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Алфавитный список журналов и продолжающихся изданий

Accounts of Chemical Research. USA, ISSN 0001-4842

Acta crystallografica Denmark,

Acta crystallographica Sect.B. Denmark, ISSN 0108-7681

Acta crystallographica. Sect.A. Denmark, ISSN 0108-7673

Advances in Catalysis. New York

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.GermanyISSN 1615-4150

AIChE Journal: American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal. USA, ISSN 0001-1541

Analytical Chemistry. USA, ISSN 0003-2700

Angewandte Chemie: International Edition. Germany, ISSN 0570-0833

Annual Report of Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University. Japan

Applications of Surface Science. Netherlands, ISSN 0378-5963

Applied Catalysis. Netherlands, ISSN 0166-9834

Applied Catalysis. Ser.A: General. Netherlands, ISSN 0926-860X

Applied Catalysis. Ser.B: Environmental. Netherlands, ISSN 0926-3373

Applied Surface Science. Netherlands, ISSN 0169-4332

Australian Journal of Chemistry. Australia, ISSN 0004-9425

Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie. Germany,ISSN 0005-9021

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France. Ser.5. France, ISSN 0037-8968

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. Japan, ISSN 0009-2673

Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Canada, ISSN 0008-4034

Canadian Journal of Chemistry Canada, ISSN 0008-4042

Carbon. England, ISSN 0008-6223

Catalysis Communications. Netherlands , ISSN 1566-7367

Catalysis Letters. USA, ISSN 1011-372X

Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering, USA, ISSN 0161-4940

Catalysis Surveys from Japan. Netherlands, ISSN 1384-6574

Catalysis Surveys from Asia, Netherlands, ISSN 1571-1013

Catalysis Today. Netherlands, ISSN 0920-5861

Catalysis. A specialist periodical report. London

Catalysis. Science & Technology. Berlin

Catalyst. Japan, ISSN 0559-8958

Catalysts & Catalysed Reactions UK, ISSN 1474-9173

Catalysts & Catalysis. Japan, ISSN 0559-8958

CATTECH. Netherlands, ISSN 1384-6566

Chemical and Engineering News. USA, ISSN 0009-2347

Chemical Engineering Journal. Switzerland, ISSN 0923-0467

Chemical Engineering Progress. = CEP. USA, ISSN 0360-7275

Chemical Engineering Science. England, ISSN 0009-2509

Chemical Physics Letters. The Netherlands, ISSN 0009-2614

Chemical Physics. Netherlands, ISSN 0301-0104

Chemical Reviews . USA, ISSN 0009-2665

Chemie - Technik. BRD, ISSN 0009-286X

Chemische Berichte. BRD, ISSN 0009-2940

Chemistry and Industry. England, ISSN 0009-3068

Chemistry Letters. Japan, ISSN 0366-7022

Chinese Journal of Catalysis. China, ISSN 0253-9873

Colloids and Surfaces. Ser. A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects, Netherlands ISSN 0927-7757

Computers and Chemical Engineering. England, ISSN 0098-1354

Electrochimica Acta. England, ISSN 0013-4686

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. Weinheim, ISSN 1434-1948

European Journal of Organic Chemistry. Weinheim, ISSN 1434-193X

HRC: (J. of High Resolution Chromatogr.). BRD, ISSN 0935-6304

HRC and CC: (J. of High Resol. Chrom. & Chrom. Comm.). BRD, ISSN 0344-7138

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. USA, ISSN 0888-5885

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Product Research and Development. USA,,ISSN 0196-4321

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Ser.Fundamentals. USA,ISSN 0196-4313

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Ser.Process Design and Development.USA,,ISSN 0196-4305

Inorganic Chemistry. USA, ISSN 0020-1669

International Congress of Catalysis.

International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. England, ISSN 0144-235X

Journal of Applied Crystallography. Denmark. ISSN 0021-8898

Journal of Applied Physics. USA. ISSN 0021-8979

Journal of Catalysis. = Cuihua Xuebao. China, ISSN 0253-9837

Journal of Catalysis. USA, ISSN 0021-9517

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. Japan. ISSN 0021-9592

Journal of Chemical Physics. USA. ISSN 0021-9606

Journal of Chromatographic Science.USA. ISSN 0021-9665

Journal of Chromatography. Ser. A. Netherlands. ISSN 0021-9673

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. USA. ISSN 0021-9797

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Switzerland. ISSN 0022-0728

Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. England

Journal of Materials Research. USA. ISSN 0884-2914

Journal of Molecular Catalysis. Ser. A: Chemical. Switz., ISSN 1381-1169

Journal of Molecular Catalysis. Ser. B: Enzymatic. Switz., ISSN 1381-1177

Journal of Molecular Catalysis. Switzerland, ISSN 0304-5102

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. Netherlands. ISSN 0022-3093

Journal of Organic Chemistry. USA. ISSN 0022-3263

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. Netherlands. ISSN 0022-328X

Journal of Physical Chemistry. Ser. A USA, ISSN 1089-5639

Journal of Physical Chemistry. Ser. B USA, ISSN 1089-5647

Journal of Physical Chemistry. USA, ISSN 0022-3654

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. England. ISSN 0022-3697

Journal of Porous Materials. USA, ISSN 1380-2224

Journal of Solid State Chemistry. USA, ISSN 0022-4596

Journal of the American Chemical Society. USA, ISSN 0002-7863

Journal of the Chemical Society: ser. Chemical Communications. England, ISSN 0022-4936

Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions II. England,ISSN 0300-9238

Journal of the Chemical Society: Ser. Faraday Transactions I. England, ISSN 0300-9599

Journal of the Chemical Society: ser. Faraday Transactions. England, ISSN 0956-5000

Journal of the Electrochemical Society. USA. ISSN 0013-4651

Journal of the Research Institute for Catalysis. Japan. ISSN 0034-530X

Kinetics and Catalysis. Translated from Russian. ISSN 0023-1584

Langmuir: The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. USA, ISSN 0743-7463

Microporous Materials. Netherland, ISSN 0927-6513

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. Netherland, ISSN 1387-1811

Physica Status Solidi. A. Applied research. Germany. ISSN 0031-8965

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. GBR. ISSN 1463-9076

Physical Review. Sec. B. USA. ISSN 0163-1829

Progress in Catalysis. Romania. ISSN 1220-8698

Progress in Surface Science. England. ISSN 0079-6816

Pure and Applied Chemistry. England. ISSN 0033-4545

Reaction Kinetics & Catalysis Letters. Budapest, ISSN 0133-1736

Shokubai = Catalyst. Japan, ISSN 0559-8958

SIA: Surface and Interface Analysis. England. ISSN 0142-2421

Solid State Communications. England, ISSN 0038-1098

Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. Netherlands

Surface Science Reports. Netherlands, ISSN 0167-5729

Surface Science. Netherlands, ISSN 0039-6028

Topics in Catalysis. Holland, ISSN 1022-5528

Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. DDR, ISSN 0044-2313

Zeitschrift fur Physkalische Chemie. Leipzig, DDR, ISSN 0323-4470

Zeitschrift fur Physkalische Chemie.BRD, ISSN 0340-2193

Zeolits. England, ISSN 0144-2449

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