
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015). Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Dostoevsky hall
XI European Workshop on Innovation in Selective Oxidation
Chairmen: Prof. Centi Gabriele, Dept. DIECII, Section Industrial Chemistry, University of
Messina, ERIC aisbl and CASPE/INSTM, Messina, Italy
Dr. Kholdeeva Oxana, Novosibirsk State University, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 ISO-OP10 Solmi Stefania
Solmi S., Rozhko E., Malmusi A., Lolli A., Albonetti S., Cavani F.
Study of a New Process for the Synthesis of Adipic Acid: the Oxidative Cleavage of
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale
“Toso Montanari”, Viale del Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy
10:20-10:40 ISO-OP11 Dr. Odriozola Gordón José
Sayago C.M.1,2, Carrasco C.J.1,2, Ivanova S.1,2, Montilla Ramos F.J.1,2,
Galindo Del Pozo A.1,2, Odriozola Gordón J.A.1,2
Influence of the Ionic Liquid Presence on the Selective Oxidation of Glucose over
Molybdenum Based Catalysts
1 - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC,
Américo Vespucio 49, 41092, Seville, Spain
2 - Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Sevilla, Aptdo 1203, 41071
Sevilla, Spain
10:40-11:00 ISO-OP12 Dr. Shen Wenjie
Li Y., Shen W.
Morphology-dependent Nanocatalysts: Rod-shaped Metal Oxides
Dalian Institute of Physcial Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China
11:00-11:20 ISO-13 Dr. Ottenbacher Roman
Talsi E.P.1,2, Ottenbacher R.V.1,2, Bryliakov K.P.1,2
On the Mechanisms of Selective Bioinspired Oxidations Catalyzed
by Aminopyridine Manganese Complexes
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
11:20-11:40 ISO-OP14 Prof. Perathoner Siglinda
Papanikolaou G., Ampelli C., Genovese C., Perathoner S., Centi G.
Catalytic Upgrading of Furfural by Oxidative Methylation over Au NPs-based
University of Messina, Dep. of Electronic Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and
Engineering, Messina, Italy
11:40-12:00 ISO-OP15 Prof. Paul Sebastien
Grasset F.1, Katryniok B.1,2, Paul S.1,2, Pera-Titus M.3, Clacens J.-M.3, Decampo F.3,
Dumeignil F.1,4,5
Selective Oxidation of 5-HMF to 2,3-diformylfuran on Intercalated VPO Catalysts
1 - Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, UCCS, UMR CNRS 8181, Villeneuve
d’Ascq, 59655, France
2 - Ecole Centrale de Lille, ECLille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 59655, France
3 - Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory, E2P2L, UMI3463, Shanghai,
201108, China
4 - Institut Universitaire de France, IUF, Maison des Universités, 103 Bd. St Michel,
Paris, 75005, France
5 - Université de Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 59655, France
12:00-12:20 ISO-OP16 Dr. Florea Mihaela
Neatu F.1, Petrea N.2, Petre R.2, Sonu M.2, Somoghi V.3, Florea M.1, Parvulescu V.I.1
Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural to 2,5-diformylfuran in Aqueous Media
over Heterogeneous Manganese Based Materials
1 - University of Bucharest, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and
Catalysis, Bucharest, Romania
2 - Scientific Research Centre for CBRN Defense and Ecology, Bucharest, Romania
3 - SC Stimpex SA, Bucharest, Romania
Keynote Lecture
12:20-13:00 ISO-KN02 Prof. Kolb Gunther
Kolb G., Pennemann H.
Microstructured Reactors as Efficient Tool for the Operation of Selective
Oxidation Reactions
Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Mainz, Germany
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Dostoevsky hall
Evening Session
ISO-Discussion symposium 7. “Selective Oxidation”
Chairmen: Prof. Ruiz Patricio, Université Catholique de Louvain, Institute of Condensed Matter
and Nanosciences - IMCN, Division «Molecules, Solids and Reactivity-MOST». Croix
du Sud 2, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Prof. Cavani Fabrizio, Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari",
Università di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy
Oral Presentations
14:30-16:30 1. Atomic structure and reaction mechanism/kinetics
Richard M.1, Can F.1, Duprez D.1, Gil S.2, Giroir-Fendler A.2, Bion N.1
Remarkable Enhancement of O2 Activation on YSZ Surface in a Dual-Bed for
Catalytic Partial Oxidation of CH4
1 - University of Poitiers, CNRS UMR 7285, Institut des Milieux et Matériaux de
Poitiers (IC2MP), 4 rue Michel Brunet TSA 51106, 86073, Poitiers Cedex9, France
2 - University of Lyon 1, CNRS UMR 5256, IRCELYON, 2 avenue Albert Einstein,
F-69622, Villeurbanne, France
Sprung C.1, Yablonsky G.S.2, Schlögl R.1, Trunschke A.1
A Qualitative Kinetic Analysis of Steady-State Selective Oxidation Process: Role of
Water and Oxygen
1 - Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Department of Inorganic
Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
2 - Department of Chemistry, Parks College, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis,
Li G., Hensen E.J.M., Pidko E.A.
Trinuclear Copper Oxo-clusters in ZSM-5 Zeolite for Selective Methane
Oxidation to Methanol
Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands
2. Recent progress in vanadia-based catalysts of selective oxidation
Sushchenko E., Kharlamova T.
Structural Peculiarities and Catalytic Properties of Supported Vanadium Oxide
Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation
Tomsk State University, Chemistry faculty, Tomsk, Russia
Malmusi A., Dellapasqua M., Velasquez Ochoa J., Cavani F.
Vanadium-Based Catalyst for Ethanol Transformation: Relation Between
Structure and Catalytic Activity
Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari" - Alma Mater Studiorum -
Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Wallis P., Schönborn E., Wohlrab S., Kalevaru N., Martin A.
Silica Supported Vanadia Catalysts for Selective Methane Oxidation: Impact of
Morphology and Heteroatom Doping on Catalyst Performance
Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany
3. New approaches in preparation
Laguna O.H.1, Centeno M.A.1, Boutonnet M.2, Odriozola J.A.1
Gold Supported on Fe-doped Ceria Supports Prepared through the
Microemulsion Method for the PROX Reaction
1 - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Avda. Américo Vespucio, 49. CP:
41092 Seville - Spain
2 - Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Department of Chemical Technology. Div. of
Chemical Technology. Teknikringen 42, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
Dutov V.1, Mamontov G.1, Sobolev V.1,2, Vodyankina O.1
Silica-supported Silver-containing OMS-2 Catalysts for Ethanol Oxidative
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Machado K., Mishra G.
Selective Oxidation of Cyclic-alkane, Catalyzed by Nano Size SWNTs Supported
Pt and Pd Complexes Catalysts
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real 5001801, Portugal
Tyablikov I.A., Romanovsky B.V.
A Heterogeneous Single-site Organocatalyst for Alkene Epoxidation
Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
4. Photocatalytic oxidation
Martínez H., Páez E.A., Martínez F.
Selective Photo-Oxidation of α-pinene with dioxo-Mo(VI) complex /TiO2 with
Different Textural Properties
Cicat, Escuela de Química, UIS, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Arsentyev A.V.1,2
Study on Kinetics of Liquid Phase Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dibutyl Sulfide
Over Fullerenes
1 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
5. Liquid phase oxidation
Torozova A.S.1,2, Doluda V.Yu.1, Sulman E.M.1, Murzin D.Yu.2
Liquid Phase Oxidation of L-sorbose over Metallic and Bimetallic Particles
Stabilized in Polymer Matrix
1 - Tver State Technical University, Dep. Biotechnology and Chemistry, Tver, Russia
2 - Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Torbina V.1, Ivanchikova I.1,2, Kholdeeva O.1,2, Vodyankina O.1
Propylene Glycol Oxidation over Cr-MIL-101 with Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015). Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Lermontov hall
Discussion symposium 5. “CO2 Capture & Valorization”
Chairmen: Prof. Kegnaes Soeren, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry,
Lyngby, Denmark
Dr. Lokteva Ekaterina, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
10:00-13:00 DS5-1
Abate S., Mebrahtu C., Perathoner S, Gentiluomo S., Giorgianni G., Centi G.
Catalytic Performance of Ni-based Catalysts Supported
on λ-Al2O3-ZrO2-TiO2-CeO2 Composite Oxide for CO2 Methanation
University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Garbarino G.1, Bellotti D.2, Riani P.3, Magistri L.2, Busca G.1
CO2 Methanation on Commercial Ni/Al2O3 and Ru/Al2O3 Catalysts
1 - University of Genova, DICCA Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Chimica e Ambientale,
Genova, Italy
2 - University of Genova, DIME Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica,
Gestionale e dei Trasporti, Genova, Italy
3 - University of Genova, DCCI Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale,
Genova, Italy
Taherimehr M.1, Cardoso Costa Sertã J.P.1, Kleij A.W.2,3, Whiteoak C.J.2, Pescarmona P.P.1,4
A New, Active Iron-complex Catalyst for Converting CO2 into Cyclic Carbonates
and Cross-linked Polycarbonates with Enhanced Properties
1 - COK, University of Leuven, Belgium
2 - ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain
3 - ICREA, Barcelona, Spain
4 - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Visconti C.G.1, Martinelli M.1, Falbo L.1, Infantes-Molina A.1, Gaeta M.1, Lietti L.1,
Forzatti P.1, Palo E.2, Picutti B.3
CO2 Hydrogenation to Light Olefins on a High Surface Area K-promoted Iron
1 - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, Milan, Italy
2 - KT-Kinetics Technologies SpA, Viale Castello della Magna 75, 00148 Rome, Italy
3 - Maire Tecnimont Group SpA, Via Gaetano de Castillia 6/A, 20124 Milan, Italy
Paksoy A.I., Aksoylu A.E.
The Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane (CDRM) Performance of
Co-Ce/ZrO2 System
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Bivona L.A.1,2, Fichera O.1, Buaki-Sogo M.1, Fusaro L.1, Gruttadauria M.2, Aprile C.1
Novel Imidazolium Based Catalyst for the Chemical Fixation of Carbon Dioxide
1 - Unit of Nanomaterial Chemistry (CNano), University of Namur (UNAMUR),
Department of Chemistry, Namur, Belgium
2 - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche
(STEBICEF), Sezione di Chimica, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 17,
90128, Palermo, Italy
Cadete Santos Aires F.J.1, Aouine M.1, Daniel C.1, Meunier F.C.1, Farrusseng D.1,
Epicier T.1,2
Real-time In situ Atomic-scale Study of the Surface Termination of Ceria
Nanoparticles under Vacuum, O2 and CO2 Pressures by Environmental
Transmission Electron Microscopy
1 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, UMR 5256
CNRS/UCB Lyon 1, 2 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne, France
2 - Laboratoire MATEIS, UMR 5510, CNRS/INSA de Lyon, Villeurbanne Cedex,
Hernández W.Y.1, Van Oudenhove M.2, Verberckmoes A.2, Van Der Voort P.1
Au/MgO-type Catalysts for the Carbonylation of Glycerol with Urea. Effect of the
Morphology and Macro/Meso-Porous Structure of the Support
1 - Center for Ordered Materials, Organometallics & Catalysis (COMOC),
Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2 - Industrial Catalysis and Adsorption Technology (INCAT), Department of Industrial
Technology and Construction, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, Ghent
University, Ghent, Belgium
Ab. Rahim M.H., Paroo I.V., Maniam G.P.
Synthesis of Organic Carbonates Using Catalyst Containing K Metal from Waste
Faculty of Industrial Sciences & Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya
Tun Razak, 26300 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Gabrovska M.1, Shopska M.1, Edreva-Kardjieva R.1, Nikolova D.1, Bilyarska L.1,
Crişan D.2
Modified Ni-Al Layered Double Hydroxides as Catalyst Precursors for Utilization
of Carbon Dioxide
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Romania
Eropak B.M.1, Aksoylu A.E.1, Çağlayan B.S.2
Design and Development of Efficient AC-based Adsorbents for CO2 Removal
1 - Boğaziçi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
2 - Advanced Technologies R&D Center, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Hacioglu M., Gürkaynak Altınçekiç T., Özdemir H., Öksüzömer M.A.F.
Preperation and Characterization of Ni-based Catalysts for Oxy-CO2 Reforming
of Methane by Using Wet Impregnation Method
Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcılar, Istanbul, Turkey
Fukuhara C.1, Hayakawa K.1, Murabayashi K.2, Khono Y.1, Watanabe R.1
A Honeycomb-Type Ni/CeO2 Catalyst for CO2 Methanation to Transform
Greenhouse Gas into Useful Resources
1 - Shizuoka University, Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, 3-5-1 Johoku Naka-ku, Hamamatsu,
Shizuoka, 432-8561, Japan
2 - Cataler corporation 7800 Chihama, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, 437-1492, Japan
Hillen L., Degirmenci V.
CO2 Capture by Hierarchical Mesoporous Chabazite Type Zeolites
CenTACat, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen's University,
Belfast, BT9 5AG, Northern Ireland
Marakushev S.A., Belonogova O.V.
Autocatalytic Fixation of Carbon Dioxide
Institute of Problem of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
Calisan A., Uner D.
Surface Oxidation Mechanism of Pb-based Materials by Utilization of CO2 as an
Chemical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Lermontov hall
Evening Session
Discussion symposium 8. “In Situ Measurements for Catalytic Studies: Identification of
the Structure of Catalytically Active Sites”
Chairmen: Prof. Rupprechter Günther, Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of
Technology, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Teschner Detre, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin,
14:30-16:30 DS8-1
Lukashuk L.1, Kolar E.1, Rameshan C.1, Teschner D.2, Knop-Gericke A.2, Föttinger K.1,
Rupprechter G.1
Mechanistic Insights into CO Oxidation and Preferential CO Oxidation over
Cobalt Oxide and Promoted Cobalt Oxide Catalysts
1 - Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
2 - Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-
Society, Berlin, Germany
Prosvirin I.P.1,2, Chetyrin I.A.1,2,3, Khudorozhkov A.K.1,3, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2,3
In-situ XPS Study of Active Component of Pd/Al2O3 Catalysts in Total CH4
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk
National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Bukhtiyarov A.V.1,2, Prosvirin I.P.1,3, Saraev A.A.1, Klyushin A.Yu.4, Knop-Gericke A.4,
Schlogl R.4, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2,3
CO Oxidation on the Bimetallic Pd-Au/HOPG Catalysts: In-situ XPS and MS
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk
National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Fritz-Haber-Institute der Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Rameshan R.1,2, Mayr L.1, Penner S.1, Franz D.3, Vonk V.3, Stierle A.3, Klötzer B.1,
Knop-Gericke A.2, Schlögl R.2
Carbide and Graphene Growth, Suppression and Dissolution in Ni Model Systems
Studied by In-situ XPS and SXRD
1 - Institute of Physical Chemistry, University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
2 - Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-
Society, Berlin, Germany
3 - Department of Photon Science, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Germany
Gianolio D.1, Cibin G.1, Parry S.A.1, Dent A.J.1, Kroner A.B.2, Gibson E.K.3, Wells P.P.3
B18 Capabilities for XAS In-situ Experiments in Catalysis
1 - Diamond Light Source Ltd, B18 beamline, Harwell Science and Innovation
Campus, UK
2 - Diamond Light Source Ltd, Idustrial Liaison Group, Harwell Science and
Innovation Campus, UK
3 - UK Catalysis Hub, RCaH, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, UK
Godiksen A.1, Vennestrøm P.N.R.2, Rasmussen S.B.2, Lundegaard L.F.2, Mossin S.1
In-situ EPR Spectroscopy of the NH3-SCR Mechanism of Copper Chabazite
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, Centre for Catalysis
and Sustainable Chemistry, Kemitorvet 207, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Aliyeva N.M., Mammadov E.E., Huseynova F.I., İsmailov E.H.
In Situ EMR/GC Study of the Conversion of Ethanol into Hydrocarbons on
Fe-Zr/Al2O3 Catalysts
Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku,
Goryachev A.1, Carla F.2, Drnec J.2, Onderwaater W.2, Krause P.P.T.3, Wonders A.H.1,
Hensen E.J.M.1, Hofmann J.P.1
Synchrotron Based Operando Study of Structure Activity Relationships of Model
Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting
1 - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Eindhoven,
2 - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
3 - Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Gießen,
Saraev A.A., Vinokurov Z.S., Shmakov A.N., Kaichev V.V., Bukhtiyarov V.I.
In Situ XRD Study of Oscillations During the Methane Oxidation over Palladium
and Nickel Foils
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Zheng G.1, Polavarapu L.1, Pastoriza-Santos I.1, Pérez-Juste J.1, Liz-Marzán L. M.1,2
Gold Nanoparticle-Loaded Filter Paper: a Recyclable Dip-Catalyst for Real-Time
Reaction Monitoring by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
1 - Departamento de Química Física, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
2 - Bionanoplasmonics Laboratory, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain
Bera P.1, Baidya T.2
DRIFTS Studies of Support Effects on CO Adsorption and CO + O2 Reaction over
Ce1−x−yMxCuyO2−d (M = Zr, Hf, Th)
1 - Surface Engineering Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore,
2 - Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Wednesday, September 2
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Schlögl Robert, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Skoglundh Magnus, Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-7 Michel Boudart Award Lecture (2015). Prof. Freund Hans-Joachim
Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Chekhov hall
Discussion symposium 6. “Pollution Control & Oxidation Catalysis”
Chairmen: Prof. Grünert Wolfgang, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Prof. Stakheev Alexander, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
10:00-13:00 DS6-1
Lopatin S.A.1,2, Zazhigalov S.V.1,2, Mikenin P.E.1,2, Pisarev D.A.1,2, Baranov D.V.1,2,3,
Zagoruiko A.N.1,2,4
Structured Cartridges with Glass-fiber Catalysts: New Trend in the Design of
Catalytic Reactors for Pollution Control
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State
University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk Technical State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Gasparyan M.D., Liberman E.Y.U., Grunsky V.N., Obukhov E.
Catalysts on the Base of Ceramic Highly-porous Block-cellular Carriers
Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
Jin B.F., Wei Y.C., Zhao Z., Liu J., Duan A.J.
The Synthesis Charcterization and Catalytic Performances of Three-dimensionally
Ordered Macroporous x-CeO2/Al2O3 Catalysts for Diesel Soot Combustion
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Chang
Ping, Beijing, China
Paul J.-F., Berrier E., Blanck D.
Are Perovskite Materials Efficient for Tree Way Catalysis? A Theoretical Study of
Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Wagloehner S., Nitzer-Noski M., Kureti S.
Soot Oxidation on Manganese Oxide Catalysts in Diesel and Gasoline Exhaust
Technical University of Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and
Chemical Engineering, Chair of Reaction Engineering, Freiberg, Germany
Trunfio G.1, Di Chio R.1, Rahim S.H.A.1, Espro C.1, Milone C.1, Galvagno S.1, Spadaro
L.2, Arena F.1,2
Development of MnOx-based Catalysts for the Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation
(CWAO) of Organic Pollutants
1 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Chimica e Ingegneria Industriale,
Università degli Studi di Messina, Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 31, Messina, Italy
2 - Istituto CNR-ITAE ‘‘Nicola Giordano’’, Salita S. Lucia 5, I-98126 S. Lucia
(Messina), Italy
Chlala D.1, Giraudon J.-M.1, Nuns N.2, Labaki M.3, Lamonier J.-F.1
Attractive Route for New Hydroxyapatite Supported Calcium-Manganese Oxides
for Total Oxidation of Toluene
1 - Université Lille1, UMR 8181 CNRS, UCCS, Boulevard Langevin, 59650 Villeneuve
d’Ascq, France
2 - IMMCL Chevreul, Institut des Molécules et de la Matière Condensée, Lille, France
3 - Lebanese University, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials
(LCPM)/PR2N, Faculty of Sciences, Fanar, BP 90656 Jdeidet El Metn, Lebanon
Nikbin N.1, Austin N.2, Christiansen M.1, Vlachos D.G.1, Stamatakis M.3, Mpourmpakis G.2
Unravelling the Complexity of CO Oxidation Catalysis on Au Nanoclusters
1 - University of Delaware, Department of Chemical Engineering, Newark, Delaware,
2 - University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
3 - University College London, Department of Chemical Engineering, Torrington Pl.,
London WC1E 7JE, UK
Tabakova T.1*, Kolentsova E.2, Dimitrov D.2, Petrova P.1, Karakirova Y.1, Avdeev G.3,
Nihtianova D.4, Ivanov K.2
Effect of Au and Ag on the Performance in CO and VOCs Oxidation of Alumina
Supported Cu-Mn Catalysts
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - Department of Chemistry, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
3 - Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
4 - Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Dubkov A.A.1,2, Carberry B.2, Schneider M.2, Linzen F.2, Smirnov M.Yu.1, Kalinkin
A.V.1, Salanov A.N.1, Shmakov A.N.1, Gerasimov Е.Yu.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,3
Change in the Chemical Composition of an LNT as a Result of its Ageing in Diesel
Exhaust Gases: Physical and Chemical Analysis
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk Russia
2 - Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Aachen, Germany
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Ismagilov Z.1,2, Parmon V.1, Yarullin R.3, Mazgarov A.4, Khairulin S.1,
Kerzhentsev M.1, Golovanov A.5, Vildanov A.4, Garifullin R.5
The Process of H2S Selective Catalytic Oxidation For On-site Purification of
Hydrocarbon Gaseous Feedstock. Technology Demonstration at Bavly Oil Field in
Republic of Tatarstan
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
3 - OJSC “Tatneftekhiminvestholding” Kazan, Russia
4 - OJSC “Volga research institute of hydrocarbon feed” Kazan, Russia
5 - OJSC “Tatneft”, Al`metyevsk, Russia
Agafonov A.A.1,2, Lokteva E.S.1,2, Maslakov K.I.1,2, Strokova N.E.1, Voronova L.V.1
Pd Catalysts Supported on Metal Organic Coordinated Structures in
Chlorobenzene Hydrodechlorination and CO Oxidation
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Chekhov hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Neyman Konstantin M., Departament de Química Física & Institut de Química
Teòrica i Computacional, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Institució
Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Pidko Evgeny, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Inorganic Materials
Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Discussion symposium 9. “DFT Calculation in Catalytic Studies ”
14:30-16:30 DS9-1
Ray K.1, Pandey D.1, Singh B.2, Prasad R.2, Deo G.1
A Computational Approach to Understand the Promotional Effect in Ni-Fe
Bimetallic Catalyst
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur, India
2 - Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India
Polynskaya Y.G., Pichugina D.A., Kuz'Menko N.E.
Propene Epoxidation with Molecular Oxygen over Gold-Silver Catalysts: Density
Functional Calculations
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Schimmenti R., Prestianni A., Ferrante F., Duca D.
Computational Investigation of Palladium Supported Boron Nitride Nanotube
Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Palermo, Italy
Nasluzov V.A.1, Laletina S.S.1, Ivanova-Shor E.A.1, Shor A.M.1, Neyman K.M.2,3
A GGA+U DFT Investigation of Silver Atom, Trimer and Tetramer Supported by
a Nanosized Particle Ce21O42
1 - Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 - Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain
3 - Departament de Quimica Fisica & IQTCUB, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona,
Banerjee A.1, Gunasooriya G.T.K.K.2, Saeys M.2, Otyuskaya D.S.
Origin of the Spontaneous Formation of Cobalt Nano-Islands under Fischer
Tropsch Conditions and Mechanistic Consequences
1 - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 4 Engineering Drive 4,
National University of Singapore, 117576 Singapore
2 - Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Technologiepark 914, 9052
Gent, Belgium
Golosnaya M., Pichugina D., Kuz’menko N.
Quantum-Chemical Investigation Ligand-Stabilized Gold Clusters in Oxidation
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Liu C., Li G., Hensen E.J. M., Pidko E.A.
Speciation of Extraframework Aluminium Species in Faujasite Zeolite: a
Theoretical Perspective
Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands
Avdeev V.I.1, Bedilo A.F.1,2, Shuvarakova E.I.1,2
Mechanism of Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation on Surface Oxygen Radical
Sites of VOx/TiO2 Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and
Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Goulon A.1, Faraj A.1, Leflaive P.2
Graph Machine Based Advanced Data Modelling for High-Throughput Zeolite
Catalyst Screening
1 - IFP Energies nouvelles, 1 et 4 avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France
2 - IFP Energies nouvelles, Rond-point de l'échangeur de Solaize, BP 3, 69360 Solaize,
Dr. Yuan R.M.1, Lin Z.2
DFT Studies on the Mechanisms of Nickel-Catalyzed Reductive Carboxylation of
Styrenes Using CO2 as the Building Block
1 - Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, People’s Republic of
2 - Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Polo-Garzon F., Bruce D.A.
Reaction Mechanism of Dry Reforming of Methane on Rh Doped Pyrochlore
Catalysts: a DFT Approach
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clemson University,
Clemson, USA
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
KORSTON TOWER, Combine halls: Prokofiev, Rakhmaninov, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich
17:00-19:00 Poster Session-II: II-PP1÷II-PP260, V-PP1÷V-PP150
(Poster set-up time 09:00 – 19:00)
Thursday, September 3
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Hupp Joseph, Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, Evanston, USA
Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe, Eni S.p.A, Refinding & Marketing Devision, Milanese, Italy
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-8 Prof. Skoglundh Magnus
Fundamental Studies of Metal-exchanged Zeolites for Selective Catalytic
reduction of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxygen Excess
Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412
96 Göteborg, Sweden
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Seсtion 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Chairmen: Prof. Khodakov Andrei Y., UCCS, Université Lille 1-ENSCL-EC Lille, Bat. C3, Cité
Scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Prof. Sojka Zbigniew, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Krakow, Poland
Keynote Lecture
10:00-10:40 V-KN13 Prof. Nam In-Sik
Progress and Challenges in Urea/SCR Technology for Removing NOx from Diesel
Department of Chemical Engineering/School of Environmental Science and
Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Techlogy (POSTECH), Pohang,
Republic of Korea
Oral Presentations
10:40-11:00 V-OP25 Prof. Grünert Wolfgang
Ellmers I.1, Huang H.2, Perez Velez R.3, Brückner A.3, Schünemann V.2, Grünert W.1
NO Oxidation and Standard SCR over Fe-ZSM-5 Catalysts. Combining
Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Reactivity Studies on the Search for the Active
1 - Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2 - Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
3 - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. Rostock, Rostock, Germany
11:00-11:20 V-OP26 Dr. Moses Poul G.
Moses P.G.1, Janssens T.V.W.1, Falsig H.1, Lundegaard L.F.1, Vennestrøm P.N.R.1,
Giordanino F.2, Borfecchia E.2, Lamberti C.2,3, Bordiga S.2, Godiksen A.4, Mossin S.4,
Beato P.1
The Rate Determining Step for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by Ammonia
1 - Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Dept. of Chemistry, NIS Centre of Excellence and INSTM Reference Center,
University of Turin, Via Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy
3 - Southern Federal University, Zorge Street 5, 344090 Rostov-on-Don, Russia
4 - Dept. of Chemistry, Centre of Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Technical
University of Denmark, Kemitorvet 207, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
11:20-11:40 V-OP27 Prof. Nova Isabella
Ruggeri M.P.1, Nova I.1, Tronconi E.1, York A.P.E.2
Structure-Activity Relationship for Cu-Zeolite NH3-SCR Catalysts
1 - Dip. Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
2 - Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Sonning Common, UK
11:40-12:00 V-OP28 Dr. Garcia Vargas Jesus Manuel
Gil S., Garcia-Vargas J.M., Retailleau L., Giroir-Fendler A.
Influence of the Preparation Method and Used Support on the Activity
of Fe-loaded Zeolites Catalysts for the NH3-SCR of NOx
Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de recherches sur la catalyse et
l’environnement de Lyon, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France
12:00-12:20 V-OP29 Prof. Granger Pascal
Gillot S.1,2,3, Dujardin Ch.1,3,4, Dacquin J.-P.1,2,3, Granger P.1,2,3
CeVO4-based as Efficient and Stable Catalyst for NH3 Selective Catalytic
Reduction of NOx – Application to Diesel Exhaust Gas
1 - UCCS, France
2 - University of Lille, France
3 - Cité Scientifique, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
4 – ENSCL, France
12:20-12:40 V-OP30 Dr. Sridhar Manasa
Sridhar M.1,2, Ferri D.1, van Bokhoven J. A.1,2, Kröcher O.1,3
Base-promotion of Selective Decomposition of Ammonium Formate and Formic
Acid over Au/TiO2 under SCR-relevant Conditions
1 - Paul Scherrer Institut, General Energy Department, Villigen, Switzerland
2 - ETH Zurich, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, Switzerland
3 - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Institute of Chemical Sciences
and Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland
12:40-13:00 V-OP31 Dr. Say Zafer
Sulfur-Tolerant BaO/ZrO2/TiO2/Al2O3 Quaternary Mixed Oxides for DeNOX
Say Z.1, Mihai O.2, Tohumeken M.1, Ercan K.E.1, Olsson L.2, Ozensoy E.1
1 - Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
2 - Chemical Reaction Engineering and Competence Centre for Catalysis, Chalmers
University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Evening Session
Seсtion 3. Energy-Related Catalysis
Chairmen: Dr. Kaichev Vasily, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Martyanov Oleg, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keynote Lecture
14:30-15:10 III-KN15 Prof. Rupprechter Günther
Rupprechter G., Rameshan C., Föttinger K., Suchorski Y., Bukhtiyarov A., Li H.,
Anic K., Wolfbeisser A., Lukashuk L.
Operando Studies on PdZn-ZnO, (Pd-)Co3O4 and Ni-ZrO2: Synergies between
Surface Science Based Model Systems and Technological Catalysts
Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, 1060 Vienna, Austria
Oral Presentations
15:10-15:30 III-OP33 Dr. Arutyunov Vladimir
Arutyunov V.1, Savchenko V.2, Sedov I.2, Fokin I.2, Makaryan I.2, Nikitin A.1, Strekova L.1
Gas-phase Partial Oxidation – Catalytic Carbonylation Conception
for Small-scale GTL
1 - Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russ. Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russ. Acad. Sci., Chernogolovka,
Moscow region, Russia
15:30-15:50 III-OP34 Dr. Simagina Valentina
Simagina V.I.1, Netskina O.V.1, Ozerova A.M.1, Komova O.V.1, Odegova G.V.1,
Kochubey D.I.1, Kellerman D.G.2
Progress in the Catalysts for Small-scale Hydrogen Generators Based
on Boron-containing Hydrides
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Solid State Chemistry UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keynote Lecture
15:50-16:30 III-KN16 Prof. Li Can
Photocatalytic Overall Water Splitting: Present and Future
State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian, China
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Prof. Olsbye Unni, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Prof. Nervi Carlo, University of Turin, Department of Chemistry, Turin, Italy
17:00-17:20 III-OP35 Prof. Jayakodi Karuppiah J.
Jayakodi Karuppiah J., Young Sun Mok Y.S.
Dry Reforming of Propane over NiO-CeO2 Loaded Fnodized Fluminum
Oxide(AAO) Catalysts
Jeju National University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jeju 690-756, South Korea
17:20-17:40 III-OP36 Dr. Cheng Kang
Cheng K., Kang J., Zhang L., Peng X., Zhang Q., Wang Y.
Impact of Hydrocracking on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Selectivity:
Mesoporous ZSM-5-Supported Cobalt Nanoparticles for Selective Production of
C5-11 Isoparaffins
Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, State Key
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, National Engineering Laboratory
for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and Esters, College of Chemistry
and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China
17:40-18:00 III-OP37 Chen Wei
Chen W., Zijlstra B., Filot I.A. W., Ligthart D.A.J.M., Van Hoof A.J.F., Pestman R.,
Hensen E.J.M.
CO Activation on Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst
Laboratory of Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 315, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
19:30 Banquet (restaurant PANORAMA)
19:00 Young scientists party
(club "Extra Lounge" at the 25th floor of "Korston Tower" hotel)
Thursday, September 3
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Hupp Joseph, Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, Evanston, USA
Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe, Eni S.p.A, Refinding & Marketing Devision, Milanese, Italy
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-8 Prof. Skoglundh Magnus
Fundamental Studies of Metal-exchanged Zeolites for Selective Catalytic
reduction of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxygen Excess
Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412
96 Göteborg, Sweden
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Seсtion 2. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization
Chairmen: Prof. Huang Weixin, Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei, China
Dr. Roman-Martinez M. Carmen, Department of Inorganic Chemistry. University of
Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 II-OP34 Prof. Conesa Jose C.
Monte M.1, Bolívar C.L.1, Munuera G.2, Martínez-Arias A.1, Conesa J.C.1
CeO2 Carrier Shape Effects on CuOx/CeO2 CO-PROX Catalysis: Operando X-ray
Spectroscopy and DFT Modelling Studies
1 - Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, Marie Curie 2, 28049 Madrid,
2 - Real Academia Sevillana de Ciencias, Fac. de Química, Prof. García González s/n,
41012 Sevilla, Spain
10:20-10:40 II-OP35 Dr. Offermans Willy K.
Offermans W.K.1, Gürtler C.1, North M.2, Leitner W.3, Müller T.E.1
A Density Functional Theory Study on the Mechanism of the Cycloaddition of
CO2 and Epoxides
1 - CAT Catalytic Center, ITMC, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, 52074
Aachen, Germany
2 - Department of Chemistry, University of York, York, United Kingdom
3 - Lehrstuhl für Technische Chemie und Petrolchemie, RWTH Aachen University,
Worringerweg 1, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Keynote Lecture
10:40-11:20 II-KN14 Prof. Neyman Konstantin
Approaching Complexity in Heterogeneous Catalysis by Density-Functional
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), 08010 Barcelona, Spain
Departament de Química Física & Institut de Química Teòrica i Computacional,
Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Martí i Franquès, 1, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Oral Presentations
11:20-11:40 II-OP36 Dr. Pichugina Daria
Pichugina D.A., Beletskaya A.V., Kuzmenko N.E.
Effect of Structure and Composition of Gold and Gold-palladium Clusters in
H2O2 Formation
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
11:40-12:00 II-OP37 Dr. Venvik Hilde J.
Svenum I.-H.1, Vicinanza N.2, Herron J.A.3, Peters T.A.1, Bredesen R.1,
Mavrikakis M.3, Venvik H.J.2
Surface Phenomena Affecting the Performance of Pd-Ag Alloys
1 - SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
3 - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
12:00-12:20 II-OP38 Filot Ivo A.W.
Filot I.A.W.1,2,3, Van Santen R.A.1,2,3, Hensen E.J.M.1,2,3
Understanding Selectivity Issues in Rh-catalyzed CO Hydrogenation
1 - Schuit Institute of Catalysis and Institute of Complex Molecular Systems
2 - Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
3 - P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
12:20-12:40 II-OP39 Saab Mohamad
Saab M., Raybaud P.
In Silico Exploration of Bimetallic Sulfides Catalysts
Direction Catalyse et Séparation, IFP Energies nouvelles, Rond-point de l’échangeur
de Solaize BP 3, 69360 Solaize, France
12:40-13:00 II-OP40 Dr. Bykova Mariya
Bykova M.V.1,2, Rekhtina M.A.1,2, Kaichev V.V.1, Saraev A.A.1, Shmakov A.N.1,
Lebedev M.Yu.1, Venderbosch R.H.3, Yakovlev V.A.1
Effect of Mo Addition on Hydrotreating Activity, Stability to Corrosion, and
Physicochemical Properties of Ni-Based Catalysts for Bio-Oil Upgrading
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Biomass Technology Group B.V., 7545 PN, Josink Esweg 34, Enschede, The
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Evening Session
Chairmen: Dr. Soler Lluís, Institute of Energy Technologies, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Helveg Stig, Haldor Topsoe A/S, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 II-OP41 Dr. Lokteva Ekaterina
Lokteva E.S.1,2, Klokov S.V.1,2, Golubina E.V.1,2, Maslakov K.I.1,2, Vasiliev K.Yu.1,2,
Antonova M.V.1, Likholobov V.A.2
Pd/C Catalysts Prepared by Direct Pyrolysis of Sawdust Impregnated by
Palladium Nitrate for Hydrodechlorination of Chlorobenzenes
1 - M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Omsk,
14:50-15:10 II-OP42 Dr. Weng Weizheng Z.
Weng W.Z., Xie Y. H., Li B., Zheng Y. P., Huang C. J., Wan H. L.
Formation Mechanism of Well-Dispersed Pd Nanoparticles with High Thermal
Stability on SiO2 Using Pd(acac)2 as Precursor
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, National Engineering
Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and Esters,
Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen
University, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China
15:10-15:30 II-OP43 Piccolo Laurent
Konuspayeva Z.1, Afanasiev P.1, Nguyen T.S.1, Di Felice L.1, Morfin F.1, Nguyen
N.T.2, Nelayah J.2, Ricolleau C.2, Li Z.Y.3, Yuan J.,4, Berhault G.1, Piccolo L.1
Au-Rh and Au-Pd Nanocatalysts Supported on Rutile Titania Nanorods:
Structure and Chemical Stability
1 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON),
UMR 5256 CNRS & Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, 2 avenue Albert Einstein,
69626 Villeurbanne, France
2 - Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (MPQ), UMR 7162 CNRS &
Université Paris-Diderot, Bâtiment Condorcet, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75205 Paris
Cedex 13, France
3 - Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory (NPRL), School of Physics and
Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
4- Department of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK
15:30-15:50 II-OP44 Dr. Suslova Evgeniya
Chernyak A.S., Savilov S.V., Lunin V.V., Suslova E.V.
Defectiveness of Carbon Nanomaterials as a Key Parameter of Their Effectiveness
as a Support for Cobalt Catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
15:50-16:10 II-OP45 Ruiz Patricio
Fernández C.1, Gaigneaux E.M.1, Bion N.2, Duprez D.2, Ruiz P.1
Proposal of a Catalytic Cooperation Model between Ru-Supported Nanoparticles
in Ammonia Synthesis under Mild Reaction Conditions
1 - Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
- IMCN, Division «Molecules, Solids and Reactivity-MOST». Croix du Sud 2, 1348
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
2 - Université de Poitiers, CNRS, UMR 7285, Institut de Chimie des Milieux et
Matériaux de Poitiers (IC2MP), 4 rue Michel Brunet - TSA 51106 - 86073 Poitiers
Cedex 9, Poitiers, France
16:10-16:30 II-OP46 Dr. Penner Simon
Penner S.P.1, Thalinger R.T.1, Opitz A.O.2, Schmidmair D.S.3, Heggen M.H.4
Water-Gas-Shift and Methane Reactivity on Reducible Perovskite-Type Oxides
1 - University of Innsbruck, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Innsbruck, Austria
2 - Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna, Austria
3 - University of Innsbruck, Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, Innsbruck,
4 - Forschungszentrum Jülich, Ernst-Ruska Center for Electron Microscopy, Germany
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Dr. Smirnov Michail, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dr. Shor Elena, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk,
17:00-17:20 II-OP47 Dr. Yuan Youzhu
Duan X., Tian X., Ke J., Yuan Y.
Facile Redispersion of Sintered Au Nanoparticlces with Controllable Size for
Catalytic Application
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces and National Engineering
Laboratory for Green Chemical Production of Alcohols-Ethers-Esters, College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
17:20-17:40 II-OP48 Dr. Shen Wenjie
Shi Q., Li Y., Zhan E., Ta N., Shen W.
Shape Effect of TiO2 on the Performance of VOx/TiO2 Catalysts for NH3-SCR
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China
17:40-18:00 II-OP49 Prof. Zhao Zhen
Zhang X.D., Wei Y.C., Zhao Z.
Design and Preparation of Pt-Transition Metal Oxides (TMO) Nanoparticles
Supported on 3DOM Oxides with Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Soot
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
102249, China
19:30 Banquet (restaurant PANORAMA)
19:00 Young scientists party
(club "Extra Lounge" at the 25th floor of "Korston Tower" hotel)
Thursday, September 3
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Hupp Joseph, Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, Evanston, USA
Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe, Eni S.p.A, Refinding & Marketing Devision, Milanese, Italy
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-8 Prof. Skoglundh Magnus
Fundamental Studies of Metal-exchanged Zeolites for Selective Catalytic
reduction of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxygen Excess
Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412
96 Göteborg, Sweden
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Seсtion 3. Energy-Related Catalysis
Chairmen: Dr. Kozlova Ekaterina, Educational Center for Energoefficient Catalysis in
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk State University, Boreskov Institute of
Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. Damyanova Sonia, Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 III-OP29 Weidler Natascha
Weidler N., Kaiser B., Jaegermann W.
Changes in the Oxidation States of Cobalt Oxides for the OER Studied by XPS
and Their Correlation to the Electrochemical Activity
Technical University Darmstadt, Institute of Material Science, Jovanka-Bontschits-
Str.2, Darmstadt, Germany
10:20-10:40 III-OP30 Thalinger Ramona
Thalinger R.1, Heggen M.2, Schmidmair D.3, Klötzer B.1, Penner S.1
Reactivity of Metals on Perovskites (La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-d (LSF) and SrTi0.7Fe0.3O3-d
(STF)) Regarding Possible SOFC Usage
1 - Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2 - Ernst Ruska-Centrum for Microscopy und Spectroscopy with Electrons,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
3 - Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Innsbruck, Austria
10:40-11:00 III-OP31 Prof. Nervi Carlo
Nervi C., Gobetto R., Minero C., Franco F., Cometto C., Sun C., Nencini L.,
Sordello F.
Redox Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: the Role of Local Proton
University of Turin, Department of Chemistry, Turin, Italy
11:00-11:20 III-OP32 Oshchepkov Alexandr
Oshchepkov A.G.1,2,3, Bonnefont A.3, Simonov P.A.2, Cherstiouk O.V.2, Pronkin S.N.1,
Parmon V.N.2, Savinova E.R.1
Hydrogen Electrode Reactions over Nickel-Based Catalysts in Alkaline Medium:
Influence of Composition and Structure of Ni Particles
1 - ICPEES UMR 7515-CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, France, 67087
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - IC UMR 7177 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, France, 67000
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Seсtion 4. Catalysis and Chemicals
Chairmen: Prof. Hu Xile, Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis, Institute of Chemical
Sciences and Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Prof. Bryliakov Konstantin, Novosibirsk State University, Boreskov Institute of
Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:20-11:40 IV-OP34 Prof. Hulea Vasile
Hulea V.1, Andrei R.A.1, Fajula F.1, Cammarano C.1, Popa M.I.2
Heterogeneous Oligomerization of Ethylene over Highly Active and Stable
Ni-exchanged Mesoporous Materials
1 - Charles Gerhardt Institut, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie, Montpellier,
2 - Techical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
11:40-12:00 IV-OP35 Ruppel Ekaterina
Ruppel E.I.1, Ivanchev S.S.1, Ozerin A.N.2
Evolution of Catalytic Systems and Technologies of Production and Solid-state
Processing of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene with Ultra-durable and
Ultra-modular Properties
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (St.Peterburg Branch), SB RAS, Saint-Petersburg,
2 - Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials RAS, Moscow, Russia
12:00-12:20 IV-OP36 Dr. Parfenova Lyudmila
Parfenova L.V., Kovyazin P.V., Zakirova I.V., Khalilov L.M., Dzhemilev U.M.
Enantiomerically Pure Zirconocene Complexes in Asymmetric Alkene Carboand
Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
12:20-12:40 IV-OP37 Dr. Fu Gang
Fu G., Chen G.X., Zhao Y., Zheng N.F.
Tuning the Selectivity of Nanocatalysts by Using the Ligand Modification
Strategy: Experiment and Theory
State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces and College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, P.R. China
12:40-13:00 IV-OP38 Dr. Khrizanforov Mikhail
Khrizanforov M.N., Strekalova S.O., Khrizanforova V.V., Gryaznova T.V.,
Budnikova Y.H., Sinyashin O.G.
Electrochemical Fluoroalkylation and Phosphorylation Catalyzed by Transition
Metal Complexes (Ni, Co etc.) to Avoid Chemical Oxidants or Reductants
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Evening Session
Chairmen: Prof. Likholobov Vladimir, Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS, Institute of Hydrocarbons
Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
Prof. Descorme Claude, Institut de recherches sur la catalyse et l’environnement de
Lyon (IRCELYON), UMR5256 CNRS – University of Lyon, 2 avenue Albert Einstein,
69626 Villeurbanne, France
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 IV-OP39 Prof. Trifonov Alexander
Trifonov A.A., Basalov I.V., Kissel A.A., Yurova O.S.
Complexes of Rare- and Alkaline-Earth Metals for Catalytic Intermolecular
Olefin Hydrophosphination and Hydroamination Reactions
Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny
Novgorod, Russian Federation
14:50-15:10 IV-OP40 Dr. Botavina Maria
Botavina M., Martra G.
Catalysts for Resource Efficiency: Organic Carbonates from CO2 and Alkyl or
Aryl Alcohols on Cs2O/BEA Zeolite
Department of Chemistry and Interdepartmental Centre “Nanostructured Interfaces
and Surfaces – NIS” via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy
Keynote Lecture
15:10-15:50 IV-KN17 Prof. Gevorgyan Vladimir
Novel Catalytic Methods for Synthesis of Organic Building Blocks and
Biologically Important Heterocycles
Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 West Taylor Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60607, USA
Oral Presentations
15:50-16:10 IV-OP41 Prof. Murzin Dmitry
Stekrova M.1, Torozova A.1, Mäki-Arvela P.1, Kumar N.1, Volcho K.2,
Salakhutdonov N.2, Murzin D.1
Synthesis of Monoterpenoid Dioxinols from Isopulegol and Benzaldehyde over
Heterogeneous Catalysts
1 - Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
16:10-16:30 IV-OP42 Prof. Yang Qihua
Fabrication of Efficient and Stable Solid Acids via Encapsulation of PS-SO3H
within Hollow Interiors
State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Dr. Zhang Zhanguo, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST), Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, Japan
Dr. Cardenas-Lizana Fernando, Heriot-Watt University, Chemical Engineering,
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations
17:00-17:20 IV-OP43 Chernyshev Victor
Tarasova E.V.1, Chernysheva A.V.2, Chernyshev V.M.1
Acid-base Catalysis in the Synthesis of C-amino-1,2,4-Triazoles from
Aminoguanidine and Carboxylic Acids
1 - Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia
2 - 25th State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defence of the
Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
17:20-17:40 IV-OP44 Berenguer-Murcia Á.
Garcia-Aguilar J., Miguel-García I., Berenguer-Murcia Á., Cazorla-Amorós D.
Synthesis of Propylene Oxide with molecular O2 over well Dispersed Ferrosilicate
prepared by a One-Pot Protocol
Inorganic Chemistry Department and Materials Science Institute, Alicante University,
Alecante, Spain
17:40-18:00 IV-OP45 Dr. Auroux Aline
Stošić D.1, Hosoglu F.2, Bennici S.1, Travert A.3, Capron M.2, Faye J.2, Couturier J.-L.4,
Dubois J.-L.5, Dumeignil F.2,6, Auroux A.1
Synthesis of 1-Butanol and 1-Propanol from the Mixture of Methanol and Ethanol
in the Presence of Hydrotalcites as Basic Catalysts
1 - Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches sur la
Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, 2 Avenue Albert Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne,
2 - Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies, Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du
Solide, UMR CNRS 8181, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, Cedex France
3 - Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, CNRS-ENSICAEN, Université de Caen, 6
Boulevard du Maréchal Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex, France
4 - ARKEMA, Centre de Recherche Rhône-Alpes, 69493 Pierre-Bénite Cedex, France
19:30 Banquet (restaurant PANORAMA)
19:00 Young scientists party
(club "Extra Lounge" at the 25th floor of "Korston Tower" hotel)
Thursday, September 3
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Hupp Joseph, Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, Evanston, USA
Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe, Eni S.p.A, Refinding & Marketing Devision, Milanese, Italy
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-8 Prof. Skoglundh Magnus
Fundamental Studies of Metal-exchanged Zeolites for Selective Catalytic
reduction of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxygen Excess
Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412
96 Göteborg, Sweden
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Seсtion 1. Novel Catalytic Materials and Processes for Securing Supplies of Raw
Chairmen: Prof. Gevorgyan Vladimir, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Prof. Ozensoy Emrah, Department of Chemistry, Yuzuncu Yıl University, 65080, Van,
Turkey, Ankara, Turkey
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 I-OP15 van der Wijst Cornelis
van der Wijst C.1, Skeie Liland I.1., Zhu J.1, Zhang T.2, Wang A.2, Chen D.1
Tuning the Selectivity of the Diols Produced from Cellulose with the Basic Sites of
the Catalysts
1 - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Tondheim, Norway
2 - Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy, Dalian, China
10:20-10:40 I-OP16 Dr. Simakova Irina
Simakova I.L.1,2, Panchenko V.N.1, Gulyaeva Y.1, Simonov M.1
Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Bioderived C5 Acid into Motor Fuel
Components: Kinetics and Mechanistic Study
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
10:40-11:00 I-OP17 Dr. Heracleous Eleni
Liakakou E.T.1,2, Angeli S.D.2, Triantafyllidis K.S.1,3, Heracleous E.1,4
K-promoted NiMo Catalysts Supported on Activated Carbon for the
Hydrogenation Reaction of CO to Higher Alcohols
1 - Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, CERTH, 6th km Charilaou -
Thermi Road, P.O. Box 361, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O.
Box 1517, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
3 - Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 116, 54124
Thessaloniki, Greece
4 - School of Science & Technology, International Hellenic University, 14th km
Thessaloniki – Moudania, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece
11:00-11:20 I-OP18 Dr. Ordomsky Vitaly
Ordomsky V.V., Subramanian V., Khodakov A.Y., Paul S.
Control of Chain Length Distribution of Hydrocarbons during Fischer-Tropsch
Synthesis over Co Nanoparticles inside of Nanoreactors
Unité de catalyse et de chimie du solide (UMR 8181 CNRS), Université Lille 1-
ENSCL-EC Lille, France
11:20-11:40 I-OP19 Prof. Kuznetsov Boris N.
Kuznetsov B.N.1,2, Chesnokov N.V.1,2, Levdansky A.V.1, Garyntseva N.V.1, Yatsenkova
O.V.1, Grishechko L.I.1, Celzard A.3, Pinel C.4
Novel Approach to Catalytic Processing of Birch Wood Biomass to Valuable
Chemical Products
1 - Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3 - Institut Jean Lamour – UMR CNRS, 7198, Epinal, rue du Merle Blanc, 27, France
4 - IRCELYON, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne Cedex, Lyon, France
11:40-12:00 I-OP20 Dr. Tschentscher Roman
Tschentscher R., Akporiaye D.
Highly Stable and Selective Propane Dehydrogenation Catalyst
SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, Oslo, Norway
12:00-12:20 I-OP21 McVicker Rebecca
McVicker R.U.1, Freakley S.J.1, Shaw G.1, Ab Rahim M.H.2, Forde M.M.1,
Hammond C.1, Jenkins R.L.1, Dimitratos N.1, Kiely C.J.3, Hutchings G.J.1
Selective Oxidation of Methane with Hydrogen Peroxide Using Gold-Palladium
1 - Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
2 - Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti of Malaysia, Pahang,
3 - Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
12:20-12:40 I-OP22 Dr. Chistyakov Andrey
Chistyakov A.V.1,2, Nikolaev S.A.3, Zharova P.A.1, Kriventsov V.V.4,
Tsodikov M.V.1,2
Ethanol Conversion into Chemicals over Au-M Containing Catalysts
1 - Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
3 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
4 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
12:40-13:00 I-OP23 Prof. Kogan Victor
Kogan V.M.1, Nikulshin P.A.2, Dorokhov V.S.1, Permyakov E.A.1
Evolution and Interlayer Dynamics of Active Sites of Promoted Transition Metal
Sulphide Catalysts under Hydrogen and Inert Media in the Course of Some
Commercially Valuable Reactions
1 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Evening Session
Seсtion 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Chairmen: Prof. Granger Pascal, Cité Scientifique, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France , University
of Lille, UCCS
Prof. Tabakova Tatyana, Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113
Sofia, Bulgaria
Oral Presentations
14:30-14:50 V-OP32 Prof. Garcia Garcia Avelina
Giménez-Mañogil J., García-García A.
Opportunities for Ceria-based Catalysts Versus Platinum Catalysts in Diesel Soot
MCMA Group, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Alicante, Ap.99 E-03080 Alicante, Spain
14:50-15:10 V-OP33 Dr. Porsin Andrey
Porsin A.1, Alikin E.2, Bukhtiyarov V.1,3
Low Temperature Method for Measuring Oxygen Storage Capacity
of Ceria-containing Oxides
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Ecoalliance, Ltd., Novouralsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
15:10-15:30 V-OP34 Dr. Zheng Jinbao
Deng X., Hu X., Zheng J., Chen B.
Soot Oxidation with Ceria-zirconia Catalysts Prepared by Different Precipitant
National Engineering Laboratory for Green Chemical Production of Alcohols-Ethers-
Esters, State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of the solid surfaces, College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
15:30-15:50 V-OP35 Serve Adrien
Serve A.1, Epicier T.2, Aouine M.3, Cadete Santos Aires F.J.1, Tsampas M.1,
Cartoixa B.4, Pajot K.5, Vernoux P.1
Mechanistic Investigations of Soot Combustion by Ag Supported Catalysts
1 - Université de Lyon, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de
Lyon, UMR 5256, CNRS, Université C. Bernard Lyon 1, 2 avenue A. Einstein, 69626
Villeurbanne, France
2 - Université de Lyon, MATEIS, UMR 5510, CNRS, INSA de Lyon, 69621 Villeurbanne
Cedex, France
3 - Université de Lyon, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de
Lyon, UMR 5256, CNRS, Université C. Bernard Lyon 1, 2 avenue A. Einstein, 69626
Villeurbanne, France
4 - CTI, Céramiques Techniques Industrielles, 382 Avenue du Moulinas 30340
Salindres, France
5 - PSA Peugeot Citroën, Centre technique de Vélizy, Route de Gisy 78943 Vélizy-
Villacoublay, France
15:50-16:10 V-OP36 Prof. Kotarba Andrzej
Jakubek T., Kaspera W., Legutko P., Zasada F., Piskorz W., Stelmachowski P.,
Indyka P., Grybos J., Sojka Z., Kotarba A.
Strong Enhancement of Desoot Activity of Transition Metal Oxides by Alkali
Doping – Surface Promotion Versus Intercalation
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Krakow, Poland
16:10-16:30 V-OP37 Dr. Kureti Sven
Wagloehner S., Kureti S.
Structure-activity Relation of Iron Oxide Catalysts in Soot Oxidation
Technical University of Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and
Chemical Engineering, Chair of Reaction Engineering, Fuchsmuehlenweg 9, D-09596
Freiberg, Germany
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Prof. Garcia Garcia Avelina, MCMA Group, Department of Inorganic Chemistry.
Faculty of Sciences, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Dr. Kureti Sven, Technical University of Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process
Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Freiberg, Germany
Oral Presentations
17:00-17:20 V-OP38 Dr. Heikens S.
Heikens S.1, Mondragon Rodriguez G.2, Saruhan-Brings B.2, Grünert W.1
Pd-doped LaFeCo Perovskites for Three-way Catalysis. Studies on Active Sites
and Response to Thermal Stress
1 - Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2 - DLR Cologne, Köln, Germany
17:20-17:40 V-OP39 Dr. Arandiyan Hamid
Arandiyan H., Scott J., Amal R.
Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Perovskite Catalysts: Controllable
Alignments and Approach for Catalytic Applications
Particles and Catalysis Research Group, School of Chemical Engineering, The
University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
17:40-18:00 V-OP40 Dr. Tang Long
Tang L., Zhao Z., Wei Y., Liu J., Li K.
Highly Active LaKCoO3 Perovskite-type Complex Oxide Catalysts over Alumina
Washcoated Monolith for the Simultaneous Removal of Diesel Soot and Nitrogen
China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
19:30 Banquet (restaurant PANORAMA)
19:00 Young scientists party
(club "Extra Lounge" at the 25th floor of "Korston Tower" hotel)
Thursday, September 3
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Hupp Joseph, Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, Evanston, USA
Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe, Eni S.p.A, Refinding & Marketing Devision, Milanese, Italy
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-8 Prof. Skoglundh Magnus
Fundamental Studies of Metal-exchanged Zeolites for Selective Catalytic
reduction of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxygen Excess
Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412
96 Göteborg, Sweden
10:30-11:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Dostoevsky hall
Symposium “Education in the Field of Catalysis”
Scope of discussions: Education in the field of catalysis: state of the art and possible improvements; New educational
programs in the field of catalysis; Emerging topics in the field of catalysis and their reflection in educational
programs; New assessment methods in the field of catalysis; New lecture courses and practical tasks; Continuous
professional education in the field of catalysis; Education in the field of catalysis globally: standards and variability
Chairmen: Prof. Lunin Valery, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Murzin Dmitry, Åbo Akademi University, Åbo/Turku, Finland
10:00-13:00 V. Lunin (Russia), M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
1. D. Murzin (Finland), Abo/Turku University
“Teaching Нeterogeneous Сatalysis to Сhemical Engineers”
2. M .Muhler (Germany), Ruhr-University Bochum
"Catalysis Training in Germany"
3. F. Cavani (Italy), Bologna University
"Catalysis for the Chemical Industry Taught to Industrial Chemists: Examples
from the Italian Context"
4. M. Skoglundh (Sweden), Chalmers University of Technology
"Catalysis Courses at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden"
5. J. Beltramini (Australia), The University of Queensland
“Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Training under an Australian Perspective”
6. V. Bukhtiyarov (Russia), Novosibirsk State University
“Research Training as a Necessary Part of Education in Catalysis”
7. Kh. Kharlampidi, G.Yelimanova (Russia), Kazan National Research Technological
"From Laboratory Researches to Industrial Reactors"
8. E.J.M. Hensen (Netherland), Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Institute for Research in Catalysis (NIOK)
"Education in Catalysis at the MSc and PhD Level in the Netherlands"
9. C.W. Jones (USA), Georgia Institute of Technology
"Catalysis Education in the USA"
10. Zhuravleva M.V., Zinnurova O.V., Bashkirtseva N.Yu. (Russia),
Kazan National Research Technological University, Department of Technology of
basic organic and petrochemical synthesis
“Advanced Training of Catalysis Experts in Petrochemical and Refining
11. Garifzianova G.G., Tsyshevsky R.V., Khrapkovskii G.M. (Russia), Kazan National
Research Technological University, department of catalysis
"Gaining Insight on Catalytic Processes from Molecular Level: Novel Course of
Catalysis in KNRTU"
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Dostoevsky hall
Evening Session
Discussion symposium 10. «Design of Gold Catalysts for Selective Processes: from Science to
Real Application»
Chairmen: Prof. Mühler Martin, Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum,
Prof. Cavani Fabrizio, Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari",
Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
14:30-16:30 DS10-1
Hensen E.J.M., Song W.
Au-Cu+ Synergy in MgCuCr2O4-Spinel Supported Gold Nanoparticles for
Selective Oxidation of Alcohols and Olefins
Eindhoven University of Technology, Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Schuit
Institute of Catalysis, Eindhoven, P.O.Box 513, 5600 MB, The Netherlands
Castedo A.1,2, Llorca J.1,2, Mendoza E.1
Hydrogen Photoproduction in a Silicone Microreactor Loaded with Au/TiO2
1 - Centre for Research in NanoEngineering,Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona, Spain
2 - Institute of Energy Technologies,Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona,
Pyrjaev P.A.1, Simonov A.N.2, Moroz B.L.1,3, Zyuzin D.A.1, Kuznetsov A.N.1,
Prosvirin I.P.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,3
Bimetallic Catalysts Containing Palladium and Gold on Carbon Support for
Hydrogen Electrooxidation: From Au Particles Coated with Submonolayers of Pd
to Pd-Au Nanoalloys
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RASNovosibirsk, Russia
2 - School of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Peneau V.1, He Q.2, Shaw G.1, Kiely Ch. J.2, Hutchings Gr. J.1, Nowicka E.1
Selective Oxidation of Toluene Using Noble Metals under Mild Condition
1 - Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, UK
2 - Department of Material Science and Engineering, Lehigh University, Lehigh, PA
18015, US
Redina E.1, Kirichenko O.1, Greish A.1, Shesterkina A.1, Vikanova K.2, Tkachenko O.1,
Kapustin G.1, Kustov L.1,3
Catalytic Transformation of Glycerol to Lactic Acid over Au-Pt Supported
Catalysts Prepared by Redox-method
1 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russian Federation
2 - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow,
Russian Federation
3 - Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Manzoli M.1, Agostini G.2, Vindigni F.1, Lamberti C.1, Dimitrov D.3, Ivanov K.3,
Tabakova T.4
EXAFS Study in Operando Conditions of Au/Co-doped CeO2 Catalysts for
Methanol Oxidation Reaction
1 - Department of Chemistry and NIS Interdepartmental Centre, University of Torino,
Torino, Italy
2 - European Syncrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
3 - Departmemt of Chemistry, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
4 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Thomas L.M.1, Lee A.F.2, Wilson K.2, Willock D.J.1
The Gold Particle Catalysed Mechanism for the Oxidation of
Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid: a DFT Study
1 - Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kindom
2 - Aston University, Birmingham, United Kindom
Butova V.V.1, Guda A.A.1, Budnyk A.P.1,2, Lamberti C.1,2, Lomachenko K.A.1,2,
Soldatov A.V.1
Microwave-assistant Functionalization of MOFs with Gold Nanoparticles
1 - Southern Federal University, IRC Smart Materials, Zorge str. 5, 344090 Rostov-on-
Don, Russia
2 - University of Turin, Department of Chemistry
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
19:30 Banquet (restaurant PANORAMA)
19:00 Young scientists party
(club "Extra Lounge" at the 25th floor of "Korston Tower" hotel)
Thursday, September 3rd
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall
Morning Session
Chairmen: Prof. Hupp Joseph, Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, Evanston, USA
Dr. Bellussi Giuseppe, Eni S.p.A, Refinding & Marketing Devision, Milanese, Italy
Plenary Lecture
08:30-09:30 PL-8 Prof. Skoglundh Magnus
Fundamental Studies of Metal-exchanged Zeolites for Selective Catalytic
reduction of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxygen Excess
Competence Centre for Catalysis, KCK, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412
96 Göteborg, Sweden
09:30-10:00 (Break to separate Ball hall) Coffee break
KORSTON Lermontov hall
XI European Workshop on Innovation in Selective Oxidation
Chairmen: Prof. Kolb Gunther, Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Mainz, Germany
Prof. Lopez Nieto J.M., Instituto Tecnologia Quimica, UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain
Oral Presentations
10:00-10:20 ISO-OP17 Prof. Mirodatos Claude
Serres T.1, Alexiadis V.2, Schuurman Y.1, Thybaut J.W.2, Mirodatos C.1
Key Parameters Controlling Selectivity and Conversion in OCM: from
Experiments and Modelling, towards an Optimised Reactor Design
1 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, Université
Lyon 1, CNRS, Villeurbanne, France
2 - Ghent University, Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Technologiepark 914,
B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
10:20-10:40 ISO-OP18 Dr. Sinev Mikhail
Gordienko Yu., Usmanov T., Bychkov V., Lomonosov V., Fattakhova Z., Tulenin Yu.,
Shashkin D., Sinev M.
Oxygen Availability and Catalytic Performance of NaWMn/SiO2 Mixed Oxide
and Its Components in Oxidative Coupling of Methane
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, R.A.S., Moscow, Russia
10:40-11:00 ISO-OP19 Dr. Ivanov Dmitry V.
Ivanov D.V.1, Isupova L.A.1, Gerasimov E.Yu.1,2, Dovlitova L.S.1, Glazneva T.S.1,2,
Prosvirin I.P.1,2
Alkaline-earth Promoted SrTiO3 and Sr2TiO4 in Oxidative Methane Coupling:
Role of Microstructure and Surface Composition on Activity, Kinetics and
Oxygen Exchange
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
11:00-11:20 ISO-OP20 Ishikawa Satoshi I.
Ishikawa S.I.1, Kobayashi D.K.1, Konya T.K.1, Ohmura S.O.1, Murayama T.M.1,
Yasuda N.Y.2, Sadakane M.S.3, Ueda W.U.1
Redox Treatment of Orthorhombic Mo29V11O112 and Relationships between the
Crystal Structure, Microporosity and Catalytic Performance for the Selective
Oxidation of Ethane
1 - Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
2 - Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
11:20-11:40 ISO-OP21 Dr. Taran Oxana P.
Taran O.P.1,2, Gromov N.V.1, Zhizhina E.G.1, Rodikova Yu.A.1, Parmon V.N.1,3
The Selective Oxidation of Polysaccharides to Formic Acid at the Presence of
P-Mo-V Heteropoly Acid Catalysts. The Mechanism of Reaction
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
11:40-12:00 ISO-OP22 Dr. Marcu Ioan-Cezar
Popescu I.1, Skoufa Z.2, Heracleous E.3,4, Lemonidou A.A.2,3, Marcu I.C.1,5
Study of M-doped NiO (M = Li, Mg, Al, Ga, Ti, Nb) Catalysts by In situ Electrical
Conductivity Measurements in Correlation with their Catalytic Performances in
Ethane Oxydehydrogenation
1 - University of Bucharest, Research Center for Catalysts and Catalytic Processes,
4-12, Blv. Regina Elisabeta, 030018 Bucharest, Romania
2 - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University Campus, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
3 - Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute (CPERI), Centre for Research
and Technology Hellas (CERTH), 6th km Charilaou – Thermi Road, P.O. Box 361,
57001 Thessaloniki, Greece
4 - International Hellenic University, School of Science and Technology, 14th km
Thessaloniki – Moudania, 57001 Thermi, Greece
5 - University of Bucharest, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and
Catalysis, 4-12, Blv. Regina Elisabeta, 030018 Bucharest, Romania
12:00-12:20 ISO-OP23 Dr. Pakharukov Ilya Yu.
Pakharukov I.Yu.1,2, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2, Chetyrin I.A.1,2, Prosvirin I.P.1,2,
Parmon V.N.1,2, Murzin Y.V.3, Zubavichus Y.V.3
In-situ XPS and XAS Studies of a New Phenomenon of Kinetic Hysteresis in
Selective Methane Oxidation over Platinum
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
12:20-12:40 ISO-OP24 Dr. Starokon Eugeny
Starokon E.V., Parfenov M.V., Pirutko L.V., Panov G.
Quasicatalytic and Catalytic Oxidation of Methane to Methanol by Nitrous Oxide
over FeZSM-5 Zeolite
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
12:40-13:00 Closing remarks
13:00-14:30 Lunch
KORSTON Lermontov hall
Evening Session
Discussion symposium 11. «Feasibility of Biomass Utilization for Making Fuels and
Chairmen: Prof. Murzin Dmitry, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Dr. Sinev Mikhail, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
14:30-16:30 DS11-1
Alharbi W., Brown E., Kozhevnikova E., Bond G., Kozhevnikov I.
Dehydration of Alcohols over Heteropoly Acid Catalysts in the Gas Phase
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Adsuar-Garcia M.D., Rufete-Beneite M., Roman-Martinez M.C.
Ru Nanoparticles on Acid-modified Carbon Materials for the Hydrolytic
Hydrogenation of Cellulose
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Ouanji F.1, Kacimi M.1, Ziyad M.1,2, Puleo F.3, Liotta L.F.3
Esterification-Neutralization-Transesterification of Waste Cooking Oil: In-situ
Three-stage Method for Biodiesel Synthesis, Neutralization Step Optimization
1 - Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences, Département de Chimie, Av. Ibn
Battouta, BP1014, Rabat, Maroc
2 - Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, Rabat, Maroc
3 - ISMN-CNR, via Ugo La Malfa, 153, 90146, Palermo, Italy
Godina L.I.1, Kirilin A.V.1, Tokarev A.V.1, Demidova Y.S.2,3, Lemus J.4, Calvo L.4,
Schubert T.5, Gilarranz M.A.4, Simakova I.L.2,3, Murzin D.Y.1
Aqueous Phase Reforming of Xylitol over Mono- and Bimetallic Carbonsupported
1 - Åbo Akademi University, Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction
Engineering, Biskopsgatan 8, Åbo, 20500, Finland
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049, Madrid, Spain
5 - FutureCarbon GmbH, Gottlieb-Keim-Strasse 60, 95448 Bayreuth, Germany
Varakin A., Salnikov V., Nikulshin P.
The Role of Carrier’s Carbonization Degree on the HDO Conversion of the Oleic
Acid over the CoMo/C/Al2O3 Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Hachemi I., Mäki-Arvela P., Kumar N., Murzin Y.D.
Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Microalgae Biodiesel over Sulfur-Free Nickel
Supported Catalyst for the Production of Biofuels
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Stepacheva A.A.1, Sapunov V.N.2, Nikoshvili L.Z.1, Sulman E.M.1, Matveeva V.G.1
Oils and Fats Conversion to the Second Generation of Biodiesel Using Pdcontaining
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Wang C., Tian Z., Qu W., Li P., Ma H., Xu R.
Single-step Hydrotreatment of Lipids to Produce High Quality Biofuel
Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,
Dalian, China
Mielby J., Zacho S.L., Abildstrøm J.O., Kegnæs S.
Production of Bio-Renewable Chemicals Using Zeolite Encapsulated Metal
Nanoparticles as Bi-functional Catalysts
DTU Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Pezoa Conte R.1, Pham T.N.2, Mäki-Arvela P.1, Willför S.3, Mikkola J.-P.1,2
Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates in Green Algae Using Solid Acid Catalysts
1 - Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry
Centre, Åbo Akademi University, FI-20500 Åbo-Turku, Finland
2 - Technical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Chemical-Biological Center, Umeå
University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
3 - Wood and Paper Chemistry, Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre, Åbo
Akademi University, FI-20500 Åbo-Turku, Finland
Kasakov S.1, Zhao C.1,2, Barath E.1, Chase Z.A.3, Camaioni D.M.4, Fulton J.L.4,
Vjunov A.4, Shi H.4, Lercher J.A.1,4
Glucose and Cellulose Derived Ni/C-SO3H Catalysts for Liquid Phenol
1 - Technische Universität München, München, Germany
2 - East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
3 - Washington State University, Pullman, USA
4 - Pacific Northwestern National Laboratory, Richland, USA
Vlasova E.N.1,2, Aleksandrov P.V.1,2, Deliy I.V.1,2,3, Bukhtiyarov A.V.1,2,
Gerasimov E.Y.1,2, Paharukova V.P.1,2, Bukhtiyarova G.A.1
Peculiarities of MoS2/Al2O3, CoMoS/Al2O3 and NiMoS/Al2O3 Catalyst’s Behaviour
in the Hydroconversion of Aliphatic Esters and Rapeseed Oil
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk
National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
19:30 Banquet (restaurant PANORAMA)
19:00 Young scientists party
(club "Extra Lounge" at the 25th floor of "Korston Tower" hotel)
Friday, September 4
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Morning Session
Seсtion 1. Novel Catalytic Materials and Processes for Securing Supplies of Raw
Chairmen: Prof. Gaigneaux Eric, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Prof. Vasalos Iacovos, Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, Centre for
Research and Technology Hellas, Greece
Keynote Lecture
08:30-09:10 I-KN18 Prof. Khodakov Andrei
Khodakov A.Y.1, Ordomsky V.V.1, Cai M.1, Subramanian V.1, Lancelot C.1, Palcic A.2,
Valtchev V.2, Nhut J.-M.3, Pham-Huu C.3, Moldovan S.4, Ersen O.4
Design of Novel Hybrid Hierarchical Catalysts for Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl
Ether from Syngas
1 - UCCS, Université Lille 1-ENSCL-EC Lille, Bat. C3, Cité Scientifique, 59655
Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
2 - LCS, ENSICAEN, 6 Boulevard Maréchal Juin, 14000 Caen, France
3 - ICPEES, ECPM, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
4 - IPCMS, Université de Strasbourg, 23, rue du Loess BP 43, F-67034 Strasbourg, France
Oral Presentations
09:10-09:30 I-OP24 Dr. Fratalocchi Laura
Fratalocchi L.1, Visconti C.G.1, Lietti L.1, Tronconi E.1, Rossini S.2
Taking Advantage of Mass Transfer Limitations in Egg-shell Catalysts for
Intensified Fischer-Tropsch Reactors
1 - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, Milano, Italy
2 - Eni, Via Maritano 26, 20097 San Donato Milanese, Italy
09:30-09:50 I-OP25 Dr. Visconti Carlo Giorgio
Visconti C.G., Groppi G., Tronconi E.
Intensification of Strongly Endo- and Exo-Thermic Catalytic Processes through
the Adoption of Highly Conductive “Packed Foams” Reactors
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Energy, Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic
Processes, Via La Masa 34, 20156 Milano, Italy
09:50-10:10 I-OP26 Otyuskaya Daria
Otyuskaya D.1, Lødeng R.2, Thybaut Joris W.1, Marin Guy B.1
Microkinetics Assisted Analysis of Hydrotreating Selectivities in Fast Pyrolysis Oil
1 - Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Technologiepark 914,
B-9052 Gent, Belgium
2 - SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, Department of Kinetics and Catalysis, N-7465
Trondheim, Norway
10:10-10:30 I-OP27 Dr. Benito Martin Patricia
Benito P.1, Nuyts G.2, Monti M.1, De Nolf W.2, Fornasari G.1, Janssens K.2,
Scavetta E.1, Vaccari A.1
Stable Rh Particles on Electrosynthesized Structured Catalysts
1 - University of Bologna, Dip. Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”, Vle
Risorgimento 4, 40136, Bologna, Italy
2 - University of Antwerp, Department of Chemistry, Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020
Antwerp, Belgium
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
KORSTON Ball hall-1
Seсtion 4. Catalysis and Chemicals
Chairmen: Dr. Lokteva Ekaterina, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department,
Moscow, Russia
Dr. Nartova Anna, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:40 KN21 Prof. Karakhanov Eduard
11:40-12:00 IV-OP46 Dr. Trunfio Giuseppe T.
Di Chio R.1, Trunfio G.1, Deiana C.2, Ivanchenko P.2, Sakhno Y.2, Martra G.2, Arena F.1
Factors Affecting the Activity of Oxide Catalysts in the Synthesis of Nphenylpropionamide
from Propanoic Acid and Aniline
1 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Chimica e Ingegneria Industriale, Università
degli Studi di Messina, Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina, Italy
2 - University of Torino, Via P. Giuria 7, I-10125 Torino, Italy
12:00-12:20 IV-OP47 Schaller Barbara
Schaller B.1,2, Curtin T.1, Leahy J.J.1,2
Methane to Methanol – Influencing Factors for the Direct Catalytic Low
Temperature Oxidation with Copper Zeolite Catalysts
1 - Materials and Surface Science Institute, Department of Chemical and
Environmental Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
2 - Carbolea Research Group, Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences,
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
12:20-12:40 IV-OP48 Dr. Rose Marcus
Rose M., Pfützenreuter R.
Heterogeneously Catalyzed Aqueous Phase Amination and Isomerization of
Biogenic Isohexides
Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
12:50-13:30 Closing ceremony (KORSTON Ball hall)
13:30-15:00 Lunch
Karakhanov E.1, Maximov A.1,2, Rosenberg E.3
Nanocatalyst Based on Hybrid Structured Materials: Synthesis and Application
1 - Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 - Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Montana Missoula,
Montana, 59812 United States
Friday, September 4
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Ball hall-2
Morning Session
Seсtion 3. Energy-Related Catalysis
Chairmen: Prof. Faria Joaquim, LSRE-LCM, Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade
de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Dr. Vovk Evgeny, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, Bilkent
University, Chemistry Department, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
Oral Presentations
08:30-08:50 III-OP38 Huang Xiaoming
Huang X1, Korányi T.I.1, Boot M. D.2, Hensen E.J.M.3
Ethanol Acts as Capping Agent and Formaldehyde Scavenger to Promote
Efficient Lignin Depolymerization to Aromatics
1 - Schuit Institute of Catalysis, Inorganic Materials Chemistry Eindhoven University
of Technology, The Netherlands
2 - Combustion Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven
University of Technology, The Netherlands
3 - Schuit Institute of Catalysis, Inorganic Materials Chemistry Eindhoven University
of Technologyniversity of Technology, The Netherlands
08:50-09:10 III-OP39 Frusteri F.
Cannilla C., Bonura G., Feminò G., Drago Ferrante G., Frusteri F.
Biofuels Production from Glycerol and TBA using an Innovative Catalytic
Membrane Reactor
National Council of Research, CNR-ITAE, via S. Lucia, 5-98126 Messina, Italy
09:10-09:50 III-KN19 Dr. Takanabe Kazuhiro
Understanding Photocatalytic Process: Intrinsic Properties, Morphology and
Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering, KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC), King
Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
09:50-10:10 III-OP40 Dr. He Jiayue
He J.1, Renges H.1, Barath E.1, Mei D.2, Lercher J.A.1,2
Catalytic C-O Cleavage and Hydrogenation of Diaryl Ethers in Aqueous and
Apolar Phase
1 - Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstr.4, 85747
Garching, Germany
2 - Institute for Integrated Catalysis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
WA99352, USA
10:10-10:30 III-OP41 Martinez-Espin Juan Salvador
Martinez-Espin J.S.1,2, Westgård Erichsen M.1, De Wispelaere K.3,
Van Speybroeck V.3, Beato P.2, Svelle S.1, Olsbye U.1
The Effects of Methanol or Dimethyl Ether as Methylating Agent During Zeolite
Catalysed Benzene Methylation
1 - Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry,
University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033, Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Prof. Cunill Fidel, Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemistry,
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Suslova Evgeniya, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 III-OP42 Beretta Alessandra
Beretta A.1, Donazzi A.1, Pagani D.1, Lucotti A.2, Tommasini M.2, Groppi G.1,
Castiglioni C.2
Kinetic Fnalysis and Raman Surface Characterization in the CPO of Propane,
Propylene and n-C8H18
1 - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, 20156, Milano, Italy
2 - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Chimica Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica,
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano, Italy
11:20-11:40 III-OP43 Bell Tamsin E.
Bell T.E.1,2, Hill A.K.1,2, Torrente-Murciano L.1,2
Low Temperature In-situ Hydrogen Production by Ammonia Decomposition
Using Cobalt-based Catalysts
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK
2 - Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, University of Bath, Bath, UK
11:40-12:00 III-OP44 Anton Johan
Muhler M.1,2, Anton J.1,2, Nebel J.1,2, Froese C.1,2, Kleinschmidt R.3, Quandt T.4, Ruland
H.1,2, Kaluza S.5
Na-modified Cu-Co-based Catalysts for Higher Alcohol Synthesis: Influence of
Surface Composition and CoC2 Formation
1 - Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2 - Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry
3 - ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
4 - Evonik Industries
5 - Fraunhofer UMSICHT
12:00-12:20 III-OP45 Dr. Gutierrez Tinoco Oliver
Schachtl E.1, Gutiérrez O.Y.1, Yoo J.S.2, Studt F.2, Lercher J.A.1
Effect of Ni on the Hydrogenation Mechanism of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
over (Ni-)MoS2/Al2O3
1 - Technische Universität München, Department of Chemistry and Catalysis Research
Center, Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
2 - SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis, SLAC National Accelerator
Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, United States
12:20-12:40 III-OP46 Dr. Landi Gianluca
Barbato P.S.1, Di Benedetto A.2, Landi G.1, Lisi L.1
Structured Catalytic Honeycombs Based on Copper/Ceria for CO Preferential
Oxidation in H2-Rich Streams
1 - Research Institute on Combustion – CNR, Naples, Italy
2 - DICMAPI, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
12:50-13:30 Closing ceremony (KORSTON Ball hall)
13:30-15:00 Lunch
Friday, September 4
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Pushkin hall
Morning Session
Seсtion 2. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization
Chairmen: Prof. Zhao Zhen, State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of
Petroleum, Beijing, China
Dr. Simagina Valentina, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
08:30-08:50 II-OP50 Dr. Vereshchagin Sergei
Vereshchagin S.N.1, Solovyov L.A.1, Shishkina N.N.1, Dudnikov V.A.2, Anshits A.G.1,3
Oxidative Conversion of Methane Over Gd-Sr-Co-Perovskites: Structure-Activity
1 - Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 - L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3 - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
08:50-09:10 II-OP51 Dr. Nartova Anna V.
Nartova A.V.1,2,3, Semikolenov S.V.1, Bukhtiyarov A.V.1,3, Khudorozhkov A.K.1,3,
Makarov E.M.1,2, Kvon R.I.1
In Situ XPS Study of DeNOx Reactions on Platinum Catalysts: Pressure and
Material Gaps
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk
National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
09:10-09:30 II-OP52 Dr. Zhu Xiaochun
Zhu X.1, Rohling R.1, Filonenko G.1, Mezari B.1, Hofmann Jan P.1, Asahina S.2,
Hensen Emiel J.M.1
Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolites Using a Mono-Quaternary Ammonium
Surfactant as the Mesoporogen
1 - Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O.
Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2 - JEOL Ltd., Akishima, Tokyo 196-8558, Japan
09:30-09:50 II-OP53 Dr. Bion Nicolas
Fonseca J.1, Bion N.2, Licea Y.E.3, Morais C.2, Rangel M.C.1, Duprez D.2, Epron F.2
Evidence of Remarkable Redox Behaviour of Ce-doped Ordered Mesoporous
Alumina at Moderate Temperature
1 - GECCAT Grupo de Estudos em Cinética e Catálise, Instituto de Química,
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus Universitário de Ondina, Federação, 40 290-
115, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
2 - University of Poitiers, CNRS, Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de
Poitiers (IC2MP), 4 rue Michel Brunet - TSA 51106 - 86073 Poitiers, France
3 - LABCATH(Laboratório de Catálise Heterogênea) DFQ, Instituto de Química,
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Rio de
Janeiro, 21.949-909, Brazil
09:50-10:10 II-OP54 van den Berg Roy
Van Den Berg R.1, Parmentier T.E.1, Elkjaer C.F.2, Gommes C.J.3, Sehested J.2,
Helveg S.2, De Jongh P.E.1, De Jong K.P.1
Support Functionalization to Retard Copper Particle Growth in the Methanol
Synthesis Reaction
1 - Utrecht University, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Inorganic Chemistry
and Catalysis, Universiteitsweg 99, Utrecht, Netherlands
2 - Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymollevej 55, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
3 - University of Liege B6A, Department of Chemical Engineering, Allee de 6 aout 3,
B4000 Liege, Belgium
10:10-10:30 II-OP55 Ishutenko Darya
Ishutenko D.I., Nikulshin P.A., Pimerzin A.A.
Selective Hydrotreating of FCC Gasoline on Кx-СoMoS/Al2O3 Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Prof. Pescarmona Paolo, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Groningen,
The Netherlands COK, University of Leuven, Belgium
Dr. Simakova Irina, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 II-OP56 Dewaele Annelies
Dewaele A., Van Berlo B., Dijkmans J., Jacobs P., Sels B.
Immobilized Grubbs Catalysts on Mesoporous Materials: New Insights into
Support Characteristics and Their Impact on Catalytic Activity and Product
Center for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 23,
3001 Leuven, Belgium
11:20-11:40 II-OP57 Acosta Brenda
Acosta B.1, Evangelista V.1, Miridonov S.2, Pestryakov A.3, Fuentes S.4, Simakov A.4
Effect of Nucleus and Shell on the Mechanism of the 4-Nitrophenol Reduction
Over Aupd Based Nanoreactors
1 - Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
(CICESE), Posgrado en Física de Materiales, Ensenada, B. C., 22860, México
2 - Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
(CICESE), Departamento de Óptica, Ensenada, B. C., 22860, México
3 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Technology of Organic Substance and
Polymer Materials, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
4 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México (CNyN-UNAM), Departamento de Nanocatálisis, Ensenada, B. C., 22860,
11:40-12:00 II-OP58 Prof. Lavrenov Alexander
Lavrenov A.V., Sayfulina L.F., Buluchevskiy E.A.
Direct Conversion of Ethylene to Propylene: Strategy of Catalyst Preparation
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences,
Omsk, Russia
12:00-12:20 II-OP59 Dr. Ismagilov Ilyas
Ismagilov I.1, Matus E.1, Kuznetsov V.1, Sukhova O.1, Kerzhentsev M.1,
Ismagilov Z.1,2, Mota N.3, Navarro R.3, Fierro J.3, Koekkoek A.4, Gerritsen G.4,
Abbenhuis H.4
Design of Highly Efficient Catalysts for Catalytic Membrane Reactors: Study
within the Framework of Demcamer Project
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
3 - Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, Marie Curie 2, 28049, Madrid,
4 - Hybrid Catalysis B.V., Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven 5612, AZ, the Netherlands
12:20-12:40 II-OP60 Redekop Evgeniy
Fushimi R.1,2, Redekop E.3, Nyapete C.4, Gleaves J.5, Yablonsky G.2
A Kinetic Fingerprint for Distinguishing Porous Diffusion
1 - Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415, USA
2 - Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology, Saint Louis University,
3450 Lindell Boulevard, Saint Louis, MO 63103, USA
3 - Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, N-0315
Oslo, Norway
4 - Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University, 3450 Lindell Boulevard, Saint
Louis, Missouri 63103, USA
5 - Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington
University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130, USA
12:50-13:30 Closing ceremony (KORSTON Ball hall)
13:30-15:00 Lunch
Friday, September 4
Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan (Ershov street, 1A)
KORSTON Tolstoy hall
Morning Session
Seсtion 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Chairmen: Prof. Koehler Klaus, Catalysis Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Technische
Universität München, Garching, Germany
Dr. Moses Poul, Haldor Topsoe A/S, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Oral Presentations
08:30-08:50 V-OP41 Prof. Tronconi Enrico
Ruggeri M.P., Selleri T., Nova I., Tronconi E.
Identification of Low-T Standard SCR Reaction Intermediates on Fe-, Cu-zeolite
Catalysts by Chemical Trapping Techniques
Dip. Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
08:50-09:10 V-OP42 Shishkin Alexander
Shishkin A., Shwan S., Härelind H., Carlsson P.-A., Skoglundh M.
Improved Low- and High-temperature NH3-SCR Activity over Cu-CHA Prepared
by Solid-state Ion-exchange Facilitated by NH3 and NO
Competence Centre for Catalysis, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96
Gothenburg, Sweden
09:10-09:30 V-OP43 Dr. Pereda-Ayo B.
De La Torre U.1, Pereda-Ayo B.1, González-Velasco J.R.1, Moliner M.2, Corma A.2
Thermal Aging Resistance of Cu-zeolite Based Catalysts on NH3-SCR for Lean
Burn Engines Exhaust Control
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of the Basque Country, P.O. Box 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
2 - Instituto de Tecnología Química (UPV-CSIC), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Valencia 46022, Spain
09:30-09:50 V-OP44 Dr. Thogersen Joakim R.
Pedersen K.H., Castellino F., Jensen-Holm H., Thogersen J.R.
Dual Function Catalyst for SCR and CO-oxidation
Haldor Topsoe A/S, Lyngby, Denmark
09:50-10:10 V-OP45 Alcove Silvia
Usberti N.1, Beretta A.1, Nash M.2, Alcove S.2
A Kinetic Study of Hg Oxidation over Vanadia Based Catalyst
1 - Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, piazza L. da Vinci 32, 20133
Milano, Italy
2 - Johnson Matthey, Technology Center, Sonning Common, RG4 9NH, UK
10:10-10:30 V-OP46 Dr. Thomassen Peter
Thomassen P.L., Fehrmann R., Mossin S.L.
Absorption and Oxidation of NOx from Flue Gasses to Nitric Acid – An Atom
Efficient NOx Abatement Strategy Using Ionic Liquids
Center for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Technical
University of Denmark, Denmark
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Chairmen: Prof. Tronconi Enrico, Dip. Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Dr. Pinaeva Larisa, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral Presentations
11:00-11:20 V-OP47 Prof. Sojka Zbigniew
Zasada F., Kaczmarczyk J., Grzybek G., Janas J., Indyka P., Grybos J., Piskorz W.,
Kotarba A., Sojka Z.
N2O Decomposition over Spinel Nanocatalysts - Experimental and DFT
Theoretical Approaches to Catalyst Tuning
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Krakow, Poland
11:20-11:40 V-OP48 Franken Tanja
Franken T., Palkovits R.
K-CuxCo3-xO4 as Highly Efficient Catalysts for N2O Decomposition from
HNO3-exhaust Streams
RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie,
Worringerweg 1, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
11:40-12:00 V-OP49 Papista Eleni
Konsolakis M.1, Carabineiro S.A.C.2, Papista E.3, Marnellos G.E.3,4, Tavares P.B.5,
Figueiredo J.L.2
N2O Decomposition over CuO-CeO2 Mixed Oxides: Effect of Preparation
1 - School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete,
73100 Chania, Crete, Greece
2 - Laboratório de Catálise e Materials (LCM), Laboratório Associado LSRE/LCM,
Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, GR-
50100 Kozani, Greece
4 - Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, CERTH, 57001 Thermi,
Thessaloniki, Greece
5 - CQVR Centro de Química–Vila Real, Departamento de Química, Universidade de
Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 5001-911 Vila Real, Portugal
12:00-12:20 V-OP50 Zabilskiy Maxim
Zabilskiy M.1, Djinović P.1, Tchernychova E.2, Erjavec B.1, Pintar A.1
Catalytic Degradation of N2O Emissions by Nanoshaped CuO/CeO2 Materials
1 - National Institute of Chemistry, Laboratory for Environmental Sciences and
Engineering, Hajdrihova 19, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 - National Institute of Chemistry, Laboratory for Materials Chemistry, Hajdrihova
19, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
12:20-12:40 V-OP51 Dr. Bradu Corina
Olaru A.E.1, Capat C.1, Frunza L.2, Papa F.3, Munteanu C.3, Udrea I.1, Bradu C.1
Pd-Cu Catalysts Supported on Anion Exchange Resins for the Simultaneous
Catalytic Reduction of Nitrate and Reductive Dehalogenation of 4-chlorophenol
from Water
1 - University of Bucharest, Research Center for Environmental Protection and Waste
Management, Sos. Panduri 90, 050663 Bucharest, Romania
2 - National Institute of Materials Physics, P. O. Box MG 7, 077125 Magurele,
3 - Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Spl. Independentei 202,
060021 Bucharest, Romania
12:50-13:30 Closing ceremony (KORSTON Ball hall)
13:30-15:00 Lunch
Poster Presentations
Section 1. Novel Catalytic Materials and Processes for Securing Supplies
of Raw Materials
Yang W.Y., Ling F.X., Wang S.J., Shen Z.Q., Fang X.C.
Synthesis and Characterization of Core-shell Beta/MCM-22 Double-microporous Composite Zeolites
Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, SINOPEC, Fushun, Liaoning, China
Fedyaeva O.N., Vostrikov A.A.
In Situ Hydrogenation and Desulfurization of Heavy Hydrocarbon Feedstocks with Addition of Zinc in
Supercritical Water Flow
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Vosmerikov A.1, Korobitsyna L.1, Sedelnikova O.1, Zaykovskii V.2
Non-Oxidative Conversion of Methane into Aromatic Hydrocarbons over Mo/ZSM-5 Catalysts
1 - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Polo-Garzon F., Bruce D.A.
Reaction Mechanism of Dry Reforming of Methane on Rh Doped Pyrochlore Catalysts: a DFT Approach
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, USA
Mitina E.G.1, Filimonov N.S.1, Shafigulin R.V.1, Bulanova A.V.1, Belyakova L.D.2, Shishkovskiy I.V.3,
Morozov Y.G.4
Catalytic Properties of Nanoparticles of Transition Metals in the Hydrogenation Reactions
1 - Samara State University, Samara, Russia
2 - Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 - Samara Branch of the Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara, Russia
4 - Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
Alharbi W., Brown E., Kozhevnikova E., Bond G., Kozhevnikov I.
Dehydration of Alcohols over Heteropoly Acid Catalysts in the Gas Phase
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Alharbi K., Alotaibi M., Kozhevnikova E., Kozhevnikov I.
Hydrodeoxygenation of Biomass-Derived Ketones over Bifunctional Metal-Acid Catalysts in the Gas
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Bayahia H., Kozhevnikova E., Kozhevnikov I.
Ketonisation of Carboxylic Acids over Metal Oxide and Zeolite Catalysts in the Gas Phase
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dementyeva M.V.1, Sheshko T.F.1, Serov Y.M.1, Shulga A.1, Chislova I.V.2, Zvereva I.A.2
The Study of Perovskite-type Ferrites: Preparation, Characterization and Application in the Catalytic
Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide
1 - Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Science, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry Department,
Moscow, Russia
2 - Saint-Petersburg State University, Petrodvorets, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Mukhtarova G.S., Efendiyeva N.K., Kasimova Z.A., Abbasov V.M., Ibrahimov H.C.
Influence of Pressure to the Hydrocracking Process of Goudron in the Presence of a Modificated
Suspended Halloysite
Azerbaijan NAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Baku, Azerbaijan
Konuspayev S.R.1, Dosmagambetova I.B.1, Nurbayeva R.K.2, Zhurtbayeva A.A.1,
Shensizbayeva A.B.1, Bizhanov B.K.1
The New Cracking Catalysts for the Synthesis of Long Chain Paraffins α-olefins and Mixtures of Light
Alkanes Conversion under Reducing Conditions
1 - al-Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 - A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Pelaez R., Marin P., Ordonez S.
One-step Synthesis of Dimethyl-ether from Biogenic Syngas on Mixed Metal/Alumina Mixtures
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Castedo A.1,2, Llorca J.1,2, Mendoza E.1
Hydrogen Photoproduction in a Silicone Microreactor Loaded with Au/TiO2
1 - Centre for Research in NanoEngineering,Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
2 - Institute of Energy Technologies,Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Memmedova M.T.
Influence of Suppores's Nature on the Activity of Hematin Catalysts
The Azerbaijan NAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Baku, Azerbaijan
Gille T., Busse O., Reschetilowski W.
Regeneration and Activation Studies with NiMo/(Al-MCM-41/ZSM-5) Catalyst System for Hydrocracking
of Biogenic Residues
Technische Universität Dresden, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Dresden, Germany
Adsuar-Garcia M.D., Rufete-Beneite M., Roman-Martinez M.C.
Ru Nanoparticles on Acid-modified Carbon Materials for the Hydrolytic Hydrogenation of Cellulose
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Kondoh H., Kitaguchi T., Nakasaka Y., Tago T., Masuda T.
Conversion of Heavy Oil into Lighter Fuels over FeOx-Based Catalyst under Sub- and Super-Critical
Water Conditions
Division of Chemical Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Strigina V.A., Doluda V.Y., Skvortsov A.S., Sulman M.G., Sulman E.M.
Investigation of Furfural Hydrogenation to Furfuryl Alcohol and Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Wang Y.1,2, Sun Y.2, Leng K.2, Lancelot C.1, Lamonier C.1, Rives A.1, Richard F.3
Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene and 4,6 Dimethyldibenzothiophene over NiW Catalyst
Supported over Hierarchical Mordenite
1 - University of Lille UCCS, Lille, France
2 - School of Chemical Engineering and Technology HIT, Harbin, China
3 - University of Poitiers IC2MP, Poitiers, France
Blashkov I., Basov L., Lisachenko A.
"Self-Sensitization" of Photocatalytic Activity of ZnO into Visible Region
St. Petersburg State University, Department of Physics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Chumachenko Y. A., Lavrenov A.V., Buluchevskii E.A., Gulyaeva T.I., Arbuzov A.B., Leontieva N.N.,
Ivashchenko O.V., Trenikhin M.V.
The One-step Hydrocracking of Vegetable Oil over Platinum Catalysts with Borate-containing Oxide
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk, Russia
Ismagilov I.1, Matus E.1, Kuznetsov V.1, Sukhova O.1, Kerzhentsev M.1, Ismagilov Z.1,2
Stability of NiPd Bimetallic Catalysts in the Autothermal Reforming of Methane
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
Zakarina N.A., Kim O.K., Volkova L.D., Chanysheva I.S., Dalelkhan O., Zhumadullaev D.A., Komashko L.V.
Iron Pillared Montmorillonites - Carriers of Pt-Catalysts for N-Alkanes Isomerization
Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry after D.V. Sokolsky, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Mesrar F.1, Testa M.L.2, Brik Y.1, Kacimi M.1, Ziyad M.1,3, La Parola V.2, Liotta L.F.2
Acetylation of Glycerol over Mixed Zirconium Phosphate-Sulphate Catalysts
1 - Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences, Département de Chimie, Av. Ibn Battouta, BP1014, Rabat, Maroc
2 - ISMN-CNR, via Ugo La Malfa, 153, 90146, Palermo, Italy
3 - Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, Rabat, Maroc
Shtertser N.V.1,2, Pakharukova V.P.1,2, Khassin A.A.2,1
Synthesis Features of Oxide Compounds Based on Univalent Copper of Delafossite Structure
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Ouanji F.1, Kacimi M.1, Ziyad M.1,2, Puleo F.3, Liotta L.F.3
Esterification-Neutralization-Transesterification of Waste Cooking Oil: In-situ Three-stage Method for
Biodiesel Synthesis, Neutralization Step Optimization
1 - Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences, Département de Chimie, Av. Ibn Battouta, Rabat, Maroc
2 - Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, Rabat, Maroc
3 - ISMN-CNR, via Ugo La Malfa, 153, 90146, Palermo, Italy
Németh M.1, Schay Z.1, Srankó D.1, Károlyi J.1, Sáfrán G.2, Sajó I.3, Horváth A.1
Mechanistic Studies with Labeled 13CO2 on Ni/ZrO2 and Pt/ZrO2 Dry Reforming Catalysts
1 - Centre for Energy Research, Institute for Energy Security and Environmental Safety, Department of Surface
Chemistry and Catalysis, Konkoly-Thege M. street 29-33, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary
2 - Centre for Energy Research, Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Thin Film Physics
Department, Konkoly-Thege M. street 29-33, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary
3 - University of Pécs, Szentágothai Research Centre, Ifjúság street 20, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary
Belinskaya N.S., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Nazarova G.Yu.
Mathematical Model of Catalytic Hydrodewaxing of Distillates
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Ivanov D.P.1, Semikolenov S.V.1, Nartova A.V.1,2, Fedorov V.S.1,2, Babushkin D.E.1, Dubkov K.A.1
Study of Influence of Cis-Trans Isomerization on Selective Oxidations of Alkenes by Nitrous Oxide
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Naranov E.R.1, Badeeva A.S.1, Maximov A.L.1,2, Karakhanov E.A.1
Development of New NiW Catalysts Supported on SBA-15/Zeoilte for Oil Sludge Hydrotreating
1 - Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 - Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Solov'ev S.A., Egorov A.G., Egorova S.R., Lamberov A.A., Kataev A.N., Bekmukhamedov G.E.
A Numerical Investigation of the Catalyst Behaviour in Fluidized Bed Circulating Reactor
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Belomestnykh I.P.1, Krasnobaeva O.N.2, Nosova T.A.2, Elisarova T.A.2, Danilov V.P.2
Sm, Eu Containing Hydrotalcite-like Materials as Precursors of Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation
of Light Hydrocarbons
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Fomina O.S.1,2, Yakhvarov D.G.1, Sinyashin O.G.1, Heinicke J.W.2
Novel α,α-phosphinoaminoacids: Synthesis, Properties and Catalytic Activity in the Ethylene
Oligomerization Process
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Institute of Biochemistry Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Gulyaeva L.1, Shmelkova O.1, Grudanova A.1,2, Krasilnikova L.1, Misko O.1, Chernysheva E.2, Boldushevsky R.1,2,
Asaula V.2
The Development of Integrated Technology for Oil and Vegetable Feedstock Processing to Produce Diesel
Fuel for Arctic Climatic Zone and Jet Fuel
1 - All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Refining, JSC, Laboratory of Hydrogenated Processes and Catalysts for
Motor Fuels Producing, Moscow, Russia
2 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Department of Oil Refining Technology, Moscow, Russia
Zhiltsova E.P.1, Lukashenko S.S.1, Valeeva F.G.1, Kashapov R.R.1, Pashirova T.N.1, Konovalov A.I.1,
Zakharova L.Ya.1,2
Self-Assembled Complexes of 1-Hexadecyl-4-Aza-1-Azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]Octane Bromide with Nitrates of
Copper and Lanthanum as the Models of Metalloenzymes
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Aghaei P., Visconti C.G., Groppi G., Tronconi E.
Development of a General Heat Transport Model for Open-cell Metal Foams
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Energy, Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes, Milano, Italy
Yeletsky P.M.1,2, Mironenko O.O.1, Sosnin G.A.1,3, Yakovlev V.A.1,2
Selective Steam Cracking of Heavy Oil in Semibatch Reactor
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - UNICAT Ltd., Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Vasilevich A.V., Baklanova O.N., Lavrenov A.V., Likholobov V.A.
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Molybdenum Carbide: New Approach for the Hydrodesulfurization
Catalysts Preparation
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk, Russia
Foss L.E.1,2, Petrukhina N.N.3, Kayukova G.P.1,2, Tumanyan B.P.3, Nikolaev V.F.1, Romanov G.V.1,2, Vakhin A.V.2
Heavy Oil Upgrading in the Presence of Organic Salts of Transition Metals under Reservoir Conditions
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
3 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
Simonova L.G., Zirka A.A., Isupova L.A., Reshetnikov S.I.
Influence of Catalyst Preparation Techniques on the Properties of the Cr-Mg Catalysts for
Tetrachloroethylene Hydrofluorination
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Sitnov S.A.1, Vakhin A.V.1, Petrovnina M.S.1, Feoktistov D.A.1, Kayukova G.P.2, Nourgaliev D.K.1
Catalytic Aquathermolysis Heavy Oil in the Presence of Organometallic Complex
1 - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry Kazan Scientific Centre Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Ushakov A.E., Kozhevnikov V.L., Patrakeev M.V., Leonidov I.A., Markov A.A.
Performance of Modified Nickel Catalysts in a Catalytic Membrane Reactor for Partial Oxidation of
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Verboekend D., Liao Y., Schutyser W., Sels B.F.
Alkylphenols to Phenol and Olefins by Zeolite Catalysts: a Shape-Selective Process to Valorize Raw and
Fossilized Lignocellulose
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Slyemi Samira, Barama Akila, Messaoudi Hassiba
Study of Catalytic Activity of Impregnated VMgO Catalysts in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane
Laboratoire des Matériaux Catalytiques et Catalyse en Chimie Organique, USTHB, Faculté de Chimie, BP.32.El
Alia Alger 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie
Onishchenko M.I.1, Kulikov A.B.1, Maximov A.L.1,2
Pt/amorphous Silica-Alumina Catalysts for Hydroconversion of C20-C31 n-Alkanes Mixture into Fuels with
Improved Cold Flow Properties
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS (TIPS RAS), Moscow, Russia
2 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Kayukova G..P.1,2, Gubaydullin A.T.1, Petrov S.M.2, Rizvanov I.H.1, Romanov G.V.1,2, Vahin A.V.2, Pertukhina N.N.3
Change of Phase-dispersed Structure of Asphatenes in During the Hydrothermal-catalytic Conversion of
Heavy Oil
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry Kazan Scientific Centre Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
3 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
Simakova I.L.1,2, Tarabanko V.E.3, Chernyak M.3, Morozov А.3, Simonov M.1,2
Catalytic Conversion of Furfural into Gasoline Components
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Chemistry and Chemical technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Antzara A.1, Heracleous E.2, Ipsakis D.1, Silvester L.3, Bukur D.B.3, Lemonidou A.A.1
Effect of Support in NiO-based Oxygen Transfer Materials for Sorption Enhanced Chemical Looping
Methane Reforming: Characterization and Reactivity Studies
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
2 - School of Science & Technology, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
3 - Texas A&M University at Qatar, Chemical Engineering Program, Education city, Doha, Qatar
Godina L.I.1, Kirilin A.V.1, Tokarev A.V.1, Demidova Y.S.2,3, Lemus J.4, Calvo L.4, Schubert T.5, Gilarranz M.A.4,
Simakova I.L.2,3, Murzin D.Y.1
Aqueous Phase Reforming of Xylitol over Mono- and Bimetallic Carbon-supported Catalysts
1 - Åbo Akademi University, Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Åbo, Finland
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
5 - FutureCarbon GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
Lipin P.V., Potapenko O.V., Sorokina T.P., Doronin V.P.
Co-Conversion of Fatty Acids and Hydrocarbons in the Conditions of Catalytic Cracking
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
Semeykina V.S.1,2,3, Polukhin A.V.1, Parunin P.D.1,2,3, Parkhomchuk E.V.1,2,3, Lysikov A.I.1,2
Advanced Macroporous Catalysts for Heavy Oil Hydrotreating
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Scientific Research Centre “Energy Efficient Catalysis”, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Varakin A., Salnikov V., Nikulshin P.
The Role of Carrier’s Carbonization Degree on the HDO Conversion of the Oleic Acid over the
CoMo/C/Al2O3 Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Shelepova E.1, Vedyagin A.1, Mishakov I.1,2, Noskov A.1,2
The Influence of Membrane Reactor Parameters on Efficiency of Hydrocarbons Dehydrogenation Process
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Department of catalytic process engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Valdez C.E., Nechay M.R., Sparta M., Alexandrova A.N.
In Silico Design of Artificial Metalloenzymes
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Bychkov V.Y.1, Tulenin Y.P.1, Slinko M.M.1, Khudorozhkov A.K.2, Bukhtiayrov V.I.2, Korchak V.N.1
Self-Oscillatory Regimes of Methane Oxidation over Supported Pd Catalysts
1 - Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Xia W.S., Hou Y.H., Han W.C., Wan H.L.
Structure Sensitivity in La2O2CO3 and La2O3 Catalysts for Oxidative Coupling of Methane
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid State Surfaces, National Engineering Laboratory for Green
Chemical Productions of Alcohols-Ethers-Esters, Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Theoretical and
Computational Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian,
P. R. China
Potapenko O.V., Doronin V.P., Sorokina T.P., Krol O.V., Likholobov V.A.
Mechanism of Hydrogen Transfer Reaction from Naphthenes to 1-Hexene on Y and ZSM-5 Zeolites
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk, Russia
Polo-Garzon F., Bruce D.A.
Micro-Kinetic Model of Dry Reforming of Methane on Doped Pyrochlore Catalysts
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, USA
Abasov S.I., Isayeva E.S., Babayeva F.A., Agayeva S.B., Starikov R. V., Tagiyev D.B.
Catalytic Conversion of Low Molecular Alkanes with C-C Bonds Formation
The Azerbaijan NAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Baku, Azerbaijan
Asgar-Zadeh S.M.1, Urban O.B.1, Javadova M.N.1, Eldarova S.G.1, Khudiyeva I.E.1, Alkhasli E.A.2,
Mammadov N.A.1
Innovative Development of Refining Sector in Azerbaijan
1 - Institute of Petrochemical Processes, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Laboratory of Complex
Refining of Petroleum and Technical and Economic Researches, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
2 - State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic, SOCAR’s Oil Gas Processing and Petrochemical Complex, Baku,
Azerbaijan Republic
Yakovenko R.E., Narochnui G.B., Savost̕yanov A.P.
Application of Tubular Reactor for High-Performance Fischer-Tropsch Syntehesis
Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia
Sadykov V.1,2, Bobrova L.1, Vostrikov Z.1, Vernilovskaya N.1,2, Mezentseva N.1,2
Ethanol Steam Reforming on a Structured Heat-Conducting Catalytic Package: Modelling and
Experimetal Perfomance
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Hachemi I., Mäki-Arvela P., Kumar N., Murzin Y.D.
Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Microalgae Biodiesel over Sulfur-Free Nickel Supported Catalyst for the
Production of Biofuels
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Manucharova L.A., Bakhtchadjian R., Tavadyan L.A.
Application of the Dioxo-Mo(VI) Complex Anchored on a TiO2 in the Oxidation of DDT with Molecular
Oxygen, under UV-irradiation
Nalbandyan Institute of Chemical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan,
Republic of Armenia
Samedova F.I., Gasanova R.Z., Logmanova S.B., Badavi Y.E.
Petroleum-Saturated Sands of Azerbaijan
Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after acad. Y.H. Mamedaliyev, Azerbaijan NAS, Baku, Azerbaijan
Dedov A.G.1, Loktev A.S.1, Komissarenko D.A.1,2, Mazo G.N.3, Shlyakhtin O.A.3, Parkhomenko K.V.2,
Roger A.-C.2, Mukhin I.E.1, Lijiev M.M.1, Moiseev I.I.1
Partial Oxidation and Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthasis Gas over Complex Oxide Cobaltate-based
1 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Moscow,
2 - Université de Strasbourg, Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l’Energie, l’Environnement et la Santé,
UMR7515 CNRS ECPM, 25 Rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg, France
3 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
Borshch V.N.1, Sanin V.N.1, Pugacheva E.V.1, Zhuk S.Ya.1, Andreev D.E.1, Yukhvid V.I.1,
Eliseev O.L.2, Kazantsev R.V.2, Kolesnikov S.I.3, Kolesnikov I.M.3
New Polymetallic Catalysts on the Base of SHS-Intermetallides for Oxidation and Reduction Processes
1 - Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
2 - N.D. Zelinski Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 - I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
Lamberov А.А.
Cooperation of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University and PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" in the
Development of Catalysts for the Petrochemical Industry
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Department of Chemistry, Kazan, Russia
Chu B.Z.1, An H.1, Truter L.A.2, Nijhuis T.A.2, Schouten J.C.2, Cheng Y.1
Performance of Phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx Catalysts with Different Post-treatments for the Oxidative
Dehydrogenation of Ethane
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Laboratory of Chemical Reactor Engineering,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Stepacheva A.A.1, Sapunov V.N.2, Nikoshvili L.Z.1, Sulman E.M.1, Matveeva V.G.1
Oils and Fats Conversion to the Second Generation of Biodiesel Using Pd-containing Catalysts
1 - Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
2 - Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Kirchmann M., Haas A., Hauber C., Böltken T.
High Throughput Testing of Naphtha Reforming Catalysts
Hte GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Yatsenko D.A., Tsybulya S.V., Vorontsov A.V.
How Small Catalyst Crystallites Can Be: The Case of Anatase
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Batygina M., Dobrynkin N., Noskov A.
Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrate on Cores of Oil Breeds
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Gilmanov Kh.Kh.
Areas of Growth of PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim»
PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim», Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Lisachenko A.A.
Sensitization of Wide-Bandgap Oxides ZnO and TiO2 to the Visible Region Using Intrinsic Point Defects,
Surface 2D Nanostructures and Composites ZnO/Si, TiO2/Si
St. Petersburg State University, Department of Physics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Аghayeva N.А.1, Taghiyev D.B.2, Аghayev A.A.1
Comparing Alkylation of 3,4 Dimethylphenol with Propanols and Propenes into Oxide Catalyst
1 - Sumgayit State University, Sumgayit, Azerbaijan
2 - University of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Baku, Azerbaijan
Odabaşı Ç., Yıldırım R.
Knowledge Extraction for Oxidative Coupling of Methane from Publications in the Literature
Boğaziçi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
Zharova P.A.1, Chistyakov A.V.1,2, Kriventsov V.V.3, Shapovalov S.S.4, Murzin V.Y.5, Tsodikov M.V.1,2
Pt-Sn Catalysts for Biomass Conversion into Fuel Components and Chemicals
1 - Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
5 - National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
Kang J., Xie Q., Yu F., Zhang Q., Wang Y.
Novel Catalytic Route for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane and Propane over
CeO2-based Catalysts
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for
Energy Materials, National Engineering Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and
Esters, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, P. R. China
Wang C., Tian Z., Qu W., Li P., Ma H., Xu R.
Single-step Hydrotreatment of Lipids to Produce High Quality Biofuel
Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, China
Morozov M.A.1, Akimov A.S.1, Fedushchak T.A.1, Zhuravkov S.P.2
Bulk Carbonaceous Catalysts of Heavy Hydrocarbon Feedstock Processing
1 - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Anshits A.G., Fedorchak M.A., Anshits N.N., Sharonova O.M., Rabchevskii E.V., Solovyev L.A., Zhizhaev A.M.
Structure of the Ferrospheres Globules Active in the Total Oxidation and Oxidative Coupling of Methane
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Mielby J., Zacho S.L., Abildstrøm J.O., Kegnæs S.
Production of Bio-Renewable Chemicals Using Zeolite Encapsulated Metal Nanoparticles as Bi-functional
DTU Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Pimerzin Al.A., Nikulshin P.A., Mozhaev A.V., Pimerzin A.A.
The Role of Cobalt Sulphide Particles in Alumina Supported CoMo HDT Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Kukushkin R.G., Yakovlev V.A.
Influence of Cu and Mo on Catalytic Activity of Modified Ni Based Catalysts in Hydrodeoxygenation
Process of Plant Lipids
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Iliopoulou E.F.1, Heracleous E.1,2, Lappas A.A.1, Triantafyllidis K.S.1,3, Linares N.4, Garcia Martinez J.4
Effect of Mesoporosity and Acidity on the Hydroconversion of n-Hexadecane over Pt/based Catalysts
1 - Laboratory of Environmental Fuels and Hydrocarbons, CPERI/CERTH, 6th Kilometer Harilaou-Thermi
Road, P.O. Box 361 – Thermi, GR-57001 Thessaloniki, Greece
2 - International Hellenic University, School of Science and Technology, Greece
3 - Dpt. of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
4 - Molecular Nanotechnology Lab., Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Alicante, Crtra, San
Vicente s/n Alicante, Spain
Pezoa Conte R.1, Pham T.N.2, Mäki-Arvela P.1, Willför S.3, Mikkola J.-P.1,2
Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates in Green Algae Using Solid Acid Catalysts
1 - Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre, Åbo Akademi
University, Åbo-Turku, Finland
2 - Technical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Chemical-Biological Center, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
3 - Wood and Paper Chemistry, Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre, Åbo Akademi University, Åbo-Turku,
Abildstrøm J.O., Gallas-Hulin A., Mielby J., Kegnæs S.
Mesoporous Zeolites Synthesised with In Situ Generated Carbon Template
Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Lysikov A.1,2, Parkhomchuk E.1,2,3, Parunin P.1,2,3, Polukhin A.1, Semeykina V.1,2,3
Study of Biforming Process on CoMoNi Catalyst by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Scientific Research Centre “Energy Efficient Catalysis”, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dorokhov V.S., Permyakov E.A., Kogan V.M.
Synthesis of Alcohols and their Conversion in Reactive and Inert Gases on Alkali Modified Molybdenum
Disulphide Catalysts
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
Kasakov S.1, Zhao C.1,2, Barath E.1, Chase Z.A.3, Camaioni D.M.4, Fulton J.L.4, Vjunov A.4, Shi H.4, Lercher J.A.1,4
Glucose and Cellulose Derived Ni/C-SO3H Catalysts for Liquid Phenol Hydrodeoxygenation
1 - Technische Universität München, München, Germany
2 - East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
3 - Washington State University, Pullman, USA
4 - Pacific Northwestern National Laboratory, Richland, USA
Ishchenko E.V.1,2, Kardash T.Y.1,2, Ishchenko A.V.1,2, Andrushkevich T.V.1
Role of Nb in Formation of MoVTeNb Catalyst for Propane Ammoxidation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Yadav G.D., Nakhate A.V.
CuFe2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles: An Efficient, Recyclable Catalyst for N-arylation of Indole and
Imidazole with Aryl Halide under Mild Reaction Conditions
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai, India
Kazakova M.1,2, Kuznetsov V.1,2, Sergeev S.1, Moseenkov S.1, Selutin A.1,2, Ischenko A.1,2, Schmakov A.1,2,
Matsko M.1, Zakharov V.1
The Polypropylene Based Composites Produced by Using Pre-adsorbed Catalyst on the Surface of Carbon
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Santana J.L., Cruz A., Saborit I.
Transition Metal Oxides on Heterogeneous Fenton-like Systems with Thermal and Enzyme Peroxidase
Catalytic Activity for Pollutant Degradation
Instituto Superior de Tecnologia y Ciencias Aplicadas, Havana, Cuba
Butova V.V.1, Guda A.A.1, Budnyk A.P.1,2, Lamberti C.1,2, Lomachenko K.A.1,2, Soldatov A.V.1
Microwave-assistant Functionalization of MOFs with Gold Nanoparticles
1 - Southern Federal University, IRC Smart Materials, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2 - University of Turin, Department of Chemistry, Turin, Italy
Gunawardana P.V.D.S.1, Hwang J.1, Walmsley J.C.2, Svenum I.H.2, Venvik H.J.1
On the Origin and State of Ni and Fe Species as Catalysts for the Initiation of Metal Dusting Corrosion
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
2 - SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway
Rafikova K.S.1, Zazybin A.G.1, Bigaliyeva F.B.1, Meric N.2, Aydemir M.2, Pasa S.2, Temel H.2, Yu V.K.1,3
Towards the Application of New Ionic Liquids Based Ru(II) Catalysts in Transfer Hydrogenation
1 - Kazakh-British Technical University, School of Chemical Engineering, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 - Science and Technology Application and Research Center, Dicle University, Turkey
3 - Institute of Chemical Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Guerrero-Caballero J.1,2, Fang W.1,2, Pirez C.1,2, Paul S.2,3, Dumeignil F.1,2,4, Löfberg A.1,2, Jalowiecki-Duhamel L.1,2
Syngas Production from CH4 and CO2 over Ni-based Nanocomposites Catalysts at Mild Conditions
1 - Université Lille Nord de France, 59000 Lille, France
2 - CNRS UMR8181, Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, UCCS, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
3 - Ecole Centrale de Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
4 - Institut Universitaire de France, Maison Universités, 103 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris, France
Babushkin D.E.1, Panchenko V.N.1, Brintzinger H.2
Identification and Kinetic Tracing of Catalyst Intermediates by Complementary Spectroscopic Methods,
Applied to the Resting States of Olefin-Polymerization Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
Martin L.1,2, Paul J.-F.1,2
Density Functional Theory Study of Alcohol Amination Reaction on Monoclinic Zirconia Surfaces
1 - Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
2 - Lille University, Lille, France
Marques Mota F.1, Jung J.2, Ryoo R.1,2
Ethylbenzene Hydroisomerization over an EU-1 Zeolite Generated in Presence of a Multivalent
Surfactant Capping Agent
1 - Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, South Korea
2 - Department of Chemistry, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea
Oleneva P.V., Berdnikova P.V., Pai Z.P.
Catalytic Oxidation of α-Alkenes C8-C12 to Carboxylic Acids
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Lefevere J.1,2, Protasova L.2, Mullens S.2, Meynen V.1
Innovative Catalyst Design for Improved Catalytic Properties for Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction
1 - University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
2 - VITO
Baizhumanova T.S., Zheksenbaeva Z.T., Tungatarova S.А., Zhumabek M., Kassymkan K.
Development of Technology for Catalytic Neutralization of Toxic Waste Gas Impurities
D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalyst and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Larichev Y.V.1,2,3, Martyanov O.N.1,2,3
Asphaltene Aggregation Processes in the Crude Oils
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Unicat Ltd, Novosibirsk, Russia
Vlasova E.N.1,2, Aleksandrov P.V.1,2, Deliy I.V.1,2,3, Bukhtiyarov A.V.1,2, Gerasimov E.Y.1,2, Paharukova V.P.1,2,
Bukhtiyarova G.A.1
Peculiarities of MoS2/Al2O3, CoMoS/Al2O3 and NiMoS/Al2O3 Catalyst’s Behaviour in the Hydroconversion
of Aliphatic Esters and Rapeseed Oil
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk National Research University,
Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Salhi N.1,2, Benadji S.2, Boudjeloud M.2, Saadi A.2, Rabia C.2
HMS Supported H4PMo11VO40 Catalysts for the Isopropanol Decomposition Reaction
1 - Laboratoire LCPMM, département de chimie, Faculté des Sciences, U.Blida, route de Soumaa BP Blida, Algeria
2 - Laboratoire de Chimie du Gaz Naturel, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB 109 El-Alia Bab Ezzouar, Alger-Algérie
Muhler M.1, Chew L.M.1, Kangvansura P.2, Ruland H.1, Xia W.1, Worayingyong A.2
The Effect of K- and Mn- Promoters on N-doped Carbon Nanotube-Supported Iron Nanoparticles for
CO2 hydrogenation
1 - Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2 - Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Section 2. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization
Choudhary H., Nishimura S., Ebitani K.
Capped Co-promoted Pd/AlOOH Catalysts in Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid for Hydrogenation of
Maleic Anhydride
School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Japan
Van Den Berg R.1, Elkjaer C.F.2, Gommes C.J.3, Sehested J.2, De Jongh P.E.1, De Jong K.P.1, Helveg S.2
In-Situ TEM and Electron Tomography: Revealing the Location and the Mechanism of Formation of
Copper Particles
1 - Utrecht University, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis,
Universiteitsweg 99, Utrecht, Netherlands
2 - Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymollevej 55, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
3 - University of Liege B6A, Department of Chemical Engineering, Allee de 6 aout 3, B4000 Liege, Belgium
Arroyo-Ramirez L.1, Doan-Nguyen V.2, Murray C.B.2,3, Gorte R.J.1,3
Effect of the PdFe Alloy in the Catalysis of Water Gas Shift Reaction
1 - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2 - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
3 - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Nunna V.K., Parasuraman S.
Architecting Acid-mediated Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Aluminosilicates
National Centre for Catalysis Research and Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras,
Chennai, India
Mom R.V.1, Frenken J.W.M.1,2, Groot I.M.N.1
Atomic Scale Understanding of Hydrodesulfurization Catalysis Using High-Pressure Scanning Tunneling
1 - Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA Leiden, The Netherlands
2 - Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography, Science Park 104, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Parres-Esclapez S.1, Rico-Perez V.2, Bueno-López A.2, Pescarmona P.P.1,3
A Novel Synthesis Strategy in Supercritical CO2 for the Preparation of Nanostructured Ce-Pr Mixed
Oxide with Enhanced Catalytic Properties
1 - COK, University of Leuven, Belgium
2 - Inorganic Chemistry Department, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
3 - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Bilalov T.R.1, Zakharov A.A.1, Jaddoa A.A.1,2, Gabitov F.R.1, Gumerov F.M.1
Synthesis and Regeneration of Different Catalysts with the Supercritical Fluid Technology
1 - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Kazan National
Research Technological University”, Kazan, Russia
2 - Technological University, Baghdad, Iraq
Solvation Shell of Platinum Complexes in Solutions According to EXAFS Data
Kanazhevskiy V., Chesalov Yu., Kochubey D.
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Agliullin M.R.1, Talipova R.R.1, Grigor’Eva N.G.1, Kutepov B.I.1, Dmitrieva A.A.2, Rahimov M.N.2
Synthesis of Catalytically Active Mesoporous Aluminosilicates without the Use of Templates
1 - Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis RAS, Ufa, Russia
2 - Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia
Mayr L.1, Klötzer B.1, Zemlyanov D.2, Penner S.1
Tuning of the Copper-Zirconia and Palladium-Zirconium Phase Boundary for CO2-Selective Methanol
Steam Reforming
1 - University of Innsbruck, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Innsbruck, Austria
2 - Purdue University, Birck Nanotechnology Center, West Lafayette, USA
Averlant R.1, Lebedeva A.1, Lamonier J.-F.1, Giraudon J.-M.1, Royer S.2, Alamdari H.3
Activated Reactive Synthesis, a Flexible Route to Produce Manganese Oxides with Improved Textural,
Redox and Catalytic Properties
1 - Université Lille1, UMR 8181 CNRS, UCCS, Boulevard Langevin, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
2 - Université de Poitiers, UMR 7285 CNRS, IC2MP, 4 Rue Michel Brunet, 86022 Poitiers, France
3 - Université Laval, Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Québec, Canada
Hargreaves J.S.J.1, Mcfarlane A.R.1, Hector A.L.2, Cook J.2, Levason W.2, Sardar K.2, Bion N.3, Can F.3,
Richard M.3
Ternary and Quaternary Interstitial Nitrides for Ammonia Synthesis
1 - School of Chemistry, Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K.
2 - Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Highfield , Southampton, U.K.
3 - University of Poitiers, CNRS UMR 7285, Institut des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers (IC2MP), Poitiers,
Bruk L.G., Temkin O.N.
Kinetic Classification for the Coupled Reactions. New Oportunities of Catalytic Systems Design
Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
Podyacheva O.1,2, Suboch A.1,2, Bulushev D.1, Zacharska M.3, Eremenko N.4, Eremenko A.4, Kibis L.1,2,
Boronin A.1,2, Stonkus O.1,2, Slavinskaya E.1,2, Ismagilov Z.1,4
Tailored Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanofibers for Different Catalytic Applications
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
4 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Ehret E.1, Beyou E.2, Mamontov G.V.3, Bugrova T.A.3, Domenichini B.4, Prakash S.1, Aouine M.1,
Cadete Santos Aires F.J.1,3
Synthesis of Bimetallic PdAg Nanoparticle Arrays by the Diblock Copolymer Micelle Approach: a Way to
Synthesize Supported Catalysts with Controlled Size, Composition and Spacing
1 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, UMR 5256 CNRS/UCB Lyon 1, 2 Avenue
Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne, France
2 - Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, UMR 5223 CNRS/UCB Lyon 1/INSA Lyon/UJM Saint-Etienne,
Bâtiment POLYTECH-Lyon, 15 Boulevard Latarjet, 69622 Villeurbanne, France
3 - National Research Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Catalytic Research, Tomsk, Russia
4 - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, UMR 6303 CNRS/Université de Bourgogne, 9 Avenue
A. Savary, BP47870, 21078 Dijon, France
Stepanova L.N.1, Belskaya O.B.1,2, Likholobov V.A.1,3
Influence of Platinum Anion Complexes Composition on Their Anchoring on Magnesium – Aluminum
Layered Hydroxides
1 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
2 - Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
3 - Omsk Scientific Centre, Omsk, Russia
Pezzotta C., Müller K., Gaigneaux E.
An Acidity Study of Encapsulated Heteropolyacids in a Sol-Gel Silica Matrix for a Green Friedel-Crafts
Université Catholique de Louvain, IMCN Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences, Croix du Sud, 2,
L7.05.17 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Rameshan R.1,2, Mayr L.1, Penner S.1, Franz D.3, Vonk V.3, Stierle A.3, Klötzer B.1, Knop-Gericke A.2,
Schlögl R.2
Carbide and Graphene Growth, Suppression and Dissolution in Ni Model Systems Studied by In-situ XPS
and SXRD
1 - Institute of Physical Chemistry, University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
2 - Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany
3 - Department of Photon Science, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Germany
Margellou A., Petrakis D., Pomonis P.
Effect of the Preparation Method of La1-xSrxFeO3 Perovskites on N2O Decomposition
Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
Cholach A.R.1, Asanov I.P.2
Hidden Resources of Electron Scattering at Surface and in the Bulk of a Solid: an Exploratory Research
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
Cholach A.R., Matveev A.V., Bulgakov N.N.
Surface Defects: Evaluation the Gap between Structure and Catalytic Activity
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
Tikhov S.1, Minyukova T.1, Valeev K.1, Cherepanova S.1, Salanov A.1, Kaichev Yu.1, Saraev A.1, Andreev A.1,
Lapina O.1, Sadykov V.1,2, Gerasimov K.3
Design of Ceramometal Cu-Al Catalyst with Egg-Shell Microstructure for Water-Gas Shift Reaction
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Salnikov O.G.1,2, Kovtunov K.V.1, Barskiy D.A.1,2, Burueva D.B.1,2, Koptyug I.V.1,2
Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization (PHIP): a Superior Tool for Mechanistic Studies of Heterogeneous
Catalytic Reactions
1 - International Tomography Center, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kaplin I.Y.1,2, Lokteva E.S.1,2, Golubina E.V.1,2, Voronova L.V.2
Biomorphous CeZrO2 and CuO-CeZrO2 Catalysts for Low-temperature CO Oxidation
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Omsk, Russia
Soler L.1, Divins N.J.1, Casanovas A.1, Xu W.2, Senanayake S.D.2, Wiater D.3, Trovarelli A.3, Llorca J.1
Ethanol Steam Reforming over RhPd Supported on Nanoshaped CeO2
1 - Institute of Energy Technologies, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
2 - Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA
3 - Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, Italy
Kharlamova T.S.1, Sadykov V.A.2,3, Vodyankina O.V.1
Design and Synthesis of Supported Vanadium Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbons
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Smirnov M.Yu., Kalinkin A.V., Toktarev A.V., Bukhtiyarov V.I.
The Interaction of Model NSR Catalysts BaO/MO2 and Pt-BaO/MO2 (MO2 = TiO2, ZrO2, TiO2-ZrO2)
with NO2
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Chouati M.1,2, Soualah A.2, Pouilloux Y.1, Pinard L.1, Astafan A.1,2
Location, Toxicity and Growth Mechanism of Coke on Hierarchical MOR Zeolites
1 - Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers, UMR 7285 CNRS, Poitiers, France
2 - LPMC, Laboratoire de Physico-chimie des Matériaux et Catalyse Université A.MIRA - Béjaia 06000, Algérie
Schimmenti R., Prestianni A., Ferrante F., Duca D.
Computational Investigation of Palladium Supported Boron Nitride Nanotube Catalysts
Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Palermo, Italy
Minyukova T.P.1, Khassin A.A.1,2, Yurieva T.M.1
Peculiarities of Controlled Synthesis of Highly Efficient Cu-Containing Catalyst for Methanol Synthesis
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Auyezov A.B.1, Toshtay K.1,2, Yeraliyeva A.T.1, Bizhanov Zh.A.1, Toktasinov S.K.1, Kudaibergen B.1,
Nurakyshev A.1
Effect of Catalyst Preparation on the Selective Hydrogenation of Canola Oil over Low Percentage
Pd/Diatomite Catalysts
1 - DSE «Scientific Technology Park», RSE «Al-Farabi Kazakh National University», Almaty, Republic of
2 - Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Cortese R., Ferrante F., Duca D.
Metal-free N-doped Carbon Networks as Hydrogenation Catalysts: a Computational Study
Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Palermo, Italy
Theofanidis S.A., Galvita V.V., Poelman H., Marin G.B.
Enhanced Catalytic Performance of Ni-Fe Alloy in Methane Dry Reforming: Role of Fe
Ghent University, Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT), Ghent, Greece
Rufete-Beneite M, Roman-Martinez M.C., Adsuar-Garcia M.D., Linares-Solano A.
Hybrid SILP Catalysts Based on Carbon Materials
Department of Inorganic Chemistry. University of Alicante, Alicante, France
Kulagina M.A.1,2, Simonov P.A.1,3, Romanenko P.A.1, Kvon R.I.1, Gerasimov E.Yu.1
Influence of the Support Nature on Palladium Activity in Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation of C=C Bond in
Molecules with Polar and Non-Polar Substituents
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Smirnova N.V.1, Kuriganova A.B.1, Leontyeva D.V.1, Novikova K.S.1, Barbashova A.A.1, Doronkin D.E.2
Electrochemical Alternating Current Synthesis of Composite Materials for Catalysis
1 - Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia
2 - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Tarasov A.V., Frei E., Schumann J.
On Combined Reactivity and Thermogravimetric Study of CO and CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol over
Cu Based Catalyst
Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Dapartment of Inorganic Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
Isupova L.A., Danilevich V.V., Danilova I.G., Paukshtis E.A., Ushakov V.A., Parmon V.N.
Alumina Exsiccates Prepared via CTA Technology
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Weiland E.1,2, Springuel-Huet M.-A.1, Nossov A.1, Guenneau F.1, Quoineaud A.-A.2, Gédéon A.1
Textural and Transport Properties of Hydrotreatment Catalysts (γ-aluminas) Characterised by 129Xe-
NMR Spectroscopy
1 - Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7574, Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de
Paris, F-75005, Paris, France
2 - IFP Energies nouvelles, Etablissement de Lyon – Rond-point de l’échangeur de Solaize - BP3, Solaize,
Kharitonov V.A., Grishin M.V., Gatin A.K., Slutsky V.G., Shub B.R.
Organoboron Nanoparticles Catalityc Properties: the Substrate Effect
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Bugrova T.A.1, Litvyakova N.N.1, Biryukova K.A.1, Santos Aires F.J.C.1,2, Prakash S.2, Mamontov G.V.1
The Influence of Support Properties on State of Supported CrOx and Activity of Chromium Oxide
Catalysts in Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbons
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et L’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON), 2, Av. A. Einstein, 69626,
Villeurbanne cedex, France
Kolokolov D.I.1,2, Luzgin M.V.1,2, Jobic H.3, Stepanov A.G.1,2
Characterization and Mobility of the Different Protonic Species in Anhydrous and Hydrated 12-
Tungstophosphoric Acid Studied by Solid State 2H NMR
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, CNRS, Villeurbanne, France
Sprung C., Weckhuysen B.M.
Differences in the Location of Guest Molecules within Zeolite Pores As Revealed by Multilaser Excitation
Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy: Which Molecule Is Where?
Utrecht University, Dept. of Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Zhang Z., Huang W.
Active Cu Structure for Water-Gas-Shift Reaction
University of Science and Technology of China, HeFei, China
Chen S.1, Zhang B.2, Su D.2, Huang W.1
Enhancing Catalytic Performance of Au/TiO2 Catalyst in Propylene Epoxidation with O2 and H2 via
Tuning TiO2 Morphology
1 - Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for Energy
Conversion, Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
2 - Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Shenyang, China
Rasskazova L.1, Zhuk I.1, Korotchenko N.1, Kovalev E.2, Glazneva T. 2, Larina T.2, Paukshtis E.1,2,
Bal’zhinimaev B.2, Parmon V.1,2, Kozik V.1
Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane over Hydroxyapatites Substituted with Mg2+ and SiO44¯ Ions
1 - National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov institute of catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Zhang H., Ma C.J., Zheng J.B., Zhang N.W., Li Y.H., Chen B.H.
Evolutions of the Surface Structure and Catalytic Performance of PtRu/C and PtRu/Al2O3 during
Thermal Treatments
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, National Engineering Laboratory for Green,
Productions of Alcohols-Ethers-Esters, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University,
Xiamen, China
Kondrikov N.B., Vasilyeva M.S., Andreev A.A., Stepanov I.V., Lapina A.S., Runov A.K.
Photoactive Coatings Based on Titanium Dioxide Formed by Plasma-Electrolytic and Anodic Oxidation
Far Eastern Federal University, Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Vladivostok, Russia
Salanov A.N.1,2, Suprun E.A.1, Serkova A.N.1, Sidelnikova O.N.3, Sutormina E.F.1, Isupova L.A.1,
Parmon V.N.1,2
The Role of Etch Pits in Catalytic Etching of Platinum Catalyst Gauzes in Ammonia Oxidation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia,
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
Fedushchak Т.А.1, Akimov A.S.1, Morozov M.A.1, Uimin M.A.2, Petrenko T.V.1, Vosmerikov A.V.1,
Zhuravkov S.P.3
Solid-phase Synthesis of Intercalated Compounds of Molybdenum Disulfide
1 - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Metal Physics UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
3 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Smirnova N.S.1, Iost K.N.1, Temerev V.L.1, Borisov V.A.1, Kochubey D.I.2, Tsyrul’nikov P.G.1
Interactions in Catalytic System Ru-Rb-C (Sibunit) for Low-temperature Ammonia Synthesis
Investigated by EXAFS
1 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov institute of catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Chernyak S.A., Suslova E.V., Ivanov A.S., Egorov A.V., Savilov S.V., Lunin V.V.
Influence of Carbon Nanotubes Oxidation on the Co/CNT Structure and Catalytic Activity in CO
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Mukhambetov I.N., Lamberov A.A.
Hydrothermal Treatment of Gamma Alumina: Mechanisms and Effects on Catalytic Properties
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Aw M.S.1, Dražić G.2, Zorko M.2, Djinović P.1, Pintar A.1
Multifunctional Bimetallic Transition Metal Catalysts for Stable and Selective Methane Dry Reforming
1 - Laboratory for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 - Laboratory for Materials Chemistry, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nikoshvili L.1, Lyubimova N.1, Matveeva V.1, Sulman E.1, Shifrina Z.2, Bronstein L.2,3,4
Magnetically Separable Metal Nanoparticles as Effective Reusable Hydrogenation Catalysts
1 - Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
2 - A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
3 - Indiana University, Indiana, USA
4 - King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Shuvarakova E.I., Bedilo A.F.
Characterization of Electron-Acceptor Sites on the Surface of Sulfated and Chlorinated Alumina by EPR
Using Spin Probes
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pakharukova V.P., Yatsenko D.A., Nikulina O.S., Bulavchenko O.A., Pakharukov I.Yu., Tsybulya S.V.
X-Ray Diffraction Methods for Nano-Scale Structural Studies of Catalytic Materials
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kadirbekov K.A.1,2, Zhambakin D.K.1, Nurbaeva R.K.2, Aitureev A.U.2, Kadirbekov A.K.2, Imanbekov K.I.2
Design of Active and Selective Catalyst Systems on the Basis of Clinoptilolite for Hydrocarbon Cracking
1 - LLP «Kazatomprom-Sorbent», Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 - JSC «A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences»,, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ustyugov V.1, Finkelstein E.2, Lashina E.1, Chumakova N.1, Gornov A.2, Kaichev V.1, Bukhtiyarov V.1
Effect of Oxygen Bulk Diffusion in Nickel on Self-Sustained Oscillations in the Catalytic Oxidation of
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory, Irkutsk, Russia
Leba A., Dusova-Teke Y., Avci A.K., Yildirim R.
SEM and EDX Characterization of Mn/Na2WO4/SiO2 Catalyst for Oxidative Coupling of Methane
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Cao T., Hua Q., Zhang Z., Huang W.
Significant Enhancement Effect of PVP Capping Ligands on Catalytic Activity of Cu2O Octahedra in CO
Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Science at the Microscale, Hefei, China
CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for Energy Conversion, Hefei, China
Ziganshina A.Y.1, Sultanova E.D.1, Sergeeva T.Yu.1,2, Mukhitova R.K.1, Nizameev I.R.1, Kadirov M.K.1,
Salnikov V.V.3, Zuev Yu.F.3, Zakharova L.Ya.1, Konovalov A.I.1, Atlanderova A.A.2
Development of Hybrid Nanocomposites by Immobilization of Metal Nanoparticles on the
Supramolecular and Polymer Matrices of Resorcinarene Derivatives
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
3 - Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Kazan Scientific Centre, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Barbato P.S.1, Di Benedetto A.2, Landi G.1, Lisi L.1
Kinetically Modelled Temperature Programmed Desorption of CO2 as a Powerful Tool for Identification
and Quantification of Sites of Copper/ceria Catalysts for CO-PROX
1 - Research Institute on Combustion, CNR, Naples, Italy
2 - DICMAPI, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Murzin P.D.1, Murashkina A.A.2, Rudakova A.V.1, Emeline A.V.1, Ryabchuk V.K.2, Tsyganenko A.A.2, Bulanin K.M.1
Photocatalytic Activity of Al-doped TiO2
1 - Laboratory “Photoactive Nanocomposite Materials”, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2 - Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Nechaev Yu.S.1, Filippova V.P.1, Tomchuk A.A.1, Sundeev R.V.1, Yurum Alp.2, Yurum Yu.3, Veziroglu T.N.4
On the Physics of Intercalation of Hydrogen into Surface Nanoblisters in Pyrolytic Graphite & Epitaxial
Graphene: Relevance to the Hydrogen Storage Problem
1 - I. P. Bardin Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, G. V. Kurdjumov Institute of Metals Science
and Physics, Moscow, Russia
2 - Sabanci University, Nanotechnology Research and Application Centre, Istanbul, Turkey
3 - Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
4 - International Association for Hydrogen Energy, 5794 SW 40 St. #303, Miami, FL 33155, USA
Nechaev Yu.S.1, Filippova V.P.1, Tomchuk A.A.1, Sundeev R.V.1, Yurum Alp.2, Yurum Yu.3, Veziroglu T. Nejat4
On the Spillover Effect Manifestation When the Solid Hydrogen Intercalation into Hydrogenated
Graphite Nanofibers: Relevance to the Hydrogen Storage Problem
1 - I. P. Bardin Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, G. V. Kurdjumov Institute of Metals Science
and Physics, Moscow, Russia
2 - Sabanci University, Nanotechnology Research and Application Centre, Istanbul, Turkey
3 - Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
4 - International Association for Hydrogen Energy, 5794 SW 40 St. #303, Miami, FL 33155, USA
Shamsutdinova A.1, Zharkova V.1, Brichkov A.1, Glazneva T.2, Bobkova L.1, Larina T.2, Paukshtis E.1,2,
Parmon V.1,2, Kozik V.1
Oxidation of n-heptane over Sphere Catalysts with a Composition of TiO2-SiO2-MxOy, where M is Со or Ni
1 - National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Karatok M.1, Vovk E.I.1,2, Shah S.A.A.1, Turksoy A.1, Ozensoy E.1
C-C Bond Activation in Acetaldehyde Oxidation on Au(111)
1 - Bilkent University, Chemistry department, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Levinbuk M.I.1,2, Maksimov I.S.2
Commercial Experience of Operating FCC Unit with Low Catalyst-to-feed Ratio and the Reduced
REO Content in the Catalysts
1 - Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
Arkhipova D.M.1, Ermolaev V.V.1, Miluykov V.A.1, Islamov D.R.2, Kataeva O.N.1, Sinyashin O.G.1
Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Palladium Nanoparticles by Modification Phosphonium Ionic Liquid Structure
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Krasnikova I.V.1, Mishakov I.V.1,2, Vedyagin A.A.1
Advantages of Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis to Prepare Catalysts for Carbon Nanofiber Synthesis
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Stonkus O.A.1,2,3, Slavinskaya E.M.1,3, Gulyaev R.V.1,3, Zadesenets A.V.1,4, Shubin Yu.V.1,4, Korenev S.V.1,4,
Zaikovskii V.I.1,3, Boronin A.I.1,3
Modification by Sn as a Key Factor in Thermal Stability of Pd-ceria Based Catalysts for Low-temperature
CO Oxidation
1 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University, Russia
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
Tavadyan L.A.1, Grigoryan R.R.1, Arsentev S.D.1, Aloyan S.G.2
Application of the Nanopowders of Ni, Co and Their Alloy Prepared by a Method of
Plasma-Mechanochemistry for the Reaction of the Carbon Dioxide Conversion of Methane
1 - Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2 - Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
Carniti P., Gervasini A., Prati L.
Effective Acidities of Heterogeneous Catalysts in Various Liquids in Relation with their Catalytic Activity
Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Chimica, via Camillo Golgi 19, 20133 Milano, Italy
Krugovov D.1, Mengele E.1, Kasaikina O.1, Berezin M.2
New Heterogeneous Catalysts for Free Radical Generation
1 - N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Problem Chemical Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
Isupova L.A., Simonova L.G., Zirka A.A., Larina T.V., Reshetnikov S.I.
High Active Cr-Al Oxides Catalyst for the Ozone Friendly Freons Synthesis: Pretreatment Conditions and
Kinetic Study
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Ray K.1, Pandey D.1, Singh B.2, Prasad R.2, Deo G.1
A Computational Approach to Understand the Promotional Effect in Ni-Fe Bimetallic Catalyst
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208016 (U.P.), India
2 - Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208016 (U.P.), India
Banerjee A.1, Gunasooriya G.T.K.K.2, Saeys M.2, Otyuskaya D.S.2
Origin of the Spontaneous Formation of Cobalt Nano-Islands under Fischer Tropsch Conditions and
Mechanistic Consequences
1 - Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2 - Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
Kvon R.I.1, Bukhtiyarov A.V.1,2, Nartova A.V.1,3,2, Makarov E.M.1,3,2, Kulagina M.A.1,3, Shterk G.V.1,3,2,
Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,3,2
Instrumentally Induced Differential Charging Effect in XPS – Turning Drawback to Advantage
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kazak V.O., Chernavskii P.A., Pankina G.V.
Kinetics of Activation Fischer-Tropsch Iron-Based Catalysts under CO and CO/H2 Flows
MSU, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Zheng G.1, Polavarapu L.1, Pastoriza-Santos I.1, Pérez-Juste J.1, Liz-Marzán L. M.1,2
Gold Nanoparticle-Loaded Filter Paper: a Recyclable Dip-Catalyst for Real-Time Reaction Monitoring by
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
1 - Departamento de Química Física, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
2 - Bionanoplasmonics Laboratory, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain
Goulon A.1, Faraj A.1, Leflaive P.2
Graph Machine Based Advanced Data Modelling for High-Throughput Zeolite Catalyst Screening
1 - IFP Energies nouvelles, 1 et 4 avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France
2 - IFP Energies nouvelles, Rond-point de l'échangeur de Solaize, BP 3, 69360 Solaize, France
Ibrahim A., Al-Fatesh A., Khan W., Fakeeha A., Abasaeed A.
Catalytic Methane Decomposition using Iron-Lanthanum Catalysts: Effect of Fe Loading on Activity
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA
Redekop E.A.1, Prieto I.2, Galvita V.1, Marin G.B.1
Temperature-Programmed vs. Isothermal Pulsed Oxidation of Graphene Formed on Pt/Mg(Al)Ox
Dehydrogenation Catalysts
1 - Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Technologiepark 914, B-9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Techonolgy, University of Valladolid, Paseo Prado
de la Magdalena s/n, 47005 Valladolid, Spain
Shuvarakova E.I.1,2, Bedilo A.F.1,2, Akimova T.N.3, Chesnokov V.V.1,3, Kenzhin R.M.1
The Role of Electron-Acceptor Sites during Catalytic Dehydrochlorination of 1-Chlorobutane over Metal
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Bedilo A.F.1,2, Shuvarakova E.I.1,2
Surface Electron-Acceptor Sites: Their Structure and Role in Catalytic and Solid-State Reactions
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Lunkenbein T., Girgsdies F., Noack J., Wernbacher A., Eichelbaum M., Trunschke A., Schlögl R., Willinger M. G.
Direct Imaging of Octahedral Distortion in a Complex Molybdenum Vanadium Mixed Oxide
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Shutilov R., Zenkovets G., Gavrilov V.
State and the Catalytic Properties of Cu/ZSM-5 in Selective NO Reduction with Propane
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Saraev A.A., Vinokurov Z.S., Shmakov A.N., Kaichev V.V., Bukhtiyarov V.I.
In Situ XRD Study of Oscillations during the Methane Oxidation over Palladium and Nickel Foils
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Orlov L.1,2, Ivin S.2
Temperature Behayiour of the Silane and Germane Molecule Fractures Adsorbed by a Growth Surface in
an Epitaxial Process
1 - Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS, N.Novgorod, Russia
2 - Nizhny Novgorod Alexeev State Technical University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
Strømsheim M.D.1, Svenum I.H.2, Borg A.3, Venvik H.J.1
Model Systems for Co Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7491
Trondheim, Norway
2 - SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, P.O.Box 4760 Sluppen, NO-7465, Trondheim, Norway
3 - Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Arroyave M.J., Arboleda E.J., Echavarría I.A., Hoyos D.A.
Synthesis of Zeolites from Fly Ashes for Potential Applicationin Environmental Problems
Universidad de Antioquia, Medelín, Colombia
Volodin A.M.1, Bedilo A.F.1,2
Spin Probes for Characterization of Active Sites on the Surface of Oxide Catalysts and Prediction of Their
Catalytic Activity
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Budnyk A.1,2, Damin A.2, Bordiga S.2
Cr-doped Silica Porous Monolith as a Model for Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Phillips Catalyst
1 - Southern Federal University, IRC “Smart Materials”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2 - University of Turin, Department of Chemistry, NIS Centre, Via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Turin, Italy
Baidoo M.F.1, Rout K.R.1, Fenes E.1, Fuglerud T.2, Chen D.1
Rational Design of Cu-based Catalyst of Oxychlorination Process by Combined In-situ Mass- and Spatialtime
Resolved UV-Visible Spectroscopy.
1 - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Chemical Eng. Dept, Trondheim, Norway
2 - Technology and Projects, INEOS ChlorVinyl, Norway
Mishakov I.V.1,2, Bauman Yu.I.1, Shubin Yu.V.3,4, Rudnev A.V.3, Vedyagin A.A.1, Buyanov R.A.1
Controllable Metal Dusting of Ni-M Alloys: New Opportunities for Design of Self-organized Catalysts and
Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Vedyagin A.A., Volodin A.M., Stoyanovskii V.O., Stoyanovskii V.O., Kenzhin R.M.
Characterization of the Catalysts with Atomically Dispersed Pd and Rh on Alumina
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Isaeva V.I., Markov P.V., Turova O.V., Mashkovsky I.S., Stakheev A.Yu, Kustov L.M.
Novel Catalysts for Selective C≡C Bond Hydrogenation Based on Metal-organic Framework MIL-53(Al)
as a Host Matrix for Pd Nanoparticles
ND Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
Say Z., Samast Z.A., Ozensoy E.
Effect of the Synthesis Route on NOx Storage over Ceria/Zirconia based-Mixed Oxides in LNT Applications
Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Alexandrova J.V.1, Vlasov E.A.1, Maltseva N.V.1, Murzin D.U.2, Postnov A.U.1
Choice and Validation of the Promoting Additives on the Zeolite Catalysts of Isobutane Alkylation
1 - St. Petersburg StateTechnological Institute (Technical University), Department of General Chemical
Technology and Catalysis, St. Petersburg, Russia
2 - Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Kuznetsov V.L.1,2, Krasnikov D.V.1,2, Shmakov A.N.1,2, Lapina O.B.1, Andreev A.S.1,2, Ishchenko A.V.1,
Prosvirin I.P.1, Kalinkin A.V.1, Zakharov D.N.3, Kazakova M.A.1,2
In Situ and Ex Situ Studies of Bimetallic Catalysts Activation for Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Growth
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Brookhaven National Laboratory P.O. Box 5000, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA
Silantyev G.A.1, Filippov O.A.1, Belkova N.V.1, Kozinets E.M.1, Musa S.2, Gelman D.2, Shubina E.S.1
Catalytic Activity of PCsp3P Pincer Iridium Hydride Complexes in Olefines Hydroformylation and
Acceptorless Alcohols Dehydrogenation: DFT and Spectroscopic Study
1 - A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Chemistry, Edmond Safra Campus, Givat Ram, 91904
Jerusalem, Israel
Dobrotvorskaia A.N., Gatilova A.V., Kolomiitsova T.D., Shchepkin D.N., Tsyganenko A.A.
Manifestation of Resonance Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Spectra of Adsorbed Strongly Absorbing
Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
van Spronsen M.A., Frenken J.W.M., Groot I.M.N., Mom R.V.
Novel Surface Oxide on Pt(111) as the Active Phase for NO and CO Oxidation
Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9504, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Baizhumanova T.S., Tungatarova S.А., Zheksenbaeva Z.T., Kassymkan K., Zhumabek M.
Thermally Stable Multicomponent Manganese Catalyst for Deep Oxidation of Methane
D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalyst and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Vanchourin V.I.1, Dzhumamukhamedov D.Sh.1, Pavlov U.L.1, Marachuk L.I.2, Dulnev A.V.3
Thermostable Cu-containing Catalyst with Grafted Active Component for the Dehydrogenation of
Cyclohexanol to Cyclohexanone
1 - D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
2 - JSC "Grodno Azot", Grodno, Republic of Belarus
3 - LLC "NIAP-KATALIZATOR", Novomoskovsk, Tula Region, Russia
Taghiyev D., Zeynalov N.
Hydrogenation of Benzene in the Presence of Nickel Nanocatalysts Immobilized on Chitosan
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after academician M.Nagiyev of NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku,
Abbasov Y.1, Ismailov E.1, Tagiyev D.2
Key Magnetic Intermediates in Rhenium-based Olefins Metathesis Catalytic Systems
1 - Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Physical and Physical-Chemical Investigations Department, Baku,
2 - Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Baku, Azerbaijan
Tomina N.N.1, Antonov S.A.2, Maximov N.M.1, Pimerzin A.A.1
Dibenzothiophene Hydrogenolysis on Zinc Modified Ni-MoW/Al2O3 Hydrotreating Catalysts
1 - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
2 - United Research and Development Centre, Moscow, Russia
Maximov N.M., Tomina N.N., Solmanov P.S., Pimerzin A.A.
Hydrotreating of Vacuum Gas Oil on NiMo/Р-γ-Al2O3 Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Larichev Yu.V.1,2
Progress in the SAXS Study of Supported Metal Catalysts and Porous Composite Materials
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pérez-Romo P., Aguilar-Barrera C., Navarrete-Bolaños J., Fripiat J.
Silica Poisoning Effect on HDT Catalysts Processing Light Coker Naphtha
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo. Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas No. 152. Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan. C. P.
07730, México D. F., México
Simakova I.1,2, Demidova Yu.1,2, Prosvirin I.1, Glaesel J.3, Etzold B.3, Schubert T.4, Simakov A.5, Murzin D.Yu.6
Optimizing the Controlled Synthesis of PVP-based Carbon Supported Ru Nanoparticles: Synthesis
Approaches and Characterization
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
4 - FutureCarbon GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
5 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, UNAM, Ensenada, México
6 - Åbo Akademi University, PCC, Turku/Åbo, Finland
Koskin A.P.1, Kenzhin R.M.1, Mishakov I.V.1,2, Vedyagin A.A1,2
Sulfated Perfluoropolymer on Carbon Nanofibers Composites: Preparation, Acidity and Catalytic Activity
in the Gas-Phase Benzene Nitration
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Rotaru C.G.1, Postole G.2, Florea M.1, Matei-Rutkovska F.2, Pârvulescu V.I.1, Gelin P.2
Characterization and Methane Dry Reforming Performance of CeO2 Prepared by Modified Precipitation
1 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and
Catalysis, B-dul Regina Elisabeta 4-12, Bucharest, Romania
2 - Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’environnement
de Lyon, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France
Demidova Yu.1,2, Simakova I.1,2, Prosvirin I.1, Glaesel J.3, Etzold B.3, Schubert T.4, Simakov A.5, Murzin D.Yu.6
Precisely Controlled Synthesis of PVP- Capped Ni and Co Metal Nanoparticles
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
4 - FutureCarbon GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
5 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, UNAM, Ensenada, México
6 - Åbo Akademi University, PCC, Turku/Åbo, Finland
Benrabaa R.1,2, Löfberg A.3, Guerrero Caballero J.3, Rouibah K.1,4, Boukhlouf H.1,5, Vannier R.N.3,
Bordes-Richard E.3, Rubbens A.3, Barama A.1
Syngas Production via Dry Reforming of Methane over NiAlxFe2-xO4 Oxides: Synthesis, Characterization
and Reactivity Study
1 - Laboratoire de Matériaux Catalytiques et Catalyse en Chimie Organique, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB, BP32,
El-Alia, 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie
2 - Université 20 Août-Skikda, Faculté de Technologie, Département de Pétrochimie &Génie des Procédés, BP
26, route Al-Hadaiek, 21000 Skikda, Alger, Algérie
3 - Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, UMR CNRS 8181, Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies,
Bât. C3 Cité scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
4 - Université Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia-Jijel, Faculté des Sciences et Technologie BP 98, Ouled Aissa, 18000
Jijel, Alger, Algérie
5 - Entreprise Nationale Sonatrach, Institut Algérien du Pétrole, Les platanes Filfila, Skikda, Alger, Algérie
Kurtoglu K., Gubbuk I.H.
Preparation of Cu Loaded Magnetic Nanoparticle Catalyst and Its Catalytic Activity for Degradation of
Azo Dyes
Selcuk University Faculty of Sciences Department of Chemistry, 42031 Campus, Konya, Turkey
Aslan E.1, Baslak C.1, Hatay Patir I.1, Kus M.2, Ersoz M.1
The Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution by Alloyed CdTeS Nanocrystals
1 - Department of Chemistry, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
Iqbal S.1, Schonmakers D.1, Lu L.2, Kondrat S.A.1, Jones D.R.1, Wells P.P.3, Gibson E.K.3, Morgan D.J.1,
Kiley C.J.2, Hutchings G.J.1
Ruthenium Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon – an Active Catalyst for the Hydrogenation of Lactic
Acid to Form 1,2-Propane Diol
1 - Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff, UK
2 - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
3 - The UK Catalysis Hub, Research Complex at Harwell, Harwell, Oxon, OX11 0FA, UK and University
College London, Kathleen Lonsdale Materials, Department of Chemistry, Gordon Street, London, UK
Polynskaya Y.G., Pichugina D.A., Kuz'menko N.E.
First Principles Study of Oxygen Adsorption and Dissociation on Au-Ag Clusters in the Propylene
Epoxidation Reaction
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Shikina N.V.1, Bessudnova E.V.1, Mel'Gunov M.C.1, Rudina N. A.1, Ischenko A. V.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,2
The Effect of Hydrolysis Temperature on the Textural Properties of Nanoscale Rutile
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Materials Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Polynskaya Y.G., Pichugina D.A., Kuz'Menko N.E.
Propene Epoxidation with Molecular Oxygen over Gold-Silver Catalysts: Density Functional Calculations
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Ibragimov H.J.1, Babaeva F.A.1, Ahmadova R.H.1, Rodemerck U.2, Kondratenko E.V.2
A Comparative Study of Methanol Conversion to Light Olefins over SAPO-34 Prepared via Conventional
and Ultrasound Assisted Hydrothermal Methods
1 - Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yu.G.
Mamedaliev, Department of “Chemistry and technology of oil and gas”, Baku, Azerbaijan
2 - Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at the University of Rostock, Department of “Catalyst discovery and reaction
engineering”, Rostock, Germany
Ryltsova I.G.1, Saenko R.N.1, Nestroynaya O.V.1, Lebedeva O.E.1, Danshina E.P.2
Stabilization of Transition Metal Ions in Unstable Oxidation State in the Matrix of Layered Double
Hydroxides with the Structure of Hydrotalcite
1 - Belgorod State National Research University, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Belgorod, Russia
2 - Belgorod State National Research University, Shared Facilities Center "Diagnosing the Structure and
Properties of Nanomaterials", Belgorod, Russia
Vorobyev P.B., Michailovskaya T.P., Saurambaeva L.I., Yugay O.K., Serebryanskaya A.P.
Modeling the Mechanism of Surface Stages of Vapor Phase Catalytic Oxidation of 4-Methylpyridine
A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences, JSC, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Mokrane E.1,2, Messaoudi H.1, Slymi S.1, Barama S.1, Taufiq-Yap Y.H.3, Pinard L.4, Barama A.1
Effect of the Preparation Method of Nano-Titanium Pyrophosphate on Catalytic Properties: The
Conversion of n-Butane
1 - LMCCCO, Faculty of Chemistry, USTHB, BP32 EL Alia 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
2 - Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences; UHBC, BP151 Hay Es-salem, 02000, Chlef, Algeria
3 - Catalysis Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM 43400, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
4 - IC2MP, Université de Poitiers, 40 av. du Recteur-Pineau, 86022 Poitiers cedex, France
Bennici S., Auroux A.
Relationship between Surface Acid/Base Sites of Solid Catalysts and Their Catalytic Activity in Biomass
Derived Reactions
Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de
Lyon, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France
Kirichenko O.A., Shesterkina A.A., Kozlova L.M., Mishin I.V., Kapustin G.I., Kustov L.M.
Selective Hydrogenation of Phenylacetylene to Styrene over Pd-Fe/SiO2 Effect of Catalyst Preparation
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Maximov A.L.1,2, Zolotukhina A.V.1
Bimetallic PdRu Nanocatalysts for the Hydrogenation of Phenols
1 - Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
Maximov A.L.1,2, Zolotukhina A.V.1, Karakhanov E.A.1
Hybrid Bimetallic RhRu and PdRh Nanocatalysts: Synthesis and Application
1 - Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
Dadashova N.R., Alimardanov H.M., Sadiqov O.A., Qaribov N.I., Quliyev A.D., Huseynova M.E., Aghabayli G.B.
Peroxocomplexes Contaning Rare Earth Elements as Effective Catalysts of Oxidation Reaction of Mono
and Bicyclic Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with Hydrogene Peroxide
Institute of Petrochemical Processes of NASA, Ваku, Azerbaijan
Krstić J.1, Gabrovska M.2, Radonjić V.1, Lončarević D.1, Stanković M.1, Nikolova D.2, Bilyarska L.2, Jovanović D.1
Silver Modified MgNi/SiO2 Catalysts for Vegetable Oil Hydrogenation
1 - University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Catalysis and
Chemical Engineering, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
2 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Wrabetz S.1, Teschner D.1, Amakawa K.2, Frank B.1, Perez-Ramirez J.3, Trunschke A.1, Schlögl R.1
New Insights on Active Sites of Key Catalyst Materials Using Microcalorimetry at Close to the Reaction
1 - Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
3 - ETH Zurich, Zurich Switzerland
Kungurova O.A.1,2,3, Shtertser N.V.1,2, Demeshkina M.P.2, Khassin A.A.1,2
Influence of Ruthenium Content in Co-Al Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst on Kinetics of Cobalt Reduction
1 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk National Research University,
Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Papa E.1, Benito P.1,2, Vaccari A.1,2, Medri V.1, Landi E.1
Novel Catalyst Supports with Lamellar and Hierarchical Porosity
1 - National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (CNR-ISTEC), via
Granarolo 64, 48018 Faenza, Italy
2 - Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Viale
Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy
Goryachev A.1, Carla F.2, Drnec J.2, Onderwaater W.2, Krause P.P.T.3, Wonders A.H.1, Hensen E.J.M.1,
Hofmann J.P.1
Synchrotron Based Operando Study of Structure Activity Relationships of Model Electrocatalysts for
Water Splitting
1 - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2 - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
3 - Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Gießen, Germany
Solomonik I.G.1,2, Mordkovich V.Z.1,2
The Problem of Correct Interpretation of Catalyst Acidity by the TPD NH3 Curves
1 - Department of New Chemical Technologies and Nanomaterials, Technological Institute for Superhard and
Novel Carbon Materials, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia
2 - INFRA Technology Ltd., Moscow, Russia
Kalinkin A.V., Smirnov M.Yu., Bukhtiyarov V.I.
XPS Study of Au/C Model Samples Oxidation by NO2
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Plyasova L.M1, Minyukova T.P.1, Molina I.U.1, Shtertser N.V.1,2, Larina T.V.1, Kriventsov V.V.1, Kustova G.N.1,
Simentsova I.I1, Zaikovskii V.I.1,2, Yurieva T.M.1
Effect of Chemical Composition on the Structural Peculiarities and Catalytic Behavior of Cu-Spinels in
Water Gas Shift Reaction
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Grabchenko M.V.1, Mamontov G.V.1, Zaikovskii V.I.2,3, Vodyankina O.V.1
Influence of Ag-CeO2 Interfacial Interaction on Activity of Ag/CeO2 Catalysts in Oxidative Reactions
1 - Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Catalytic Research, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dachwald O.H.1, Wirth A.S.1, Köhler K.1, Goh S.L.2, Högerl M.P.2, Basset J.-M.2
Well-defined and Atomically Dispersed Supported Palladium Catalysts for Carbon-Carbon Coupling
1 - Catalysis Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
2 - KAUST Catalysis Center, 4700 King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Thuwal, 23955 6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Boch F.J.1, Haeßner C.1, Köhler K.1, Högerl M. P.2, Goh S. L.2, Basset J.-M.2
Synthesis and Redox Behavior of Oxide Supported Isolated Nickel Complexes
1 - Catalysis Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
2 - KAUST Catalysis Center, 4700 King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Thuwal, 23955 6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Vasilyev V.A., Oparkin A.V., Karalin E.A., Kharlampidi Kh.E.
Surface Composition of the Industrial Dehydration Alumina Catalyst
Kazan national Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Marcos F.C.1, Lucredio A.F.1, Assaf J.M.2, Assaf E.M.1
Characterization of V-Al PILC Clay Surfaces after Modification by Cu-Zn Impregnation
1 - São Paulo University, Brazil
2 - Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Nikolova D.1, Edreva-Kardjieva R.1, Gabrovska M.1, Serwicka E.M.2
Impact of the Additives on the Texture Properties of Re/γ-Al2O3 as Catalysts for Water-Gas Shift Reaction
in the Presence of Sulphur-Containing Gases
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl. 11, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
2 - Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland
Sergeeva T.Yu.1,2, Sultanova E.D.2, Mukhitova R.K.2, Nizameev I.R.2, Kadirov M.K.2, Ziganshina A.Y.2,
Konovalov A.I.2
Application of Sodium Octacarboxylate Resorcinarenes in Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
1 - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan, Russia
Ivanova-Shor E.A., Laletina S.S., Shor A.M., Nasluzov V.A.
A Theoretical Study on the Effect of Active Centers of SiO2 Surface on O2 Interaction with Small
Supported Silver Clusters
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Schacht P., Díaz-García L., Portales B., Ramirez S.
Hydroprocessing of Heavy Crude Oil
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte, México
Godiksen A.1, Vennestrøm P.N.R.2, Rasmussen S.B.2, Lundegaard L.F.2, Mossin S.1
In-situ EPR Spectroscopy of the NH3-SCR Mechanism of Copper Chabazite
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry,
Kemitorvet 207, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Nymøllevej 55, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Aliyeva N.M., Mammadov E.E., Huseynova F.I., İsmailov E.H.
In Situ EMR / GC Study of the Conversion of Ethanol into Hydrocarbons on Fe-Zr/Al2O3 Catalysts
Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
Bryliakova A.A., Tapilin V.M.
DFT Studies of Adsorbed N2O and NH3 on Pd(110)
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Schnee J., Bourdoux S., Raj G., Gaigneaux E.M.
Supporting Surfactant-hybridized H3PW12O40 on TiO2 to Obtain Highly Dispersed Entities for Acid
Catalysis: the Undesired Coking Effect of Burning the Surfactant
Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN/MOST), Belgium
Tabakova T.1, Papavasiliou J.2, Ivanov I.1, Idakiev V.1, Avgouropoulos G.2,3
Effect of Dopant Nature on Low-Temperature WGS Activity of Cu-Mn Spinel Oxide Catalysts Prepared
by Combustion Method
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICEHT),
GR-26504 Patras, Greece
3 - Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, Rio Patras, Greece
Chernyshev D.O., Suslov A.V., Varlamova E.V., Staroverov D.V., Suchkov Yu.P., Shvets V.F.
Catalytic Dehydration of Methyl Lactate to Acrylic Acid
D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Kots P.A.1, Sushkevich V.L.1, Tyablikov O.A.1, Ivanova I.I.1,2
Synthesis of Zr-BEC Zeolite Catalyst with Strong Lewis Acidity
1 - Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Ponomareva E.A., Tolulope O., Parastaev A.S., Egorova E.V.
Bimetallic Copper Catalysts Supported on Activated Carbon Fibers for Ethanol Dehydrogenation
Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
Ismagilov I.1, Shubin A.1, Zilberberg I.1, Matus E.1, Kerzhentsev M.1, Ismagilov Z.1,2
Oxidative Activation of Methane over MnNaW/SiO2 Catalysts: Models for Active Sites
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
Doluda V., Sulman E., Matveeva V., Lakina N., Burmatova O., Stepacheva A.A.
The Investigation of Structure of Biocatalyst Used in the Vegetable Oils Transesterification
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Sulman E.M.1, Shumilov V.V.2,1, Shimanskaya E.I.2
Enlargement of the Surface Area of Highly Porous Catalysts
1 - Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
2 - Tver State University, Tver, Russia
Bukhtiyarov A.V.1,2, Prosvirin I.P.1,3, Saraev A.A.1, Klyushin A.Yu.4, Knop-Gericke A.4, Schlogl R.4,
Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2,3
CO Oxidation on the Bimetallic Pd-Au/HOPG Catalysts: in-situ XPS and MS Investigation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Fritz-Haber-Institute der Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Bulavchenko O.A.1,2, Vinokurov Z.S.1,2, Afonasenko T.N.3, Tsyril’nikov P.G.3, Tsybulya S.V.1,2, Saraev A.A.1,2,
Kaichev V.V.1,2
Reduction of Catalysts Based on Mn-Zr Oxides: In situ XPS and XRD Study
1 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk Russia
3 - Institute of Hydrocarbon Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
Akhmedyanova R.A.1, Miloslavskii D.G.1, Kharlampidi H.E.1,2, Zhavoronkov P.A.1
Ionic Liquid Supported on Diatomic Powder as Catalist of Benzene Alkylation with 1-octene
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, department of synthetic rubber, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan National Research Technological University, department of General Chemical Engineering, Kazan,
Boretskaya A.V.1, Il’yasov I.R.1, Lamberov A.A.1, Boretskiy K.S.1, Bikmurzin A.Sh.2
Influence of Acid-Base Characteristics of the Alumina on Properties of the Supported Palladium Particles
and Their Catalytic Activity
1 - A.M. Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, KFU, Tatarstan Republic, Russia
2 - Association "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", Tatarstan Republic, Nizhnekamsk, Russia
Nikulshin P.A.1, Mozhaev A.V.1, Maslakov K.I.2, Pimerzin A.A.1, Kogan V.M.3
Genesis of HDT Catalysts Prepared with the Use of Co2Mo10HPA and Cobalt Citrate: Study of Their Gas
and Liquid Phase Sulfidation
1 - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
2 - Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
3 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Ferjani W., Khalfallah Boudali L.
Different Preparation Method of WTi-Pillared Clay: Catalytic Application in the n-Hexane Isomerisation
Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux et Catalyse, Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.
Campus Universitaire 1060 Tunis, Tunisie
Ferjani W.1, Khalfallah Boudali L.1, Delahay G.2, Petitto C.2
Vanadium Supported on [WTi]-Pillared Clay: Catalytic Application in the Selective Catalytic Reduction
of NO by NH3
1 - Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux et Catalyse, Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.
Campus Universitaire 1060 Tunis, Tunisie
2 - Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, UMR 5253, CNRS-UM2-ENSCM-UM1, Equipe MACS, 3 - Ecole
Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, 8, rue Ecole Normale 34296 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Velichkina L., Kanashevich D., Vosmerikov A.
Isomerization of Light Hydrocarbons over the ZSM-5 Zeolites
Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Nasluzov V.A.1, Laletina S.S.1, Ivanova-Shor E.A.1, Shor A.M.1, Neyman K.M.2,3
A GGA+U DFT Investigation of Silver Atom, Trimer and Tetramer Supported by a Nanosized Particle
1 - Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 - Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain
3 - Departament de Quimica Fisica & IQTCUB, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Golosnaya M., Pichugina D., Kuz’menko N.
Quantum-Chemical Investigation Ligand-Stabilized Gold Clusters in Oxidation Reaction
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Kovtunova L.M.1,2, Khudorozhkov A.K.1, Prosvirin I.P.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1
Preparation Approach to the Control of Rhodium Dispersion for TiO2 and Al2O3 Supported Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kochubey D.I.1, Smirnova N.S.2, Temerev V.L.2, Iost K.N.2, Tsyrul’nikov P.G.2, Radkevich V.Z.3,
Khaminets S.G.3, Samoilenko O.A.3
The Nature of Carbon Supports Action on the Palladium Electronic State and Catalytic Properties
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
Bochkov M.A.1, Kharlampidi Kh.E.1, Akhmerov O.I1, Pyataev A.V.2
Mössbauer Spectroscopy Investigation of Iron-Cerium Oxide Systems as Catalyst in the Reaction of the
Methylbutene Dehydrogenation
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Malykhin S.E.1,2, Bedilo A.F.1,3, Volodin A.M.1, Avdeev V.I.1
EPR and DFT Study of the Oxygen Radicals Formation on Oxide Surfaces due to Homolytic Splitting of
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Strelnik I.D., Musina E.I., Karasik A.A., Sinyashin O.G.
Design of Novel Copper(I) Complexes of Pyridyl Substituted 1,5-Diaza-3,7-Diphosphacyclooctanes
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS, Kazan, Russia
Litvyakova N.N., Bugrova T.A., Mamontov G.V.
SiO2 Modified with ZrO2 as a Complex Support for Cr-containing Catalysts for Dehydrogenation of
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Benito P.1, Ballarini A.2, Valentini L.1, Fornasari G.1, Scelza O.2, Vaccari A.1
Rh-CeO2-Al2O3 Catalysts for the Partial Oxidation of Methane
1 - University of Bologna, Dip. Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”, Vle Risorgimento 4, 40136, Bologna, Italy
2 - Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica “José Miguel
Parera”, FIQ-UNL-CONICET. Santiago del Estero 2654, S3000AOJ, Santa Fe, Argentina
Fesenko T.I., Musina E.I., Karasik A.A., Sinyashin O.G.
Stereoselective Conversion of 14-Membered to 7-Membered Cyclic Aminomethylphosphines – a New
Route to Ni(II) Electrocatalysts of Hydrogen Transformation
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Yashnik S.A.1, Zaikovskii V.I.1, Sharafutdinov M.R.2, Saraev A.1, Kaichev V.V.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,3, Parmon V.N.1
Core/shell and Hollow Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles Supported on ZSM-5: Synthesis and Properties
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Kazakova M., Andreev A., Ishchenko A., Lapina O., Kuznetsov V.
The Synthesis and Characterization of Co Nanoparticles Supported on Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for
Catalytic Applications
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS; Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Agafonov Yu.A.1, Gaidai N.A.1, Botavina M.A.1,2, Martra G.2, Lapidus A.L.1
Gallium Oxides Catalysts for Light Paraffins Conversion
1 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - University of Torino, Department of IPM Chemistry and NIS Centre, Torino, Italy
Sultanova E.D.1, Salnikov V.V.2, Mukhitova R.K.1, Zuev Yu.V2, Zahkarova L.Ya1, Ziganshina A.Yu.1,
Konovalov A.A.1
Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of the Polymer-Stabilized Palladium Nanoparticles
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Pavlova T.V., Zhidomirov G.M., Eltsov K.N.
Cu(111) Chlorination on Atomic Scale: Adsorption, Diffusion, and Desorption
A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Department of Technologies and Measurements on Atomic Scale,
Moscow, Russia
Simagina V.I., Mukha S.A., Komova O.V., Netskina O.V., Odegova G.V., Derbilina A.V.
Combustion Synthesis of Perovskites from Solid Organometallic Glycine-Based Precursors
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Nizovskii A.I.1,2, Kalinkin A.V.1, Koshevoy E.I.1, Mikenas T.B.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1
The Characterization of Ziegler Type Ti-based Catalysts of Ethylene Polymerization by XPS
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
Nizovskii A.I.1,2, Kalinkin A.V.1, Smirnov M.Yu.1, Belskaya O.B.3,2, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1
New Possibility for Investigation of Supported Pt/MgAlOx Catalysts by XPS with Use of Monochromatic
AgLα Irradiation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing, SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
Özcan O.1,2, Dusova-Teke Y.3, Kibar M. E.1,2, Seçkin C.3, Yonel-Gumruk E.3, Akın A. N.1,2
Modeling and Optimization of Sol-Gel Process Parameters to Synthesize Nanostructured Boria-Alumina
Catalyst Supports: Response Surface Methodology Approach
1 - Kocaeli University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kocaeli, Turkey
2 - AYARGEM, Alternative Fuels R&D Center, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey
3 - Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation, R&D Department, Izmit, Turkey
Gerasimov E.Yu.1,2, Vinokurov Z.S.1,2, Kulikovskaya N.А.1, Isupova L.A.1, Tsybulya S.V.1,2
Investigation of the Microstructure Features of the Solid Solutions La1-xCaxCoO3-δ in Different Gas
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Yelimanova G.G.1, Smolin R.A.2, Batyrshin N.N.1, Kharlampidi Kh.E.1
Deactivation Mechanism of Molybdenum Catalysts
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan Russia
2 - United Research and Development Center, Kazan, Russia
Boronin A.I.1,2, Slavinskaya E.M.1,2, Gulyaev R.V.1,2, Zaikovskii A.V.3, Smovzh D.V.3, Novopashin S.A.3
Plasma-arc Synthesis of PdCeSnC Composites for Preparation of Highly Active Pd/CeO2-SnO2 Catalysts
for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation
1 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Campos A.F.P, Borges D.G, Cardoso D
Catalytic Performance of MFI Zeolite Synthesized with Cetyltrimethylammonium Cation as SDA
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
Makarov A.A., Fotin D.V.
New High Porosity Endogas Production Catalyst on Foam Substrate for Low-Carbon Steel Heat Treatment
ECAT Company, Perm, Russia
Murzin D.Yu.1, Shishkova M.L.2, Shvarts T.V.2
Spherical Aluminum Oxide for Synthesis of Supported Catalysts
1 - Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Process Centre, Abo Academi University Fin-2050 Turku/Abo, Finland
2 - The Department of General Chemical Technology and Catalysis, and Laboratory of Catalytic Technologies,
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Prosvirin I.P.1,2, Chetyrin I.A.1,2,3, Khudorozhkov A.K.1,3, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2,3
In-situ XPS Study of Active Component of Pd/Al2O3 Catalysts in Total CH4 Oxidation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis in Novosibirsk National Research University,
Novosibirsk, Russia
Rodriguez-Gomez A., Pereñiguez R, Caballero A.
Effect of Synthesis Method and Doping Metals (M: Pt, Ce) in Ni-M/SBA-15 Based Catalysts for Dry
Reforming of Methane
Inst. Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla and Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain
Lederhos C.1, Miranda C.2, Betti C.1, Badano J.1, Maccarrone J.1, Carrara N.1, Coloma-Pascual F.3, Cagnola E.1,
Quiroga M.1
1-Alkyne Selective Hydrogenation with Pd/AC Catalysts. Effect of Precursor Salt
1 - Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica – Facultad de Ingeniería Química (CONICETUNL),
Santiago del Estero 2654, S3000AOJ Santa Fe, Argentina
2 - Grupo de Catálisis, Departamento de Química, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán Calle 5 No. 4-70, Colombia
3 - Servicios Técnicos de Investigación, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España
Baizhumanova T.S., Tungatarova S.A., Zheksenbaeva Z.T., Zhumabek M., Kassymkan K.
Investigation of Activity of Supported Block Catalysts in Oxidation of Light Alkanes into Hydrogen-
Containing Compositions
D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bedilo A.F.1,2, Shuvarakova E.I.1,2
Synthesis of C/Al2O3 and SO42-/Al2O3 Aerogels and Their Catalytic Activity in Dehydrochlorination
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Grishin M.V., Kirsankin A.A., Gatin A.K., Shub B.R., Dohlikova N.V.
Hydrogen and Oxygen Interaction with Single Supported Gold Nanoparticles
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow, Russia
Shamsieva A.V., Musina E.I., Karasik A.A., Sinyashin O.G.
Cu(I) and Rh(I) Complexes of Novel Pyridyl-Containing Phospholanes
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Malykhin V.V., Sysolyatin S.V.
Development of Stable Catalysts for Debenzylation of Hexaazaisowurtzitane Derivatives
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies SB RAS, Biysk, Altai krai, Russia
Gayfullin A.A., Tuntseva C.H., Kharlampidi Kh.
Molybdenum-Containing Catalyst Production for Olefins Epoxidation with Using 1,1'-
Kazan National Research Technological University, Chair "General Chemical Technology", Kazan, Russia
Srankó D.F.1, Horváth Zs.E.2, Chamam M.1, Kerner Zs.1, Pap J.S.1
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Ru(II)-Diimine-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites as a
Light-Responsive Water Oxidation Electrocatalyst
1 - Institute for Energy Security and Environmental Safety, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
2 - Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Barbosa A.S., Barbosa A.S., Rodrigues M.G. F.
Synthesis of Zeolite Membranes of the Type MCM-22 and Y for Use in the Separation Process Oil/Water
Federal University of Campina Grande, Academic Unit of Chemical Engineering, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Barbosa A.S., Barbosa A.S., Rodrigues M.G.F.
Membrane Zeolite MCM-22/γ-Alumina Applied to the Adsorption Capacity of the Gasoline
New Materials Development Laboratory, Federal University of Campina Grande, Av. Aprígio Veloso, 58109-970
Campina Grande, Brazil
Garifzianova G.G., Shamov A.G.
Study of Adsorption of Hydrogen and Ethane on Bimetallic Platinum and Iridium Nanoclusters Using
Quantum-Chemical Calculations
Kazan National Research Technological University, Department of Catalysis 420015, Kazan, Russia
Belskaya O.B.1,2, Stepanova L.N.1, Erenburg S.B.3, Trubina S.V.3, Nizovskii A.I.4,2, Kalinkin A.V.4,
Bukhtiyarov V.I.4, Likholobov V.A.1,2
Influence of Zink on the Formation and Properties of Catalysts Pt/Mg(Zn)AlOx Obtained from the
Layered Hydroxides
1 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
2 - Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
3 - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Eduardo R.S.1, Rodrigues J.J.1, Rodrigues M.G.F.1, Cruz M.G.A.2, Fernandes F.A.N.2
Textural Properties of Iron-Based Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica SBA-15 Synthesized with
Different Silica Source
1 - Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
2 - Federal University of Ceará, Brazil
Eduardo R.S., Lima E.G., Rodrigues J.J., Rodrigues M.G.F.
Soybean Oil Transesterification Applying Iron-Based Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica SBA-15
Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
Tomina N.N., Maximov N.M., Bajanova A.S., Moiseev A.V., Pimerzin A.A.
Ni-XMo(W,V)/Al2O3 Catalysts Comparative Investigation in Hydrotreating of Light Coker Gasoil
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Gladky A.Yu.1, Kosolobov S.S.2, Saraev A.A.1, Sherstyuk O.V.1, Kaichev V.V.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1
Influence of Morphology of Ni Surface on Emergence of Self-Sustained Oscillations in the Oxidation of
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Benmounah A., Samar M., Saidi M., Safi B., Kheribet R.
Study of the Catalytic Effect of Nanosilica and Polycarboxylate on Cement Hydration and
Mechanical Properties of Cement Mortars
Research Unit: Materials, Processes and Environment (UR/MPE), Boumerdes University, Boumerdes, Algeria
Topolyuk Yu.A.1,2, Kulikov A.B.1, Maximov A.L.1,3
Functionalized Graphene-Containing Mesoporous Materials as Catalysts in Acid-Catalyzed Reactions
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
3 - Moscow State University, Dep. of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Silva F.M. N., Lima E.G., Rodrigues M.G.F.
Preparation and Characterization of MOR Catalysts, Mo- MOR Ni-MOR and for Application in the
Transesterification of Soybean Oil
Development of New Materials Laboratory-LABNOV, Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of
Chemical Engineer, Av. Aprígio Veloso, 58109-970 Campina Grande, Brazil
Lima E.G., Eduardo R.S., Barbosa A.S., Rodrigues M.G.F.
Preparation and Characterization of Mo Catalysts Supported on Clay for the Transesterification of
Soybean Oil
Development of New Materials Laboratory-LABNOV, Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of
Chemical Engineer, Av. Aprígio Veloso, 58109-970 Campina Grande, Brazil
Lahoues N.1, Barama S.1, Djellouli B.2, Barama A.1, Massiani P.3
Structural and Textural Properties of Modified Montmorillonite Derived from an Al13-Macrocation, Acid
and Nickel Activations
1 - Laboratoire des Matériaux Catalytiques & Catalyse en Chimie Organique, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB, BP
32 El Alia 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Alger-Algérie
2 - Laboratoire de Génie des Procèdes Chimiques, Faculté des Sciences de l’Ingénieur, Université Ferhat Abbas
– Sétif, 19000, Sétif- Algérie
3 - CNRS-UMR 7197 UPMC, Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, 4 Place Jussieu75005 Paris, France
Halouane M.1,2, Menad S.2, Kouachi K.3, Khiar C.2
Characterization and Activity in Dry Reforming of Methane over Alumina Supported Transition Metal
Catalysts Prepared by Microemulsion and Sol-Gel Method
1 - Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences et Sciences Appliquées, Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj de
bouira, Algeria
2 - Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée et Génie Chimique, Université M. Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou
3 - Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Département des Troncs Communs, Université de Bejaia
Mikheev V.V.1, Biglova Yu.N.1, Zagitov V.V.1, Torosyan S.A.2, Mustafin A.G.1, Miftakhov M.S.2
Synthesis and Parameters of the Thermal Degradation of Fullerene-Containing Polymers of Norbornenes
1 - Bashkir State University, Department of chemistry, Ufa, Russia
2 - Institute of chemistry of RAS, Ufa, Russia
Dudkina Yu.B.1, Gryaznova T.V.1, Davydov N.A.1, Mustafina A.R.1, Vicic D.A.2, Budnikova Yu.H.1
Nanoheterogeneous Catalysis in Electrochemically Induced Olefin Perfluoroalkylation
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
2 - Department of Chemistry, Lehigh University, 6 East Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania18015, United States
Golubina E.V., Lokteva E.S., Kavalerskaya N.E., Turakulova A.O.
ZrO2-Based Oxide Supports for Pd-Containing Catalysts for Hydrodechlorination of Chlorinated
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Maslakov P.A., Pervova I.G.
Quantum and Chemical Research of Nickel(II) Formazanates - Catalysts for Ethylene Oligomerization
Urals State Forestry Engineering University, Physicо-Chemical Technology of environmental protection,
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Avdeev V.I.1, Bedilo A.F.1,2, Shuvarakova E.I.1,2
Mechanism of Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation on Surface Oxygen Radical Sites of
VOx/TiO2 Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
Uner N.B., Uner D., Singh D.
Fickian Spillover Models: Validation and Parameter Estimation
Middle East Technical University, Chemical Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey
Frolov D.D.1, Fedorova A.A.1, Morozov I.V.1, Sadovskaya E.M.2, Sadykov V.A.2
Mixed Spinel-Type Ni-Co-Mn Oxides: Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic Properties
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Aleksanyan D.V.1, Churusova S.G.1, Vasil'ev A.A.2, Kozlov V.A.1
Catalytic Activity of Palladium Complexes Based on Tridentate Ligands with Ancillary Sulfur Donor
Groups in the Suzuki Cross-Coupling
1 - A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Djaidja A.1,2, Messaoudi H.1, Slyemi S.1, Barama A.1
Synthesis and Characterization of Spinel and Perovskite Structures with Transitions Metals
1 - Laboratoire des Matériaux Catalytiques et Catalyse en Chimie Organique, USTHB, Faculté de Chimie,
BP.32.El Alia Alger 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie
2 - Laboratoire des Procédés pour Matériaux, Energie, Eau et Environnement, Faculté des Sciences et des
Sciences Appliquées, Université de Bouira, Algérie
Ponyaev A.I., Glukhova Y.S.
Photocatalysis of Hydrogen Evolution from Water by Used Thioxanthene Dyes
Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia
Tomina N.N., Maximov N.M., Solmanov P.S., Moiseev A.V., Pimerzin A.A.
Hydrotreating of Diesel Fractions and Light Coker Gasoil Mixtures on Phosphorus
Modified Ni(Co)Mo/Al2O3 Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Tomina N.N., Moiseev A.V., Solmanov P.S., Maximov N.M., Samsonov M.V., Pimerzin A.A.
Hydrotreating of Oil Fractions on Ni6-РMonW(12-n)(S)/Al2O3 Catalysts
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Gordeev E.G., Pentsak E.O., Ananikov V.P.
Crucial Role of the Graphene Edges for CNT Formation during the Preparation of Metal/Carbon
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Boytsova O.1,2, Baranchikov A.1, Ivanov V.1
MnO2 Catalyst Prepared With Microwave Assistance
1 - Kurankov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Bera P.1, Baidya T.2
DRIFTS Studies of Support Effects on CO Adsorption and CO + O2 Reaction over
Ce1−x−yMxCuyO2−d (M = Zr, Hf, Th)
1 - Surface Engineering Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India
2 - Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Bedoya J.C., Arroyave J.C., Echavarría A., Hoyos D., Arboleda J.
Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolite from Fly Ash by Hydrothermal Method
Department of Chemistry, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
Bugaev A.L.1,2, Guda A.A.1, Lomachenko K.A.1,2, Lazzarini A.2, Srabionyan V.V.1, Groppo E.2, Dmitriev V.P.3,
Pellegrini R.4, van Bokhoven J.A.5,6, Soldatov A.V.1, Lamberti C.1,2
In Situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Powder Diffraction for Temperature- and Pressure-
Dependent Hydride Phase Formation in Supported Pd nanocatalysts
1 - Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2 - Department of Chemistry, University of Torino, Italy
3 - ESRF, Grenoble, France
4 - ChimetSpA, Arezzo
5 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
6 - PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
Ucar A.1, Findik M.1, Gubbuk I.H.2, Bingol H.3, Kocak N.1
Catalytic Performance of a Polyoxometalate/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite in Degradation of
Methylene Blue
1 - Necmettin Erbakan University A.K. Education Faculty, Department of Science Education, Konya, Turkey
2 - Selcuk University, Science Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Turkey
3 - Necmettin Erbakan University A.K. Education Faculty, Department of Chemistry Education, Konya, Turkey
Fedorova Z.A., Danilova M.M., Zaikovskii V.I., Porsin A.V., Kirillov V.A., Krieger T.A.
Porous Nickel Based Catalysts for the Dry Reforming of CH4 to Synthesis Gas
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Gianolio D.1, Cibin G.1, Parry S.A.1, Dent A.J.1, Kroner A.B.2, Gibson E.K.3, Wells P.P.3
B18 Capabilities for XAS in Situ Experiments in Catalysis
1 - Diamond Light Source Ltd, B18 beamline, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, UK
2 - Diamond Light Source Ltd, Idustrial Liaison Group, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, UK
3 - UK Catalysis Hub, RCaH, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, OX11 0DE, Didcot, UK
Matveev A.V.1,2, Kaichev V.V.1,2, Saraev A.A.1, Knop-Gericke A.3, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,2
Methane and Propane Oxidation Over Pd(111): Temperature Hysteresis, Induced by Oxide Formation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Plank Society, Berlin, Germany
Panova Y.1, Kashin A.2, Vorobev M.3, Ananikov V.1,2
Copper Oxides (I, II) as Catalytic Precursor in C-S Cross-Coupling Reactions
1 - Saint-Petersburg State University Institute of Chemistry, Petrodvorets, Russia
2 - N.D. Zelensky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
3 - Saint-Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia
Al-Mutairi S.1, Mezari B.2, Magusin P.3, Pidko E.2, Hensen E.2
Nature and Structure of Extraframework Al Species in Zeolite: NMR Study on Selective H/D Exchange
between Bronsted Acid Sites and Benzene
1 - SABIC, Oxygenates & Aromatics Global Technology, Jubail 31961, Saudi Arabia
2 - Schuit Institute of Catalysis, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Eindhoven University of
Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
3 - University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW
Salhi N.1,2, Benadji S.2, Boudjeloud M.2, Saadi A.2, Rabia C.2
Catalytic Performance in Isopropanol Decomposition over H3+XPMO12-XVXO40 Heteropolyacids Supported
on Mesoporous Molecular Sieve HMS
1 - Laboratoire LCPMM, Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences, U.Blida, route de Soumaa BP Blida,
2 - Laboratoire de Chimie du Gaz Naturel, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB 109 El-Alia Bab Ezzouar, Alger-Algérie
Liu C., Li G., Hensen E.J. M., Pidko E.A.
Speciation of Extraframework Aluminium Species in Faujasite Zeolite: a Theoretical Perspective
Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Çalış B., Özdemir H., Sarıboğa V., Öksüzömer M.A.F.
Preparation and Characterization of Sr, Ca and Mg Doped Ceria Electrolyte for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcılar, Istanbul, Turkey
Shmakov A.1,2, Vinokurov Z.1,2, Saraev A.1,2, Kaichev V.1,2
From In Situ to Operando Mode: Experience on Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction at SSTRC
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Lukashuk L.1, Kolar E.1, Rameshan C.1, Teschner D.2, Knop-Gericke A.2, Föttinger K.1, Rupprechter G.1
Mechanistic Insights into CO Oxidation and Preferential CO Oxidation over Cobalt Oxide and Promoted
Cobalt Oxide Catalysts
1 - Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
2 - Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany
Section 3. Energy-Related Catalysis
Takahashi A., Fujitani T.
Kinetic Analysis of Decomposition of Ammonia over Nickel and Ruthenium Catalysts
Research Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Chemistry, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba Central 5, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565, Japan
Antonov D.1, Fedotov A.1, Tsodikov M.1, Yaroslavtsev A.1, Uvarov V.2
Hybrid Membrane-сatalytic Reactor for Synthesis Gas and Pure Hydrogen Co-production by Dry
Reforming of Methane and Ethanol
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka,
Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
Nguyen T.S., Postole G., Morfin F., Piccolo L.
Solution Combustion Synthesis of Noble Metal-loaded Ceria Catalysts and Application to Hydrogen
Production and Purification for Fuel Cells
Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON), UMR 5256 CNRS & Université
Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne, France
Koo K.Y., Park J.E., Jung U.H., Yoon W.L.
Syngas Production via Combined H2O and CO2 Reforming of Coke Oven Gas over La-promoted
Ni/MgAl2O4 Catalyst
Yonsei University, Department of Environmental Engineering, 234 Maeji, Heungeop, Wonju, Gangwon-do, 2210-
710 Republic of Korea
Conesa J.C.
Hybrid DFT Study of Fe:NiOOH O2 Electroevolution Catalyst
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Striegler K.1, Kasprick M.1, Benndorf G.2, Bertmer M.2, Gläser R.3
Solid Solutions for Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution from Water - Using POM/TiO2
1 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Chemical Technology, Leipzig,
2 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Physics and Earth Science, Institute for Experimental Physics II, Leipzig,
3 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Chemical Technology, Leipzig,
Gilderman V., Antonov B.
Electrophysical Properties of Cathode Materials Pr2-XSrXNi1-YCuYO4 for Intermediate-temperature Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells
Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Chistova T.V.1, Didenko L.P.2, Savchenko V.I.2, Chizov P.E.2, Bikov L.A.2
Foil of the Pd-In-Ru alloy for the Membrane Technology of Preparing High-purity Hydrogen
1 - Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Asalieva E.Yu.1,2, Sineva L.V.1,3, Gryaznov K.O.1,4, Kulchakovskaya E.V.1, Mordkovich V.Z.1,3
Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis on Cobalt-Based Catalysts with Different Heat-conductive Additives
1 - Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials, Moscow, Russia
2 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
3 - INFRA Technology Ltd, Moscow, Russia
4 - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russia
Ilieva L.1, Petrova P.1, Ivanov I.1, Pantaleo G.2, Liotta L.F.2, Zanella R.3, Boghosian S.4, Kaszkur Z.5,
Sobczak J.W.5, Lisowski W.5, Venezia A.M.2, Tabakova T.1
Gold Catalysts on Y-modified Ceria for CO-free Hydrogen Production Via WGSR and PROX
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - Istituto per lo Studio di Materiali Nanostrutturati, CNR, I- 90146 Palermo, Italy
3 - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, P. 04510 México D.F., Mexico
4 - Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
5 - Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Nogueira F.G.E., Assaf P.G.M., Tremiliosi Filho G., Assaf E.M.
Gallium-promoted Nickel/Cerium Catalysts for Hydrogen Production from Steam Reforming of Acetic
Acid as a Model Compound of Bio-oil
São Paulo University, Brazil
Thyssen V.V., Georgetti F., Assaf E.M.
Effects of Mg Content on Ni/MgO-SiO2 Catalyst for Ethanol Steam Reforming
São Paulo University, Brazil
Elias K.F.M., Assaf E.M.
Ni/ZrO-ZnO Catalysts Applied in Ethanol Steam Reforming for H2 Production
São Paulo University, Brazil
San Jose-Alonso D., Roman-Martinez M.C., Illan-Gomez M.J.
Co Catalysts for the Dry Reforming of Methane: Effect of Support
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Silva J.F.1, Bragança L.F.F.P.G.2, Pais da Silva M.I.1
Iron Based Catalysts Supported on KL Zeolite for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
1 - Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Tovar Rodríguez J.1,2, Ramírez Hernández G.Y.1, Galindo Esquivel I.R.1, Fratini E.2, De los Reyes Heredia J.A.3
Highly Dispersed Ni Catalysts over Cerium Modified Mesoporous MCM-41 for Hydrogen Production by
Ethanol Steam Reforming
1 - Universidad de Guanajuato. División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas. Noria alta S/N, Col. Noria Alta
36050. Guanajuato, Guanjuato. México
2 - Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dipartimento di Chimica e CSGI. Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze. Italia
3 - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería. Av. San Rafael Atlixco No.
186, Col. Vicentina 09340, Distrito Federal, México
Gorbunov S.V., Roshan N.R., Chistov E.M., Burkhanov G.S.
Palladium-Lead Membranes for the Separation of High-Purity Hydrogen from Hydrogen-Containing Gas
Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Nassr A.B.A.1, Sinev I.2, Pohl M.-M.3, Grünert W.2, Bron M.1
Structural Characterization of Nanostructured Pt-Ni Alloy Electrocatalysts for Methanol Electrooxidation
1 - Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany
2 - Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
3 - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. an der Universität Rostock (LIKAT), Rostock, Germany
Yashnik S.A.1, Kuznetsov V.V.1, Chesalov Yu.1, Ishchenko A.1, Kaichev V.V.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,2
Effect of Pt Addition on Methane Oxidation Activity of Pd-Mn-hexaaluminate Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Khrizanforova V.V., Spiridonova Yu.S., Strelnik I.D., Musina E.I., Karasik A.A., Morozov V.I., Gerasimova T.P.,
Katsuba S.A., Sinyashin O.G., Budnikova Yu.H.
The Nickel Electrocatalysts [Ni(PR2NR’2)2]2+ (where R=Ph or o-Py) for Hydrogen Evolution
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Xu Y., Song Y., Suzuki Y., Zhang Z.-G.
Effect of CH4 Flow Rate and Catalyst Load on the Activity Stability of Mo/HZSM-5 in the Methane
Dehydroaromatization at 1073 K in an Integral, Fixed-bed Reactor
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Onogawa 16-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki
305-8569, Japan
Veizaga N.S., Rodriguez V.I., Scelza O.A., de Miguel S.R.
Preparation and Characterization of Pt-Sn/C Electrocatalysts for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Kulikova M.1, Pimerzin Al.1, Mozhaev A.1, Nikulshin P.1, Lamonier C.2, Fournier M.2, Lancelot C.2,
Blanchard P.2, Payen E.2
The Use of Mixed SiWnMo12-n Heteropolyanions for Preparation of Ternary Transition Metal Sulfide
Hydrotreating Catalysts
1 - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
2 - Université Lille1, UMR 8181 CNRS, UCCS, Boulevard Langevin, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Burkhanov G.S.1, Roshan N.R.1, Chistov E.M.1, Fedorova E.S.2, Lyushinskiy A.V.2
Production of Palladium Filters with Using of Diffusion Welding
1 - Russian Academy of Sciences, Metallurgy and Material Science Institute named after Baikov A.A., Moscow,
2 - JSC «Ramenskoye Design Company», Moscow Region, Ramenskoy,
Massue C.1, Frei E.1, Ranjan C.2, Schlögl R.1
Mn-based Water Oxidation Catalysts Supported on Tin Oxide
1 - Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany
2 - MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim-a.-d.-Ruhr, Germany
Minaev P.1, Nikulshin P.1, Mozhaev A.1, Maslakov K.2, Kulikova M.1, Pimerzin A.1
Investigation of C-effect of 12-tungstophosphoric Heteropolyacid, Nickel Citrate and Carbon-Coated
Alumina in Preparation of NiW Catalysts for HDS, HYD and HDN Reactions
1 - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
2 - Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Sharipov A.E., Shamsieva A.V., Khrizanforova V.V., Musina E.I., Budnikova Yu.G., Karasik A.A., Sinyashin O.G.
Ni (II) Complex of Pyridyl Containing Eight-membered Cyclic Aminomethylphosphine – Basis for Design
of Homogenous Catalysts
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Marepally B.C., Ampelli C., Papanikolaou G., Genovese C., Perathoner S., Centi G.
Non-noble Metal Based Carbon Electro-catalysts for CO2 Reduction to Fuels in Liquid and Gas Phase
University of Messina, Dep. of Electronic Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and Engineering, Italy
Lukashuk L.1, Li H.1, Yigit N.1, McDermott E.1, Carlson S.2, Föttinger K.1, Rupprechter G.1
Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Co3O4 and CeO2-Co3O4 Catalysts during
Preferential CO
1 - Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Getreidemarkt 9/BC/01, 1060 Vienna, Austria
2 - MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Ole Römersväg 1, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Choong C.1, Soh M.2, Ng J.1, Poh C.K.1, Chen L.1,2
Supported Gold Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Dehydrogenation
1 - Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, ASTAR, Singapore
2 - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dolganov A.V., Novikov V.V., Nelyubina Yu.V., Lebed E.G., Voloshin Ya.Z.
Iron(II) Clathrochelates as Homogeneous Electrocatalysts of Hydrogen Production at Low pH
A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds RAS, Moscow, Russia
Garcilaso V., Centeno M.A., Laguna O.H., Odriozola J.A.
Pt, Rh and Pt-Rh-deposited on MgAl2O4 Spinels Catalysts for Dry and Steam Reforming of CH4
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla.Centro Mixto CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla,Av. Américo Vespucio
49, 41092 Sevilla, Spain
Bogdan V.I.1,2, Kalenchuk A.N.2,1, Kustov L.M.1,2
Hydrogen Storage System Based on the Catalytic Hydrogenation-dehydrogenation Reactions of Aromatic
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Nadjafi M., Yıldırım R.
Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Li Doped MgO on a Monolithic Structure
Department of Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Mungse P.1, Saravanan G.1, Rayalu S.1, Dasappa S.2, Labhasetwar N.1
Ceria-supported Cobalt Oxide Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Combustion of
Producer Gas
1 - CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India
2 - Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India
Kashkina E., Mikhailova Y., Svidersky S., Loginova A., Isaeva E., Leontyev A.
Cyclization of Normal Alkanes to Arenes and Cycloalkanes
United Research and Development Centre, Moscow, Russia
Florea M.1, Somacescu S.2, Navarrete L.3, Calderon-Moreno J.M.2, Serra J.M.3
Catalytic and Electrochemical Properties of (Cu, Ti)-YSZ for IT-Sofcs Anode
1 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania
2 - ”Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
3 - Instituto de Tecnología Química (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas), Avenida de los Naranjos s/n.46022 Valencia, Spain
Korovin E.Y.1,2,3, Kozlov D.V.1,2,3, Besov A.S.1,2,3
Photocatalytic Acetone Vapor Oxidation оver TiO2 under Controlled Periodic Illumination. Experimental
and Modeling Study
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia
Pyrjaev P.A.1, Simonov A.N.2, Moroz B.L.1,3, Zyuzin D.A.1, Kuznetsov A.N.1, Prosvirin I.P.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,3
Bimetallic Catalysts Containing Palladium and Gold on Carbon Support for Hydrogen Electrooxidation:
From Au Particles Coated with Submonolayers of Pd to Pd-Au Nanoalloys
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - School of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Jiao J.Q., Wei Y.C., Zhao Z., Liu J., Li J.M., Jiang G.Y., Duan A.J.
3D Ordered Macroporous Ti-based Catalysts: Design, Synthesis and High Catalytic Activity for the
Photoreduction of CO2 with Water to Mechane
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Tsyganenko A.
Advances in Catalyst Characterization by FTIR spectroscopy
V.A. Fock Institute of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia
Keller V.1, Pichot V.2, Minetti Q.1
New Nanodiamonds/TiO2 Composite Materials for the Solar Energy Conversion into Hydrogen by Water
1 - ICPEES, « Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l’Energie, l’Environnement et la Santé », Université de
Strasbourg, UMR 7515 (CNRS), 25 rue Becquerel 67087 Strasbourg Cedex, France
2 - NS3E, « Nanomatériaux pour les Systèmes Sous Sollicitations Extrêmes », UMR 3208 (ISL/CNRS/UdS)
Institut franco-allemand de recherche de Saint-Louis, 5 rue du Général Cassagnou, BP 70034, 68301 Saint-
Louis Cedex, France
Szíjjártó G.P., Tálas E., Pászti Z., Mihályi J., Bálint S., Tompos A., Boráth I.
Pt-SnOx-TiO2 Catalysts for Methanol Photocatalytic Reforming: Influence of Co-catalysts on the
Hydrogen Production
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy
of Sciences, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Striegler K.1, Richter D.1, Benndorf G.2, Gläser R.3
New Approaches for Solar Fuel from Suspended Photocatalysts
1 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Chemical Technology, Leipzig, Germany
2 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Physics and Earth Science, Institute for Experimental Physics II, Leipzig, Germany
3 - Universtät Leipzig, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Chemical Technology, Leipzig, Germany
Somacescu S.1, Petrea N.2, Sonu M.2, Somoghi V.3, Neatu F.4, Neatu S.3,5, Florea M.4
Synthesis of Mesoporous SnO2 as Anode for PEMFCs
1 - ”Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
2 - Scientific Research Centre for CBRN Defense and Ecology, Bucharest, Romania
3 - S.C. STIMPEX S.A., Bucharest, Romania
4 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and
Catalysis, Bucharest, Romania
5 - National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest, Romania
Puleo F.1, Banerjee D.2, Pantaleo G.1, Longo A.1,3, Aprile C.4, Collard X.4, Martinez-Arias A.5, Liotta L.F.1
Ni-based Catalysts for Methane dry Reforming: EXAFS, TEM and DRIFT Investigation
on the Au/Pt/Pd Effects
1 - ISMN-CNR, Palermo, Via Ugo La Malfa, 90146, Palermo, Italy
2 - DUBBLE, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), B.P. 220, F-38043 Grenoble, France
3 - 3Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Grenoble CEDEX, France
4 - University of Namur (UNAMUR), 61 rue de Bruxelles, B-5000 Namur, Belgium
5 - CSIC, C/Marie Curie 2, Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Mansur A.J., Vallezi Paladino L.A.
Catalysts (NiMg)AlOx + CeO2 Derived of Hydrotalcite Type Structures Applied to Dry Reforming
of Biogas
Federal University of São Carlos, Chemical Engineering Department, Brazil
Mondal T.1, Pant K.K.1, Dalai A.K.2
Role of Rh as a Promoter on the Activity of Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 Catalyst for Oxidative Steam Reforming
of Bio-ethanol
1 - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Chemical Engineering, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
2 - University of Saskatchewan, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Saskatoon, Canada
Smal E.A.1,2, Mezentseva N.V.1,2, Sadykov V.A.1,2, Krieger T.A.1, Rogov V.A.1,2, Simonov M.N.1, Larina T.V.1
Ethanol Steam Reforming over MnxCr3-xO4-based Spinel-type Oxide
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Fedotov A.1, Antonov D.1, Tsodikov M.1, Uvarov V.2
Syngas and Hydrogen Production by Dry and Steam Reforming of Methane and Fermentation Products
on Porous Ceramic Membrane-Catalytic Ni-Co-containing Converters
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka,
Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
Karuppiah J., Mok Y.S.
Dry Reforming of Propane over CeO2/Ni-foam Catalysts
Jeju National University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jeju 690-756, South Korea
Samoilov A.V.1, Kirillov V.A.1, Kuzin N.A.1, Shigarov A.B.1, Taleb A.2, Markides C.N.2
A Catalytic Heater for an External Combustion Engine
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Clean Energy Process Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK
Braga A.H.1, Batista J.B.O.1, Damyanova S.2, Bueno J.M.C.1
Ethanol Steam Reforming to Hydrogen over CoNi-based Catalysts
1 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Engenharia Química, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
2 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Erdinç E., Aksoylu A.E.
A Study on Kinetics of Methane Oxidative Steam Reforming (OSR) over Pt-Ni/Al2O3 Bimetallic Catalysts
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Jiménez-González C., Gil-Calvo M., Boukha Z., de Rivas B., Gutiérrez-Ortiz J.I., González-Velasco J.R.,
López-Fonseca R.
Oxidative Steam Reforming of Logistic Fuels over a Spinel-derived Ni(17wt.%)/Al2O3 Catalyst
Chemical Technologies for Environmental Sustainability Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty
of Science and Technology, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, P.O. Box 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
González-Gil R.1, Herrera C.1, Larrubia M.A.1, Alemany L.J.1, Carvalho de Lira Lima D.2, Resini C.2,
Teixeira Brandão S.2
Modifying LaNiO3 Perovskite-type Oxide Catalyst with Co for the Methane CO2 and CO2+H2O
1 - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
2 - Instituto de Química da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
Kolb G., Neuberg S., Pecov S., Pennemann H., Zapf R., Ziogas A.
Development of Sulphur Tolerant Catalysts for the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Methane
Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Mainz, Germany
Li H.1, Travert A.1, Maugé F.1, Paredes Nunez A.2, Dreibine L.2, Meunier F.C.2, Mirodatos C.2, Schuurman Y.2,
Ordomsky V.3, Kodakov A.3
Combined Aging Processes during Bio-Syngas Methanation for SNG Production
1 - Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, CNRS, EnsiCaen, University of Caen, Caen, France
2 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, CNRS, Villeurbanne,
3 - Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, USTL-ENSCL-EC Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Subramanian V.1, Khodakov A.Yu.1, Cheng K.2, Chernavskii P.A.3, Paul S.1, Ordomsky V.V.1
Highly Efficient Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over Fe and Co Catalysts on Carbon Containing Inorganic
1 - Unité de catalyse et de chimie du solide (UMR 8181 CNRS), Université Lille 1-ENSCL-EC Lille, Bat. C3,
Cité Scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
2 - State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, College of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
3 - Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Kousi K.1, Chourdakis N.2, Matralis H.K.1, Kondarides D.I.2, Papadopoulou C.1, Verykios X.2
Glycerol Steam Reforming over Modified Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts
1 - Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Gribov E.N.1,2, Kuznetsov A.N.1, Golovin V.A.1,2,3, Voropaev I.N.1, Kuznetsov V.L.1, Okunev A.G.1,2
The Oxygen Electroreduction Reaction Performance of Pt/C Catalysts Based on Nanostructured Carbon
Supports: from the RDE to the PEMFC Studies
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk,
Sharova E.S., Ivanchina E.D., Yakupova I.V.
Mathematical Modelling Method Application for Catalytic Reforming Catalyst Operating Conditions
Optimization in Industrial Reactors
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Peroni M.1, Gallucci K.1, Villa P.1, Karelovic A.2, Ruiz P.2
Methanol Synthesis from CO2 and H2 on Cu/ZnO Catalysts
1 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale via Giovanni Gronchi 18, Università di L’Aquila. L’Aquila, Italy
2 - Institut de la Matière Condensée et des Nanoscience.Université Catolique de Louvain Croix du Sud 2
Louvain –la-Neuve B-1348 Belgique
Nguyene T., Adachi Y., Kobayashi K., Nagai M.
Active Site Analysis of Sulfided NiMo/Al2O3 Catalyst for Hydrodesulfurization of
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Hinokuma S.1,2,3, Matsuki S.1, Shimanoe H.1, Kawano M.1, Machida M.1,2
Activity and Selectivity of Pt/Al2O3 and Metal Oxide Catalysts for NH3 Combustion
1 - Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
2 - ESICB, Kyoto University, Kyoto Daigaku Katsura, Saikyo, Kyoto, 615-8520, Japan
3 - JST PRESTO, 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi, Saitama, 332-0012, Japan
Faure R.1, Fornasari G.2, Gary D.1, Malta G.2, Molinari C.2, Schiaroli N.2, Vaccari A.2, Lucarelli C.
Amine Formation on Medium Temperature Water Gas Shift Catalyst. Role of Reaction Parameters
1 - Centre de Recherche Claude-Delorme, Air Liquide, B.P 126, 78354 Jouy-en-Josas, France
2 - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna,
Viale Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italia
Pinard L.1, Ngoye F.1, Gilson J.-P.2, Fernandez C.2, Valtchev V.2, Quin Z.2, Lakiss L.2, Thomas K.2, Vicente A.2,
Pouilloux Y.1
Benefits of Hierarchization of HMFI Zeolites on the Coke Management
1 - IC2MP, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France
2 - Lab. Catalysis & Spectrochemistry, ENSICAEN, Caen, France
Mendow G., Querini C.A., Sanchez B.S.
Biodiesel Production from Entirely Renewable Feedstocks
Álvarez A., Martínez T. L.M., Centeno M.A., Odriozola J.A.
Biogas Steam Reforming for Syngas Production with Structured Catalyst
ICMSE. University of Seville-CSIC, Seville, Spain
Alves M.B., Medeiros F.C.M., Sousa M.H., Rubim J.C., Suarez P.A.Z
Cadmium and Tin Magnetic Nanocatalysts Useful for Biodiesel Production
University of Brasilia, Brazilia, Brazil
Mohd Yu.N.1, Mohd A.N.N.1, Harun N.1, Zainal A.S.1,2
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Dry Reforming of Glycerol for Hydrogen Production using Ni/La2O3 and Co/La2O3
as Catalysts
1 - Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak,
26300 Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia
2 - Center of Excellent For Advanced Research in Fluid Flow (CARIFF), Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Epelde E.1, Santos J.I.2, Florian P.3, Aguayo A.T.1, Gayubo A. G.1, Bilbao J.1, Castaño P.1
Catalytic Features Controlling HZSM-5 Zeolite Performance and Deactivation during the Cracking
of 1-Butene to Propylene
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain
2 - NMR Service, SGIKER, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), "Joxe Mari Korta" Center, Tolosa
Hiribidea, 72, 20018. San Sebastian, Spain
3 - CNRS, UPR3079 CEMHTI, 1D Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orléans Cedex 2, France, and
Université d’Orléans, Avenue du Parc Floral, BP 6749, 45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France
Zhou G.1, Jensen P.A.1, Knudsen N.O.2, Jensen A.D.1
Catalytic Upgrading of Lignin Derived Pyrolysis Vapor via HZSM-5
1 - Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - DONG Energy, Denmark
Petrova O.1, Kulp C.2, Pohl M.M.3, Ter Veen R.4, Veith L.4, Grehl T.5, Van Den Berg M.W.E.6, Brongersma H.7,
Bron M.2, Grünert W.1
Chemical Leaching of Carbon-supported PtCu Alloy Particles –Seeking for Relations between Surface
Properties and Electrochemical Activity in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
1 - Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2 - Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, Germany
3 - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. Rostock, Rostock, Germany
4 - tascon GmbH Münster, Germany
5 - ION-TOF GmbH Münster, Germany
6 - Huntsman Pigments Krefeld, Germany
7 - Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven
Boukha Z., Ayastuy J.L., Gutiérrez-Ortiz M.A., González-Velasco J.R.
CO Elimination from H2-rich Stream Processes over Hydroxyapatite Supported Palladium Catalysts
Chemical Technologies for Environmental Sustainability Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty
of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain
Akarmazyan S.S.1, Triantafyllidis K.S.2, Kondarides D.I.1, Papadopoulou C.3
CO2 for the Production of Methanol and Dimethyl Ether
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
2 - Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
3 - Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Pechenkin A.A.1,2, Badmaev S.D.1,2, Belyaev V.D.1,2, Venyaminov S.A.1, Sobyanin V.A.1
Comparative Study of Alumina Supported CuO-CeO2 and CuO-ZnO Catalysts for Steam Reforming of
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Jana P.1, Sankaranarayanan T.M.1, Pizarro P.1,2, Coronado J.M.1,2, Serrano D.P.1,2
Condensed Phase Ketonization of Propanoic Acid over CeO2-ZrO2 Catalysts
1 - Thermochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy Institute, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
2 - Chemical and Environmental Engineering Group, ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
Villa K.1, Murcia-López S.1, Andreu T.1, Morante J.R.1,2
Conversion of Methane into Methanol over Doped Mesoporous WO3
1 - Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Jardins de les Dones de Negre 1, 08930 Sant Adrià de
Besòs, Spain
2 - University of Barcelona (UB), Department of Electronics, Marti i Franquès 1, 08028, Barcelona, Spain
Candamano S.1, Frontera P.2, Macario A.1, Crea F.1, Barberio M.3, Antonucci P.L.2
Cs-Promoted FER Zeolite as Ni Support in Methane Dry Reforming
1 - Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
2 - Department of Civil Engineering, Energy, Environment and Materials, Mediterranea University, Reggio
Calabria, Italy
3 - Applied Physics Laboratory of Biology, Ecology and Earth Science Department, University of Calabria,
Rende (CS), Italy
Gubán D.1, Borbáth I.1, Pászti Z.1, Drotár E.1, Rojas S.2, Tompos A.1
Design of CO Tolerant Anode Electrocatalysts for PEM Fuel Cells
1 - Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences; H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, Hungary
2 - Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC. C/Marie Curie 2, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Takeishi K.
Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether from Mixture of Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide over Copper
Alumina Catalysts Prepared using the Sol-gel Method
Graduate School of Engineering, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu-shi, 432-8561, Japan
Katheria S., Gupta A., Deo G., Kunzru D.
Effect of Calcination Temperature on Stability and Activity of Ni/MgAl2O4 Catalyst for Steam Reforming
of Methane
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208016, Uttar Pradesh, India
Hajimirzaee S., Iro E., Hodgson S., Olea M.
Effect of Nickel Complexes on the Metal Dispersion and Catalyst Activity of Ni/SBA-15 Catalyst for
Methane Dry reforming to Syngas
School of Science and Engineering, Teesside University, Borough Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, UK
Han G.B.1, Choi H.Y.1, Jang J.H.1, Lee T.J.2, Park N.K.2, Kang M.2
Efficient Conversion of Organic Matters Using Ionic Liquid in Hydrogenation of Coal over Mo-Based
1 - Institute for Advanced Engineering, Yongin, Republic of Korea
2 - Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea
Tejero M.A., Ramírez E., Fité C., Tejero J., Cunill F.
Esterification of Levulinic Acid with Butanol over Ion-exchange Resins: a Screening Study
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Badia J.H., Fité C., Bringué R., Ramírez E., Cunill F.
Etherification of Isobutene with C1 to C4 Linear Primary Alcohols in Liquid-Phase: Experimental
Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Analysis
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Can E., Yildirim R.
From Data to Knowledge: Analysis of Published Articles in Literature for Photo-catalytic Water Splitting
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Barrientos J, Boutonnet M, Järås S
Further Insights into the Effect of Sulphur on the Activity and Selectivity of Cobalt–based Fischer–
Tropsch Catalysts
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Suárez P.R.1, L'Abbate M.E.1, Regali F.2, Liotta L.F.3, Boutonnet M.1, Järås S.1
Hydrocracking of FT Wax over Noble Metal / SA Catalysts: Combined Experimental and Kinetic
Modelling Studies
1 - KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical
Engineering and Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
2 - Scania AB, Materials Technology, Engine Performance and Emissions, Södertälje, Sweden
3 - Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials, Palermo, Italy
Shamanaev I.V.1,2, Deliy I.V.1,2,3, Gerasimov E.Yu.1,2, Pakharukova V.P.1,2, Kvon R.I.1, Rogov V.A.1,3,
Bukhtiyarova G.A.1
Hydrodeoxygenation of Aliphatic Esters over Nickel Phosphide Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk National Research University,
Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Podila S., Alhamed Y.A., Alzahrani A., Petrov L.A.
Hydrogen Production by Ammonia Decomposition Using Co Catalyst Supported on Mg-X(Al,Ce &La)
Mixed Oxide Systems
SABIC Chair of Catalysis; King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Arapova M.1, Pavlova S.1, Larina T.1, Rogov V.1, Krieger T.1, Sadykov V.1,2, Glazneva T.1, Smorygo O.3,
Parkhomenko K.4, Roger A.-C.4
Hydrogen Production via Ethanol Steam Reforming over Supported Nikelates: from Powders to
Structured Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Powder Metallurgy, Minsk, Belarus
4 - Unversity of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Reshetenko T.V., Davies K.
Impact of SO2 as Air Pollutant on Spatial PEMFC Performance
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
Díaz de León J.N.1, Zepeda T.A.1, Alonso-Nuñez G.1, Galván D.H.1, Pawelec B.2, Fuentes S.1
Insight of 1D γ-Al2O3 Nanorods Decoration by NiWS Nanoslabs in Ultra-deep Hydrodesulfurization
1 - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, México
2 - Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, c/Marie Curie 2, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Beltramini J.N.1, Smart S.1, Da Costa J.D.1, Katikaneni S.2
Integrated Catalytic Membrane Reactor for Hydrogen Production Using Hydrocarbon-based Fuels
1 - NANOMAC – Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
2 - Research &Development Centre, Saudi Aramco Oil Company, Dhahran, 31311, Saudi Arabia
Belyy V.A., Udoratina E.V.
Kinetic Study of Thermoconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass and Gasification of Charcoal in Presence
of Heterogeneous Catalysts
Institute of Chemistry, Komi Science Centre, UB RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia
Pérez-Maciá M.A., Bringué R., Iborra M., Tejero J., Cunill F.
Kinetics of the Dehydration of 1-Butanol to di-n-Butyl Ether: a Next Generation Biofuel
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Burnak B., Yildirim R.
Knowledge Extraction for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis from Published Data in the Literature
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Startsev A.N., Kruglyakova O.V., Chesalov Yu.A., Paukshtis E.A., Avdeev V.I., Ruzankin S.Ph., Zhdanov A.A.
Low Temperature Decomposition of Hydrogen Sulfide the Metal Catalysts under Layer of Solvent to
Produce Hydrogen and Diatomic Sulfur
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Calisan A., Kaya D., Uner D.
Material Performance of CoOx, CeO2 and Co-Ce Mixed Oxide on Oxygen Storage for Solar Thermal
Hydrogen Production
Chemical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Golovin V.A.1,2,3, Gribov E.N.1,2, Maltseva N.V.1,2, Simonov P.A.1,2, Okunev A.G.1,2
New Carbon Supports for Pt/C Oxygen Electroreduction Reaction Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Garbarino G.1, Chitsazan S.1, Riani P.2, Finocchio E.1, Busca G.1
Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts for Heavy Molecules Steam Reforming: Effect of Modifiers on Catalysts Structure and
1 - University of Genova, DICCA Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Chimica e Ambientale, Genova, Italy
2 - University of Genova, DCCI Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Genova, Italy
Gonzalez N., Boutonnet M., Järås S., Barrientos J.
Nickel Carbonyl Formation under Low Temperature Methanation Conditions. The Importance of
Intraparticle Heat and Mass Transfer Effects
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Sadykov V.A.1,2, Eremeev N.F.1, Fedorova Yu.E.1,3, Amanbayeva D.G.1,4, Lukashevich A.I.1, Krieger T.A.1,
Muzykantov V.S.1, Pelipenko V.V.1, Sadovskaya E.M.1, Bobin A.S.1, Ishchenko A.V.1,2
Praseodymium Nickelate-cobaltite Based Functionally Graded Cathodes for Intermediate Temperature
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Itkulova S.S., Nurmakanov Y.Y., Abdullin A.M., Ospanova A.Z., Imankulova S.A.
Production of Hydrogen Enriched Gas by Biogas Reforming over the Multicomponent Co-containing
D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Domingues C.1, Soares Dias A.P.1, Neiva Correia M.J.1, Carvalho R.2
Reuse of Low Value By-Products of a Biodiesel Industry. Esterification/Transesterification over Acid
1 - LAETA, IDMEC, CERENA, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, s/n, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
2 - IBEROL- Sociedade Ibérica de Biocombustívei e Oleaginosas S.A., Quinta da Hortinha–Alhandra Vila
Franca de Xira, 2601-908, Portugal
Potemkin D.I.1,2, Konishcheva M.V.1,2, Snytnikov P.V.1,2, Sobyanin V.A.1,2
Selective CO Methanation over Ceria-supported Ni, Co and Fe Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Başar M.S., Aksoylu A.E.
Steady State and Dynamic Performance Analysis of OSR and Serial OSR-PROX Reactors
Boğaziçi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Palma V., Ricca A., Miccio M., Martino M., Meloni E., Ciambelli P.
Steam Reforming of Methane on Ni-based Catalysts Characterized by Innovative Structured Carriers
University of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, Fisciano (SA), Italy
Gonzalez Castaño M., Ivanova S., Centeno M.A., Odriozola J.A.
Structured Pt(2%)/CeO2/Al2O3 WGS Catalyst Design: Introduction of Buffer Layer
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla (IMCSE), Centro Mixto US/CSIC, Avda, Américo Vespucio 49,
41092 Sevilla, España
Lin K.-S., Chiang C.L., Adhikari A.K., Chuang H.-W.
Synthesis and Characterization of CuO-ZnO-Al2O3 with Protonated Beta or Y-Typed Zeolite Supporter
for Dimethyl Ester Production
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science/Environmental Technology Research Center, Yuan
Ze University, Chung-Li City, Tao-Yuan County, Taiwan
Iro E., Hajimirzaee S., Hodgson S., Olea M.
Tar Elimination in Pyrolysis of Sewage Sludge using HighlyStable Ni/SBA-15 Catalyst
Teesside University, School of Science and Engineering, Middlesbrough, Tees Valley, TS1 3BA, UK
Vozniuk O.1,2,3, Trevisanut C.1, Albonetti S.1, Cavani F.1, Tanchoux N.2, Quignard F.2, Di Renzo F.2, Millet J.M.3
The Chemical-loop Bio-alcohol Reforming for Hydrogen Production
1 - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”,Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2 - Institut Charles Gerhardt, UMR 5253 CNRS-UM2-ENSCM-UM1, ENSCM, 8 Rue Ecole Normale, 34296
Montpellier cedex 5, France
3 - IRCELYON, UMR5256 CNRS-Universitè Lyon 1, 2 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne cedex,
Sineva L.V.1,2, Asalieva E.Yu.1,3, Kulchakovskaya E.V.1, Mordkovich V.Z.1,2
The Effect of Zeolite Addition into Cobalt-based Fischer–Tropsch Catalysts
1 - Department of New Chemical Technologies and Nanomaterials, Technological Institute for Superhard and
Novel Carbon Materials, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia
2 - INFRA Technology Ltd., Moscow, Russia
3 - Department of Chemical Technology and New Materials, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Agawa Y.1, Tanaka H.1, Torisu S.1, Endo S.1, Tsujimoto A.1, Gonohe N.1, Ilyin A.V.2, Ivanov S.A.2
The Investigation of the ORR of the Pt/C Catalyst Produced by the Coaxial Pulsed Arc Plasma Deposition
2 - Interactive Corporation
Nikulshin P., Pimerzin A.
The Use of Heteropolyanions and Chelating Agents for Designing TMS Catalysts for Hydroprocessing of
Oil Cuts and Residues
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Moretti E.1, Storaro L.1, Talon A.1, Chitsazan S.2, Garbarino G.2, Busca G.2, Finocchio E.2
Nickel-Cobalt Based Catalysts for Ethanol Steam Reforming
1 - Dip.to di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venezia, Italy
2 - Dip.to di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy
Chun D.H.1,2, Rhim G.B.1,3, Park J.C.1,2, Hong S.Y.1, Lee H.-T.1, Yang J.-I.1, Hong S.1, Jung H.1
Highly Reducible and Carburizable Precipitated Iron-Based Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
1 - Korea Institute of Energy Research, Clean Fuel Laboratory, 152 Gajeong-Ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 305-343,
Republic of Korea
2 - University of Science and Technology, Department of Advanced Energy Technology, 217 Gajeong-Ro,
Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 305-350, Republic of Korea
3 - Chungnam National University, Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology, 99 Daehak-Ro,
Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 306-764, Republic of Korea
Section 4. Catalysis and Chemicals
Abdullin A.M., Itkulova S.S., Ospanova A.Z., Nurmakanov Y.Y., Imankulova S.A.
Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons from Syngas over the Co-containing Supported Catalysts Modified
with Rare Earth Metal
D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Agahuseynova M.M., Quluyeva Z.E., Adigezalova M.B., Abdullayeva G.N.
Metalcomplex Catalysis on Oil Metalloporphyrins
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
Akhmedov V., Ahmadov I., Nurullayev H., Ahmadov V.
Metal-Free Polymer Catalyst for Selective Semihydrogenation of Alkynes
M.F. Nagiyev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,
Baku, Azerbaijan
Al-Fatesh A.S., Naeem M.A., Fakeeha A.H., Khan W.U., Ibrahim A.A., Abasaeed A.E., Raja L.A.
Effect of Support on Cox Free Hydrogen and Carbon Nanofibers Production from Methane over Fe
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering King Saud University P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Alotaibi R.1, Alotaibi F.1, Kosslick H.2, Schulz A.2
Novel Class of Natural Zeolite for the Catalytic Acetalization of Carbonyl Compounds and Diols
1 - King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 1, National Center for Petrochemical Technology, P.O.Box
6086, Riyadh 11442, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2 - Universität Rostock, Institut für Chemie Abteilung Anorganische Chemie, Rostock, Germany
Antonov A.A.1,2, Semikolenova N.V.1, Zakharov V.A.1,2, Talsi E.P.1,2, Bryliakov K.P.1,2
Novel Nickel(II) Complexes with 2-iminopyridyl Ligands Containing Electron-Withdrawing Groups:
Ethylene Polymerization and Oligomerization Behaviour
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Bivona L.A.1,2, Quertinmont F.1, Beejapur H.A.2, Giacalone F.2, Buaki-Sogo M.1, Gruttadauria M.2, Aprile C.1
Thiazolium-based Catalysts for the Etherification of Benzylic Alcohols under Solvent-free Conditions
1 - Unit of Nanomaterial Chemistry (CNano), University of Namur (UNAMUR), Department of Chemistry, Rue
de Bruxelles 61, 5000 Namur, Belgium
2 - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche (STEBICEF), Sezione di
Chimica, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 17, 90128, Palermo, Italy
Arroyave M.J., Arboleda E.J., Echavarría I.A.
Propylene Oligomerization over Meso/Microporous Zeolites Modified with Chromium
Universidad de Antioquia, Medelín, Colombia
Al-Khazraji A.Н.1, Tsvetkov V.B.2,3, Dementyeva O.S.2, Kulikova M.V.2, Flid V.R.1, Khadzhiev S.N.2
Fischer-Tropsch Synthsis on Nanosized Metal-polymer Composite Catalysts in Slurry Reactor
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russia
2 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 - Institute for Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia
Badmaev S.D.1,2, Pechenkin A.A.1,2, Potemkin D.I.1,2, Volkova G.G.1, Paukshtis E.A.1,2, Belyaev V.D.1,2,
Sobyanin V.A.1
Gas-phase Carbonylation of Dimethoxymethane to Methylmethoxyacetate over CsхH3-хPW12O40 Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Nindakova L.O.1, Badyrova N.M.1, Sadykov E.Kh.2, Smirnov V.V.1, Ushakov I.A.1, Khatashkeev A.V.1
Transfer Hydrogenation of Acetophenone in the Presence Bis-imine Rhodium(I) Complexes
1 - Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
2 - A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Bakeeva R.F., Vahitova O.E., Sopin V.F.
Kinetic of the Formation of the 5,7-dichloro-4,6-dinitrobenzophyroxan Complex in Hexagonal Mesophase
Formed in Water by Neonol
Kazan National Reseach Tecnological University, Kazan, Russia
Baybekova L.R., Petrov S.M., Zakieva R.R., Ibragimova D.A., Karalin E.A.
Oxidation of Heavy Oil in the Presence of Supercritical Water
Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Nagy G.1, Benkó T.1, Srankó D.F.1, Borkó L.1, Schay Z.1, Sáfrán G.2, Geszti O.2, Beck A.1
Bimetallic Au-Cu/Al2O3 Catalysts in Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Glucose and Benzyl Alcohol
1 - Institute for Energy Security and Environmental Safety, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O. Box 49, Hungary
2 - Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O. Box 49, Hungary
Bekmukhamedov G., Egorova S., Shamsuvaleev B., Boretsky K., Lamberov A.
Comparative Analysis of the Thermal Stability of Unmodified and SiOx-modiefed Chromia-alumina
Dehydrogenation Catalysts
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Betti C.1, Badano J.1, Maccarrone M.J.1, Lederhos C.1, Carrara N.1, Vera C.1,2, Liprandi D.2, Coloma Pascual F.3,
Quiroga M.1,2
Study of Bimetallic Catalyst Pd-Ni for Styrene Hydrogenation
1 - Instituto Nacional de Catalisis y Petroquimica, INCAPE, Sgo. del Estero 2654, Santa Fe, Argentina
2 - Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Ing. Quimica, Sgo. del Estero 2829, Santa Fe, Argentina
3 - Servicios Técnicos de Investigación, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Biglova Yu.N.1, Mikheev V.V.1, Nuriahmetova Z.F.1, Torosyan S.A.2, Miftakhov M.S.2
Metathesis Homopolymerization of New Fullerene-containing Norbornenes
by Catalyst Grubbs 1’st Generation
1 - Bashkir State University, Department of chemistry, Ufa, Russia
2 - Institute of Chemistry of RAS, Ufa, Russia
Blinova L.I., Kolyakina E.V., Grishin D.F.
Catalytic Systems Based on Iron and Nickel in the Synthesis of Graft Copolymers
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Badamshin A.G.1, Gafarova A.G.2, Tomilov Yu.V.3, Dokichev V.A.1,4
The First Example of Catalytic Tandem Interaction N-allyl-N-arylamines with Diazocompounds:
Aza-Claisen Rearrangement – Carbenation
1 - Ufa Institute of Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
2 - Bashkir State University, the Faculty of Chemistry, Ufa, Russia
3 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia
4 - Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia
Jung J.-S.1,2, Lee J.S.1,2, Hong G.H.1,2, Lee S.O.1,2, Lee K.H.1,2, Yang E.-H.1,2, Moon D.J.1,2
Hydrotalcite Supported Co Catalyst with Bimodal Structure for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (FTS)
1 - Clean Energy Research Center, KIST, Seoul, Korea
2 - Clean Energy & Chemical Engineering, UST, Daejeon, Korea
Budde P.K., Upadhyayula S.
Deactivation Studies on Non-Oxidative Methane Conversion to Aromatics over Molybdenum Modified
HZSM-5 Catalyst
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
Budnikova Y.H.
Development of Unusual Oxidation State Metal Catalysts for C(sp2)-H Bond Functionalization
Electrochemically Induced
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan ScientificCenter, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Chepaikin E.G., Bezruchenko A.P., Borshch V.N., Menchikova G.N.
Direct Catalytic Oxidation of Lower Alkanes
Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Arslanova G.G., Saigitbatalova S.Sh., Cherezova E.N.
Preparation of Substituted Methylenebisphenol Using Heterogeneous Acid Catalyst
Kazan National Research Technological University, Institute of Polymers, Kazan, Russia
Chornaja S., Dubencovs K., Poikane G., Zhizhkuna S., Kampars V.
Kinetics of Glyceric Acid Obtaining
Riga Technical University, Institute of Applied Chemistry, Riga, Latvia
Tirsoaga A., Jurca B., Parvulescu V.I., Coman S. M.
Magnetic Nanocomposites: Design, Synthesis and Application in Biochemicals Synthesis
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Buchasert, Romania
Paul D., Candu N., Rizescu C., Marcu I.C., Tudorache M., Parvulescu V. I., Coman S. M.
Levulinic Acid Intercalated into LDH - a Novel Heterogeneous Organocatalyst for the Trans-Cinnamic
Ester Epoxidation
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Buchasert, Romania
Davletbaeva I.M.1,2, Zaripov I.I.1, Davletbaev R.S.3, Karimullin R.R.1, Gumerov A.M.1
Heteronuclear Coordination Compounds in the Catalysis of Low-temperature Dissociation of Urethane
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
2 - Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
3 - Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
Degtyareva E.S., Ananikov V.P.
Palladium-Catalysed Synthesis of Markovnikov Vinyl Sulphides with Aliphatic and Aromatic Thiols
N.D. Zellinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Deng W.P.1, Zhou C.M.1,2, Wan X.Y.1, Zhang Q.H.1, Yang Y.H.2, Wang Y.1
Carbon Nanotube-supported Pt Nanoparticles as Efficient Catalysts for Base-free Aerobic Oxidation
of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic Acid
1 - State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry
for Energy Materials, National Engineering Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and
Esters, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, P. R. China
2 - School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore
Laforge S., Mijoin J., Pouilloux Y., Mounguengui M.D.
Transformation of Glycerol to Acrolein over Isomorphously Substituted Iron Zeolites
Institut des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers (IC2MP), UMR CNRS 7285, 4 Rue Michel Brunet, Bâtiment B27,
TSA 51106 86073 Poitiers Cedex 9, France
Diaz E., de Pedro Z.M., Cobos C., Mohedano A.F., Casas J.A., Rodriguez J.J.
Selective Oxidation of Glycerol with H2O2 Catalyzed by Fe/SiO2
Chemical Engineering Section, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Dokuchits E.V.1,2, Khasin A.V.2, Khassin A.A.1,2
Stages of Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction on Silver
1 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Eliseev O.L., Bondarenko T.N., Lapidus A.L., Agafonov Yu.A.
Catalytic Carbonylation of Olefins, Alcohols and Benzyl Halides in Ionic Liquids
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Eliseev O.L., Bondarenko T.N., Myshenkova T.N., Lapidus A.L., Agafonov Yu.A.
Rhodium-catalyzed Reductive Carbonylation of Iodobenzene
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Kovalenko S.L., Pavlova T.V., Andryushechkin B.V., Eltsov K.N.
Chemical and Structural Transformation of Ni(111) Upon Propene Decomposition and Gold Intercalation:
Monocrystalline Quasi Free-standing Graphene Synthesis
A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Fedorova T.M., Derkacheva V.M., Luk’yanets E.A., Kaliya O.L.
Photooxidation of Aniline and its Derivatives in the Presence of Heterogenized Substituted Zinc
Organic Intermediates and Dyes Institute, Moscow, Russia
Filatova A.E., Manaenkov O.V., Matveeva V.G., Sulman E.M., Kislitza O.V., Sidorov A.I., Doluda V.Yu.,
Sulman M.G., Stepacheva A.A.
A New Type of Catalyst for Hydrolytic Hydrogenation of Cellulose
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Filippova N.A., Grigor’Eva N.G., Agliullin M.R., Kutepov B.I.
Micro- and Mesoporous Aluminosilicates – New Efficient Catalysts for the Synthesis of Pyridines
Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
Frantsina E.V.1, Ivanchina E.D.1, Ivashkina E.N.1, Platonov V.V.2, Nazarova G.Y.1
Optimization of Raw Materials and Process Parameters Dehydrogenation Higher Alkanes
1 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - LLC “KINEF”, Kirishi, Russia
Bellardita M., García-López E., Marcì G., Palmisano L.
Photocatalytic Conversion of Glucose in TiO2 Aqueous Suspensions
”Schiavello-Grillone” Photocatalysis Group, Dipartimento di Energia, Ingegneria dell’informazione, e modelli
Matematici (DEIM), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 6, 90128, Palermo, Italy
Abadzade X.I.1, Ibragimov R.G.2, Gasimova Z.A.1
Study of Zeolite Ni-Al-Si-th Catalyst of Hydrocracking Vacuum Distillate by EM, DTA and Radiography
1 - Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Academician Y.H.Mamedaliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan
2 - Baku Oil Refinery named after H. Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan
Khusnutdinov R.I., Shchadneva N.A., Mayakova Y.Y., Gimaletdinova L.I.
Methylation and Carboxymethylation of Alcohols, Diols, Phenols and Acids with Green Reagents
Dimethyl Carbonate under the Influence of Homogeneous Tungsten, Cobalt, and
Manganese-containing Catalysts
Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
Hamdy Saad Mohamed1,2, Berg O.3, Mul J.2
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Propane: Designing Catalysts for Selectivity Tuning
1 - Photocatalytic Synthesis Group, MESA+ Nanotechnology Institute, Twente University, The Netherlands
2 - Chemistry Department, Science College, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
3 - Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Gogin L.L., Zhizhina E.G., Pai Z.P.
Production of Substituted Anthraquinones via Diene Synthesis in the Presence of Solution
of Mo-V-P Heteropoly Acid as Bifunctional Catalyst
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Gromov N.V.1, Taran O.P.1,2, Timofeeva M.N.1,2, Zhizhina E.G.1, Rodikova Yu.A.1, Parmon V.N.1,3
Development of Bifunctional Catalysts Containing Ru and CsHPA for One-Pot Conversion of
Polysaccharides to Polyols
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Gromov N.V.1,2,3, Taran O.P.1,4, Aymonier C.2, Parmon V.N.1,5
Conversion of Cellulose into 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural over Solid Acid Catalysts Based on Sibunit Carbon
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institut de chimie de la matière condensée de Bordeaux, CNRS, ICMCB, UPR 9048, 87, Pessac, France
3 - Universite Bordeaux, ICMCB UPR 9048, Pessac, 33600, France
4 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
5 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Zaripov I.I.1, Davletbaeva I.M.1,2, Mazilnikov A.I.2, Davletbaev R.S.3, Gumerov A.M.1
Macroinitiators in the Polyaddition Reaction of 2,4-toluene Diisocyanate
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
2 - Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
3 - Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
Gunst D.1,2, Verberckmoes A.1, Reyniers M.-F.2
The Effect of Dealumination with HCl on MFI and FER Type Zeolites on the Dehydration of n-butanol
1 - Industrial Catalysis and Adsorption Technology, Ghent University, Department of Industrial Technology and
Construction, Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1 9000 Ghent, Belgium
2 - Laboratorium for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Department of Chemical Engineering and
Technical Chemistry, Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 914 9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Guseynova E.A., Mursalova L.A., Salayev M.R., Adjamov K.Yu.
Features of the Zeolite Containing Catalysts of Oxidative Catalytic Cracking by Thermal Analysis
«Chemistry and geotechnological problems of oil and gas» Scientific Research Institute, ASOA, 227, D.Aliyeva
av., AZ1010, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
Choi H.-Y., Jang J.H., Han G.B.
Effect of the Physico-Chemical Characteristics of the Various Mn-Based Oxide Catalysts on the Catalytic
H2O2 Decomposition
Institute for Advanced Engineering, Republic of Korea
Hasankhanova N.V., Mammadova T.A, Asgarova E.N., Teyubov Kh.Sh., Aliyeva S.K, Latifova T.S.,
Asgarli N.E., Safarova N.E.
Investigation of the Thermocatalytic Conversion Process of Catalytic Cracking Heavy Gasoil and Its
Mixture with Cotton Oil by Using the Mix Catalytic System
Institute of Petrochemical Processes of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
Hensen E.J.M., Song W.
Au-Cu+ Synergy in MgCuCr2O4-spinel Supported Gold Nanoparticles for Selective Oxidation of Alcohols
and Olefins
Eindhoven University of Technology, Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Schuit Institute of Catalysis,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Isa Y.M.
Effects of Promotion Techniques on ZSM-5 activity in Conversion of Alcohols to Fuel Range Hydrocarbons
Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa
Ivantsov M.I.1,2, Kulikova M.V.2, Chernavskii P.A.1, Karpacheva G.P.2
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Presence of Composite Materials Based on Pyrolyzed Polymers of Different
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
2 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Jang J.H., Choi H.Y., Han G.B.
Conceptual Design of the Catalytic H2O2 Decomposition Process for the Production of Dry Oxidizing
Agent Used in the NO Oxidation
Institute for Advanced Engineering, Republic of Korea
Kale S.1, Armbruster U.1, Umbarkar S.2, Dongare M.2,3, Eckelt R.1, Martin A.1
Gas Phase Glycerol Acetylation to Fuel Additive over Solid Acid Catalysts
1 - Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany
2 - National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
3 - Mojj Eng. Syst. Ltd, Pune, India
Marella R.K.1,2, Kalevaru V.N.2, Rama Rao K.S.1, Burri D.R.1, Martin A.2
A Novel Coupling of Cyclohexanol Dehydrogenation and Cinnamaldehyde Hydrogenation Using In-Situ
Liberated H2 in One Reactor under Identical Conditions
1 - Catalysis Laboratory, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India
2 - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse an der Universität Rostock e.V., Rostock, Germany
Kemalov A.F., Kemalov R.A., Abdrafikova I.M., Abaas M. A A., Maltseva A.G.
Black Oil Macromolecular Structuring Technology in the Process of its Oxidation for Obtaining the
Bituminous Isolation Materials
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, Kazan, Russia
Kemalov A.F., Kemalov R.A., Gainullin V.I., Valiev D.Z.
Intensification of Chemical-Technological Oil Refining Processes by the Use of Wave Technologies
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, Kazan, Russia
Kemalov A.F., Kemalov R.A., Abdrafikova I.M., Abaas M.AA., Maltseva A.G.
Bitumen Isolation Materials Producing Technology Based on Macromolecular Structuring of Naphtha
Crude Residues during Their Oxidation
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, Kazan, Russia
Zhizhina E.G., Gogin L.L., Pai Z.P.
Ways of Regeneration of Highly Effective Catalysts Based on Mo-V-P Heteropoly Acid Solutions
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kocak A.1, Malkondu S.1, Turhan D.1, Kocak N.2
Synthesis of a Novel Anthracene Based Schiff Base-copper(II) Complex as a Potential Catalyst
1 - Selcuk University, Science Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Konya, Turkey
2 - Necmettin Erbakan University, Deparment of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Konya, Turkey
Koksharov A.G., Ivanchina E.D.
Determination of Pt-catalyst Efficiency of Reforming Process for Different Industrial Plants
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Konev V.N., Khlebnikova T.B., Malysheva L.V., Pai Z.P.
New Chiral Catalysts of Nitroaldol Condensation
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kotolevich Y.1, Kolobova E.2, Cabrera Ortega J.E.3, Tiznado Vazquez H.J.1, Bogdanchikova N.1,
Cortés Corberán V.4, Zanella R.5, Pestryakov A.2
Green n-octanol Oxidation on Promoted Silver Catalysts
1 - Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, UNAM, Ensenada, México
2 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
3 - Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, México
4 - Institute of Catalysis and Petroleumchemistry (ICP), CSIC, Madrid, Spain
5 - Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico (UNAM), México, DF, 04510, México
Costa V.1, Bayahia H.2, Kozhevnikova E.2, Gusevskaya E.1, Kozhevnikov I.2
Highly Active and Recyclable Metal Oxide Catalysts for Prins Condensation of Bio-renewable Feedstocks
1 - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil
2 - University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Kuznetsov V.L.1,2,3, Krasnikov D.V.1,2, Kazakova M.A.1,2, Moseenkov S.I.1, Smirnova T.E.3, Suslyaev V.I.3,
Dorofeev I.O.3
A One-step Technique for In situ Synthesis of the Aerogels of the Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - National Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Tveritinova E.A., Zhitnev Yu.N., Kulakova I.I., Savilov S.V., Maslakov K.I., Lunin V.V.
Carbon Nanomaterials in 1,2-dichloroethane Dechlorination and Aliphatic Alcohols Conversion. The Role
of Surface Chemistry and Carbon Matrix Structure
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Kulikova M.V., Karpacheva G.P., Khadzhiev S.N.
Synthesis of CO and H2 Conversion Nanoheterogeneous Catalysts in Disperse Systems
A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Kurmaev D.A.1, Mukharinova A.I.1, Gagieva S.Ch.1, Tuskaev V.A.1,2, Bulychev B.M.1
Titanium (+4) Complexes Containing 2-(hydroxymethyl)phenol Derivatives as Pre-catalysts for the
Polymerization of Ethylene
1 - Moscow State University, Chemical Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Sharypov V.I.1, Baryshnikov S.V.1, Tereshkova N.G.1, Vos’Merikov A.V.2, Kuznetsov B.N.1
Catalytic Conversion of Mechanically Activated Aspen Wood in Supercritical Ethanol in the Presence of
Zeolites with Different Si/Al Ratio
1 - Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
Altunoz Erdogan D.1, Solouki T.2, Ozensoy E.1
Bio-inspired “Buckyball-shaped” Photocatalytic Architectures
1 - Bilkent University, Department of Chemistry, Ankara, Turkey
2 - Baylor University, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Waco, TX, 76798, USA
Cordova A1. Lamonier C1. Blanchard P1. Lancelot C1. Frémy G2
KMo Alumina Supported Catalysts for the Synthesis of Methylmercaptan from Syngas and H2S: New
Insight into the Nature of the Active Phase
1 - University of Lille UCCS, France
2 - Arkéma Groupement de recherches de Lacq, France
Laskin A., Kirgizov A., Ilyasov I., Lamberov A.
Investigation of Palladium Catalysts Supported on Highly Porous Cellular Metal Carriers
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Lemonidou A.A.1,2, Zacharopoulou V.1, Vasiliadou E.S.1
Aqueous Phase Hydro-deoxygenation of Glycerol towards One-step Production of “Green” Propene
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University campus, Thessaloniki,
2 - Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece
Lin K.-S., Yu S.H., Chuang H.-W., Adhikari A.K., Chiang C.L.
Development of Chemical Conversion for Methanol/Carbon Dioxide to Dimethyl Carbonate
by V2O5 Catalysts
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science/Environmental Technology Research Center, Yuan
Ze University, Taiwan
Lombardi E., Basile F., Fornasari G., Mafessanti R., Vaccari A.
Effect of Microemulsion-synthesized Support in the Aqueous Phase Reforming Reaction of Glycerol
University of Bologna, dep. of Industrial Chemistry, Bologna, Italy
Maccarrone M.J.1, Lederhos C.1, Betti C.1, Coloma-Pascual F.2, Vera C.1, Quiroga M.E.1
Obtaining (Z)-3-hexene with Ni Catalysts Supported on Alumina Modified with Magnesium Precursor
1 - Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica, INCAPE, Colectora Ruta Nac. Nº 168 Km. 0 –
Paraje El Pozo, Santa Fe (3000), Argentina
2 - Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante, Apartado 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain
Makaryan I.1, Sedov I.1,2, Arutyunov V.1, Savchenko V.1,2
Catalytic Carbonylation as a Component of Alternative Route for GTL Processes
1 - Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow
Region, Russia
2 - Faculty of fundamental physical and chemical engineering, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Mäki-Arvela P.1, Torozova A.1, Stekrova M.1, Kumar N.1, Aho A.1, Heinmaa I.2, Volcho K.P.3,
Salakhutdinov N.F.3, Murzin D.Yu.1
Isomerization of Verbenol Oxide to a Diol with Paramenthenic Structure Exhibiting Anti-Parkinson
1 - Process Chemistry Centre, Åbo Akademi University, Turku/Åbo, Finland
2 - Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia
3 - N.N. Vorozhtsov Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Mari M.1, Cavani F.1, Kuenzle N.2, Hanselmann P.2, Janssen M.2
Exploring New Synthetic Ways for Cyanopyridines
1 - Università di Bologna, dipartimento di Chimica Industriale Toso Montanari, Bologna, Italy
2 - Lonza Ltd, Visp, Switzerland
Mashkovsky I.S.1, Markov P.V.1, Bragina G.O.1, Baeva G.N.1, Tkachenko O.P.1, Kozitsyna N.Yu.2,
Vargaftik M.N.2, Stakheev A.Yu.1
Highly Selective Pd-Cu Supported Catalyst for Liquid-Phase Semihydrogenation of Substituted Alkynes
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
Girard E., Delcroix D., Cabiac A.
Catalytic Conversion of Cellulose to C2-C3 glycols by a Dual Combination of a Homogeneous Metallic Salt
and a Perovskite-Based Heterogeneous Catalyst
IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rond-Point de l’Echangeur de Solaize, BP3, Solaize, France
Massalimova B.
MoCrGa Catalysts Supported on Natural Clays for the Process of Oxidative Conversion
of Propane-butane Mixture
Arkalyk State pedagocical Institute after named I. Altynsarin, Arkalyk, Kazakhstan
Matveeva O.V., Lakina N.V., Doluda V.Yu., Sulman E.M., Shimanskaya E.I.
Magnetically Recoverable Biocatalyst for 2,3,6-trimethylphenol Oxidation
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Melián Rodríguez M.1,2, Saravanamurugan S.1,2, Kegnæs S.1,2, Riisager A.1,2
Catalytic Oxidation of Veratryl Alcohol – a β-O-4 Lignin Model Compound - to Veratraldehyde
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Zhu Y.1, Li X.2, Adrian K.T.2, Ding J.2, Xue J.M.2
Pd-Ce Nanoparticles on Functional Fe-MIL-101: An Efficient Catalyst for Glycerol Oxidation
1 - Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, Jurong Island, Singapore
2 - Department of Materials Sciences & Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Mishanin I.I.1, Lunin V.V.1,2, Bogdan V.I.1,2
Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane on MoVTeNbO Catalysts
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Modvig A.E.1,2, Fristrup P.1, Riisager A.1,2
Oxidative Catalytic Upgrading of Biomass-derived Glycolaldehyde to Glycolics
1 - Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 - Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Nazarov M.V., Lamberov A.A., Urtyakov P.V.
Mathematical Analysis Options to Upgrade Plants of Dehydrogenation Isoamylenes to Isoprene and
Conduct Pilot Tests
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Lyubimova N., Nikoshvili L., Matveeva V., Sulman M., Sulman E.
Hypercrosslinked Polystyrene-supported Palladium Catalysts for Suzuki Cross-coupling Reaction
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Nindakova L.O., Strakhov V.O., Chvanova K.A.
Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Prochiral Arylketones and Keto Acid Ethers Catalyzed
by Pd(acac)2- Chiral Base
Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Nurullina N., Batyrshin N., Kharlampidi Kh.
Cumene Hydroperoxide Decomposition in the Presence of Organic Group II Metal Salts
Kazan National Research Technological University, Department of General Chemical Technology, Kazan, Russia
O'Driscoll Á., Leahy J.J., Curtin T.
Selective Hydrogenation of Furfural Using SiO2 Based Catalysts: Impact of Reaction Conditions and
Metals Employed
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Materials and Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Carbolea Research Group, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Okhlopkova L.B.1, Matus E.V.1, Prosvirin I.P.1, Kerzhentsev M.A.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,2
Selective Hydrogenation of 2-methyl-3-butyne-2-ol Catalyzed by Embedded Polymer-protected PdZn
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Okhlopkova L.B.1, Kerzhentsev M.A.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,2
Capillary Microreactor with PdZn(Ti,Ce)O2 Coating for Selective Hydrogenation of 2-methyl-3-butyne-2-ol
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
Opris C.M., Tudorache M., Parvulescu V.I.
New Catalysts for Lignin Depolymerisation
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis,
Bd. Regina Elisabeta 4-12, Bucharest 030016, Romania
Quesada J., Faba L., Diaz E., Ordonez S.
Deactivation of Mixed Oxides as Catalysts for Ethanol Condensation: In situ DRIFT Spectroscopy Studies
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Osadchaya T., Afineevskiy A., Prozorov D., Lukin M.
Modification of Skeletal Nickel Surface on Effects of Hydrogenation for Adsorption Behavior
of p–nitrotoluene
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Research Institute for Thermodynamics and Kinetics of
Chemical Processes, Dep. of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Ivanovo, Russia
Ospanova A.Z.1, Yemelyanova V.S.2, Itkulova S.S.1, Abdullin A.M.1, Nurmakanov Y.Y.1, Imankulova S.A.1
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over the Multicomponent Fe-based Catalysts Modified with Additives of Rare
Earth Metals
1 - D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 - Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Peneau V.1, He Q.2, Shaw G.1, Kiely Ch. J.2, Hutchings Gr. J.1, Nowicka E.1
Selective Oxidation of Toluene Using Noble Metals under Mild Condition
1 - Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff, UK
2 - Department of Material Science and Engineering, Lehigh University, Lehigh, PA, US
Peng B., Ember E.E., Lercher J.A.
Mechanistic Understanding on MoO3 Catalyzed Transesterification between Phenol and Dimethyl
Lehrstuhl II für Technische Chemie and Catalysis Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Technische
Universität München, Garching, Germany
Abba M.O., Pereñiguez R., Caballero A.
MP/C (M: Ni, Mo, W) Catalysts Hydrodenitrogenation of Aminocaprolactam: Effect of the H2 Pressure
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla and Dpto. Química Inorgánica (CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla). Av.
Américo Vespucio, 49, 41092 Seville, Spain
Petrov S.M.1, Gussamov I.I.1, Abdelsalam Y.I.1, Ibragimova D.A.1, Baybekova L.R.1, Kayukova G.P.2
Conversion of Heavy Hydrocarbons into Light Oils Using Nanoparticles and Complexes of Transition
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
2 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan, Russia
Phung T.K., Garbarino G., Busca G.
Ethanol Conversion to Useful Products: Ethylene, Diethyl Ether, Higher Hydrocarbons, Acetaldehyde and
University of Genova, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Genova, Italy
Podolean I., Coman S.M., Parvulescu V.I.
Synthesis of Platform Molecules from Cellulose over Bifunctional Magnetic Nanocatalysts
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis,
Bdul. Regina Elisabeta, 4-12, Bucharest, Romania
Rajkhowa T., Thybaut J.W., Marin G.B.
"Green" Propylene Glycol: Kinetic Determination for the Valorization of Biodiesel Side Stream
Laboratory for Chemical Technology, Ghent University, Technologiepark 914, B-9052 Gent, Belgium
Sulman E., Rakitin M., Petrova A., Doluda V., Matveeva V., Sulman M.
Research of Hydrogenation of the Nitrobenzene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Use Ru/HPS
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Redina E.1, Kirichenko O.1, Greish A.1, Shesterkina A.1, Vikanova K.2, Tkachenko O.1, Kapustin G.1, Kustov L.1,3
Catalytic Transformation of Glycerol to Lactic Acid over Au-Pt Supported Catalysts Prepared
by Redox-method
1 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russia
3 - Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Rodikova Y.A., Zhizhina E.G., Pai Z.P.
Peculiarities of Obtaining Alkyl-Substituted 1,4-benzoquinones in Two-Phase Systems in the Presence of
Mo-V-P Heteropoly Acid Solutions
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Rodygin K.S.1, Ananikov V.P.2
Efficient Metal-Free Pathway to Vinyl Thioesters with Calcium Carbide as the Acetylene Source
1 - Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University. Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
Rubin M.A.1, Sulman E.M.1, Smelkova V.V.1, Murzin D.Yu.2, Sidorov A.I.1, Warna J.2
Liquid-phase Methanol Synthesis Using Polymerstabilized Catalysts Based on Zinc
1 - Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
2 - Åbo Akademi University, Åbo, Finland
Ryzhkina I.S., Kiseleva Yu.V., Konovalov A.I.
High Catalytic Activity of Nanoheterogeneous Systems Based on Aqueous Solutions of Cationic
Surfactants of Low Concentrations in Hydrolysis of Phosphorus Acid Esters
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Schmidt A.F., Kurokhtina A.A., Larina E.V.
Differential Selectivity Measurements as Effective Means for Mechanistic Studies of Catalytic Reactions
Irkutsk State University, institution, Chemistry Department, Irkutsk, Russia
Semikin K.1, Smirnova D.2, Sladkovskiy D.2, Postnov A.3, Malt’Zeva N.3, Murzin D.1
Some Aspects of Kinetics and Mechanism of the Heterogeneous Iso-butane/butene Alkylation over Solid
ZrO2-Al2O3/HY Catalyst
1 - St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), Laboratory of Catalytic Technologies,
St.Petersburg, Russia
2 - St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), Resource-Saving Department, Moskovsky
St.Petersburg, Russia
3 - St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University),General Chemical Technology and
Catalist Department, St.Petersburg, Russia
Shaurya M., Elavarasaran P., Parveen F., Upadhyayula S.
Alkylation of Phenol Using Ionic Liquid Catalyst: A Mechanistic Study
IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India
Sheshko T.F.1, Serov Y.M.1, Dementieva M.V.1, Shulga A.1, Chislova I.V.2, Zvereva I.A.2
Preferential Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide to Olefins over Catalysts of Perovskite-type Ferrites
1 - Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Science, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry Department,
Moscow, Russia
2 - Saint-Petersburg State University, Petrodvorets, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Sizova I.A.1, Serdyukov S.I.1,2, Shaydullina G.3, Maximov A.L.1,2
Hydrodearomatization Processes in Dispersion Systems: Unsupported Ni-W-S Catalysts Synthesized in situ
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Moscow State University, Dep. of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
3 – LECO, Russia
Sizova I.A.1, Serdyukov S.I.1,2, Maximov A.L.1,2
In Situ Synthesis of Unsupported Transition Metal Sulfide Catalysts for Hydrodearomatization Processes
1 - A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 - Moscow State University, Dep. of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Skobelev I.Y.1, Zalomaeva O.V.1, Evtushok V.Yu.1,2, Maksimov G.M.1, Kholdeeva O.A.1,2, Carbó J.J.3, Poblet J.M.3
Selective Oxidation of Alkylarenes with H2O2 Catalyzed by γ-Keggin Divanadium-substituted
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Universitat Rovira i Vigili Marcel lí Domingo s/n, 43007 Tarragona, Spain
Smolentseva E.1, Costa V.V.2, Cotta R.F.2, Beloshapkin S.3, Simakova O.4, Gusevskaya E.V.2, Simakov A.1
Strong Synergetic Effect of Ceria and Alumina in Aerobic Oxidative Esterification of Benzyl Alcohol and
Benzaldehyde over Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Nanostructured Ce-Al-O Mixed Oxides
1 - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, Km. 107 Carretera
Tijuana a Ensenada, C.P. 22860, Ensenada, Baja California, México
2 - Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 31270-901 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
3 - Materials & Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
4 - Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering, Process Chemistry Centre, ÅboAcademi
University, FI-20500 Åbo/Turku, Finland
Sofianos A., Kolesnikov A.V., Maanaso M.F.
Synthesis, Characterisation and Activity Testing of Titanium-Containing Zeolite Systems of the MFI-type
Tshwane University of Technology, Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Private
Bag X680, Pretoria 001, Republic of South Africa
Strekalova S.O., Khrizanforov M.N., Gryaznova T.V., Budnikova Y.H.
Ch-Phosphorylation of Aromatic Substrates Involving Redox-activated Co, Ag, Mn, Fe, Ni and Their
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Kazan, Russia
Suerbaev Kh.A., Zhaksylikova G.Zh., Appazov N.O., Kudaibergenov N.Zh.
Metalcomplex Catalysis in Synthesis of Biological Active Esters of the Isovaleric Acid
Al-Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Suknev A.P.1, Zaikovskii V.I.1,2, Kaichev V.V.1,2, Paukshtis E.A.1,2, Sadovskaya E.M.1,2, Bal’zhinimaev B.S.1
Selective Hydrogenation of Hexanoic Acid to Hexanol under Mild Conditions
over Titania-based Pt-Re Catalyst
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Flid V.R.1, Sulimov A.V.2, Danov S.M.2, Ovcharova A.V.2, Trushechkina M.A.3
Effect of Technological Parameters on the Process of Epichlorohydrin Synthesis
1 - Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russia
2 - Nizhni Novgorod State Technical University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
3 - R&D Engineering Centre “Syntez”, Moscow, Russia
Sulman A.M., Sulman M.G., Sulman E.M., Doluda V.Yu., Lakina N.V.
Lactulose Isomerisation over Magnetic Nanoparticles Incorporated with Borate Ions
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Sushkevich V.L., Ivanova I.I.
Selective Synthesis of Butadiene from Ethanol over ZrBEA Catalysts
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Ziyadullaev O.E., Turabdjanov S.M., Ikramov A.I., Irgashev Yo.T.
Gamogen-catalytic Vinylation of Aromatic Acetylene Alcohols
Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Thomas L.M.1, Lee A.F.2, Wilson K.2, Willock D.J.1
The Gold Particle Catalysed Mechanism for the Oxidation of Hydroxymethylfurfural
to 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid: A DFT Study
1 - Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kindom
2 - Aston University, Birmingham, United Kindom
Paul S.1,2, Heyte S.1,3, Thuriot Roukos J.1, Araque Marin M.1,2, Dumeignil F.1,3,4
REALCAT: A New High-throughput Platform Dedicated to the R&D in Catalysis for Biorefineries
1 - Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, UCCS, UMR CNRS 8181, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 59655, France
2 - Ecole Centrale de Lille, ECLille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 59655, France
3 - Université de Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 59655, France
4 - Institut Universitaire de France, IUF, Maison des Universités, 103 Bd. St Michel, Paris, 75005, France
Turova O.V., Berezhnaya V.G., Starodubtseva E.V., Vinogradov M.G.
Pd-catalyzed Selective Hydrogenolysis of γ-ketoamides as a New Approach to the Synthesis of
5-alkylpyrrolidin-2-ones or Linear Carboxylic Acid Amides
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Velasquez Ochoa J.1, Chieregato A.1, Bandinelli C.1, Fornasari G.1, Cavani F.1, Mella M.2
Insights on the Mechanism for the Transformation of Ethanol on Basic Oxides (Lebedev and Guerbet
1 - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanari”, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2 - Dipartimento di Scienze ed Alta Tecnologia, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como, Italy
Vereshchagina N.V., Antonova T.N., Kopushkina G.Yu., Shelekhova A.I.
Catalysis by the Noble Metals in the Process of Obtaining New Biologically Active Compounds
Yaroslavl State Technical University, Chemical Engineering Department, Yaroslavl, Russia
Vosmerikova L.1, Volynkina A.1, Zaikovskii V.2, Vosmerikov A.1
The Conversion of Propane into Aromatic Hydrocarbons over Ga-containing Zeolite Catalysts
1 - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Liu R., Wang T., Jin Y.
Dehydration of Biodiesel-derived Crude Glycerol into Acrolein over HPW Supported on Cs-modified SBA-15
Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Reaction Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Dossumov K.1, Yergaziyeva G.Y.2, Myltykbayeva L.K.2, Mironenko A.V.2
Modified Nickel Catalysts for Oxidation of Methane
1 - Centre of Physic-Chemical analysis and investigation methods, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 - The Institute of Combustion Problems, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Suyunbayev U., Yergaziyeva G., Zhumagazin A.
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Dienone for Getting Vitamins and Odorous Substances
Institute of Combustion Problems, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Yolchuyeva U.C., Jafarova R.A., Rzayeva N.A., Abbasova N.A.
The Spectral Analysis of Hydrocarbons in the Oil from the Well1311 of Surakhani Field
Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Y.G. Mammadaliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan
Yoshida A., Takasaka T., Ebi Y., Sato R., Naito S., Ueda W.
Oligopeptide Modified Mesoporous Silica Catalyts for Direc Aldor Reaction
Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan
Zalyaliev R.F., Mukhambetov I.N., Lamberov A.A.
The Method of Dealumination of Zeolite Ferrierite with Ammonium Hexafluorosilicate
The Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Flid V.R., Shamsiev R.S., Zamalyutin V.V.
Paramagnetic Nickel Complexes in the Catalytic Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Reactions
Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT), Moscow, Russia
Alkayeva Y.1, Shutilov A.2,3,4, Zenkovets G.2,3
Microwave Assisted Heterogeneous Vapor-Phase Oxidation of 3-picoline to Nicotinic Acid over
Vanadium–titanium Oxide Catalytic System
1 - Fordham University, New York, United States
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
de Miguel S., Rodriguez V., Scelza O., Stassi J., Vilella I., Zgolicz P.
Pt Based Bimetallic Catalysts Prepared by Conventional Impregnation and Deposition and Reduction in
Liquid Phase Methods for Selective Hydrogenation of Citral
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroquímica, UNL-CONICET, Sgo del Estero 2654, Sta Fe (3000), Argentina
Ledesma C.1, Yang J.2, Blekkan E.A.1, Holmen A.1, Chen D.1 , Venvik H.J.1
Study of the Reaction Network of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis by Multicomponent Steady-State Isotopic
Transient Kinetic Analysis
1 - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
2 - SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Lee K.A.1, Moon D.J.2, Park N.C.3, Kim Y. Ch.3
The Characteristics of Phosphoric Acid Modified Niobia Catalysts in the Gas Phase Glycerol Dehydration
1 - Department of Chemicals Engineering, Chonnam National University, 77 Youngbong-ro, Buk-gu Gwangiu
500-757, Republic of Korea
2 - Korea Institute Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu Seoul 136-791, Republic of Korea
3 - Faculty of Applied Chemical Engineering and the Research Institute For Catalysis, Chonnam National
University, 77 Youngbong-ro, Buk-gu Gwangju 500-757, Republic of Korea
Kim N.Y.1,2, Jung J.-S.1,3, Park J.I.1, Ramesh S.1, Kim S.W.1,3, Ahn B.S.1,3, Lee K.Y.2, Moon D. J.1,3
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (FTS) Reaction over Co- Based Catalyst Supported on Al-SBA-15
1 - Clean Energy Research Center, KIST, Seoul, Korea
2 - Department of Biological & Chemical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
3 - Clean Energy & Chemical Engineering, UST, Daejeon, Kore
Sub G.G.1, Moon D.J.2, Park N.C.3, Kim Y.C.3
Kinetics for Hydrogen Production from Glycerol Steam Reforming Reaction Using Ni-Fe-Ce/Al2O3
1 - Department of Chemicals Engineering, Chonnam National University, 77 Youngbong-ro, Buk-gu Gwangiu
500-757, Republic of Korea
2 - Korea Institute Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu Seoul 136-791, Republic of Korea
3 - Faculty of Applied Chemical Engineering and the Research Institute For Catalysis, Chonnam National
University, 77 Youngbong-ro, Buk-gu Gwangju 500-757, Republic of Korea
Kovalenko G.A., Perminova L.V., Beklemishev A.B., Kuznetsov V.L.
Heterogeneous Lipase-Active Biocatalysts for Oil Triglycerides’ Hydrolysis and Interesterification
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dahnavi E.M.1, Kurganova E.A.2, Koshel G.N.2, Kharlampidi Kh.E.3
Highly Selective Catalysts for Synthesis of Alkylaromatic Hydroperoxides and Prospects of Their
Industrial Application
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia,
2 - Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl, Russia,
3 - Kazan State Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Section 5. Catalysis and Environmental Protection
Lopatin S.A.1,2, Zazhigalov S.V.1,2, Mikenin P.E.1,2, Pisarev D.A.1,2, Baranov D.V.1,2,3, Zagoruiko A.N.1,2,4
Structured Cartridges with Glass-fiber Catalysts: New Trend in the Design of Catalytic Reactors for
Pollution Control
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk,
3 - Novosibirsk Technical State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Gasparyan M.D., Liberman E.Y.U., Grunsky V.N., Obukhov E.
Catalysts on the Base of Ceramic Highly-porous Block-cellular Carriers
Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
Jin B.F., Wei Y.C., Zhao Z., Liu J., Duan A.J.
The Synthesis Charcterization and Catalytic Performances of Three-dimensionally Ordered Macroporous
x-CeO2/Al2O3 Catalysts for Diesel Soot Combustion
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Chang Ping, Beijing, China
Paul J.-F., Berrier E., Blanck D.
Are Perovskite Materials Efficient for Tree Way Catalysis? A Theoretical Study of LaFeO3
Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Wagloehner S., Nitzer-Noski M., Kureti S.
Soot Oxidation on Manganese Oxide Catalysts in Diesel and Gasoline Exhaust
Technical University of Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Chair of
Reaction Engineering, Freiberg, Germany
Trunfio G.1, Di Chio R.1, Rahim S.H.A.1, Espro C.1, Milone C.1, Galvagno S.1, Spadaro L.2, Arena F.1,2
Development of MnOx-based Catalysts for the Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation (CWAO) of Organic Pollutants
1 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Chimica e Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Messina,
Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 31, I-98166 Messina, Italy
2 - Istituto CNR-ITAE ‘‘Nicola Giordano’’, Salita S. Lucia 5, I-98126 S. Lucia (Messina), Italy
Chlala D.1, Giraudon J.-M.1, Nuns N.2, Labaki M.3, Lamonier J.-F.1
Attractive Route for New Hydroxyapatite Supported Calcium-manganese Oxides for Total Oxidation of
1 - Université Lille1, UMR 8181 CNRS, UCCS, Boulevard Langevin, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
2 - IMMCL Chevreul, Institut des Molécules et de la Matière Condensée, Lille, France
3 - Lebanese University, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials (LCPM)/PR2N, Faculty of Sciences,
Fanar, BP 90656 Jdeidet El Metn, Lebanon
Nikbin N.1, Austin N.2, Christiansen M.1, Vlachos D.G.1, Stamatakis M.3, Mpourmpakis G.2
Unravelling the Complexity of CO Oxidation Catalysis on Au Nanoclusters
1 - University of Delaware, Department of Chemical Engineering, Newark, Delaware, USA
2 - University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
3 - University College London, Department of Chemical Engineering, Torrington Pl., London WC1E 7JE, UK
Tabakova T.1, Kolentsova E.2, Dimitrov D.2, Petrova P.1, Karakirova Y.1, Avdeev G.3, Nihtianova D.4, Ivanov K.2
Effect of Au and Ag on the Performance in CO and VOCs Oxidation of Alumina
Supported Cu-Mn Catalysts
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - Department of Chemistry, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
3 - Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
4 - Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dubkov A.A.1,2, Carberry B.2, Schneider M.2, Linzen F.2, Smirnov M.Yu.1, Kalinkin A.V.1, Salanov A.N.1,
Shmakov A.N.1, Gerasimov Е.Yu.1, Bukhtiyarov V.I.1,3
Change in the Chemical Composition of an LNT as a Result of its Ageing in Diesel Exhaust Gases:
Physical and Chemical Analysis
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk Russia
2 - Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Aachen, Germany
3 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Ismagilov Z.1,2, Parmon V.1, Yarullin R.3, Mazgarov A.4, Khairulin S.1, Kerzhentsev M.1, Golovanov A.5,
Vildanov A.4, Garifullin R.5
The Process of H2S Selective Catalytic Oxidation for On-site Purification of Hydrocarbon Gaseous
Feedstock. Technology Demonstration at Bavly Oil Field in Republic of Tatarstan
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
3 - OJSC “Tatneftekhiminvestholding”, Kazan, Russian Federation
4 - OJSC “Volga research institute of hydrocarbon feed”35-A N. Ershov Str., 420045 Kazan, Russia
5 - OJSC “Tatneft”, Al`metyevsk, Russia
Agafonov A.A.1,2, Lokteva E.S.1,2, Maslakov K.I.1,2, Strokova N.E.1, Voronova L.V.1
Pd Catalysts Supported on Metal Organic Coordinated Structures in Chlorobenzene Hydrodechlorination
and CO Oxidation
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Omsk, Russia
Taherimehr M.1, Cardoso Costa Sertã J.P.1, Kleij A.W.2,3, Whiteoak C.J.2, Pescarmona P.P.1,4
A New, Active Iron-complex Catalyst for Converting CO2 into Cyclic Carbonates and Cross-linked
Polycarbonates with Enhanced Properties
1 - COK, University of Leuven, Belgium
2 - ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain
3 - ICREA, Barcelona, Spain
4 - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Mironenko A., Kazieva A., Mansurov Z., Kudyarova Z.
Design of Catalysts of Carbon Dioxide Conversion of Methane
The Institute of Combustion Problems, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Gabrovska M.1, Shopska M.1, Edreva-Kardjieva R.1, Nikolova D.1, Bilyarska L.1, Crişan D.2
Modified Ni-Al Layered Double Hydroxides as Catalyst Precursors for Utilization of Carbon Dioxide
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Xie S., Wang Y., Zhang Q., Wang Y.
Two-dimensional SrNb2O6 as an Efficient Photocatalyst for the Preferential Reduction of Carbon Dioxide
in the Presence of Water
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for
Energy Materials, National Engineering Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols, Ethers and
Esters, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Eropak B.M.1, Aksoylu A.E.1, Çağlayan B.S.2
Design and Development of Efficient AC-based Adsorbents for CO2 Removal
1 - Boğaziçi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
2 - Advanced Technologies R&D Center, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Hacioglu M., Gürkaynak Altınçekiç T., Özdemir H., Öksüzömer M.A.F.
Preperation and Characterization of Ni-based Catalysts for Oxy-CO2 Reforming of Methane by Using
Wet Impregnation Method
Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcılar, Istanbul, Turkey
Fukuhara C.1, Hayakawa K.1, Murabayashi K.2, Khono Y.1, Watanabe R.1
A Honeycomb-Type Ni/CeO2 Catalyst for CO2 Methanation to Transform Greenhouse Gas into Useful
1 - Shizuoka University, Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering, Graduate School of
Engineering, 3-5-1 Johoku Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, 432-8561, Japan
2 - Cataler corporation 7800 Chihama, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, 437-1492, Japan
Hillen L., Degirmenci V.
CO2 Capture by Hierarchical Mesoporous Chabazite Type Zeolites
CenTACat, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen's University, Belfast, BT9 5AG,
Northern Ireland
Marakushev S.A., Belonogova O.V.
Autocatalytic Fixation of Carbon Dioxide
Institute of Problem of Chemical Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
Calisan A., Uner D.
Surface Oxidation Mechanism of Pb-based Materials by Utilization of CO2 as an Oxidant
Chemical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Gaynanova G.A., Yackevich E.I., Lukashenko S.S., Mirgorodskaya A.B., Zakharova L.Ya.
Catalytic Activity of Supramolecular Systems Based on Mono- and Dicationic Surfactants with Aromatic
or Heterocyclic Moieties
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Gaynanova G.A.1, Vagapova G.I.1, Valeeva F.G.1, Galkina I.V.2, Zakharova L.Ya.1, Sinyashin O.G.1
Supramolecular Catalytic System Based on Amphiphilic Triphenylphosphonium Bromide for the
Hydrolysis of Phosphorus Acid Esters
1 - A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Dossumov K.1, Yergazieva G.Y.2, Telbayeva M.M.2, Tayrabekova S.3, Kalihanov K.3, Suyunbayev U.2
Modified by Lanthanum Cerium - containing Catalysts for Converting Bio-Ethanol into Ethylene
1 - Centre of Physic Chemical methods of investigation and analysis, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 - The Institute of Combustion Problems, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3 - Kazakh National University named Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Demirel S.E., Aksoylu A.E.
An In-situ FTIR-DRIFTS Study on Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane on Pt-Ni/Al2O3
Department of Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Erşahin S.1, Çağlayan B.S.1,2, Aksoylu A. E.1
An Experimental Study on Characterization and Mixed Reforming Performance of Co-Based Bimetallic
1 - Boğaziçi University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
2 - Advanced Technologies R&D Center, Boğaziçi University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
Yashnik S.A.1, Taran O.P.1,2, Ismagilov Z.R.1,3, Parmon V.N.1,4
DR UV-Vis Study of Copper(II) Oxo/Peroxocomplexes in Cu-substituted ZSM-5
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Kemerovo, Russia
4 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Mikenin P.E.1,2, Lopatin S.A.1,2, Zazhigalov S.V.1,2, Pisarev D.A.1,2, Baranov D.V.1,2,3, Zagoruiko A.N.1,2,4
Structured Glass-fiber Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of H2S
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Research and Educational Center for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk,
3 - Novosibirsk Technical State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Kolobov N.S.1,2,3, Selishchev D.S.1,2,3, Kozlov D.V.1,2,3
Photocatalytic Oxidation of CO over TiO2 Modified by Noble Metals
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia
Carberry B.1, Schneider M.1, Ukropec R.1, Boerensen C.1, Dubkov A.A.2,1
Characterization of the Automotive Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Catalysts with Flow Chemisorption
1 - Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Aachen, Germany
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk Russia
Sokolov S.1, Bychkov V.Yu.2, Rodemerck U.1, Stoyanova M.1, Linke D.1, Kondratenko E.V.1
Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Dehydrogenation of Propane and Isobutane Assisted by High-Throughput Tools
1 - Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Albert-Einstein-Str. 29A D-18059 Rostock, Germany
2 - Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Gil'mundinov Sh.A., Sassykova L.R., Massenova A.T., Bunin V.N., Rakhmetova K.S.
Catalytic Neutralization of Toxic Emissions of Furnaces of Oil Heating
D.V. Sokolskii Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Laboratory of Catalytic Synthesis, Almaty,
Arevalo-Bastante A., Omar S., Palomar J., Gómez-Sainero L.M., Alvarez-Montero M.A., Rodriguez J.J.
Study of the Interaction of Chloroform and Hydrogen with the Metallic Species in Precious Metals
Supported Catalysts for the Hydrodechlorination of Chloroform
Departamento de Química-Física Aplicada, Sección de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
C/Francisco Tomás y Valiente nº5, Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Orge C.A., Pereira M.F.R., Faria J.L.
Mineralization of Aniline and Reactive Dye Blue 5 Solutions by Photocatalytic Ozonation
LSRE-LCM, Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr.
Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Rejeb R.1, Kalfallah B.L.1, Delahay G.2
Mixed MoTi-pillared Clay as a Catalyst for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by NH3
1 - Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux et Catalyse, Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.
Campus Universitaire 1060 Tunis, Tunisie
2 - Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, UMR 5253, CNRS-UM2-ENSCM-UM1, Equipe MACS, Ecole
Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, 8, rue Ecole Normale 34296 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Chagas C.A., Schmal M.
Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide over NiO/CeO2 and NiO-CuO/CeO2 in Hydrogen-rich
Streams: Effect of Copper
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hirayama J.1, Kamiya Y.2
Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate to Nitrogen in Water under Visible Light Irradiation in the Presence
of Pt/SrTiO3:Rh Photocatalyst and SnPd/Al2O3 Non-photocatalyst
1 - Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
2 - Research Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Todorova S.1, Stefanov P.2, Naydenov A.2, Tzaneva B.3, Stoyanova D.2
Co, La and Ce Modified Pd-Al2O3 - Catalysts for Methane Combustion
1 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Acad. of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 - Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Acad. of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
3 - Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Jirátová K.1, Balabánová J.1, Kovanda F.2, Obalová L.3
Deep Ethanol Oxidation over Nanosized Co-Mn-Al Mixed Oxides Supported on Pelletized
1 - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic
2 - University of Chemistry and Technology, Praha, Czech Republic
3 - Institute of Environmental Technology, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Lee T.H.1, Seong Y.B.1, Lee J.W.1, Kim M.J.1, Park C.J.1, Choi W.Y.1, Lee T.J.1, Park N.-K.2, Baek J.-I.3, Lee J.B.3
Synthesis of Macro-porous Cu-Sn-Zr Catalyst for SO2 Reduction
1 - Yeungnam University, Chemical Engineering, Gyeongsan, Republic of Korea
2 - Yeungnam University, Institute of Clean Technology, Republic of Korea
3 - Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Republic of Korea
Jáuregui Haza U.J.1, Abreu Zamora M.A.1, González Labrada K.2, Robaina León Y.1, Valdés Callado M.1
Degradation of Paracetamol by Homogeneous Catalytic Photo-Fenton Process in an Open Channel
1 - Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas, La Habana, Cuba
2 - Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, La Habana, Cuba
Pitault I.1, Gelin P.2, Fiani E.3, Meille V.4, Bornette F.4, Vanoye L.4, Soufi J.4,2
Catalytic Oxidation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) over Zeolite Type Catalysts: Effect of
Si/Al Ratio, Structure and Acidity
1 - Université lyon1, CNRS, UMR 5007, Laboratoire d'Automatique et de Génie des Procédés, 43 boulevard du
11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
2 - Université Lyon1,CNRS, UMR 5256, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon,
2 avenue A. Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
3 - ADEME Agence de l'Environnement de la Maîtrise de l'Energie, 20 avenue du Gresillé 49004 Angers
Cedex01, France
4 - Ecole de Chimie Physique éléctronique de Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5285, Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés
Catalytique,43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69616 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Vilasi P.1,2, Vernoux P.1, Briois P.2, Billard A.2, Arab Pour Yazdi M.2
Synthesis and Catalytic Performances of Nanostructured Lanthanum Cobaltite Catalytic Thin Films
Prepared by Physical Vapour Deposition
1 - CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, 2 Av.
Albert Einstein, F-69626, Villeurbanne, France
2 - IRTES-LERMPS, UTBM, site de Montbéliard-90010 Belfort, France
Montecchio F.1, Delin J.2, Kaijser P.2, Mills J.3, Engvall K.1, Lanza R.1
Photocatalytic and Ozone Combined UV Treatment for VOCs Abatement at Trace Concentrations
1 - Dept. Of Chemical Engineering, Division of Chemical Technology, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology,
Teknikringen 42, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
2 - Scandinavian Centriair AB, Industrivägen 39, 433 61 Sävedalen, Sweden
3 - Techniair Ltd, Tudor Cottage Calleywell Lane, Aldington, Ashford, Kent TN25 7DU, United Kingdom
Maksimchuk N.V., Ivanchikova I.D., Ayupov A.B., Kholdeeva O.A.
Direct synthesis of cyclic carbonates by oxidative carboxylation of styrenes over Ti-containing catalysts
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk Russia
Ilichev I.S.1, Radbil A.B.1, Kozlov I.A.2, Ignatov A.V.2, Semyonycheva L.L.3, Novoselov A.S.3
Hydrogenation of Terpineol to Dihydroterpineol over Various Catalysts
1 - JSC Managing company “Biochemical Holding “Orgkhim”, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
2 - CJSC “Russkiy katalizator”, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
3 - Achevskiy State University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Research Institute of Chemistry, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
Sevinç A.1,2, Karakaş G.1, Atamer İ.B.2
Catalyst for Complete Oxidation of Nitrogen Containing Samples
1 - Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
2 - Terralab A.S., Ankara, Turkey
Akopian A.V., Rakhmanov E.V., Grigoriev D.A., Anisimov A.V.
Oxidative Desulfurization of Light Oil Distillates Using Ozone
Chemistry Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Alikin E.A.
Investigation of Commercial Catalyst for Methane Oxidation after Real Operation Condition
Ecoaliance Ltd, Novouralsk, Russia
Lyakin O.Y., Zima A.M., Bryliakov K.P. Talsi E.P.
EPR Spectroscopic Study of the Active Species of Iron-Catalyzed Enantioselective Epoxidation
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Cortés-Reyes M.1, De La Torre U.2, Pereda-Ayo B.2, Herrera M.C.1, Larrubia M.A.1, González-Velasco J.R.2,
Alemany L.J.1
Analysis of Performance of a Bimodal Cu-CHA as SCR Catalyst Coupled in a NSR-SCR Dual System
1 - Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Campus de Teatinos, Universidad de Málaga,
E-29071, Spain
2 - Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco,
UPV/EHU, Campus de Leioa, P.O. Box 644, ES-48080, Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain
Kryuchkova T.A.1, Khairullina I.A.1, Sheshko T.F.1, Serov Y.M.1, Chislova I.V.2, Zvereva I.A.2
(Gd,Sr )n+1FenO3n+1 Catalysts Applied in Dry (Carbon Dioxide) Methane Reforming
1 - Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Science, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry Department,
Moscow, Russia
2 - Saint-Petersburg State University, Petrodvorets, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Fahami A.R., Nova I., Tronconi E.
Mechanistic Kinetic Modeling of NO Oxidation over a Commercial Cu-Zeolite Catalyst for Diesel Exhaust
Dip.Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Selleri T.1, Nova I.1, Tronconi E.1, Weibel M..2, Schmeißer V.2
Modelling Hydrocarbon Deactivation of SCR Zeolite Catalysts
1 - Dip.Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
2 - Daimler AG
Bertolucci E.1, Raspolli Galletti A.M.2, Axet M.R.3, Serp P.3
Green Synthesis of Ruthenium Nanoparticles on Magnetic Carbon Nanostructures and Their Use for the
Selective Hydrogenation of Nitroaromatics
1 - Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy
2 - University of Pisa, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, Italy
3 - University of Toulouse, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination composante ENSIACET, France
Gu S.Y., Wu L.H., Chen H.N.
Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Organic Wastewater over TiO2 Supported Ru-Pt Bimetallic Catalysts
Sinopec Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai, China
Zheng J., Meyer S., Köhler K.
Decomposition of N2O by Ruthenium Catalysts: Influence of the Support
Catalysis Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstraße 4,
85748 Garching, Germany
Patino Y.1, Pilevar S.2, De Wael K.2, Diaz E.1, Ordonez S.1
Catalytic Effect of Carbon Nanotubes in the Electrochemical Reduction of Nalidixic Acid
1 - University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
2 - University of Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium
Diaz M., Lima E.
Perturbing the Surface Polarity of Cellulose to Improve its Catalytic Conversion to Glucose
Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, UNAM, Mexico, Mexico
San Jose-Alonso D., Illan-Gomez M.J., Roman-Martinez M.C.
Co Catalysts for the Dry Reforming of Biogas
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Perez-Coronado A.M., Calvo L., Alonso N., Heras F., Rodriguez J.J., Gilarranz M.A.
Pd Nanoparticles via Water in Oil Microemulsion as Catalyst for Nitrite Reduction
Sección de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Borges D.G.1, Moores A.2, Assaf J.M.1
CaO/CoFe2O4 Synthesized by Citrate Precursor Method for Transesterification Reaction
1 - Laboratory of Catalysis, Department of Chemical Engineering, São Carlos Federal University, São Carlos-
SP, Brazil
2 - Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal-QC,
Manzoli M.1, Agostini G.2, Vindigni F.1, Lamberti C.1, Dimitrov D.3, Ivanov K.3, Tabakova T.4
EXAFS Study in Operando Conditions of Au/Co-doped CeO2 Catalysts for Methanol Oxidation Reaction
1 - Department of Chemistry and NIS Interdepartmental Centre, University of Torino, Torino, Italy
2 - European Syncrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
3 - Departmemt of Chemistry, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
4 - Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Zazi A.1,2, Gonzalez-dela Cruz V.M3,2, Halliche D.1, Holgado J.P.3, Caballero A.3, Bachari K.4, Saadi A.1,
Tezkratt S.2, Cherifi O.1
Effect Promoter of Cobalt on the Catalyst Ni-Mg-Al Obtained via Hydrotalcites for the Dry Reforming of
the Methane
1 - Laboratoire de chimie du gaz naturel, Faculté de chimie, USTHB, Bp 32 El Alia Algerie
2 - Departement de chimie, Faculté des sciences, UMMTO,Tizi ouzou, Algerie
3 - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla (CSIC-University of Seville) and Departamento de Quimica
Inorganica, University of Seville, Avda. Americo Vespucio, 49, 41092 Seville, Spain
4 - Centre de Recherches Scientifiques (CRAPC), BP 248, 16004 Alger, Algeria
Giménez-Mañogil J.1, Guillén-Hurtado N.1, Fernández-García S.2, Calvino-Gámez J.J.2, García-García A.1
On the Correlations between Redox Properties and Catalytic Performances of CexPr1-xO2-δ Catalysts
Towards Environmentally Relevant Oxidation Reactions
1 - MCMA Group, Department of Inorganic Chemistry. Faculty of Sciences. University of Alicante. Ap.99 E-
03080 Alicante, Spain
2 - Faculty of Sciences. University of Cádiz. Campus Río San Pedro, Puerto Real, Spain
Giménez-Mañogil J., García-García A.
Identifying the Nature of the Copper Entities over Ceria-based Supports to Promote Diesel Soot
Combustion: Synergistic Effects
MCMA Group, Department of Inorganic Chemistry. Faculty of Sciences. University of Alicante. Ap.99 E-03080
Alicante, Spain
Quiles-Díaz S., Giménez-Mañogil J., García-García A.
Catalytic Performance of 2%CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 Loaded over SiC-DPF in NOx-assisted Combustion of
Diesel Soot
MCMA Group, Department of Inorganic Chemistry. Faculty of Sciences. University of Alicante. Alicante, Spain
Papa F.1, Balint I.1, Negrila C2, Olaru E.A.3, Munteanu C.1, Zgura I.2, Bradu C.3
Pd-Cu Nanostructured Catalysts for Water Phase Reduction of Nitrates. Influence of the Support
and of the pH
1 - Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
2 - National Institute of Materials Physics, Magurele, Romania
3 - University of Bucharest, Research Center for Environmental Protection and Waste Management, Sos.
Panduri 90, 050663 Bucharest, Romania
Cruceanu A.1, Zavoianu R.1, Pavel O.D.1, Florea M.1, Bradu C.2, Olaru E.2
Red Mud Catalysts for Sulphide Oxidation in Wastewater
1 - Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis, Faculty of Chemistry, University of
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
2 - PROTMED research centre, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Barrera A.1, Padilla F.1, Tzompantzi F.2, López-Gaona A.2, Castellanos S. G.1
Photocatalytic Activity in the Degradation of Phenol over Zn2+:Al3+:W6+ Layered Double Hydroxide
Prepared by Coprecipitation
1 - Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCI, Laboratorio de nanomateriales catalíticos, Ocotlán, Jalisco, México
2 - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Depto. de Química, México D.F., México
Barrera A.1, Salazar K.G.1, Tzompantzi F.2, Padilla F.J.1, Castellanos S.G.1, López-Gaona A.2
Photodegradation of Phenol over Al2O3-Nd2O3 Nanomaterials Doped with Fe, Mg, and Zn Oxide
1 - Laboratorio de Nanomateriales Catalíticos, CUCI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Ocotlán, Jalisco, México
2 - Depto. de Química, UAM-Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco 186, México, D. F., México
Yahya R.1, Craven M.1, Kozhevnikova E.1, Steiner A.1, Kozhevnikov I.1, Samunual P.2, Bergbreiter D.2
Polyisobutylene Oligomer-bound Polyoxometalates as Efficient and Recyclable Catalysts for Biphasic
Oxidations with Hydrogen Peroxide
1 - University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
2 -Texas A&M University, USA
Benadda A.1, Rahou S.1, Barama A.1, Djadoun A.2
Catalytic Combustion of Toluene over MnOx-CeO2 Mixed Oxides
1 - LMCCCO, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria
2 - Laboratoire de Géophysique, FSTGAT, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria
Klyushina A.1, Obalová L.1, Karásková K.2, Jirátová K.3
Effect of Preparation Method on Catalytic Properties of Co-Mn-Al Mixed Oxide for N2O Decomposition
1 - Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Institute of Environmental Technology, VŠB – Technical
University of Ostrava 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic
2 - Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava 17. listopadu 15,
708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic
3 - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals CAS v.v.i., Rozvojová 135, 165 02 Prague, Czech Republic
Obalová L.1, Karásková K.1, Kovanda F.2, Jirátová K.3, Šrámek J.4, Kustrowski P.5, Chromčáková Ž.1,
Pacultová K.1, Kočí K.1, Borovec K.1, Dej M.1
K/Co4MnAlOx Catalyst for N2O Abatement from Nitric Acid Plant Waste Gases – Results of Pilot
Plant-scale Testing
1 - VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2 - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
3 - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic
4 - CHEMOPROJEKT CHEMICALS, s.r.o., Třebohostická 14, 100 31 Praha 10, Czech Republic
5 - Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Yuan R.M.1, Lin Z.2
DFT Studies on the Mechanisms of Nickel-Catalyzed Reductive Carboxylation of Styrenes Using CO2 as
the Building Block
1 - Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, Xiamen, People’s Republic of China
2 - Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,
Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Lee J.W.1, Lee T.H.1, Seong Y.B.1, Kim M.J.1, Park C.J.1, Choi W.Y.1, Park N.-K.2, Lee T.J.1, Chang W.C. 3,
Choi H.-Y.4
Catalytic Decomposition of NF3 Exhausted in Semiconductor Manufacturing Process over γ-Al2O3
Catalyst with H2O or without H2O
1 - Yeungnam University, Chemical Engineering, Gyung San, Republic of Korea
2 - Yeungnam University, Institute of Clean Technology, Republic of Korea
3 - KOCAT Incorporated
4 - Institute for Advanced Engineering
Krivoruchenko D.S.1, Stakheev A.Yu.1, Bokarev D.A.1, Telegina N.S.1, Kustov A.L.2, Thøgersen J.R.2
"Bifunctional" [Mn-Ce/Fe-zeolite] Catalysts for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx by NH3 at Low
1 - N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
2 - Haldor Topsøe A/S, Denmark
Barsukov D.V., Subbotina I.R.
Increase of CO Photocatalytic Oxidation Rate on Titania under Moderate H2O Coverages
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
Zharmagambetova A.K., Auyezkhanova A.S., Altynbekova K.A.
Supported Polymer-Metal Comlexes for n-Octane Oxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide under Mild
D. Sokolskii Institute of Organic Catalysis & Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Yashnik S.A.1, Salnikov A.V.1, Kerzhentsev M.A.1, Ismagilov Z.R.1,2, Jin Y.3, Koseoglu O.R.3
Sorption of Sulfur-containing Molecules on CuZnAl-O Catalysts from Model and Straight-run Diesel Fuel
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
3 - Saudi Aramco, Research and Development Center, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Shuvarakova E.I.1,2, Bedilo A.F.1,2, Mishakov I.V.1,3, Vedyagin A.A.1,3
Role of Electron-Acceptor Sites during Destructive Sorption of CF2Cl2 over MgO and VOx/MgO Aerogels
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk Institute of Technology, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Mytareva A.I.1, Stakheev A.Yu.1, Bokarev D.A.1, Kustov A.L.2, Thøgersen J.R.2
The Synergistic Effect for [RedOx + Zeolite] CombiCat in NH3-SCR: Contributions of Different Pathways
to the Overall Mechanism
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 - Research & Development, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Lyngby, Denmark
Bogdan V.I.1,2, Koklin A.E.1, Kustov A.L.2,1, Lunin V.V.2,1
Conversion of Lignin Catalyzed with Sub- and Supercritical Water
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Moscow State University, Chemical Department, Moscow, Russia
Koklin A.E.1, Kondratyuk A.V.1,2, Lunin V.V.1,2, Bogdan V.I.1,2
Aqueous Phase Hydrodeoxygenation of Phenol on Bifunctional Catalyst Systems: Ru/C and Acids
1 - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Gaidai N.A.1, Luu C.L.2, Nguyen T.3, Hoang T.C.2, Ha C.A.3, Ho S.T.2, Agafonov Yu.A.1, Lapidus A.L.1
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Total Oxidation of CO and p-Xylene and Their Mixtures on Supported
Copper Catalysts
1 - JSC Managing company “Biochemical Holding “Orgkhim”, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
2 - Institute of Chemical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
3 - HoChiMinhCity University of Technology, Vietnam
Serov N.Yu., Shtyrlin V.G.
Catalytic Flow Syntheses of Oligopeptides in the Glycine – Trimetaphosphate – Imidazole System
Kazan Federal University, A.M. Butlerov Chemistry Institute, Kazan, Russia
Rakhmatullina A.P.1, Bogachyova T.M.2, Satbaeva N.S.1
A Study of Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste in the Presence of Catalyst for the Production
of bis(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalate
1 - Kazan National Research Technological University, department of synthetic rubber, Kazan, Russia
2 - Kazan National Research Technological University, department of General Chemical Engineering, Russia
Sagdeev A.1, Galimova A.1, Gumerov F.2
The Aluminum Oxide Active Catalyst’s Regeneration Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
1 - Nizhnekamsk Chemical Technological Institute (branch institute) of the Kazan National Research
Technological University, Nizhnekamsk, Russia
2 - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Kazan National
Research Technological University”, Kazan, Russia
Salyakhova M.A., Pukhacheva E.N., Zaripova V.M., Uvaev V.V.
The Composite Rubberized Material with Coated Photocatalytic Layer
Open Joint Stock Company "Kazan Chemical Research Institute", Kazan, Russia
Bachurikhin A.L.1,2, Efendiev M.S.1,2
Electromagnetic Catalytic Reactor of Water Treating from Oils and Hydrocarbons
1 - Zelinsky N.D. Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
2 - OJSC DagNefteProduct, Makhachkala City, Russia
Ermolaev I.S.1,2, Ermolaev V.S.1,2, Mordkovich V.Z.1,2
Optimization of Catalytic Gas-To-Liquid Technology for Better Carbon Efficiency
1 - Technological Institute for Superhard And Novel Carbon Materials, Moscow, Russia
2 - INFRA Technology, Moscow, Russia
Abate S., Mebrahtu C., Perathoner S, Gentiluomo S., Giorgianni G., Centi G.
Catalytic Performance of Ni-based Catalysts Supported on λ-Al2O3-ZrO2-TiO2-CeO2 Composite Oxide for
CO2 Methanation
University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Fodil Cherif N.1,2, Fares A.1,2, Barama A.1
Preparation of Cobalt Titanate Nanoparticles and the Study of Their Photocatalytic Behaviors
1 - Laboratoire de Matériaux Catalytiques et Catalyse en Chimie Organique, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB, BP32,
El- Alia, 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie.
2 - Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Analyses Physico-Chimiques CRAPC, Bou-Ismail, Tipasa
Visconti C.G.1, Martinelli M.1, Falbo L.1, Infantes-Molina A.1, Gaeta M.1, Lietti L.1, Forzatti P.1, Palo E.2, Picutti B.3
CO2 Hydrogenation to Light Olefins on a High Surface Area K-promoted Iron Catalyst
1 - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, Milan, Italy
2 - KT-Kinetics Technologies SpA, Rome, Italy
3 - Maire Tecnimont Group SpA, Milan, Italy
Paksoy A.I., Aksoylu A.E.
The Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane (CDRM) Performance of Co-Ce/ZrO2 System
Bogazici University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Bivona L.A.1,2, Fichera O.1, Buaki-Sogo M.1, Fusaro L.1, Gruttadauria M.2, Aprile C.1
Novel Imidazolium Based Catalyst for the Chemical Fixation of Carbon Dioxide
1 - Unit of Nanomaterial Chemistry (CNano), University of Namur (UNAMUR), Department of Chemistry,
Namur, Belgium
2 - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche (STEBICEF), Sezione di
Chimica, Università di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Cadete Santos Aires F.J.1, Aouine M.1, Daniel C.1, Meunier F.C.1, Farrusseng D.1, Epicier T.1,2
Real-time In situ Atomic-scale Study of the Surface Termination of Ceria Nanoparticles under Vacuum,
O2 and CO2 Pressures by Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy
1 - Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, UMR 5256 CNRS/UCB Lyon 1, 2 Avenue
Albert Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne, France
2 - Laboratoire MATEIS, UMR 5510, CNRS/INSA de Lyon, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Hernández W.Y.1, Van Oudenhove M.2, Verberckmoes A.2, Van Der Voort P.1
Au/MgO-type Catalysts for the Carbonylation of Glycerol with Urea. Effect of the Morphology and
Macro/Meso-Porous Structure of the Support
1 - Center for Ordered Materials, Organometallics & Catalysis (COMOC), Department of Inorganic and
Physical Chemistry, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2 - Industrial Catalysis and Adsorption Technology (INCAT), Department of Industrial Technology and
Construction, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Ab. Rahim M.H., Paroo I.V., Maniam G.P.
Synthesis of Organic Carbonates Using Catalyst Containing K Metal from Waste Source
Faculty of Industrial Sciences & Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Boukha Z., Gallastegi-Villa M., Aranzabal A., González-Velasco J.R.
Simultaneous Removal of o-dichlorobenzene and NOx over TiO2-Al2O3 Supported Vanadium Catalysts
Chemical Technologies for Environmental Sustainability Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty
of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , P.O. Box 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
Urrutxua M., Pereda-Ayo B., De La Torre U., González-Velasco J.R.
Effect of the Nature and Location of Cu Species in Cu-BETA Catalysts for NH3-SCR of NOx
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country,
UPV/EHU, P.O. Box 664, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
Lin K.-S., Chiang C.L., Adhikari A.K.
Separation and Recycling of NiFe2O4 Nanocatalyst for CO2 Decomposition with CH4 Recovery from Steel
Industrial Flyash
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science/Environmental Technology Research Center, Yuan
Ze University, Chung-Li City, Tao-Yuan County, Taiwan
Sagdeev A.A.1, Gallyamov R.F.1, Sagdeev K.A.1, Gumerov F.M.2
Regeneration of the Hydrogenation Catalysts by Supercritical Fliud Extraction
1 - Nizhnekamsk Chemical Technological Institute, Nizhnekamsk, Russia
2 - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Selen Çağlayan B.1,2, Aksoylu A.E.1
CO2 Adsorption Kinetics on Chemically Modified Activated Carbon
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
2 - Advanced Technologies R&D Center, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
Kulazhskaya A.D., Sapunov V.N., Udaev S.A., Voronov M.S.
Epoxidation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters of Vegetable Oils by Air
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Shoen A.1,2,3, Dacquin J.-Ph.1,2,3, Dujardin Ch.1,3,4, Granger P.1,2,3
Perovskite-based Catalysts as Alternative to Commercial Three-Way-Catalysts? – Impact of Cu and Ca
Doping and Optimisation of Surface Properties
1 – UCCS
2 - University of Lille, France
3 - Cité Scientifique, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
4 – ENSCL, France
Salbidegoitia J.A., Fuentes E.G., Gonzalez-Marcos M.P., Gonzalez-Velasco J.R.
Effect of Desilication of HY Zeolite in Pt/HY Catalysts for Polystyrene Hydrocracking
Group of Chemical Technologies for Environmental Sustainability, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. Bilbao, Spain
Shutilov A.1,2,3, Pakharukov I.1,2, Oleynik A.1,3, Zenkovets G.1,2
Study of Supported Pt/TiO2 Catalysts with Enhanced Activity in CO Oxidation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Taran O.1,2, Yashnik S.1, Ayusheev A.1, Prihod’ko R.3, Ismagilov Z.1, Goncharuk V.3, Parmon V.1,4
Composite Carbon /Zeolite Adsorbent-catalysts for Organic Containing Wastewater Purification Using
Wet Peroxide Oxidation
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Dumansky Institute of Colloid and Water Chemistry NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
4 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pachatouridou E.1,2, Iliopoulou E.1, Konsolakis M.2, Yentekakis I.V.3
Effect of SO2 on N2O Decomposition over Ir Catalysts Supported on CeO2-Modified Al2O3
1 - Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CPERI)-Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
(CERTH), Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece
2 - School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece
3 - School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece
Artioli N.1, Solt H.1, Bazin P.1, Aureau D.2, Etcheberry A.2, Rousseau S.3, Blanchard G.3, Moral N.4, Busardo D.5,
Bruma A.6, Malo S.6, Daturi M.1
Highly Active Nanocatalysts by Ion Beam Surface Modification
1 - Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, ENSICAEN, Université de Caen, CNRS, Caen, France
2 - IREM-Institut Lavoisier, 45 rue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles Cedex, France
3 - PSA Peugeot Citroën Centre Technique de Vélizy A, Route de Gisy 78943 Vélizy-Villacoublay, Cedex, France
4 - Renault Automobiles, Centre Technique de Lardy, 1 Allée de Cornuel, 91510 Lardy, France
5 - Quertech, 9 rue de la Girafe 14000 Caen
6 - CRISMAT, UMR CNRS ENSICAEN 6508, 6 bd Maréchal Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex 4, France
Salbidegoitia J.A., Fuentes E.G., Gonzalez-Marcos M.P., Gonzalez-Velasco J.R.
Effect of Metal Loading in Pt/Hβ Catalysts for PS Hydrocracking
Group of Chemical Technologies for Environmental Sustainability, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. Bilbao, Spain
Hahn C., Endisch M., Kureti S.
Insights into the Elementary Kinetics of the Low-temperature NOx Reduction by H2 on Pt/WO3/ZrO2
under Lean Conditions
Technical University of Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Chair of
Reaction Engineering, Freiberg, Germany
Gallastegi-Villa M., Aranzabal A., González Marcos J.A., González-Velasco J.R.
VOx/TiO2/ZSM5 Catalysts Activity for the Simultaneous Abatement of NOx and PCDDs for MWI Plants
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Basque Country, Bilbao,
Mohamed Z., Singh S., Friedrich H.
Selective Oxidation and Hydrogenation of CO over Precious Metal Catalysts for Fuel Cell Applications
School of Chemistry and Physics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, Durban, South Africa
Marchitti F., Nova I., Tronconi E.
Enhanced-SCR Reaction over a Commercial Fe-Zeolite Catalyst: Activity and Mechanism
Dip. Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Ribeiro R.S.1, Silva A.M.T.2, Faria J.L.2, Gomes H.T.1
Magnetic Carbon Xerogels for the Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation of 4-Nitrophenol Solutions
1 - LCM – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials – Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, Department of Chemical
and Biological Technology, School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Campus
de Santa Apolónia, 5300-857 Bragança, Portugal
2 - LCM – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials – Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, Departamento de
Engenharia Química, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465
Porto, Portugal
Mahardiani L.1, Kamiya Y.2
Acceleration of Catalytic Ozonation of Ammonium Ion in Water over Cobalt Oxide Catalyst by Repeated Use
1 - Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
2 - Research Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Ercan K.E.1, Say Z.1, Vovk E.I.1,2, Pantaleo G.3, Liotta L.3, Venezia A.3, Ozensoy E.1
Novel Hybrid Perovskite Catalysts for DeNOx Applications
1 - Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - CNR-Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN), 90146, Palermo, Italy
Beretta A.1, Usberti N.1, Lietti L.1, Forzatti P.1, Di Blasi M.2, Morandi A.2
NH3-SCR and NH3 Oxidation over V-based Catalysts: Design of “High-Efficiency” NH3-SCR Reactor for
Stationary Applications
1 - Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, piazza L. da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
2 - ENEL Ingegneria e Ricerca SpA, via Pisano 120-56122 Pisa, Italy
Vodyankin A.A., Nikitich M.P., Pasalskaya K.O., Vodyankina O.V.
Synthesis and Properties of Silver-containing Photocatalytic Systems on the Base of Titania
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Voronov M.S., Sapunov V.N., Alexandrova J.V., Kulazhskaya A.D.
Epoxidation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters of Plant Oils with Hydrogen Peroxide
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Zagaynov I.V.1, Liberman E.Yu.2
Mesoporous Nanomaterials Based on Ceria: Synthesis and Catalytic Application
1 - A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow, Russia
2 - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Konuspayev S.R., Auyezov A.B., Shaimardan M., Konuspayeva Z.S., Bizhanov Zh.A.
Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Benzene in the Presence of Other Aromatic Compounds
al-Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Khusnutdinova J.R.1, Gellrich U.2, Milstein D.2
Utilizing Water as the Oxygen Atom Source: Catalytic Formation of Lactams from Amines
1 - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun,
Okinawa, 904-0495 Japan
2 - Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Bal H., Demirhan C.D., Aksoylu A.E.
Effects of La and Ce Promotion on CDRM Performance of Co-Ni/ZrO2 Catalysts
Department of Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Selishchev D.S.1,2,3, Kozlov D.V.1,2,3
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Diethyl Sulfide Vapor over TiO2 Deposited on Porous Supports
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia
Pinaeva L.G.1, Ivanov D.V.1, Sadovskaya E.M.1,2, Isupova L.A.1
High Temperature N2O Decomposition over Massive and Supported Mixed Oxides: Principles of Activity
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Kolinko P.1,2, Lyulyukin M.1, Besov A.1,2, Parkhomchuk E.1,2,3, Kozlov D.1,2,3
Development of the Methods for Fast Catalytic Air Purification from CWAs
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia,
3 - Research and Educational Centre for Energoefficient Catalysis (Novosibirsk State University), Novosibirsk,
Vedyagin A.A.1,2, Volodin A.M.1, Stoyanovskii V.O.1, Kenzhin R.M.1, Mishakov I.V.1,2, Plyusnin P.E.3, Shubin Yu.V.3
Stabilization Effect of Pd–Rh Alloyed Nanoparticles in Three-way Catalysts
1 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Venezia A.M.1, Pantaleo G.1, La Parola V.1, Deganello F.1, Singha R.K2, Bal R.2
Synthesis Effect on CH4 Partial Oxidation over Ni-CeO2 Catalysts
1 - Institute of Nanostructured Materials, CNR, Palermo, Italy
2 - Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, Uttaranchal, India
Khobragade R.1, Saravanan G.1, Rayalu S.1, Bakardjieva S.2, Subrt J.2, Labhasetwar N.1
Improved Diesel Soot Oxidation Performance of Manganese-substituted Strontium Ferrite
1 - CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India
Hansen K.K.
Selective Elecrochemical Reduction of NOx
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Belskaya O.B.1,2, Mironenko R.M.1, Rodionov V.A.1, Talsi V.P.1, Sysolyatin S.V.3, Likholobov V.A.1,2
Hydrogenation of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic Acid on Pd/Sibunit Catalysts
1 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS, Omsk, Russia
2 - Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
3 - Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies SB RAS, Biysk, Altai krai, Russia
Altunina L.K., Svarovskaya L.I., Guseva Yu.Z.
Biocatalytic Generation of Oil-Displacing Systems in Low-Temperature Reservoirs of Viscosity Oil
Institute of Petroleum Chemistry Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Matveyeva A.N., Pakhomov N.A.
The Rehydration of Centrifugal Thermal Activation Products of Gibbsite – the Industrial Waste of
Catalyst KDM
St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Department of General Chemical Technology
and Catalysis, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Tkachenko I.S.1,2, Tkachenko S.N.1,3, Egorova G.V.1, Lunin V.V.1, Golosman E.Z.4, Lokteva E.S.1,2,
Likholobov V.A.2
Iron –Containing Catalysts from By-Products of Underground Water Ozonation
1 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
2 - Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Omsk, Russia
3 - LLC NVF ‘TIMIS’, Moscow, Russia
4 - LLC “NIAP –CATALYZATOR”, Novomoskovsk, Tula Region, Russia
Garcia-Aguilar J., Miguel-García I., Berenguer-Murcia Á., Cazorla-Amorós D.
Sol-Gel Synthesis of Robust Silica Monoliths by Interfacial Solution/Precipitation Reactions: Application
in the Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide
Inorganic Chemistry Department and Materials Science Institute, Alicante University, Alicante, Spain
Tabari T., Uner D.
Photocatalytic Removal of NO under Visible Light Irradiation over Sol-Gel Synthesized PbTiO3
Chemical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Nagieva I.T1,2, Gasanova L.M2, Nasirova U.V2, Nagiev T.M1,2
Coherent Synchronized Monooxidation of Ethylene by Hydrogen Peroxide on a Biomimetic Catalyst
1 - Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
2 - Nagiev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku,
Azerbaijan Republic
Casanovas Grau A., Llorca Piqué J.
Hydrogen Production from Olive Mill Wastewater through Steam Reforming. Catalyst Development
Institute of Energy Technologies. Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Khaleel A., Nawaz M.
Bulk Mixed Al-transition Metal Oxide Catalysts for Enhanced Oxidation of 1,2-dichloroethane
Tudorache M., Gheorghe A., Parvulescu V.I.
Green Alternative for Guideline Monoterpenoids to Value-added Products – Tailored the Biocatalytic
Transformation of α-pinene
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Kurtoglu K., Gubbuk I.H., Akgemci E.G..
Characterization and Application in Catalytic Reduction of MB of Fe3O4SiO2Ni Nanoparticles
Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Ahmet Kelesoglu Education Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,
Konya, Turkey
XI European Workshop on Innovation in Selective Oxidation (ISO ‘15)
"Selectivity in Oxidation: Key to new resources valorization"
Li G., Hensen E.J.M., Pidko E.A.
Trinuclear Copper Oxo-clusters in ZSM-5 Zeolite for Selective Methane Oxidation to Methanol
Inorganic Materials Chemistry group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Richard M.1, Can F.1, Duprez D.1, Gil S.2, Giroir-Fendler A.2, Bion N.1
Remarkable Enhancement of O2 Activation on YSZ Surface in a Dual-Bed for Catalytic Partial Oxidation
of CH4
1 - University of Poitiers, CNRS UMR 7285, Institut des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers (IC2MP), 4 rue Michel
Brunet TSA 51106, 86073, Poitiers Cedex 9, France
2 - University of Lyon 1, CNRS UMR 5256, IRCELYON, 2 avenue Albert Einstein, Villeurbanne, France
Sprung C.1, Yablonsky G.S.2, Schlögl R.1, Trunschke A.1
A Qualitative Kinetic Analysis of Steady-State Selective Oxidation Process: Role of Water and Oxygen
1 - Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
2 - Department of Chemistry, Parks College, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO, USA
Bakaev V.A.1, Vershinin N.N.1, Berestenko V.I.1, Efimov O.N.1, Kabachkov E.N.1,2, Kurkin E.N.1,2
Nanomaterial Based Catalysts for Low-temperature Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide
1 - Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow
region, Russia
2 - Scientific Center in Chernogolovka, RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
Laguna O.H.1, Centeno M.A.1, Boutonnet M.2, Odriozola J.A.1
Gold Supported on Fe-doped Ceria Supports Prepared through the Microemulsion Method for the PROX
1 - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Avda. Américo Vespucio, 49. CP: 41092 Seville - Spain
2 - Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Department of Chemical Technology. Div. of Chemical Technology.
Teknikringen 42, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
Dutov V.1, Mamontov G.1, Sobolev V.1,2, Vodyankina O.1
Silica-supported Silver-containing OMS-2 Catalysts for Ethanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Tyablikov I.A., Romanovsky B.V.
A Heterogeneous Single-site Organocatalyst for Alkene Epoxidation
Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Martínez H., Páez E.A., Martínez F.
Selective Photo-Oxidation of α-pinene with dioxo-Mo(VI) complex /TiO2 with Different Textural
Cicat, Escuela de Química, UIS, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Arsentyev A.V., Vorontsov A.V.
Study on Kinetics of Liquid Phase Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dibutyl Sulfide Over Fullerenes
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Torozova A.S.1,2, Doluda V.Yu.1, Sulman E.M.1, Murzin D.Yu.2
Liquid Phase Oxidation of L-sorbose over Metallic and Bimetallic Particles Stabilized in Polymer Matrix
1 - Tver State Technical University, Dep. Biotechnology and Chemistry, Tver, Russia
2 - Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Torbina V.1, Ivanchikova I.1,2, Kholdeeva O.1,2, Vodyankina O.1
Propylene Glycol Oxidation over Cr-MIL-101 with Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
Schwach P., Tarasov A., Willinger M., Schlögl R., Trunschke A.
Influence of Pre-treatment on the Oxidative Coupling of Methane over MgO Catalysts
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Podolean I., Papuc B., Parvulescu V.I., Coman S.M.
New Insights in the Catalytic Oxidation of Levulinic Acid to Succinic Acid
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania
Malmusi A., Dellapasqua M., Velasquez Ochoa J., Cavani F.
Vanadium-Based Catalyst for Ethanol Transformation: Relation Between Structure and Catalytic Activity
Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari" - Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna,
Bologna, Italy
Gumina B.1, Cannilla C.2, Spadaro L.2, Di Chio R.1, Trunfio G.1, Arena F.1
Structure and Reactivity of Nanostructured MnOx Catalysts in the Liquid Phase Selective Oxidation of
Benzyl Alcohol with Oxygen
1 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Chimica e Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Messina,
Messina, Italy
2 - Istituto CNR-ITAE “Nicola Giordano”, Messina, Italy
Sushchenko E., Kharlamova T.
Structural Peculiarities and Catalytic Properties of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts for Oxidative
Tomsk State University, Chemistry faculty, Tomsk, Russia
Wallis P., Schönborn E., Wohlrab S., Kalevaru N., Martin A.
Silica Supported Vanadia Catalysts for Selective Methane Oxidation: Impact of Morphology and
Heteroatom Doping on Catalyst Performance
Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany
Machado K., Mishra G.
Selective Oxidation of Cyclic-alkane, Catalyzed by Nano Size SWNTs Supported Pt and Pd Complexes
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real 5001801, Portugal
Shimanskaya E.I., Doluda V.Yu., Sulman E.M.
Catalytic Synthesis of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone in 1%Au/HPS Presence
Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia
Liu Q.L., Li J.M., Zhao Z., Gao M.L., Liu J.
Mo-incorporated KIT-6 Mesoporous Silica Catalysts with High Performance for the Selective Oxidation
of Propane to Acrolein
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil, College of Science, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Solsona B.1, Dejoz A.1, Vazquez M.I.1, Lopez Nieto J.M.2, Soriano M.D.3, Concepcion P.2, Cecilia J.A.3,
Jimenez Jimenez J.3, Rodríguez Castellon E.3
Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane on NiO supported on Pillared Clays
1 - Universitat de Valencia, Spain
2 - ITQ (UPV-CSIC), Spain
3 - Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Alotaibi M.1,2, Kalevaru V.N.1, Almegren H.2, Alkinany M.2, Martin A.1
Gas Phase Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol over M (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)/ZSM-5 Using Nitrous Oxide
1 - Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
2 - Petroleum and petrochemicals Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi
Gogol V.V., Pichugina D.A., Ku’zmenko N.E.
DFT Study of the Interaction of CO and O2with Gold-Copper Tetrahedral Bimetallic Clusters
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Benyounes A.1,2, Ouanji F.2, Ziyad M.3, Kacimi M.2, Serp P.1
Selective Isopropyl Alcohol Oxidation on Palladium and Ruthenium Catalysts Supported on Amphiphilic
Hybrid Carbon Nanotubes
1 - Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination UPR CNRS 8241, composante ENSIACET, Université de Toulouse,
4 allée Emile Monso - CS 44362, 31030 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
2 - Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials, Catalysis and Environnement (URAC26), Department of
Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Mohammed V-Agdal, CS 1014 Rabat, Morocco
3 - Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, CS 10000 Mohammed VI -Ex Imam Malik, Km 11, Rabat,
Dorofeeva N.V.1,2, Vodyankina O.V.1, Sobolev V.I.1,3, Koltunov K.Yu.3,4
Ethanol Transformation over Cu-containing Zirconium Phosphate
1 - Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2 - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
3 - Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Lomonosov V.I.1, Gordienko Yu.A.1,2, Usmanov T.R.1,3, Sinev M.Yu.1
Kinetic Conjugation Effects during C1-C2-hydrocarbon Oxidation in the Conditions of Methane Oxidative
1 - Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 - ZAO «SCHAG» company, department of chemical technology, Moscow, Russia
3 - Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
Gryaznova T.V., Dudkina Y.B., Budnikova Y.H., Sinyshin O.G.
Metal-catalyzed Electrochemical Oxidative Phosphonation of Azoles
A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Kazan, Russia